@hailey hey just wondering if you’re still experiencing symptoms after catching covid? I was fully recovered from my vaccine for about 5 months and then caught covid beginning of February and am dealing with same brain fog symptoms I had with the vaccine.
Was wondering what other symptoms you had ? And what you took to get recover ?
Hey. Well as soon as I caught Covid, my burning sensations returned and pins and needles. Pain in my neck and headaches. My mild covid symptoms calmed down and so did the burning. However my nerve pain in my feet is still around and the headaches / fogginess.
@medee The jerks and tingling are are gone. I do randomly get twitches from time to time i would say more than the usual amount, but so far the Dr is attributing it to stress.
@medee The jerks and tingling are are gone. I do randomly get twitches from time to time i would say more than the usual amount, but so far the Dr is attributing it to stress.
Oh wow! Why am I so unlucky!💔
How long has it been since it vanished? Mone come back every now and then.
How are you feeling overall?
Hello everyone. 3 months since my Pfizer vaccine (will never get another one) symtoms are tingling pins and needles , random twitches all over and high anxiety. Rollercoaster so far all blood work normal MRI normal my neurologist thinks it’s nerve irritation or inflamation he says he sees this a lot from Covid and vaccine. He’s sure it will eventually resolve but how annoying is all this really. Been reading this forum for a while to try and get some hope but I think everyone is really different aren’t they. Anyone know what this is yet? Or do we think just a reaction we will eventually heal from, surely this can’t be forever ? The dizziness for me is not good I have a 2 and 6 year old I really regret this now
My symptoms improved alot after i used gabapentin for 3 weeks.. then I stopped it ,,,
i still having daily supplements zinc, B complex and c
i idid more neurological lab investigation (Anti- MOG and others) all negative..
pins and needles disappeared.. i feel some cold flashes after a long walk on my feet
now i am 10 weeks after first onset of the symptoms - big improvement over last week -
i start to believe it will disappear with time - nothing to do more at this point
just to wait for the body to heal itself.
Any more recovery stories and advice ?
Update from 8 to 12 weeks:
I’d say my symptoms are nearly the same with internal tremors and a lip twitch that won’t go away (used to be intermittent). The tremors might be lighter in general, but they are persistent. While all the harsher symptoms have gone (high anxiety, muscles aches, pins and needles, etc), it’s still hard to live with, but I have many more good days. I can drive again and lightly workout occasionally. I feel less depressed.
I did feel better while I tried two weeks of Klonopin, but I stopped because I didn’t want to be on benzos. This week, I’ll try acupuncture and gaba.
I’m hoping for the best and that another four weeks will see more resolving.
Hi everyone, I’ve been gratefully lurking here since September 2021 (when I was still naïve enough to take dose #2 of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’). Thanks so much to everyone who has shared their symptoms/remedies – I had so many fears during the first few months, and this forum has been a lifeline. I’m adding my timeline here in case it can reassure anyone else that you are not imagining the link between vaccination and symptoms – I had an anaphylactic reaction within one minute of receiving the second Pfizer shot and I thought it might be worth confirming that my immediate symptoms mirrored what many are experiencing in later days or weeks, ie. in more delayed fashion. Sorry this will be long, but I have six months’ worth of posts stored up in my still-foggy brain.
(Aged 52 at time of vax, & am female)
Pfizer 1: August 17, 2021
Received vax in upper left arm late afternoon, awoke that night with intensely itchy palms of hands and soles of feet (have bolded this up because I should have taken more notice of it!). V tender left arm for a few days, & a couple of days in bed with virus-type symptoms.
Pfizer 2: September 13, 2021
Mentioned itchy hands and feet after first dose, nurse suggested I take an antihistamine when I got home. Received second shot in upper left arm, this time while in car at drive-through centre (might be relevant to needle placement).
Within one minute, left shoulder was intensely itchy and a ring of red spots had formed there. By the time I moved the car out of the queue for closer monitoring, the itching had spread across my back, where welts were beginning to form. Intense itching continued down legs while throat and neck tightened, swelled and tingled, lips tingled, and my tongue began to tingle and feel too large for my mouth. Face itched and felt a mixture of numbness and tingling right across scalp. Began to feel woozy, legs and arms started automatically twitching, and I could not control this. At the point where I became unable to swallow, the charge nurse, who luckily for me was awesome, administered the first shot of adrenaline – I ended up having three in total (maximum allowed amount) as the symptoms returned after each shot. I was taken to hospital by ambulance, by now with involuntary shakes and feeling extremely nauseous. Received steroids and liquid antihistamine and was monitored until late that evening, when I had stopped feeling so nauseous, was no longer shaking and was able to walk to the bathroom. Sent home with prescription for Loratadine (antihistamine, same as Claratyne, I think) and instructions to return if symptoms worsened.
