@j hi,
sorry for the delay- been digesting a lot since my last post. My bloods looks at various inflammatory markers I think and to see if any other sort of infections could have caused the lesion/inflammation in my scan. They all came back negative so I was told it was likely that my diagnoses was MS.
I believe I only have one lesion. Drs explained to have a conclusive diagnosis I need to have ‘multiple’ lesions hence it being ‘multiple sclerosis’. I have to wait quite some time for another scan- he's explained brain changes can take some time so need to wait to see what comes up next. He did give me a potentially differential diagnosis of a monophasic condition, as I raised covid and this forum with him-but given where the change on my scan is, plus the fact I’m 30 years old, female, Caucasian- ms is the most likely diagnosis.
I was initially very very upset! However I’m shocked about how little I knew about MS and all the treatment you can have nowadays. My drs been Great and I Hope you have someone supportive too, whether it’s ms or not.
This doesn’t explain anything for people with symptoms that have had clear MRI’s! I still even now and then look on here and think it’s all too much of a coincidence that my symptoms are just like everyone else’s… even with the timing, but I do have an abnormal brain scan!
@esilver34 Hi, I too had an abnormal brain scan. Mine shows 6 lesions. I have had so many "MS" like symptoms since my vaccination but my neurologist said he's pretty sure I dont have MS and that this is a vaccine reaction. He said any scar on your brain is classed as a lesion but they can be caused by many different things. Mine were non enhancing so have been there since before i got vaccinated. I do think its great that you are accepting of your possible diagnosis but don't assume the worst just yet. I will have a MRI every 6 months to monitor the progress of my lesions but I just wanted to let you know that you may very well be experiencing the same as alot of others on here as not all of us have had clear MRI's. I pray that is the case for us both x
Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that. I am in the same boat. When I read your story it was like sharing mine. I too was hesitant with the shot but after family members got Covid, I thought it was a good idea (at the time) and regret it. 🙁
I received the (one and only) dose of the MRNA back in Jan 2022 and haven’t been the same. Same night after receiving the shot, pins and needles were in my legs and arm. Eyes had floaters and became blurry. It’s now May and numbness and tingling are more frequently (moved to face) bones hurt and burn, feeling forgetful and confused, (like dementia) and I’m 40. Had two (brain & spine) MRI and ER Doctors are saying it’s MS. I was healthy before this and got symptoms the night of receiving shot. I just saw a MS specialist on Monday and she’s saying I had 2/3 markers with my spinal tap and reassured me it’s less likely MS. She is having me two other test to know for sure. I know others who had similar symptoms and stories and Doctors said it’s not MS and more likely an autoimmune disease that mimicking the symptoms of MS. It’s not a bad idea to get a second opinion, the MS specialist said that sometimes a person is misdiagnosed and are put on steroids for MS and that is not their diagnosis.
Praying there is a cure for us and professionals will do something to prevent others from suffering.
Take care!
I received my booster shot in November 2021. My primary series was Pfizer so I decided to get a Moderna booster, which was supposed to be the best choice back then. Two weeks later, I started to get a felling of flushing up the left side of my face. Called my doctor and he ran some blood tests with nothing abnormal indicated. Soon my left hand started tingling/numbness. Spread to my right hand then to right foot followed by left foot. All of that happened within two weeks of the flushing in my face, which event went away. I have had MRIs of my complete spine and brain, with nothing found out of the ordinary for a 59 year old man. Have had every blood test imaginable and only one came back abnormal and indicated nerve demyelination. But neurologist said it was border line. I have had two nerve studies and again nothing found that indicated nerve damage. My neurologist says that it could be early onset of peripheral neuropathy due to the fact that I have been considered pre-diabetic for the last few years. But my blood sugar is only a little into that range and I just don’t buy that I would suddenly tip over into neuropathy that wildly spread so quickly. Have see western and eastern medicine doctors. The western doctors acknowledge it could be the booster that caused this but say it’s highly unlikely. The eastern doctors all think it’s the vaccine. I am not anti-vac but I do think we don’t know a lot about the long term effects of these vaccines. I have tried supplements but not the combinations I see listed on this blog but may try that. I am on gabapentin and an antidepressant. My doctor also tho is it could be anxiety related especially since I feel the best after taking Klonopin the night before. I am also meditating. Interesting that someone else here said am anti-anxiety medication helped them. I don’t think it’s caused by anxiety but anxiety over the symptoms make them worse. I am 6 months from having taken the booster and still having symptoms. Like all of you, I hope they go away and haven’t caused me long term damage. I appreciate everyone who has shared their story.
@paulsilva Hi - just curious do you know the name of the test that showed demylination? Are you still having the numbness in hands and feet? Thanks, and hope you start feeling better. I'm about 4.5 months into this with similar symptoms.
My brain, cervical and lumbar MRI's are clear of any indication of lesions or any other issues As well, all other disease states have been extensively ruled out by multiple tests and doctor visits. Zero success with accupuncture, PT, massage, chiro, etc. Medications and supplements do essentially nothing. So far my symptoms are getting worse not better.
