Hi guys I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Well like many of you I’m on her due to vaccine issues. So I got my first shot 12/29 as it is mandatory for my job. I’m now suffering from really bad anxiety and depression and seems like volts are going through my body when I sleep. I have also had some crazy thoughts. Has anyone went through this and what have they done. I appreciate all help! Btw I took the pzier vaccine
Hi there and sorry to hear what you're going through. But you've found a good place here with lots of information.
There is another thread called "Covid 19 Vaccine Side Effects". That is where I was able to read a lot about other people's stories. It gave me a lot of hope. There are almost 900 pages of posts there!
This is the link to the latest posts. You can read all the way back to Jan 2021 when the thread was originally started.
( @cantfindausername776 you might want to check out this link too 🙂 )
Sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better. I recently received the Moderna shot and have been having issues too.
I recently received the Moderna shot and have been having issues. Numbness and tingling in both arms and legs and vision changes (floater eyes). I’m reading the same side effects that others are experiencing and glad that we can share our experiences. I wish they let the public know before hand. It’s been a week now and the numbness keeps me up.
@good-kitty hi ! You have no idea how thankful I am for your replies and the hope they give me .
I feel like I shouldn’t complain of my symptoms since I can live with them and people are suffering a lot more but it’s hard sometimes .
yes I have also been dealing with this weird arm pain (both arms ) , they feel so tired like you said and achy but my back was doing the same the other day and that has gotten better so I hope it will get better too .
the fatigue also is making me feel worse , I really need to push myself or I would just lay in the couch all day . I actually feel a little better when I get up and move but it’s also scary for me cause I’m afraid of flaring things up .
I keep on taking supplements and eating well and hope things will get better . Also REALLY need to get off social media because that’s making me 100 Times more anxious about all of this . I need to think of the positive things you said and not just the negative .
Also think I’m dealing with a bit of health anxiety after all this cause I literally can’t think of anything else but my body and what I’m feeling , it’s consuming me and very unproductive . Also makes get some serious panico attacks sometimes
Again thankyou , your messages are helping my mental health a lot so I am super grateful !
@cantfindausername776 it is interesting you mentioned the arm thing randomly coming up? Does it feel like there is a lack of blood to your hards or does your skin get pigmented red (like from poor circulation). It feels like one did the most hand labor/exercise. I realised in the last week my arms hurt and hands are inflamed. I've doing a bit more since I have some energy lately but apparently dusting a room is heavy work for my arms and hands. I am six month post second Vax but apparently our symptom is on the same schedule.
@windsor hi ! Yeah I feel like I have worked out super hard the day before with both arms . And get random pains all over them and sometimes in hands . I’ve been to a reumathologist and she said it could also be because my shoulders are super tense and full of knots (probably because of my high levels of anxiety )
How have you been doing ?
the feeling for me is not debilitating but uncomfortable and just feel a bit off in general , hope to feel 100% soon . I’ve been reading so much stories in social media that hVe scared me to the point I sometimes imagine symptoms at this point . I deleted apps and will try to only focus on myself
let me know how you are going , this forum puts me in a much better mental place
I am okay, I have a few symptoms that are ongoing and my recovery has been slow. The hard part has been my neck muscles jammed up in a bunch since second day post vaccine and I haven't been able to turn my head or keep it up long without support (tests all negative of anything serious). I "can" work (from home) but life has been hard. I mentioned that because you said you might have back knots. I am not sure if it is worst then prior vaccine but my neck is a new thing for me. I've gotten chiro and massage many times and my muscles always go back to this weird bunch within a day.
As for my hands, It's been two days I haven't had it and as you I can function, but I am scared it would get worse and would impair my life even more.
I speak to my rheumie next month 🤞
I agree, I find I have to limit my intake of all this stuff because it gets to me and becomes overwhelming. If you have things that you like such as arts or walks then even if your brain can shut off 5 mins, thats 5 mins without thinking about it or anything. I know for me, my symptoms often remind me of my situation so it's hard to be distracted. I am not sure if stuff is closed where you are but here in Canada, nothing happens and we are all hiding away. So I can't do little things outside the house that could help that distraction.
Have you seen any improvements? Are your doctors helpful?
@windsor hi ! I’m about the same . Again my symptoms are not so bad I can’t go to work and stuff but the mental aspect of this is ruining me . I came to a point I was afraid of leaving the house cause I didn’t trust my body .
I still have this weird feeling in my arm and sometimes feel this subtle buzzing in my left foot/leg when I am sitting still .yesterday I experienced a twitch in my thigh for the first time but honestly I think that is due to my high stress levels right now as it is very common for that to happen .
i am taking one day at the time but this constant fear I’m living in I think is holding me back from recovering completely.
