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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@buzzgirl    B6 too much or too little could cause nerve issues but you typically see this with pregnancy, antiviral medication, TB meds or alcoholics. It’s not common to have low B6.    And B1 (thiamine) is even rarer to be low on unless alcoholic or a chronic malabsorption (Stomach) disorder/bariatric surgery, etc.

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Hey all. I’m not sure how many of you have heard of Robert Morse N.D. but I highly recommend you check him out. He talks about full body regeneration with fruits and herbs (a more natural diet). I believe he can help us all get healthier glands and help towards recovery even if many are just dealing with anxiety related symptoms (can point to weak adrenals). He talks about letting go of desire meditation as well like that “Power of Now” book. 

This post was modified 2 years ago by Heyall19

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Gain of Function Lecture 

By Dr. Fauci


URL link : Dr. Anthony Fauci ... Lectures on Gain of Function Research 2012


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@beecig I've got exactly the same symptoms after a Pfizer booster in October '21 ( I've posted a few times about this). Tingling/numbness in face, ends of fingers and in right leg along with strange buzzing sensation in the chest particularly at night. Had it for 3 months, then went away,. then back again. The pattern keeps repeating. Each time though I think it is lessening in severity - and I've got used to it which sort of helps.

Interestingly like the post below I had no bad reaction at all from Astra Zenica - my first two injections.

I'm confident it will eventually go but it's a long haul.

Best wishes to all.

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@christinepett  Hi!

Have you gotten any better since you posted? I'm norwegian too, men føler jeg må ta det på engelsk her 😉 

I've got this for over a year and it keeps getting worse! No one seems to know or understand, so now I'm waiting to see a psychiatrist since all my tests have been clear and my doctor suspects "pnes". 

Krysser fingrene for at du har blitt bra nå! 


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Posted by: @kg1986

Has anyone ever had a Dr mention vasculitis to them?

I haven’t heard of that. Is there treatment for it? Is

that what they told you?


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@floryeo I would say 95% recovered. Still have some vision stuff but all the numbing and tingles are gone!

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@cramps2021 funny you ask, I just went to a GI Dr who did check for celiac, that was also negative. I am going to write an updated post shortly, I guess there are some new updates I would like to share, maybe it will help someone going thru it

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I have not posted in a symptoms started over a year ago and have gotten milder, then come back again and again.


Recently (Since mid sept) I have had a sore spot in my back..feels bruised to touch, achy..its very annoying and the only relief I get is laying down and resting. It does come and go I will have a good day and a bad day. They did an MRI w contrast of my thoracic-showed nothing abnormal. Now they are telling me maybe this pain is not in my thoracic, but right at the top of my lumbar, which I had asked to have my ENTIRE spine checked since this was also done to rule out lesions for MS. Now I have to have ANOTHER MRI and it just puts more fear into my mind about them missing something. My brain MRI came back with no changes since last year (I had 2 tiny white areas but they said it was not demylating etc) My rheumatologist checked me for a slew of things, nothing came back to concern her. My biggest fear are things like Multiple Myeloma etc but the Drs say there would be a flag in my CBC for something like that. I guess I really need to stop searching out my symptoms because at this point to equal ANYTHING on


I went to an intergratve DR as well--he did another full work up blood panel..CBC normal, metabolic normal (slightly high vit B) and he told me I need more magnesium. My EBV was over 600 still (but he said my active ebv is not high). My IGG-M was high, but all other IGG was normal. My C reactive was normal which I believe is an inflammation marker. Most lyme tests were negative except for this "41 band" he sent out my blood to IGX...did show a positive and double positive on the 41 band also, and positive for a co infection called "babesia". He has me on FOUR antibiotics right now and I will say I feel horrible. I know that may mean the antibiotics are working, but I do not feel this is 100% the root of my problems. This all started after the vaccine, possibly awakening something dormant in my body? But I still have the racing heart, i get out of breath so easily, my muscles are so weak currently they shake even feeding my toddler, or trying to do a sit up my entire mid section shakes. I take every supplement I can, I am just starting to lose hope that I will ever feel good again, I am only 35 I used to work out 5-6 days a week, run, have energy, now I am down 15lbs and just feel like all I want to do is sleep. Sometimes I feel as if my whole body is pulsing I can't tell if its my heart of just my body. Other symptoms I have just accepted at this point are vision shakiness (not all the time), ringing in ears (mild), eye floaters, muscle weakness, internal tremors (mild), tingling (mild usually after I sit for a while or laying down), headaches have gotten much better, joint pain seems to be better since being on antibiotics, stomach pain is also more mild (i am trying gluten and dairy free also), nerve pain has gotten much better as well. I have also just started HBOT therapy, I will let you all know how it goes, I have been told it has great healing results.

