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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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I’m just over 10 weeks from 1st Pfizer vaccine. The burning/tingling sensation has near enough gone I think and hope! I can still feel the fuzzy / vibrating feeling in legs, arms & in my head too and slight twitchy feeling top of back/neck. Muscles tense on/off & still not sleeping great. The internal vibrations and shakes aren’t as bad now. Anxiety definitely makes it all worse and I’m even starting to wonder if it has all been due to anxiety/stress/adrenaline as was so scared to have the jab anyway & my body reacted this way the night I had it!! Has it been a mix of a reaction & anxiety?? I just don’t know anymore…. Also I saw a doctor today as I have been feeling so low with all the problems I’ve been having & she said the tingling etc sounded very similar to her long covid problems … Could that be a thing?? 

KitKat, Cc, Donna and 3 people reacted
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@xivita please keep us updated, I’m currently waiting on insurance to kick in in order to see a dr. I have the same symptoms as you. Currently going on 6 weeks. 

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@kim-h I feel exactly the same as this Kim and I'm 12 weeks post 1st pfizer. I also wonder if it's part anxiety based although at first I was adamant it wasn't. It's such a confusing scary time. I have heard it being similar to long covid.. but who knows. I'm just desperate to hear from someone who's gone through this hell and had completely recovered. 

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I posted my symptoms/feelings previously. Some of those have subsided, not all the gone. However, I've recently started getting muscle strains and random brief shooting pain, mostly in my legs. Not sure if vaccine related or not.

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Possible solution?

I came across this form because I was experiencing numbness in part of my foot that happened to cover an old area of injury but I hadn't done anything and it happened within an hour of having the vaccine.

I'm a professional dancer and pilates teacher for the record. I'm just wanting to share what I did. I don't know if it's going to help anyone who has been experiencing this for months and weeks but I wanted to offer it on the off chance that it will help someone. 

Because I'm a Christian, the first thing I did was I started praying and then it occurred to me that God gave me a brain and I could possibly do something practical.

So I filled a hot water bottle and put that on it and I manually tried to move the area just a little bit. The other thing I did was I used something called a Melt ball. If you're curious about this it's called: Melt Method. Its a form of self massage and fascia release that is done w firm but soft balls and a soft roller. I am not a Melt teacher I'm not getting any money for saying this. It's something that I started taking when I was studying in the States and it is being a game changer for me with pain management.

In this case what I did was I used the Melt balls to roll out my foot very gently then I put some more heat on it and the next day I woke up and the problem was gone. The numbness came back twice for about 30 minutes each time and I have to admit that my foot does feel a little different from my other foot, even though ive melted both feet, but I'm only on day two since the vaccine.


Hope this helps!

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Hello, it's exactly 6 weeks after my 1st Pfizer shot. Several hours after the shot bad palpitations started that lasted for about two weeks, with heart/chest pain and an episode of shortness of breath.

A week after the shot I developed all kinds of symptoms like lower lip twitching; tingling, burning, nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain in the right arm/hand and leg, some itching, occasional pulsations in different spots, occasional numbness, a feeling like motion sickness sometimes. If I couldn't sleep well it would get worse. Some of these symptoms like tingling and burning became better at week 4 (it coincided with eating pumpkin seeds as a natural magnesium supplement).

Nerve pain the right arm and hand still persist, it's better at prolonged rest. I also have a strange feeling in my right leg when I walk for 20-30 min (I used to walk a lot before the shot), especially uphill. The leg becomes heavy, feels as if I start falling a bit to the right when I walk, there's muscle pain and fatigue, pain in the hip joint, some spasms in the foot and other spots.. Does anyone have this? I also have general fatigue and burning in muscles, including in the back, after some physical activities.

I'm a student in a foreign country with a very limited insurance.. won't get the 2d shot despite restrictions. Really hope it'll get better. Wish you all optimism and improvement!


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@carmenm Did you end up getting the second shot? 

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I have been having the same symptoms after the 2nd shot of Pfizer, numbness and tingling in my feet,,legs,arms feeling like there asleep. Any answers out there? 

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Hey everyone! Finding this forum was the only thing that has managed to calm me down a bit. 

Exactly 2 weeks after my 2nd Pfizer shot I started having tingling (more like formication) on my right forearm and and. That feeling also started happening (even though less severe) on my left forearm/hand and on my lower legs/feet.

I obviously googled these symptoms and all we see everywhere is MS. I did a EMG yesterday and everything was normal. Today my right hand is numb, I cannot use my hand properly, feels numb and weird. I am still scared of having MS the fact that so many of us are having these symptoms helps my anxiety.

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@mandysi1 hey! Exact same with me 🙁 when did your symptoms began?

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Please can someone give me hope or a remedy? I went to urgent care and to the ER multiple times, had CT and MRI scans, blood tests etc and all comes up normal. 

Immediately after getting the vaccine within minutes the pins and needles started. It has spread throughout my body including private parts (ouch, including as I type), my eyes, throat, tongue, face, hands, feet and worse is scalp. My head feels like it’s both burning up and so much pressure it will explode. My legs feel sore and heavy, I can barely go up a flight of stairs. My eyesight has deteriorated as has my taste. I could go on. 

I’m at work and went to another room to do research because I cannot function. I have zero energy and am in pain. 

I have a neurologist appointment next month which feels like a lifetime away. Has anyone had luck with a neurologist? I aso have severe nausea and cant take this. It’s been 3 weeks and Im much worse this week than last. Please can someone give me hope or advice what to take or do? I eat very healthy so I dont have anything to change for diet and exercise. Ive never had health issues before and now I feel like I’m dying. Please help. 

Does anyone notice what causes flare ups?

This post was modified 3 years ago by Tingling

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@account6 hello. I am six weeks in and have had all the same symptoms you are describing. My blood tests have all come back normal as well. I do have an MRI next week but my neurologist is assuming that will come back normal as well since I had an MRI back in May since I was already having some neurological  symptoms prior to receiving the vaccine which were diagnosed as complex migraines. 
I can say that I am finally starting to have some good days. It’s slow going but I will finally have hours in a day or a full day with very little to no symptoms. Followed by a flare up but I have noticed that the flare ups are now shorter in duration. So I feel I am heading in a positive direction. Fingers crossed. Some of the things that I notice instigate a flare up are heat—especially after a warm shower and emotional upset or stress. 
I also have restless legs which makes sleeping difficult. And the more I don’t sleep the worse it becomes. I have been doing meditation and relaxation throughout the day when I can to assist with this. I’m getting more sleep—not uninterrupted but still better which seems to be helping   

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Hi @account6 so sorry you are going through this it is awful , I'm 14 weeks like this also, all tests came back clear aswell , no help from doctors with this don't know how to stop it just hoping it will wear off eventually.  

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@dgingoglia Thanks for sharing Donna. To hear you’re like this at 6 weeks breaks my heart. I can’t take this. 

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@cc11111 are you having any sign of relief after all these weeks? 

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