I went back to the hospital at midnight as my neck and tongue began tightening and tingling, also with the sensation of swelling, just as I went to bed – I was pretty relaxed and tired by this point, it just came out of the blue. More monitoring, inc clear ECG, and dr noted I seemed jittery!
I was sent home again after several hours and thought that would be the end of it. Ha! It was exactly six months on Sunday, and I am yet to have a symptom-free day. I have taken two 10mg Loratadine tablets a day for the duration and needed them about seven hours apart when the symptoms were most intense. Initially, and ongoing intensely until December, my neck kept swelling, tightening and tingling at random times (even when previously feeling relaxed) and in the days after the shot, I thought the allergic reaction was coming back to finish me off! It was terrifying and I got through it over many weeks by lying down, holding my partner’s hand and repeatedly listening to an old hypnotherapy CD (I knew I had to keep calm or it would feel that my neck was closing in even tighter). I really felt like I was being choked, however, my doctor diagnosed this as reactive lymph and reassured me that it was all happening on the outside, not the inside, of my neck.
The scary lymph and tingling facial features were the first major symptoms until a fortnight after the second shot, when one of my toes suddenly went cold and numb. Since then, I’ve had all the usual symptoms reported here – burning or freezing feet and legs, pins and needles, numbness, tight bands of pressure in feet and lower legs, at times migrating above knee and into hands and arms (really thought it was going to take over my whole body). Tingling, pins and needles and weird sensations of pressure across face and head, numb tongue, muscle pain and weakness (and a brief period of feeling like lilting to one side when walking). The cardiac symptoms were a bit later to the party. Initially, I returned to hospital two weeks after the second shot, the same day I tried to return to work (so had moved around a bit more). In the afternoon, I felt a tight band of pressure around my chest and difficulty getting my breath. I lay down until it passed. Going to bed that night, it returned, and the tight band of pressure was joined by the sensation of someone pushing down heavily in the middle of my chest. I couldn’t get my breath properly, no matter whether I lay down or sat up. Had ECG in emergency dept, plus echo for heart inflammation – both fine, emergency dr suggested possible costochondritis. Also discovered that I was low in potassium post vaccine, so prescribed tablets for this.
Now at the six-month mark, I often become breathless at the smallest amount of exertion whereas before the vaccine I would walk for miles along the coast and through the bush every weekend. Have often had the sensation that I can’t quite inhale a full breath (poss exacerbated by the fact I am anaemic again post-vaccine – was under control and levels normal beforehand). My chest is sometimes tight, and I began to feel dizzy on standing up, having to grab something to hold onto for a moment. In December, I forgot my new normal and began to dance to a song on the radio – my heart beat out of my chest (harder than it used to beat climbing mountains) and I had to lie down. The same happened when I had a hot foot bath to try to bring feeling back to my feet. It felt like I was going to pass out. Have now been referred to a cardiac specialist for a cardiac stress test.
To add to the fun, I have also become allergic to things that didn’t bother me before – plasters and pollen, for instance. And I’ve had the crazy insomnia plus no appetite or ability to eat, so have lost 12kg (about 25 pounds). Also repeated migraine aura, five in one week at one point – usually have migraine aura (no headache) about twice a year. My veins have been prominent for months (never were before) and neck lymph still swells when tired or stressed. Strangely, my left ear is intensely itchy, often driving me mad at night. Am bound to have left something out and new symptoms still randomly emerge, but this is long enough!
Like others, I have found that symptoms are always there in the background but flare up to higher levels of intensity due to colds, stress, physical activity, menstrual fluctuations etc.
On the upside, due to the immediate reaction, no one has questioned whether my ongoing symptoms are linked to the vaccine. My vaccine injury is accepted by my doctor and by my country’s relevant govt entity, which is providing income support (couldn’t work at all for four months, now back to part-time). I’m hopping mad (& deeply sad) that so many of you have to fight to be believed, let alone receive any support. My doctor, who has 50 years’ experience, immediately explained the concept of vaccine sequelae and why I might be feeling the way I am. I was diagnosed with possible PEG allergy (yet to be confirmed by specialist) and exempted from any further MRNA shots. I’ve been diagnosed with an overactive immune response to the vaccine and have been referred to an immunologist, cardiologist, ENT specialist and counsellor (issues re over-caution since I don’t know what I’m allergic to anymore).
