@beeaydee I had a flare up today as well. Not sure why. It's very hot where I am. Maybe that's the reason. Not sure though. Remind me. What exactly is your pain? Mine has to do with tingling/electric shock type feelings on my skin, and also heat flush and itching. Is this what you experience? Also, do you take anything at night to help you sleep?
@jpgdubgmail-com I definitely have the heat/itching, tingling/electricity, and I would say my main (most painful) symptom is burning nerve pain, basically throughout my entire body but predominantly my limbs. I know, I keep trying to figure out what triggers the really bad days but I can't put my finger on it! Very frustrating, though. So, I saw a neurologist on the 26th of August and he gave me Cymbalta. It's supposed to help with the pain but so far... nothing. It does, however, seem to let me sleep for the most part. Last night was an anomaly but I would say it generally helps. (I also take magnesium in the evening, but I've been taking that for years.) Have you been taking anything at night?
@beeaydee Yes. I take half a Benadryl. And when I was at my worst, about 2 - 3 months post 2nd vaccine, I was taking one Benadryl per night. Honestly, I feel like the Benadryl helped me turn a bit of a corner, mainly because I was getting very little sleep - for what felt like - a long time. Getting proper sleep is super important. I think it might help with the healing, but for sure it helps with my outlook. For example when I started getting a flare up this morning, I was getting discouraged, and then I said to myself, "At least you were able to sleep last night." The sleepless nights are truly the worst. I also take 3 Gabapentin per night for nerve pain, but I don't think this helps.
The flare ups are so weird. I have no way of understanding them. It's like some of the poison got released from somewhere in the body and starts flowing, creating problems. That's what it feels like. But who knows what the real mechanism behind it is? At some point I cut down to half a Benadryl because it seemed to do the trick, and I didn't want to have that much of it in my system everyday.
The itching/flushing can be as bad, and sometimes worse than the tingling. I feel so cruddy when this comes on. I take 3 Allegras per day for this. The Alegra helps a lot. I want to cut down soon, but I'm a little nervous to, for fear that the flushing/itching will come back.
@chrish I’m sorry you are going through this. Any improvements? I just had my first Pfizer 8/31 and within 25 minutes I became nauseous, had severe burning alternating with freezing cold sensation and eventually became numb all over but predominantly on my right side. I was taken to the er because the pharmacy feared a stroke. My vitals and CAT scan came back fine. I continue to feel weak and tingling with episodes of more intensity where I feel I will faint and near loss of consciousness. There is no doubt this is vax related. My onset was within the first 30 min of the shot. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I hope everyone hear with submit their symptoms to VEARS. It is so important that we are heard.
please lmk how you are doing. Best.
I have taken Moderna's 1st dose last Aug 19 on my left shoulder and now I felt a little bit of numbness on the right side of my arm and I think some parts of my body. I hope this will be gone. tsk
@larag I’m having same symptoms tingling muscle spasms I have gotten blood work and all are showing to be fine even my MRI got a follow up with another PCP on thurs abd friday nuero prayers for everyone and well wishes.
@larag I’m with you and it’s hearing stories and getting to know from other peoples experiences that we are all having symptoms after vaccine I hope we all get well and figure out something we all need to come together.
@jenniferc have you noticed any improvement in your symptoms since April? How is your tongue? Did they do emg on tongue? Sorry so many questions
Hello everyone. I’ve found this post after I went to the see my PCP and she told me that she has seen patients with my symptoms after their second dose of Pfizer.
My symptoms began about one month ago ( second dose was July 8) and its like a feeling that my legs or arms or hands could fall asleep. Same with me head I feel sometimes like it would get numbed. Very strange and worrisome symptoms for me. I can tell that it has peak my anxiety levels and as soon I feel any weird symptoms unknown to me I immediately get anxious. I try to control it by just saying to myself “it’s in your mind “.
I ve had about 2 weeks where I could not sleep. Pain on the neck and lower back. I had to keep moving during the night to find a position that would not make me feel like my legs or head were becoming numbed.
The neck and lower back pain eased off about 4 days ago but I still have the feeling that I might get a part of my body fall asleep. I even had headaches, and they have also subsided. It was like a sinus headache.
I can’t wait until this wears off and goes away. I have an MRI and an X-ray to my lower back. Hope everything is okay.
Thanks for reading me. Have a good day everyone and let’s not let this overpower us.
Yes guys ! Let’s keep us posted pf our feelings. Like today I did some Zumba and I felt like my right leg was heavy, that’s the best I can describe it.
It’s okay now a few hours after.
i just hope this all goes away soon.
have a good night.
@larag I am so sorry to hear that. I had suffered from vertigo too. For me, it started 3 weeks after I've got vaccinated. For me, the dizziness went away after I started taking Arlevert, after a neurologist prescribed it to me. Maybe it could help you too but you should ask a specialist first. I stayed on that drug for about 3 months. Hope you will feel better soon.