Hi, I'm from Norway and found this forum because I was looking for others with the same symptoms as me. Ten days after the vaccination, I had numb legs and arms on my left side, dizzy and felt like it was lightning in my body. Now - almost a year later - I'm still numb. Will take MRI next week. Terrified them show MS.
I'm back to report that finally after 9 months from my one and only Pfizer I am back to 100%. I was already feeling good this January, but I had some symptoms coming and going.
Some of us are recovering faster, for some it takes longer. I recovered with time, no therapies cause I haven't found anyone wanting to help back then. Look for a doctor willing to help, there's some around believig us now.
Sending good luck to everyone,
Hi, This Forum has really stopped me from going mad. I had my first Astrazenca jab last March, second in May, then the booster (Pfizer) in November, 2021. The day after my Pfizer booster I developed really bad cluster headaches, which lasted for about 2 months, on and off, always on my right side. Just after Christmas 2021, I noticed that I as getting really weird sensations throughout my body (not my trunk, mostly fingers, toes and lower legs). It was like I was holding my mobile phone and it was vibrating. It would move to my feet, side of my heel and front of my right shin. It feels literally as if someone is touching me very lightly. Sometimes it would affect my wrist too. I had no problems with mobility or even feeling ill (apart from the cluster headaches which were quite debilitating). I am now 6 months in, and it has now moved to the corner of my mouth, and sometimes by my nose. I am 62 in June, always healthy. The only operations I have ever had were on my toe and I have had both knees replaced, due to localised osteoarthritis. I have just returned from the USA (booked in 2019 for my big birthday), and I was explaining to 2 US friends about this. One of them, who is 67, did not say anything and at the end of the conversation she looked at me and said "did you get the Pfizer booster"? I said yes, and the only reason I got the booster was for travelling to the USA. She said "I have been stood here with my mouth open, and since my booster I have been experiencing exactly the same, did you get the itching too?". I said "oh yes, most definitely". I told her about this Forum and how some of the experiences on here, I could have actually written them. I have friends who say "oh that is rubbish, you should not read things on the internet". I say to them "well over 140 pages, I am sure that is not rubbish"! I am not anti vacs, I had everything going back in the 1960s/70s for the usual things. I never had a flu jab until January, 2021, then my 2 Oxford jabs, I was told another flu jab in September was advisable (stupid me), then the Pfizer Booster in November, 2021. 5 vaccines in 11 months - not good. As I said before this Forum has been really really interesting and reading of specialists who say they have had an influx of patients, puts my mind at rest. However, I do worry what I have done to my normal healthy body. I am not having a 4th, it was not meant to be mandatory, but our lives, especially for travel, have been severely compromised. I would not have been able to have my long booked trip to the US if I had not been jabbed. The symptons are easing, and reading others posts, I realise it will take time. Thank you to everyone who has posted on here, and made me realise I am not alone. By the way, my Husband, who is 65 in August, had a minor stroke between his Oxford jabs! Of course no one has said it was caused by the jab, but I gather things have already transpired that this jab has caused strokes in many people. Luckily he is ok, but been left with tingling all down his left side, which he has been told may last forever. What have we all done!
I'm back to report that finally after 9 months from my one and only Pfizer I am back to 100%. I was already feeling good this January, but I had some symptoms coming and going.
Some of us are recovering faster, for some it takes longer. I recovered with time, no therapies cause I haven't found anyone wanting to help back then. Look for a doctor willing to help, there's some around believig us now.
Sending good luck to everyone,
That's awesome what were your symptoms? And did you take anything ? Supplements ? Etc... when did youbstart to see improvement?
I'm back to report that finally after 9 months from my one and only Pfizer I am back to 100%. I was already feeling good this January, but I had some symptoms coming and going.
Some of us are recovering faster, for some it takes longer. I recovered with time, no therapies cause I haven't found anyone wanting to help back then. Look for a doctor willing to help, there's some around believig us now.
Sending good luck to everyone,
That's awesome ! What were your symptoms? And what did yiu do besides time? Supplements? Etc...
Thanks to all for your suggestions - I'd given up on hearing from anyone! Though I'm sorry to hear of the experiences of others and the limited options. I'm on week 5 of taking Pregabalin. It got easier. I'm drinking at least twice as much caffeine a day, but I sleep easily and it's hard to focus and concentrate. The plan is to take them for 3 months, and then reduce them. Its been very effective at reducing the pain - I woke up two days ago and was wondering what felt different - I could feel the sensation of my sheet against my arms.
I'd try acupuncture but I'm not sure how helpful it would be - I've been unlucky in that I've had a few complications and I'm not sure that anything topical would help. I use patches and find in combination with the medication, the pain is manageable. I'm doing more and walking and moving more. I just feel very drunk! I've also had a Dr Nerve pain Cream which I' have been trying recently and it helped me a lot.
Here are some resources that I have found on the internet about topical nerve pain creams.
I hope hearing about my experience will help you as much as hearing from you has helped me.
Thanks again
@feeomonolaa The test that indicated nerve demyelination is called serum immunofixation. And yes unfortunately I am still experiencing tingling and numbness in hands and feet six months after Moderna booster.
Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully it's only temporary. Cheers.