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Many issues. Vaccine side effects. long term vestibular issues.

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Hi my name is Daron and I'm from the Uk. I have been diagnosed with Uni lateral vestibular loss for 20 years or so.

I have successfully combated the balance issues with physio. I was shown and mastered walking at whilst focusing on an object or sign at eye level and nodding my head left to right and up and down. This reset my balance. Of course there are times when it didn't and that told me that there was a cold or other illness about to hit me.

After taking the Astra zenica vaccine for the 1st time I had an episode of imbalance for about 5 days. I expected it really. Did my normal exercises and got on with my life.


After taking the Astra zenica vaccine the second time, my life change dramatically. My balance issues changed within 24hrs later. I was very disoriented. My exercises did not work and made things worse.

After 2weeks I contacted my doctor who prescribed motion sickness tablets and later steroids.

Nothing worked. I set about attacking the my issues by walking as hard as I could twice a day. This lasted for 10weeks with no improvement. I can walk normally for about 400 steps then my balance starts to get steadily worse until I'm basically shuffling. However I can lay down flat and after about 45min to max 2hrs my balance is better.

Strangely my walking backwards and side to side is not affected, only walking forwards.

I manage my life with for the last 26weeks with planning activities with intermediate lying down.

I am not taking anymore vaccines until I can been properly advised on the risks of making my balance worse.

I have been to see the ENT consultant who informs me this is not typical and has referred me to the physiotherapy for a full evaluation. She declined to give me advise concerning the Pfizer vaccine risks.

There is more detail to this. I'm open to chat.


Stay Safe and Merry Christmas,



Sea-ing, taffy, KitKat and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @darondonnelly

Hi my name is Daron and I'm from the Uk. I have been diagnosed with Uni lateral vestibular loss for 20 years or so.

I have successfully combated the balance issues with physio. I was shown and mastered walking at whilst focusing on an object or sign at eye level and nodding my head left to right and up and down. This reset my balance. Of course there are times when it didn't and that told me that there was a cold or other illness about to hit me.

After taking the Astra zenica vaccine for the 1st time I had an episode of imbalance for about 5 days. I expected it really. Did my normal exercises and got on with my life.


After taking the Astra zenica vaccine the second time, my life change dramatically. My balance issues changed within 24hrs later. I was very disoriented. My exercises did not work and made things worse.

After 2weeks I contacted my doctor who prescribed motion sickness tablets and later steroids.

Nothing worked. I set about attacking the my issues by walking as hard as I could twice a day. This lasted for 10weeks with no improvement. I can walk normally for about 400 steps then my balance starts to get steadily worse until I'm basically shuffling. However I can lay down flat and after about 45min to max 2hrs my balance is better.

Strangely my walking backwards and side to side is not affected, only walking forwards.

I manage my life with for the last 26weeks with planning activities with intermediate lying down.

I am not taking anymore vaccines until I can been properly advised on the risks of making my balance worse.

I have been to see the ENT consultant who informs me this is not typical and has referred me to the physiotherapy for a full evaluation. She declined to give me advise concerning the Pfizer vaccine risks.

There is more detail to this. I'm open to chat.


Stay Safe and Merry Christmas,



How long after the vaccine did your unbalance begin? My son 15 year old started unbalance almost 6 weeks after 2nd pfizer shot. It has been over 8 weeks and has gradually gotten worst every week. 

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Posted by: @darondonnelly

Hi my name is Daron and I'm from the Uk. I have been diagnosed with Uni lateral vestibular loss for 20 years or so.

I have successfully combated the balance issues with physio. I was shown and mastered walking at whilst focusing on an object or sign at eye level and nodding my head left to right and up and down. This reset my balance. Of course there are times when it didn't and that told me that there was a cold or other illness about to hit me.

After taking the Astra zenica vaccine for the 1st time I had an episode of imbalance for about 5 days. I expected it really. Did my normal exercises and got on with my life.


