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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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I had zero side effects from Pfizer shot one and two in April and May ‘21. Then I got my booster January 4th without issue. 10 days later I started with slight numbness and tingling. This progresses to burning which moves around my body. Legs, stomach, buttocks, arms, back. Occasional teeth/gum nerve pain. Had tinnitus prior but definitely is more pronounced now. Had Lyme disease in July treated with Doxycycline.  I’ve said all along that I feel like my entire body is overloaded and inflamed from this stuff. GP, neurologist, endocrinologist have been seen. 30 blood tests, EMG and MRI of brain are all negative. Stopped alcohol for four weeks and eating an anti inflammatory diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Plenty of vitamin D, C and Quercitin. It’s been going on 10 weeks and I am optimistic that I’m improving. This group gives me hope as well. 

Kim H, selene53, Apnp23 and 3 people reacted
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Has anyone who experienced tinnitus found relief with anything? Or had it self-resolve? I have tried B-complex vitamins, alpha-lipoid acid, CoQ10, two steroid packs, avoiding alcohol and inflammatory foods, antihistamines, and acupuncture without relief. I keep hopeful that it will eventually go away but it is a prominent lingering symptom.

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@greg9840 Can you give us an update on how you are now? Hope all is well and appreciate the time to respond.

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I had the first pfizer shot March 10th. Feeling the tingles that move from hand to feet on both sides. Today My left foot and side of my face felt like it was a cool rushing of water on it sensation (pins and needles) and my left calf was tight. Sometimes my back gets that weird sensation also. I have read through a lot of posts...have read about gum and teeth, but now jaw/ cheek feeling tingly (apologies if I missed it).

Can anyone share if they've had the face sensation, please?

I also have tinnitus now, not bad, just continuous. Was super worried today, went back and reread some posts and felt better. I have no high bp or any other known issues at the moment. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I had the face pins and needles in my: mouth, jaw, cheeks, nose area.  They are very uncomfortable.  I had them most severely the first two months and less in the third.  They mostly come with over exertion/ stress/ eating something that will cause inflammation.  

While I don’t want to say this is normal . . . you aren’t alone.  For me, I think taking NAC, cold showers, and meditation helped.

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@mrmmcd I do have tingling sensation on my face as well, lefts side mostly including chin and lips. I do have it even on my tongue, throat and palate sometime. Tomorrow it will be 8 weeks since the tingling started and I feel it subsides, slowly but it does.

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Hi guys just some encouragement.. I had 1 Pfizer December 17th had all the weird side affects the day after pins and needles in legs feet hands lips and dizziness every day, random pulsing in my body too and eye floaters. Really weird I went to a&e 2 times and doctors ended up paying private to see neuro, MRI normal all blood work including ANA normal. I now have Minimal symtoms I get pins and needles only sometimes and the pulsing at night but anxiety is gone and I feel no dizziness anymore. I haven’t taken anything in particular just took it that if all tests show no permenant damage it must be a reaction that will go in time, I’m probably 90% better for the last 3 weeks I hope it continues. I’m sure we will all get better in time it just takes longer for others. I myself will never take another vaccine but just wanted to let you all know it will go eventually I think, good luck guys 

KitKat, Buzzgirl, Andy and 3 people reacted
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I’ve been using this thread to ease my mind about it being something more serious. 

Last last year, not long after my second Pfizer, I started having the weird vibrations/buzzing in my feet, mostly the right one, eventually moved mostly to the left, also felt in slightly once or twice in my hand and my head. That’s mostly gone now, though still get it a tiny bit occasionally.

Was also having a lot of random nerve zaps for a few weeks, usually in two seperate spots simultaneously, but that’s almost completely stopped now.

Then mid February, about a month after my booster, I started experiencing a weird mild numbness in my lower legs, mostly in the shins, sometimes extending around the back of the leg or onto the top of the foot. Seemed to last 2-3 days per week, and was more noticeable the first time. The first time I also had a bit of a hot feeling there on one of the days. Since then I’ve been sporadically experiencing cold feeling feet (not cold to the touch), and sometimes the numbness only lasts a few hours, and only affects one leg or part of one.

Of course I googled it and now think I have MS, Diabetes, PAD, GBS, Long Covid, B12 deficiency AND cancer, but i’m holding onto hope it’s just vaccine effects. My timeline doesn’t really match with others here, and I don’t think I saw anyone else mention the cold feet thing, but I never experienced any of these prior to my Pfizer shots, so fingers crossed until I see a doctor next week. 🤞🏻

This post was modified 3 years ago by Glorp

Andy and Andy reacted
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@mrmmcd Hi, I also had some tingling & tight odd skin feeling on my left side of face & scalp. It would sometimes feel like my hairs standing on end. I haven’t had that for a month or 2 now & I’m at 9 months since 1 & only jab. I have read success stories of tingling resolving after a few weeks so cross fingers you will feel normal soon. Try to stay calm & know you are not the only one.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I had zero side effects from Pfizer shot one and two in April and May ‘21. Then I got my booster January 4th without issue. 10 days later I started with slight numbness, buzzing and tingling. This progresses to burning which moves around my body. Legs, stomach, buttocks, arms, back. Sometimes I experience very cold feet and hands although the house is not cold. Occasional teeth/gum nerve pain. Electric like shocks in the left heel for days. Had tinnitus prior but definitely is more pronounced now. Had Lyme disease in July treated with Doxycycline.  I’ve said all along that I feel like my entire body is overloaded and inflamed from this stuff. GP, neurologist, endocrinologist have been seen. 30 blood tests, EMG and MRI of brain are all negative. Stopped alcohol for four weeks and eating an anti inflammatory diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Plenty of vitamin D, C, Quercitin and Turmeric. It’s 10 weeks and I am optimistic  that I am turning the corner. 

Just had a follow up with my neurologist today and she is confident it's not MS or an autoimmune disease. She prescribed steroids for the inflammation and if they don't help I will be getting a MRI of cervical and thoracic spine.  I feel pretty good today so I will only take the steroids if needed.  She did tell me that she has seen patients with who had the vaccine and have had a variety of issues likely from the inflammatory response.  You are likely experiencing something similar to what I am and hundreds of other people on this forum.  Get checked out, stay positive and hang in there.

Philroy, Andy, Philroy and 1 people reacted
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@glorp Sounds similar to what a lot of us have had, myself included.

Agreed - stay away from google searches, no good can come from it and it causes anxiety, especially in the early days when our symptoms are at their worst!

There are lots of success stories on this forum and on FaceBook. Lots of variables at play as to why some recover in 3 months and others still waiting after a year or so.

All the very best.


Buzzgirl, NIBS65, Buzzgirl and 1 people reacted
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@hailey how are you getting on now post covid virus flaring up your symptoms? Have your symptoms died down now?

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@jaw1234 Hi What were you prescribed? Which steriod anti-inflammatory and if you take it, how quickly does it take to work? Which symptoms ease when you take it? Thank you

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Posted by: @buzzgirl

@hailey how are you getting on now post covid virus flaring up your symptoms? Have your symptoms died down now?

Hi. Um it has gotten better, however every day there is still something that seems to linger. Tight chest one day, bit of numbness in thr fingers on another day. But it has eased. What seems to have stayed however is the tight neck and headaches, I will be doing some physio again to see more improvement there hopefully. Are you still on meds? Do you think they will scrap those mandates here soon 😳 

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@buzzgirl I’m taking my first dose of Prednisone today. It’s 18 days starting with 6 pills for 3 days, then 5 pills for 3 days and so on down to 1 pill for 3 days. I’ll post an update in a few days or if I get relief sooner. 

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