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Many issues. Vaccine side effects. long term vestibular issues.

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Hi, I was encouraged to go see a Naturopath for my symptoms and for anxiety. I've never gone down the 'alternative' medicine route, but I have to say, I love this woman! It's way more holistic and she cares about your history, your past experiences, and uses all the info you give her to help her work with you. She is not dismissive of the idea that the vaccines are doing weird things to some of us, and she cautioned me about getting the booster shot (so did my E.N.T. specialist... the jury is still out, for him, on whether they are completely safe).

Anyway, this Naturopath put me on GABA and Theanine for anxiety and calming my nervous system down, as well as Ashwaganda. I am still off work, so I'm not exactly in a stressful environment right now, but I do think they are working quite well. They're not very expensive, and can be found in most health food/ supplement stores.

I feel for you.


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Posted by: @streicforce

My husband had his second Pfizer vaccine February 12th, and 2 weeks later developed tingling in his hands that subsequently went to his feet and then lastly to his face, which is the one that bothers him the most. Had a complete neurological exam and dr said his nerves were misfiring. Did not believe was vaccine related. Put him on Gabapentin which helped some then stopped helping.  Dr doubled Gabapentin but the side effects are bothersome and also not much help with the numbness and tingling.  So he is going to be weaned off. We heard acupuncture might be an option. Going to think about that route.  Also going to add Vitamin D and magnesium.  He ended up getting the Moderna booster because we were going out of the country and he feels no differently after his booster.  

Hi, I got tingling in my hands & feet a week after Pfizer that spread to most of my body & got much better after 5/6 months although my feet still tingle now.  I have read so many sites, forums etc & it seems our nerves are having autoimmune inflammation response & everyone recovers in a different time line, some a lot sooner then others. I have been taking vitamin C which helps high histamine levels that cause inflammation, vit D as I was low in it & there seems to be many others also reacting having low vit D,  magnesium, zinc, omega 3. I noticed a decrease in tingling after starting glutathione & most recently B12. Antihistamine also helps the inflammation response, I take a cetrizine every day & have also tried acupuncture, it may have helped a little but I think it just takes time to heal. 

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Hey guys! After a month of having these barable but very frustrating symptoms (achy arms , some twitches and buzzing feeling in leg ) my neurologist prescribed me some cortisone , prednisone I believe , come all my other tests are normal luckily . 
has anyone here tried this and had any experience with trying this therapy ? 
I have been taking supplements for a month but haven’t done much 


any advice would be great 

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these barable but very frustrating symptoms (achy arms , some twitches and buzzing feeling in leg ) my neurologist prescribed me some cortisone , prednisone I believe , come all my other tests are normal luckily . 
has anyone here tried this and had any experience with trying this therapy ? 
I have been taking supplements for a month but haven’t done much 


any advice would be great 

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I was hesitant about taking the covid vaccine because I saw a lot of posts on this site where  folks were saying that their vertigo got worse after taking the vaccine. 

Well, that was not my case. Since taking both doses of the vaccine,  I feel that my vertigo episodes are less! 

I did contract covid after taking the first dose. My symptoms were mild. I believe that because I had taken the vaccine, I did not become very sick.

Everyone reacts differently.

But, my vertigo was NOT exacerbated after taking the vaccine.




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Posted by: @darondonnelly

Hi my name is Daron and I'm from the Uk. I have been diagnosed with Uni lateral vestibular loss for 20 years or so.

I have successfully combated the balance issues with physio. I was shown and mastered walking at whilst focusing on an object or sign at eye level and nodding my head left to right and up and down. This reset my balance. Of course there are times when it didn't and that told me that there was a cold or other illness about to hit me.

After taking the Astra zenica vaccine for the 1st time I had an episode of imbalance for about 5 days. I expected it really. Did my normal exercises and got on with my life.


After taking the Astra zenica vaccine the second time, my life change dramatically. My balance issues changed within 24hrs later. I was very disoriented. My exercises did not work and made things worse.

After 2weeks I contacted my doctor who prescribed motion sickness tablets and later steroids.

Nothing worked. I set about attacking the my issues by walking as hard as I could twice a day. This lasted for 10weeks with no improvement. I can walk normally for about 400 steps then my balance starts to get steadily worse until I'm basically shuffling. However I can lay down flat and after about 45min to max 2hrs my balance is better.

Strangely my walking backwards and side to side is not affected, only walking forwards.

I manage my life with for the last 26weeks with planning activities with intermediate lying down.

I am not taking anymore vaccines until I can been properly advised on the risks of making my balance worse.

I have been to see the ENT consultant who informs me this is not typical and has referred me to the physiotherapy for a full evaluation. She declined to give me advise concerning the Pfizer vaccine risks.

There is more detail to this. I'm open to chat.


Stay Safe and Merry Christmas,



Hi Daron!

I hope your holidays were enjoyable. Has anything changed since you first posted?

A couple of years ago I suffered unilateral Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. It caused imbalance that resolved on its own within a few weeks. Afterwards, like you, illness or allergy would cause a flare up. The weather, too! I could tell when a storm was coming by the level of pressure in my head and how dizzy I got. 

In March last year I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. There was a little fatigue afterwards and a little arm pain. No big deal. A couple of days later I started getting nauseous and dizzy when using my laptop. Thinking my glasses prescription was old, I got a new pair for computer use. That seemed to help. After the second dose in April, however, I had a more unpleasant reaction and felt flu like symptoms for around 36 hours. As those resolved my balance got really bad and I had to use a hiking pole again to get around. Several doctors, an MRI and failed Vestibular Therapy later, a neurologist diagnosed me with chronic Vestibular Neuritis. We're trying a few prescription vestibular suppressants that so far aren't helping. 

Despite all that, I did get the Pfizer booster. My symptoms did get a little flared, but settled back to what is my new normal pretty quickly. 

Please let us know how you are getting on.




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