After taking the Astra zenica vaccine the second time, my life change dramatically. My balance issues changed within 24hrs later. I was very disoriented. My exercises did not work and made things worse.

After 2weeks I contacted my doctor who prescribed motion sickness tablets and later steroids.

Nothing worked. I set about attacking the my issues by walking as hard as I could twice a day. This lasted for 10weeks with no improvement. I can walk normally for about 400 steps then my balance starts to get steadily worse until I'm basically shuffling. However I can lay down flat and after about 45min to max 2hrs my balance is better.

Strangely my walking backwards and side to side is not affected, only walking forwards.

I manage my life with for the last 26weeks with planning activities with intermediate lying down.

I am not taking anymore vaccines until I can been properly advised on the risks of making my balance worse.

I have been to see the ENT consultant who informs me this is not typical and has referred me to the physiotherapy for a full evaluation. She declined to give me advise concerning the Pfizer vaccine risks.

There is more detail to this. I'm open to chat.


Stay Safe and Merry Christmas,



Hi I'm from the UK too. You should copy and paste your post onto the "Covid 19 vaccine side effects" thread. There are hundreds of us on there man who share your symptoms of vestibular loss. 

Just thought I'd point you there as you are more likely to get a response.

Merry Christmas.

RoseW and RoseW reacted
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I had my first Pfizer shot 5th November, was sick for a couple of days and 2 days of very dry eyes. A week later I developed shortness of breath and a pain in my heart. I was also a little more dizzier than usual (I gave vestibular migraines with mdds symptoms).  Hospital checked me out, but said couldn’t find anything and told me to see a specialist.  
2nd vaccine on the 12th December.  Really sick this time, then I got very dizzy and disassociated feeling. Tingling hands and feet which come and go. On the 16th December I went back to work but started to shake, felt dizzy and unwell so had to go home.  Dr did tests, I have Graves’ disease and he thought it might be flaring.  Results came back normal. Dr said to see how I go over next few days. Yesterday I had a terrible migraine most of the day. Today the shaking, dizziness and weird feelings are back. It feels like my migraine is sneaking back too. 
Don’t know what to do as blood works are normal. 
wished I didn’t get the 2nd vaccine. 

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My husband had his second Pfizer vaccine February 12th, and 2 weeks later developed tingling in his hands that subsequently went to his feet and then lastly to his face, which is the one that bothers him the most. Had a complete neurological exam and dr said his nerves were misfiring. Did not believe was vaccine related. Put him on Gabapentin which helped some then stopped helping.  Dr doubled Gabapentin but the side effects are bothersome and also not much help with the numbness and tingling.  So he is going to be weaned off. We heard acupuncture might be an option. Going to think about that route.  Also going to add Vitamin D and magnesium.  He ended up getting the Moderna booster because we were going out of the country and he feels no differently after his booster.  

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I’m in Canada and was given the Astra Zeneca vaccine for my first shot in April, with nothing more than soreness at the site and a day of feeling like I’d been run over. I bounced right back the next day. When it was time for my second shot, I was given the Pfizer BioNtec vaccine in late June. Within three hours of that shot, I was so violently ill, my poor kids phoned 911, because they thought I was dying. The violent vomiting lasted for 4 days after the shot, and then I gradually started to feel better. Not great, but better. I was pretty lethargic for most of July, and on the morning of August 7th, I woke up, like many of you here, feeling like I was on a boat in a storm. The dizziness was horrible, and started more nausea and vomiting that nothing would help (no Gravol, not even CBD oil). This awful feeling lasted for 5 days and then I was all better. A few days later, it happened again, and I was back “on the boat”, throwing up and in bed, trying not to move. It wasn’t a spinning kind of vertigo, and I could get relief when I closed my eyes and didn’t move my head. This lasted another four days or so, and I got better. On August 25th, it came back out of nowhere, and I’m still dealing with the long term effects of that last bout. It took three months, 5 doctors, a chiropractor, two physiotherapists, a naturopath, an MRI, a CT scan, and vestibular tests to help get a diagnosis of “complex idiopathic vestibular neuritis”.
I was completely incapacitated for two months, and had to gradually learn how to walk again, using a walker (I’m 50!) and then later a cane. I couldn’t drive until about a month ago, and I don’t dare go any long distances. I have been off work for four months, as I progress through my vestibular rehabilitation physiotherapy, and now I’m anxious as hell about with whether to get the booster shot. 
No one can tell me if any of this is connected to the vaccine, of course, but I really do not see how it couldn’t be. I have had absolutely NO prior issues with balance, hearing, tinnitus, or dizziness in my whole life. I know that VN is a known side effect of COVID-19, so it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that the vaccine somehow caused this. My life turned upside down in August, and it’s been so hard to parent my kids. I’m so terrified of the booster shot, I get a stomach ache when I think about it. Has anyone else been officially diagnosed with Vestibular Neuritis after their shots? 

