@lmkk Yeah, all that makes sense. For me, it really matters to be in bed early. Also, overstimulation is an issue, which is a major drag because it means the spectrum of experiences have to be fairly narrow during this time. I have to just remind myself to be patient - not my number 1 virtue.
@lmkk Yeah, all that makes sense. For me, it really matters to be in bed early. Also, overstimulation is an issue, which is a major drag because it means the spectrum of experiences have to be fairly narrow during this time. I have to just remind myself to be patient - not my number 1 virtue.
I know being patient is so difficult and frustrating when we just want to be so done with what we are going through. I originally went to my GP five days after my Pfizer jab when I had horrific pins and needles and he just told me to ride it out. 9.5 weeks later I can slowly feel myself recovering.
Twenty odd years ago I developed post viral fatigue after a nasty bout of glandular fever at uni. The doctors advice back then was vitamin c, complan shakes from Boots the Pharmacy and plenty of rest. It took me a good 6-8 months to start feeling myself again after severe fatigue, tonsillitis, swollen glands, swollen spleen and brain fog and two years before I finally felt 100% with a few mild relapses in-between whenever I got a cold. I actually had to take a year out of uni to get well so I know from past experience that our bodies need time!
Hello everyone !
I'm so glad to see other people to suffer from the same symptoms after Covid-19 vaccine .I was vaccinated at 20th July with Pfizer 1st dose and 10 days after this ,I started tingling in my feet and head .I was extremely scared about a serious medical condition but I done all the exams and were clear. I done 2nd dose on 10th August.T hen I realised that all these were coming from vaccine. Now the symptoms have been reduced but I have the same sensation to my right side of head and forehead . I read that this lasts about 4-5 months so I should be patient .
Twenty odd years ago I developed post viral fatigue after a nasty bout of glandular fever at uni. The doctors advice back then was vitamin c, complan shakes from Boots the Pharmacy and plenty of rest. It took me a good 6-8 months to start feeling myself again after severe fatigue, tonsillitis, swollen glands, swollen spleen and brain fog and two years before I finally felt 100% with a few mild relapses in-between whenever I got a cold. I actually had to take a year out of uni to get well so I know from past experience that our bodies need time!
Interesting history with the sickness you had. I guess it's kind of a good thing to have in the memory so that you can have some confidence that this injury/sickness will finally dissipate even if it takes time. And I imagine it helps you to not get too bummed out and anxious when relapses and flare ups occur. It helps me to hear as well. I'm getting better but it is taking its time for sure.
@cidc4mp Hey, do u find Lyrica helps? The tingling/numbness. My right hand is effected and trying to get as much sensation back as possible so i can go back to work.
@lmkk Thanks for the turmeric advise picked some up. Just day one so will see how it goes. Im currently awaiting an MRI and results of my extensive blood work. The doctors all seem to think it is MS but im not convinced. I believe its from the vaccine. Also my eye tests were completely healthy with no signs of MS. I just need the feeling back in my hand so i can go back to work .
@andyl89 when did you get your shot? Have you been tested for Lyme Disease?
@sfakiami20 Good to hear that your symptoms didn't get worse with the second dose. I know a lot of us are scared of this. 4-5 months seems to be a common theme so yep we just have to be patient.
@lmkk Thanks for posting the tingling of healing nerves. You have really put my mind at rest. Can I ask if you are planning to get the 2nd shot?
@lmkk Thanks for posting the tingling of healing nerves. You have really put my mind at rest. Can I ask if you are planning to get the 2nd shot?
Hiya. I keep going to re read the page I found on the stages of healing nerves plus another one I found from a nerve surgeon specialist in new Zealand to keep me feeling hopeful that what I'm feeling is nerve repair!
I will be 10 weeks from my first Pfizer vaccine in 3 days.
On my better days I think I will perhaps go and have my second jab even it it's longer than the recommended 8 weeks between the two when I'm fully recovered.
Then I come to my senses when I read posts from others who have gone on to get the second and they have really regretted it with their symptoms worse than the first time and showing little signs of decreasing in severity after several months 🙁
I think given my fear of needles, the trauma I have been through and still experiencing from my jab, along with my GP and private doctors being useless in knowing what is really going on with me and how long it will take to get better, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place but to be honest with you, I really can't see myself getting the second one.
I put off taking the first while I was pregnant despite so much scaremongering from the media and pressure from the NHS to have it. I then took it when my baby was only 5 weeks old. Since then I've been through hell. The hell of sleep deprivation from looking after my newborn while being insanely worried about the crazy pins and needles that started 30 mins after my jab.
Then the dizziness began three weeks after my jab and there were times I was scared to hold my baby in case I had a fall while holding her.
Every day I beat myself up about taking the vaccine. I thought I was doing the right thing in taking it for the sake of my children.
I'm filled with so much sadness and anger that I should have been enjoying these precious days with my newborn but instead I've been often to poorly to do so.
My pins and needles have decreased in severity very slowly and became more of a bubbling tingling sensation now coupled with pain and heat in my body. I hope it's part of the healing process mentioned in the link I posted. I just don't dare take the risk of being further incapacitated by a second jab unfortunately and my family have also asked me not to get it despite them all being pro Vax and have had non of the problems I've experienced.
