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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@saraiowa what did you do for your recovery,?

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Here is my update  with COVID-19 VAX and its adverse reaction (Tingling and numbness in feet) after 17 months:


  • I was super active, practicing for Tri-Athlon ( Swimming, Running, Road Biking)
  • I decided to get vaxed and help my country to stop the spread as the public health experts recommended!
  • Pfizer 1 & 2
  • Felt Numbness in Hand , went away after 1 month
  • Felt Tingling, Burn Sensation on both feet 
    • Left foot 99% better 
    • Right foot 90% better
  • After first week of sensation went to my MD
    • Done 20+ different tests mostly blood, B12, Kidney, Liver, HIV, different poison tests!,... everything was normal even Cholesterol, Triglyceride  , and blood sugar
  • After 3 months wen to Neurologist
    • Done 10+ tests including poisons in my blood like mercury and others
    • Checked for MS, it wasn't MS
    • They Diagnosis was 100% SFN (Small Fiber Nephropathy)
    • B12 was in normal range but very close to low end , so my MD prescribed high dose of B12 every morning on empty stomach
    • Prescribtions:
      • B12 2000 mg 
      • Gabapentin   : I ignored this med because of the side effects including suicide!!! ( 1 A4 paper lists ....) 
  • Because my Adverse reactions to Covid-19 Vax, I convinced them it is not safe for me to take the 3rd Vax, so I ignored it
  • Vitamins and Minerals I am Taking :
    • B12 2000 mg (MethylClobamin)
    • NAC 600 
    • Omega3  Fish Oil 5000 mg
    • D3 50 mcg
    • Alpha Liopic Acid ALA 500 mg ( I started recently, after reading comments here and there)
    • Ginko Biloba 120 mg
    • Multivitamin
    • Magnesium 
  •  Diet
    • Never had white flour ( since 10 years ago) so continued the same
    • Reduced whole wheat ( I love Whole wheat breads) because of gluten
    • Nuts ( Walnut, Pecan, Almond , Cashew, ...)
    • Stopped Orange and Tangerine, I don't know why by these cause flaring up of symptoms on my feet!
    • More Salmon + Vegetables + Chicken + Liver
  •  Exercise & Activity
    • Stopped Biking
    • Stopped Running 12 month / Started again
    • Swimming
    • Weight Training
    • 5-6 days of workou


My Take away from Covid-19  vaccination and Vaccination in general:

  • I won't put any vaccine or medicine in my body unless I get documentation and affirmation from the producer and pharma company which let me to sue them in case of health problems and severe adverse reactions or side effects

 Notice : These Meds and Vitamins not mentioned as recommendation however you are entitled to use them however consult with your Doctor. I don't have any responsibility about this content if you decide to use it


Regret_vax reacted
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Thank you. Blessings to you as well. 

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Hi, I’m 41. My symptoms started the night on the jab. 

Here is my email incase I don’t respond on here right away. I only saw this message now as I rarely come on here.

lynwrong  @gmail



Take care 

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Purchasing the book right now. Awesome reviews on Amazon. Thank you for this. 

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration. 

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Got Pfizer booster in November. I'm not sure if my problems are neuropaty related but i have tinglings in my feet and legs for 2 months now. The worst symptom is if i walk for more than 20 mins, the veins in my feet start hurting and I have to stop walking and lie down, anyone have that? It's so awful.

Only thing that helps is literally not eating. Somehow food worsen my symptoms. My blood tests showed I'm anemic / low iron (not sure what type of anemia yet).

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Motor Neurone Disease NSW!! My stepdad was diagnosed with MND ALS in the summer of 2013; His initial symptoms were quite noticeable. He first experienced weakness in his right arm and his speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. We all did our best to seek help for this disease no medications they prescribe worked, we were all scared we might lose him due to his condition, as he had been his brother's caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease before he passed. The doctor recommends natural treatment from Multivitamin herbal cure for his ALS we have no choice but to give a try on natural organic treatment, this herbal cure has effectively reversed my father's condition, losing his balance which led to stumbling and falling stopped after completing the herbal supplement which includes his weakness in his right arm and his speech. Home remedies from www. multivitamincare. org is the best although their service is a little bit expensive it is worth it, they save lives.

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 My stepdad was diagnosed with MND ALS in the summer of 2013; His initial symptoms were quite noticeable. He first experienced weakness in his right arm and his speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. We all did our best to seek help for this disease no medications they prescribe worked, we were all scared we might lose him due to his condition, as he had been his brother's caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease before he passed. The doctor recommends natural treatment from Multivitamin herbal cure for his ALS we have no choice but to give a try on natural organic treatment, this herbal cure has effectively reversed my father's condition, losing his balance which led to stumbling and falling stopped after completing the herbal supplement which includes his weakness in his right arm and his speech. Home remedies from www. multivitamincare. org is the best although their service is a little bit expensive it is worth it, they save lives.