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Posted by: @tambadoll

I had my first Pfizer shot 5th November, was sick for a couple of days and 2 days of very dry eyes. A week later I developed shortness of breath and a pain in my heart. I was also a little more dizzier than usual (I gave vestibular migraines with mdds symptoms).  Hospital checked me out, but said couldn’t find anything and told me to see a specialist.  
2nd vaccine on the 12th December.  Really sick this time, then I got very dizzy and disassociated feeling. Tingling hands and feet which come and go. On the 16th December I went back to work but started to shake, felt dizzy and unwell so had to go home.  Dr did tests, I have Graves’ disease and he thought it might be flaring.  Results came back normal. Dr said to see how I go over next few days. Yesterday I had a terrible migraine most of the day. Today the shaking, dizziness and weird feelings are back. It feels like my migraine is sneaking back too. 
Don’t know what to do as blood works are normal. 
wished I didn’t get the 2nd vaccine. 


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Hi .. i got my pjizer in August.. just got a mild headake 8 hours later. But a few weeks after . Was finding i had to eun to toilet more often.. bit by bit this gas worsened. I ve never had any stomach issues.  Since nov its got really bad. I ve lost a stone. Have got diaria  .. nausia mainly at night. 

But its the constipation/diaria is a nightmare.. i cant work atm 😩  i sometimes have to go bathroom 20 times per day.. 

I never ever had issues with my gut, its almost hard to believe this is happening as i am ans was so fit. 

It has to be the effect s of this dam vaccine..  has anyone else got this

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Hello everyone ! This is my first post on here I hope I’m doing this right 🙂 

I just wanted to share what I’m going through in the hope to find someone going trough the same and share some tips and information on recovery . 
I had my second Mod shot on the 25th of November since living in Italy is impossible without it now . I got. Bit of a fever for the next 15 hours but nothing to bad . I then felt fine untile about a week later I started feeling just off , I could feel my heart beating and was feeling super anxious . I have had multiple tests done (blood tests,chest X-ray , ekc , echo , lungs checked ) . Everything is fine and I consider myself very lucky for this but I have started experiencing random pains . I get pains around my rib area and back . Sometimes also in the chest and I feel chest tightness . I am afraid of working out cause I don’t want things to flare up . I can go on walks and actually find some relief but I’m getting very depressed by all this and it’s starting to effect my mental health. a lot . I know anxiety is a trigger for all these symptoms and for sure it is not helping things but I know it is not just a matter of anxiety. 
doctors don’t really know what to tell me . I have been taking multivitamin, vit C , NAC and starting black seed oil today .
Does anyone have any tips for me and if someone has been through the same have you gotten better with time ? 
I’m hoping time will be my healer but I’m 19 and the idea of things getting worse just terrifies me and feeds my anxiety . 
thankyou any help is much appreciated . 🙂 

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Posted by: @cantfindausername776