I signed up for the YALE study someone posted in this I have been following that I am going to see if there are any local studies (I am in Albany NY)...I just feel this has to have some correlation to the VX and long covid as I had covid pretty bad in March)...One last thing I will point out-I went on vacation last month, warm weather on a cruise to Mexico and i felt SO good for those 6 days. I dont know if it was the heat, or cocktails or just getting my mind off of this but the minute I got home, I instantly was in pain w my back and felt everything again. 

I think the hardest part for me with two kids under 3 is NOT knowing. I just keep going to every Dr ruling out things because if I dont, theres always a question of WHAT IF I missed this or that..its ruining my life I need to find a way to stop fearing the worst. I never had anxiety prior to this. I hope everyone does have a great holiday season, and one day we all can get back to good health!


-Kristin Galante


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Hi everyone, 26m here. I got my 1st pfizer dose in Jan2022 (11months ago). Only had to get it to keep my employment. Have not gotten 2nd dose, and probably won't (i left the company to persue education). Im a very healthy person and have had no health issues or any physical injury to my arm before.

Starting in the summer of 2022 I would get small minor pains/soreness near the injection site, lasting a few seconds then going away for a week or 2, then repeat.

Starting 2 weeks ago, the soreness/pain in my arm is now happening every day. In the past 2 weeks, I've had tingling in the left side in my body and arm, shooting pains down my arm, numbness. Anytime I use my left arm, the soreness comes back. I held a coffee in my arm for maybe 5 minutes and it felt like i got punched in the arm by a professional boxer. As of today, the shooting pains have calmed down, the tingling is minor, but the soreness coming from around the injection site and down is still there anytime i use my arm.

I spoke to my doctor about it, and he said it's highly unlikely it's from the vaccine as these symptoms started showing up 6-7 months down the road. He suggested x-rays and an ultrasound on my shoulder, but my shoulder isn't the issue, I have full mobility without pain. The pain is from the injection site and lower.

I'm taking vitamins: D, omega 3, zinc, quercitin(blood detox). I was not normally an anxious person until after receiving the vaccine, but after reading about some  articles of vaccine injuries, and having some of the matching symptoms as others on this forum, I started to get worried. Wondering if anyone has experienced my situation or any kind of possibly delayed vaccine effects.

Maybe it's nothing, maybe it is.



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Good afternoon! Interesting discussion.

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Anyone been tested for (or ruled out) Neurosarcoidosis?

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Hey everyone, just want to share the news that in Canada there’s a group that is setting up a Citizen’s Inquiry where people, both regular folks and experts, will be testifying as to the various impacts of the government covid measures, including vaccine injuries:


They had one earlier this year in Toronto:


The second one will take place in several other Canadian cities.

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@r30953 I was looking to see if there is anyone else who continues to have symptoms months after the vaccine. My last dose of vaccine (dose 2 of Pfizer) was in October 2021. I had symptoms after the first dose as well which was 6 months before. My symptoms included string tingling, itchiness, prickling sensation in my hands, feet, legs, buttocks, back, neck (the skin), face, tip of my tongue, inside my neck (scary), inside my nose (like I hit my nose against something). At that time I had a nerve test (very painful and expensive -2500$, which didn't show anything. The doctor at that time told me that they had several patients who came to them with similar symptoms after the first dose of Pfizer). The symptoms after the first vaccine faded away after about 6 months and that is when I had to take the second dose (I had to or lose my job). One month after the second dose it started all over again, but with a higher intensity. For the first few months it was almost on a constant basis. After 5-6 months the symptoms faded away, but I have flares (sometimes quite strong) every month that last between one and several days. It is now December 2022, and I still have these flares and they are as scary as at the beginning. I have a friend who is suffering from Guillain-Barre and receives treatment for the past several years (hers is not from the vaccine, it just appeared out of nowhere; despite this she received the vaccine Pfizer all doses and didn't have any additional symptoms after that). I am honestly quite tired and worried that these symptoms don't go away. I know that tingling means that the nerves are being damaged (they are basically dying). The only thing I hope is that the vaccine producers will finally accept that it is from their vaccine and find a way to cure this........

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@drfa Sorry to hear about your situation. It is hard to know what to do or where to go.

Yes, I still have symptoms. I still have tingling and numbness in my feet. Occasionally in other places. It never completely goes away but is better and worse from time to time. I’m still hopeful it will diminish. My neurologist said I would have flare ups. He didn’t think it would get worse and could improve. He recommended taking 600mg of R-alpha Lipoic acid - not sure it really helps. I never got a diagnosis beyond it’s probably from the covid vaccine since he had seen quite a number of similar cases. He did rule everything else out via lots of tests. 

I’m mystified as to the cause and wonder if it is form of GBS but I have never had any muscle weakness. The symptoms are those of peripheral neuropathy. My reading suggests PN can come from a vaccine or infection although diabetes is the main cause. I am not a diabetic. I haven’t really identified any triggers - perhaps sugar. I think drinking more water helps and it is usually better in the morning versus evening. 

thanks for getting in touch. I had planned to post a 1 year update. It all started after my 3rd Covid shot on 11/19/21. 

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