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Posted by: @kg1986


Yes, all of that! haha... I work remote 4 days a week so it really helps, if I was in an office it would be impossible to stick to this diet...I would say the Zinc/Turmeric/Vitamin D/Omega/B12 and green vibrance would be the ones I stick with. 


Right now I feel like I am at 80%  I still get random pins and vision has not really improved but I think that also may be due to the pericarditis. When I work out I notice it the most where things/patterns look like they are vibrating its very annoying. I don't have any brain fog, nerve pain, or anxiety. Every now and then I get a muscle twitch or feel dizzy but its manageable. My arms and legs don't FEEL weak anymore, but anytime I lift (leg raises, arm raises with or without weights) they have a tremor. I really hope that gets better because it really is noticeable when I work out or do yoga, and I consider myself pretty fit and strong so that has always scared me. There was a time I could barely make it up my stairs, text on my phone, or hold my baby I was so weak with all of this, so I have to consider the positive that I made it past the worst of it.


did you experience any head pressure when you had your bout of COVID?


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I can so relate to you. I’m so sorry you have to go through this!The day I received the (one and only) M-jab, the numbness and tingling started and progressed. Here I am a year later, and Doctors are not sure what to make of it. When is the last time you received the Joan and does your symptoms keep you up at night? 

Take care,


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@vaxstuff22 Hi John how are you doing? 
are you still in the midst of your relapse of nerve pain and tingling? 
I’m still in my relapse that started mid September. Had MRI scans last week on my brain and spine so waiting on the results in about 4-6 weeks. 
im on a low carb and low sugar diet and taking a lot of supplements everyday. Still suffering with tingling in my nerves like pins and needles and the burning/stinging sensation from time to time. 
hope your doing well John

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@chesca17 Hi, it’s been a year for me and tingling and numbness is more severe. How are you doing?

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@volam76 Hi,

How are you. After reading your post, it sounded like what I am currently going through. It’s scary not knowing. It’s been a year for me and the symptoms is worse than ever.

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Posted by: @regretvax


Hi, I’m 41. My symptoms started the night on the jab. 



Take care 


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@regretvax hi there 

it’s also been a year for me now but I did have 5 months in the spring/summer last year where i was pretty much symptom free or at least very mild. 
I had the Pfizer booster dec 21 and started with tingling burning nerve pain in the Jan 22, about 3 weeks after having the booster. Had the terrible pins and needles and burning nerve pain for 3 months before it settled down from end March. Then in mid September out of nowhere I had a relapse. I got covid in June for the first time but the relapse didn’t happen till mid September so don’t think it was related to my symptoms returning. I am still in that relapse now - it’s been 4 months. 
Saw a neurologist who examined me for peripheral neuropathy and said I’m showing no signs of it. Had loads of blood tests done - only found low iron my levels were 10! I’m on iron tablets now, I think the vaccine also caused low iron in me as I have never had an iron deficiency before and my Aunty who’s also been vaxed had a reading of 8 and again she’s never had low iron before! 
I had an MRI scan last week on my brain and spine and thoracic spine to look for inflammation - waiting on the results which will take about 4-6 weeks they said. 
The neurologist is saw said she had other patients suffering the same as me since the vax. 
As much as I have beaten myself up about getting the booster and wish I could go back in time, I’ve come to realise that people are suffering with long covid and going through the same as us and they didn’t get any vaccines at all. So either way it was a gamble, we could’ve ended up in this position from getting covid and not getting the vaccine so don’t beat yourself up about getting the jabs. Either way vax or no vax we were at risk either with side effects from the jab or long covid symptoms. 
I am taking alot of supplements every day and I eat a low carb and low sugar diet which is animal based. 
dr Ken berry on YouTube talks about never pain and auto immune diseases and how carnivore has helped loads of people - it’s even put some MS sufferers in remission and off meds. I recommend dr Ken berrys videos and take a look at the comments left by people who have reversed type 2 diabetes and got rid of fybromyalgia along with other nerve illnesses. 
I eat lots of meat, eggs, fish and salad and fresh fruit if I need something sweet but I don’t go mad on fruit to watch my sugar intake. 
supplements I am on - I watched some videos by Dr Valerie Montiero on YouTube who helps patients recover from peripheral neuropathy and various types of nerve damage. I’ve spoken to her on email and she’s really good at replying - she has helped vax injured people to recover.  
For the tinnitus sufferers out there:

I’ve seen alot of posts from people suffering with Tinnitus. I have mild tinnitus but not from the vax. It’s from an ear infection I had before the booster. I found Liam Bohen on Instagram his account on YouTube and Instagram is called “Liam stops tinnitus”. From his advice (he introduced me to an animal based diet) my tinnitus is completely gone in one ear and now it’s really mild in the other ear. His advice works for tinnitus and he has lots of success stories posted From people who took his advice. He has a paid course but you can also silence your tinnitus with his free advice - I didn’t pay for anything and got all the free advice from his YouTube videos. 

anyway sorry for the long post just wanted to share what I have learnt and what has helped me and if I can help another person then great! 

@regret vax - hope your doing ok 


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