Hello everyone ! This is my first post on here I hope I’m doing this right 🙂 

I just wanted to share what I’m going through in the hope to find someone going trough the same and share some tips and information on recovery . 
I had my second Mod shot on the 25th of November since living in Italy is impossible without it now . I got. Bit of a fever for the next 15 hours but nothing to bad . I then felt fine untile about a week later I started feeling just off , I could feel my heart beating and was feeling super anxious . I have had multiple tests done (blood tests,chest X-ray , ekc , echo , lungs checked ) . Everything is fine and I consider myself very lucky for this but I have started experiencing random pains . I get pains around my rib area and back . Sometimes also in the chest and I feel chest tightness . I am afraid of working out cause I don’t want things to flare up . I can go on walks and actually find some relief but I’m getting very depressed by all this and it’s starting to effect my mental health. a lot . I know anxiety is a trigger for all these symptoms and for sure it is not helping things but I know it is not just a matter of anxiety. 
doctors don’t really know what to tell me . I have been taking multivitamin, vit C , NAC and starting black seed oil today .
Does anyone have any tips for me and if someone has been through the same have you gotten better with time ? 
I’m hoping time will be my healer but I’m 19 and the idea of things getting worse just terrifies me and feeds my anxiety . 
thankyou any help is much appreciated . 🙂 

Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. Have you found the "Covid 19 vaccine side effects" thread in this forum? There are many of us there discussing issues very similar to yours.

Myself I'm 3 months in and I'm happy to say things aren't as bad as they were during that first month.

I do still have chest tightness that comes and goes - and also random pains in my ribs and shoulder blades - but it's way better than it was. Same as you I've had xrays, ECG, bloodwork and nothing shows up. I've also been very scared of going back to my usual exercise routines. It is hard to think about, since normally I would be out skiing every weekend here in Canada.

I'm taking some of the same supplements as you, and I feel like they have been helping. You'll see members in the other thread have posted their supplement lists as well.

Many also mention that time seems to help. If what we are all experiencing is related to something like an over-active immune response, then hopefully time is our biggest source of hope.

Good luck, and please know you are not alone!

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@good-kitty I am so grateful for your reply ! It really makes me feel better cause honestly would think I’m going crazy otherwise . 
also experiencing some weird nights , started waking up feeling like I have a fever (generally Ill) but I don’t really and helps a little when I force myself to get up . 
I’m about a month and ten days after my vaccine and as you said iMm really hoping time will be good to me and help . 
also think I need to get away from social media and come on here instead because social media has been stressing me out and making me think of the worst case scenario . 

I too haven’t been exercising cause I don’t have the energy too but your post gives me hope I can get out of it like you . 
thankyou for making me feel less alone <3 

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Hi guys I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Well like many of you I’m on her due to vaccine issues. So I got my first shot 12/29 as it is mandatory for my job. I’m now suffering from really bad anxiety and depression and seems like volts are going through my body when I sleep. I have also had some crazy thoughts. Has anyone went through this and what have they done. I appreciate all help! Btw I took the pzier vaccine 

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Posted by: @cantfindausername776

@good-kitty I am so grateful for your reply ! It really makes me feel better cause honestly would think I’m going crazy otherwise . 
also experiencing some weird nights , started waking up feeling like I have a fever (generally Ill) but I don’t really and helps a little when I force myself to get up . 
I’m about a month and ten days after my vaccine and as you said iMm really hoping time will be good to me and help . 
also think I need to get away from social media and come on here instead because social media has been stressing me out and making me think of the worst case scenario . 

I too haven’t been exercising cause I don’t have the energy too but your post gives me hope I can get out of it like you . 
thankyou for making me feel less alone <3 

I'm so glad! I totally agree that this is a much better place to spend time than on social media. We are already dealing with enough fear and anxiety from our symptoms. I was making myself crazy before I found this site. The people here have helped me so much and also given me hope.