I am slowly trawling through this forum thread at a rate of about 20-30 pages a day to see if I can find anyone who has claimed to be 100% fully recovered from the tingling sensation. Although I've read a dozen or so posts from people returning after a few months to say that their dizziness, tinnitus and anxiety problems have gone I can only find people suffering from the tingling claiming to be around 80-95% better.
I'm just desperate to hear from anyone who had the tingling that it completely went away.
I did read on this website but I think it may be a different thread, a woman who has experienced the tingling and vibrating throughout her body that many of us now are going through. Only difference is that she caught a virus while being at her mother's bedside in a Spanish hospital for a week. Apparently no health professionals believed her until she found an excellent neurologist who said that it was caused by a virus. She posted to reassure vaccine sufferers of the phenomenon that it did completely clear up for her but it took her 9 months!
I saw a private GP yesterday he thinks that the pins and needles I have is caused by a "mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome" I have been to afraid to read about it but I have heard that most people make a full recovery from it although I have no idea how long that takes and the doctor yesterday said it will just take time!
How are you doing with your pins and needles these days I hope you have had some improvement. I am determined that I will make a full recovery so I can post it on here to give others some hope. Stay well and hopefully one day we can laugh about all this!
@lmkk Thanks for the turmeric advise picked some up. Just day one so will see how it goes. Im currently awaiting an MRI and results of my extensive blood work. The doctors all seem to think it is MS but im not convinced. I believe its from the vaccine. Also my eye tests were completely healthy with no signs of MS. I just need the feeling back in my hand so i can go back to work .
Hiya again.
My bloods ball came back normal. I saw a private doctor yesterday who believes that the tingling, pins and needles and coldness and weakness in my right leg and left arm could be a "mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome" and that time will hopefully heal it. My family doctor told me it was inflammation in my spine and again to just "ride it out" He also dismissed MS and motor neurone disease.
I've started drinking pineapple juice as it's good for inflammation and joint pain. I don't believe it's MS it's definitely the vaccine. The UK government have even listed gullian Barre syndrome and Bell's palsy as "rare" side effects of the vaccines as of August 25th. As they are both known for effecting the nervous system I firmly believe the pins and needles many of us have is a nerve trauma from some element of the vaccine. Nobody in the medical field seem to know if it's an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the jab or inflammatory response or the spike protein causing our bodies to go haywire!
Do return to post when you make a full recovery so we can share the good news. I can't wait for the day when I can announce I'm finally recovered. Best of luck to you.
@akkangel I received my second jab on the 15/07/21 so three months. Currently now dealing with a headache that has come on within the past two week. Can’t seem to shift it. Read of a few other experiencing the same.
I have been a sufferer of migraines and headaches for years. I have learnt to give myself a head and neck massage to increase the blood flow to the brain can take the edge off the severity of a headache. Maybe see a GP or someone in the field who could give you a head massage and teach you how to do it. Also a warm compress on the back of the neck helps.
I have the same thing! I’m relieved to see I’m not alone. My hands and feet are tingling. It seems to be getting worse, and it comes and goes. I am 7 days post vax. I was experiencing anxiety and have had two panic attacks over the last week due to facial twitches after vax, so I thought the tingling was due to anxiety. But now that it’s worse and is present when I’m calm, I realise it’s not anxiety causing it. It feels cold and tingly - like pins and needles. It’s making me very nervous and uncomfortable. Today it’s been pretty constant all day.
I’ve seen two doctors about it. The first prescribed me Valium as she said she hadn’t heard of it and assumed anxiety. The second doctor just told me to meditate and get some sleep! I tried explaining that it wasn’t anxiety, that it was more like pins and needles and would flare up randomly even if I’m calm, but she wouldn’t listen.
The tingling is getting worse. I even twitch sometimes. Because I’ve been having panic attacks since the vax, I sense my family are thinking I’m just overreacting. Makes it worse that family and doctors don’t believe me. I need to find a different doctor.
My tingling, pins and needles, muscle twitching and the rest of it was the worst the first fortnight after my first Pfizer vaccine.
I'm nearly ten weeks down the road and it is slowly decreasing in general severity with very little muscle spasms now it's more bubbling sensation in my legs. Initially at times I even had pins and needles in my tongue, face, throat, roof of mouth, back of eye. I was in such a state!
My GP and private doctors didn't really seem to believe me either until I showed them on my phone that the UK government only just listed below palsy and gullian Barre syndrome as side effects on August 25th. They are both nerve disorders. They take time often months to heal themselves.
I am sure I once read about pierce bronsnan having Bell's palsy years ago and it took him months to recover but he went on to star in James bond!
Hang in there it's so scary but it does calm down I promise.
@twitch Symptoms came on post second shot which I received on 15/7/21. So far had a physical examined and all bloods done including inflammatories. All came back with no issues. I don’t think I’ve been checked for lymes. The Headache I've had for a number of weeks now seem to be subsiding. It’s weird, the headaches come on gradually, then peak and it's almost like they then taper off as gradually as they came on.