@kevint This happened to me after an influenza vaccine in 91 AND again after my COVID vaccine booster. I had a little bit after the first COVID vaccine but I was trying not to notice and blamed it on other things. Prednisone, AND atarax or Benadryl helped me get over this faster. However, the first time I was never able to go back to fill time work. I had a mammogram and they asked me if I had the booster within 2 months of getting the scan. I asked wh., They said it was because of swollen lymph nodesfrom vaccine obstructing views. Just read an article from the Brits. They have done some research. Long Term COVID reactors are showing elevated EBV titers (already had Mono)and two Gammaglobulins IGg and IGM were decreased. So they are looking. I think most Drs don't have a clue what to report what could be a vaccine reaction. The vaccine is for the good of all, so who is going to care if a few get sick, right?
@igerstel. I would suggest avoiding the booster. I. Not going anywhere near another shot.
I have had constant vertigo for almost 7 months. I had my second Pfizer shot in April 2021
My life has been ruined. I went to VT 3 times without any improvement and feeling very nauseated afterwards.
I also have horrible stomach and esophagus inflammation that has persisted since September.
I was healthy, happy and active before the shots and now am housebound, can't drive, can barely eat and feel like a zombie. I can barely take care of myself with constant spinning and feeling drunk, staggering, walking into things, and feeling so ill each day that life is no longer worth living.
I recently was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had two surgeries to remove tumors. I'm not saying the shots caused the cancer. But with gastro and vertigo problems, it has just compounded an already bad situation.
I hope and pray all of us get better soon. So many are suffering.
No. Was active and well. Only diagnosed with bladder cancer at the end of September. Never had vertigo.
I also now have severe digestive issues that I've never had.
I believe my body must have gone into overdrive with inflammation.
@barb-larue7gmail-com I am so sorry to hear about this bladder cancer diagnosis. Are you on or have you been on antibiotics?
@sandstorm Thank you.
Yes, I've unfortunately had to go on anti biotics for two tumor removal surgeries recently as well as a bladder infection from the catheter.
I have been taking probiotics.
Hi my wife has had a myriad of symptoms since the first dose of pfizer 2 months ago....tingling, numbness, heart palpitations, anxiety/panic, headaches among them. Completely debilitating and unable to work- mostly bedridden.
Diagnosis may be mild guilliane barre, or more recently, we're thinking its POTS. Has anyone had the POTS (increased heart rate upon standing) dissipate as time has gone on? What can help to relieve/improve symptoms. Anything that would give us hope/information is useful and much appreciated. You can also email me on markhansen1983 @ hotmail . com
@barb-larue7gmail-com Barb, many antibiotics are linked to vertigo issues. Please see a vestibular and balance specialist in your area. If you need help finding one, I can help you!
@sandstorm no, I got extremely nauseous after each session and have been so sick with my other issues, including surgery to remove tumors, that I had to quit, unfortunately
@barb-larue7gmail-com I know that VT makes you ill, I went through it myself. I stuck with it and became 100% well. Please think about giving it another try.
@sandstorm I will. Right now I'm in such dire straits with other illnesses, I can barely take care of basic needs.
I suspect I might have something that VT won't help, too.
How long did it take you to get well?
My VT was pretty stumped, she hadn't seen a case like mine
@barb-larue7gmail-com I am so sorry to hear this! Here is my story and I hope it helps you in some really positive way.
I became ill in November of 2018. I felt dizzy, nauseous, foggy and my vision was slightly blurry. I went to my family doctor for a sinus infection who said I had an ear infection & sinus infection in my left ear (had no pain or discomfort at all in that ear). Went on antibiotics and after a few weeks back to the doctor. Felt like I was on the verge of vertigo but it never came on. Family doctor said I had a virus, go home and rest and drink plenty of water. A few weeks later I was sick feeling very ill (severe motion sickness) so I went to my ENT who cleaned out my sinuses with a suction tube and camera and my sinuses felt better but I still felt extremely ill. So a few weeks later I went back to my ENT who promptly sent me to the Emergency Room. Spent 10 hours there being tortured with tests and was feeling 1,000 times worse. They admitted me where I signed myself out at 2:00 in the morning. The very next day, March 1st, I saw my vestibular and balance specialist. I have had vertigo twice in the past so I know what that feels like and this wasn't vertigo but I felt dizzy so thought he might help. He did. He said I had gotten a virus that I never knew I had and it attacked my left inner ear. He diagnosed me as having a left inner ear dysfunction/weakness. I started exercises at home immediately3 times per day without fail even though they made me feel so sick and went to PT once per week for balance exercises. 9 weeks later I woke up and felt normal. I spent the next 2 weeks doing my exercises and then was 100% recovered. The thought of walking around sick to my stomach and still having to work, drive and function like a well person was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I have other issues that my vestibular & balance specialist tells me has nothing to do with my inner ear. I have really bad tinnitus and a fullness feeling in my ears. I also have suffered from chronic migraine for the past 23 years. Fullness in my ears is gone. Ringing in my ears, GONE.
I try to help, always. I know that most people think to themselves, ‘I feel so awful, something really bad must be wrong with me...how will I ever get better?’ And because I usually say, 'please see a vestibular and balance specialist' 'I can help you find one'...people think that because these specialists aren't DOCTORS that they can't help. But they can, and they DO cure. Feeling so badly that you can't get out of bed, well...I have been there but I fought hard to keep moving and to find the right SPECIALIST to help me ON MY OWN. I share my story so I can help others. Here is to believing in one another. I am always here to help and can find you a balance and vestibular specialist in your area.