It's interesting you mention waking up with a fever. That was happening to me as well (at my worst, it would happen multiple times a night, almost every night). I started getting up and taking my temperature and the weird thing was it still would be 'normal'. It is still happening a bit, but not so strong and much less often now.

One thing I found is that drinking lots of water during the day seems to help. (I stop after about 8pm though, so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night!)

Also, someone suggested I start a daily diary of my symptoms and how I'm feeling. It felt overwhelming at first but now I'm really glad I did that because now I can look back and see patterns. For example, I can see how things were worst for me 2-6 weeks after my second shot. But I can also see how things have been getting slowly better every day since.

Keep hanging in there and never lose your hope 🙂

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@good-kitty that’s so good you are feeling better ! How long would you say it took for you to notice improvement? I am at one month mark and stuff seems to keep popping up . I’m super grateful nothing is to bad that but these symptoms are quite frustrating and I’m a super anxious person. 

yeah some nights I feel like I have the flu when I actually Don’t. Some other thing I’ve been experiencing is pain/weird feeling in my arms that comes on goes . Have you every experienced that ? It kind of feeels like I worked out super hard the day before and my elbows hurt sometimes … this is driving my anxiety crazy . Been keeping the supplement game strong and also taking something to sooth my nerves . 

was curious if I am alone in this or not 


thanks for your replies have a great day and keep feeling better 🙂 

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Posted by: @cantfindausername776

@good-kitty that’s so good you are feeling better ! How long would you say it took for you to notice improvement? I am at one month mark and stuff seems to keep popping up . I’m super grateful nothing is to bad that but these symptoms are quite frustrating and I’m a super anxious person. 

yeah some nights I feel like I have the flu when I actually Don’t. Some other thing I’ve been experiencing is pain/weird feeling in my arms that comes on goes . Have you every experienced that ? It kind of feeels like I worked out super hard the day before and my elbows hurt sometimes … this is driving my anxiety crazy . Been keeping the supplement game strong and also taking something to sooth my nerves . 

was curious if I am alone in this or not 


thanks for your replies have a great day and keep feeling better 🙂 

I feel like you are me, about a month ago! At that point, I also was so confused by all kinds of weird symptoms that would flare up at different times. For me, it lasted another week or two and then I started feeling like I had more energy and that somehow things were starting to 'calm down' in my body. Keep believing it will get better.

You have mentioned a couple of weird things I've had too so I'll just list them all here...

- Left arm/elbow/wrist soreness that started a couple of days after the shot. Got worse and worse to the point where I couldn't even hold a coffee cup in my left hand. Would even sometimes get pins and needles in my fingers. Started getting better at 6 weeks and almost gone now.

- Chest cramps/pains started 10 days after the shot. They would happen a couple times an hour and got really bad for a couple of weeks (I went to emergency twice). They are now very minor and almost gone completely.

- Neck and left shoulder tightness. Usually this would get bad around the same time as my chest pains. I literally could not move my head from side to side. This would come and go. Right now, I have been fine for almost 3 weeks.

- Food intolerance. I had a couple of situations where I ate foods high in histamine (one was a ham and brie sandwich) and my stomach cramped up really badly for a few days. It was almost like bad food poisoning. I've never had that before. So, I was careful for a few weeks and avoided dairy, caffeine, alcohol, etc.

- Sensitivity to noise and light. I got really sensitive to environmental things and sometimes would feel randomly dizzy when sitting or standing. I also noticed really bad ringing in my ears, especially when lying in bed at night. This is much better now.

- Anxiety feelings. I know what normal anxiety feels like for me but when things were at their worst, it was like all my nerves were on edge in a way I've never felt before. That has been fading away as my physical symptoms have also gotten better.

I really hope that yours get better soon. I know it's hard to believe it when you're in the middle of it, but after 6 weeks for me I literally started waking up feeling a bit better each day and it's gone that way ever since. I hope you are the same!

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