Treatment – Dr considered steroids at the outset but held off due to potassium depletion post-vax (was never previously low in potassium). I can’t be without the antihistamines – experimented with tapering off and def felt worse. Since early October, I have also been taking: Vitamin B, D, turmeric and flaxseed oil. Later added Vit C and zinc and I do feel better with all of these. Dr agrees it could be helpful and says adequate fibre is also a good way of supporting the liver in processing toxins. Am about to add Apple Cider Vinegar to support the lymph (was previously too reactive when I tried this). I also found that Epsom salt foot baths dialled down the burning pain and pins and needles in feet and legs (until the day I made it too hot!).
One point to mention: PEG ingredient in vaccine
I have seen PEG allergy discussed here much earlier and wanted to add: the only other time I’ve been anywhere near this ill also involved an allergic reaction to a drug called Voltaren/Voltarol. I now belatedly discover that Voltaren also contains PEG. I was given this post-surgery in 1996 and it caused kidney failure, but no one realised for months that it was drug-induced. I was sent to a renal specialist in agony and with one kidney operating at 65 per cent – I was asked to provide family history of kidney disease and we were discussing potential dialysis and the spectre of complete kidney failure. But months after receiving the drug, my body healed itself – with no help from the medical world! – and kidney function returned to 100 per cent (where it has remained since). I was in my 20s then, but our bodies can, and do, heal over time. It was only researching post-vaccine that I discovered PEG was the common denominator in the only health struggles I have ever really faced. It also explains why so many of us feel like we’ve been poisoned! (Might also explain why the anaphylaxis rate is higher for this vaccine than for traditional vaccines).
I also wondered why I seemed to be getting worse lately – tight chest, breathlessness, burning legs and feet at night – and I researched back down the PEG route, only to discover that my new toothpaste contains this ingredient! I have also been having arm swelling, redness and itching from medical plaster after post-vaccine blood tests … and I now find that this contains PEG, too. Ditto several of my moisturisers and shampoos. So, I have discovered that, for me at least, I need to get PEG right out of my environment if I want to heal. I have also read medical studies about PEG-induced neuropathy (and have seen it described as a neurotoxin). I am going down this route, plus the micro-clotting theory re the spike protein, as they feel the most relevant to me. I did have Epstein Barr as a teenager and I know that’s another theory/poss link. Whatever, there is certainly a double-whammy effect with PEG and the spike protein.
Finally, my partner – male in his 60s, took vax at same times as me – has also suffered Pfizer side-effects, including tingling, crawling and numbness across head, tinnitus, crawling feeling on legs, pins and needles in hands, formation of fatty lumps under arm and on shoulder and intensely painful veins (had to lean against wall to stand up). The vein pain has improved since he started taking turmeric and comes back if he stops. He is not exempt from the booster but will never take another shot.
Today, the reactive lymph in my neck has calmed down, though it flares when stressed and tired (not as intensely as at first) and I’m taking it easy until I’m sure my body has healed. Between flares, I am starting to feeling stronger than I did. It’s not a straight upwards trajectory, but over time the overall trend is upwards, slowly moving towards healing.
Something else, aside from supplements, that I’ve found to be important:
I couldn’t have got through the early symptoms without giving my nervous system a break (via the hypnotherapy CDs that allowed me to dial down the anxious response). I’ve since realised that, just as broken legs don’t heal by being walked on, broken nervous systems can’t heal without some moments of deep calm. Easier said than done, but I have found a couple of ideas really helped me – one was a vagus nerve ‘reset’ (link below – and it does always make me yawn within 15 seconds!), the other was improving breathing and energy flow via Chinese medicine principles (I like Master Chunyi Lin on YouTube). Even 30 seconds of calm is better than nothing and it all adds up over time.
Vagus nerve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFV0FfMc_uo
I also wanted to say how much I admire those of you still working and raising families while you are dealing with this – the human spirit is an amazing thing! Many of you are younger than me and I pray every day that you will get your lives back. From my past experience, I really believe you will. And we are getting closer all the time to some real answers about this. Keep going everyone and thank you again for all you have contributed here!
@enzed22 Hope you're on the road to recover Sunny, what a scary journey you've been on.
@hailey well hopefully the rest goes as well. I presume you got an exemption from your doctor?
@hailey Death is how we get a full exemption lol...
Okay June sounds good. Hopefully some restrictions/mandates ease by then.
Anyone know what supplements good for tingling and nerve pain ? Also insomnia ?
Something that I forgot to mentioned;
beside using gabapentin for 3 weeks which I believe it has completely relieved my pins and needles i also donated a pint of blood that i also believed helped me in my numbness,,,