I can’t seem to distract myself from every little pain I feel cause i’m terrified it will turn into something really bad . Maybe i’m going a bit nuts ahah if anyone can relate to this feeling let me know .
All the doctors I went too have been really nice but since all my blood tests and all the other stuff is normal they don’t really know what to do . As I said my reumathologist said my tight back could also be causing some of this arm pain (I have a question for you … do you ever feel it in your elbows ? Like brief seconds of shooting pains ?)
I’m going to get an MRI on Wednesday and going to see my immunologist Monday ; maybe they will give me some anti inflammatory who knows . I hope time will be my healer both mentally and phisically
let me know how you are doing 🙂
@windsor also have you experienced chest pain ? I still get it sometimes but all my heart exams have turned out fine (thank god for that )
@cantfindausername776 No, that I dont have. I was seeing my cardiologist so I did speak to him about it, he said my heart was healthy. I do have the fast heart beat and I can feel my heart beat in my ankles - all new stuff post vax. For which he said some people are more sensitive to their own heart beat...
@windsor I was tested too , three cardiologist said my heart is fine and very thankful for that .
this pain feeling in my arms is about the only thing I have now but I hate it it keeps renting me something is not ok and making my anxiety worse witch only leads to stronger symptoms
vicious cycle
how have you been with your arms and hands ? And in general
@cantfindausername776 I am happy to hear that you are again doing better for the most part! You are healing, although slowly. Is your axiety worse at different parts of the day? Have you found some tricks?
Ive been having a hard time. I just stop and think it's debilitating, how can I manage. Axiety kicks in. I know it's getting better but I always have something lingering or changing. Like my neck isn't getting better and so I can't hold my head up well. My Muscles are stuck in this weird tense position and I've tried all sorts of treatment. My hands have been doing better, they burn but I for now don't feel like I did an intense workout. I am also exhausted all the time. By noon, it feels like I did a whole workweek. And I get really frustrated because I can't do more. Thanks for checking it.☺️
@windsor You will get better but I get what you mean . My anxiety gets worse when I stop and think about my sumo irons and things I’ve read on the internet about people’s horrible reactions . I get scared things will get worse and not better but that is not a good mentality to have . I know that but really hard for me to break .
i don’t really have any tips to handle it except be with people I love , I’d you have any advice please let me know
I meant Symptoms
Hi my name is Daron and I'm from the Uk. I have been diagnosed with Uni lateral vestibular loss for 20 years or so.
I have successfully combated the balance issues with physio. I was shown and mastered walking at whilst focusing on an object or sign at eye level and nodding my head left to right and up and down. This reset my balance. Of course there are times when it didn't and that told me that there was a cold or other illness about to hit me.
After taking the Astra zenica vaccine for the 1st time I had an episode of imbalance for about 5 days. I expected it really. Did my normal exercises and got on with my life.
After taking the Astra zenica vaccine the second time, my life change dramatically. My balance issues changed within 24hrs later. I was very disoriented. My exercises did not work and made things worse.
After 2weeks I contacted my doctor who prescribed motion sickness tablets and later steroids.
Nothing worked. I set about attacking the my issues by walking as hard as I could twice a day. This lasted for 10weeks with no improvement. I can walk normally for about 400 steps then my balance starts to get steadily worse until I'm basically shuffling. However I can lay down flat and after about 45min to max 2hrs my balance is better.
Strangely my walking backwards and side to side is not affected, only walking forwards.
I manage my life with for the last 26weeks with planning activities with intermediate lying down.
I am not taking anymore vaccines until I can been properly advised on the risks of making my balance worse.
I have been to see the ENT consultant who informs me this is not typical and has referred me to the physiotherapy for a full evaluation. She declined to give me advise concerning the Pfizer vaccine risks.
There is more detail to this. I'm open to chat.
Stay Safe and Merry Christmas,
Hi! My name is Rena and I'm from Australia.
After having 2nd astrazenica vaccine last June I had the flu' for 4 weeks after which I collapsed with extreme dizziness, vomiting and shaking. Landed in the emergency had various tests and they came up with the diagnose of Vertigo. It is now January 2022 and I have had Vertigo in my life every day since. It has totally turned my life upside down and many adjustments have to be made. As I'm a widow and live on my own (family close by) Doing all the exercises and more suggested to me by physio's and doctors but nothing takes it away completely. I'm unsteady on my feet, nauseous and dizzy with headaches and brain fog, I can only walk with a walker. I'm supposed to get the 3rd booster now available, I refuse to have any vaccine at all from now on no matter what the name of it is.
Available for chats.