@jpgdubgmail-com I do but it’s very similar to my neurological Lyme disease I had years ago…. My Lyme test showed a positive band last week and a higher than average amount in blood. I got tingling within hours of the shot. I’m on antibiotics now since Monday. Coincidence??? Time will tell. I was perfectly healthy before the shot….
@jpgdubgmail-com when did you get your shot? Which one? I had Moderna. The one thing that hasn’t returned is bad body tremors. It was like having the chills without being cold. It’s been over two weeks since that happened. Scary stuff!
@pfizernumberone He was stumped! Wanted to wait another three months to see if it goes away before doing another round of testing. He thinks it's possible my symptoms are from the vaccine but of course it's impossible to know for sure.
That does sound scary! Happy to hear that seems to be gone. I had other weird symptoms early on that's gone away. I got Moderna. It was 6 months ago.
@lmkk Thank you for this! I've been saying all along I want a child size dose...LOL, but I don't think that's an option at this point as it seems "one size fits all". Hopefully in the near future there will be more options available for the second dose. I want to be fully vaccinated, but not at the price of my overall health.
@akkangel thanks for your reply. Ugh, I was hoping the J&J would be a good option as my 2nd shot, but the more I'm reading I guess not. I had my first Moderna shot back in April and I'm just recently now feeling mostly recovered from my symptoms, although I still have some times where I feel the muscle twitches. It's a process but it DOES get better. Hang in there...
@watchg41 wow, thank you so much for sharing your recovery journey. My symptoms are very similar (just maybe a little more mild than you have described) and I am only about 6 weeks out. I guess I need to mentally prepare myself that it could be a while, but I’m thankful to know it isn’t permanent and I WILL recover. Thank you again.
@jessclaire you know what? I think overall my symptoms are more mild than what many have described. It isn’t the same type of vaccine and probably a lot less potent. Maybe worth a conversation with your doctor?
Thank you so much for the encouragement!💜
@akkangel I received my second jab on the 15/07/21 so three months. Currently now dealing with a headache that has come on within the past two week. Can’t seem to shift it. Read of a few other experiencing the same.
@richardhall17 Hiya. I have experienced the exact same symptoms as you starting 30 minutes after my first Pfizer jab. I'm week 9 now and my symptoms are slowly becoming less severe. My bloods all came back normal just like so many others on this forum. I experienced eye pain and some facial tingling at times increasing in severity around week 6. Felt like a needle being stuck into the back of my eye with pins and needles around my eye. Mainly right eye affected but also at times in the left. The guy who did my optical coherence tomography scan in Specsavers said that as my eye health is as good as it can be he believes it to be caused by the Pfizer jab. He told me to keep hydrated which I have and it seems to have gone away. Touch wood.
Hiy there. I'm week 9 post first Pfizer jab. Check out this link that describes our symptoms of tingling, heat, burning, stabbing, pins and needles etc...
It gives me hope that what we are feeling is our nerves trying to recover after the initial inflammation from the jab.
@lmkk thank you for link! I will read it now. Would be a relief to know it’s coz nerves are healing xx
@lmkk Thanks for the info. I'd like know what the flare ups are about - good days, then bad days, etc. Maybe inflammation.
@lmkk Thanks for the info. I'd like know what the flare ups are about - good days, then bad days, etc. Maybe inflammation.
Hi again.
I do wonder that myself. It will soon be week ten since my first Pfizer jab and in that time I have had three flare ups. The first at 5.5 weeks after a week of feeling better occurred when I caught a cold from my son. The second less severe flare up came when I had a couple of days of eating badly due to hectic schedules so I had grabbed a McDonald's breakfast and had a takeaway and I noticed that I had a flare-up with twitching and tingling. The third flare-up I'm just over again occurred when I had a minor head cold.
I have read women not just on this site but elsewhere claiming that flare-ups seem to happen when they have their periods as well as many people claiming relapses after starting up exercise or over exerting themselves.
I wonder if our bodies just can't handle trying to deal with more than one major issue at a time?
I also think what we eat can contribute to the inflammation flare-ups. Inflammatory foods such as sugar and dairy etc are well known for causing issues with those with autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and Crohn's etc so I guess it could very well be effecting our vaccine side effects in a similar way?