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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@jpgdubgmail-com  I've had all these symptoms too plus a horrible 24/7 headache on my right temple (I received the shot on my right arm). It's been almost 5 months and they've subsided a great deal but seem to flare up some days. I've had every test done in the book including MRI, MRV, CT, blood work...etc. and everything is negative which I'm grateful for but it's just frusterating and makes you feel crazy. You are not. This is 100% the vaccine. 

Check this out:

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hi everyone! It's a relief to see these personal experiences from others who opted for Pfizer.

I want to share my experience:

I consider myself to be healthy, active, strong, 27 year old... a borderline health nut! My second dose was July 19. The tingling and numbness is there... all over my body... my lower shins were killing me but have gotten better, I wake up with a numb arm which takes about 30 minutes to come back to life (way too long), head tensions come and go through out the day at work, at the gym, practically random and unpredictable, I feel this "knot" on my throat which freaks me out sometimes because I fear my throat is closing on me... but to top it off there's been a very scary "throbbing" or "bursts" in my head at night and random parts of the day. They are not necessarily painful, but they scare the hell out of me. So scary, to the point I've had to actively make doctor's appointments and one trip to emergency care because I feared something was about to explode in my head... very very very unlike me! Blood work and Cat Scans proved I was healthy and nothing to worry about... but was recommended to follow up with doctor. Here I am! 

It's been less than a month from my second dose, and by the looks of it, I'll be okay and it's only a matter of rolling with the punches.

For the record, I am not an Anti Vax guy, but if I knew this would happen to me, I wouldn't have gotten it!\


Speedy recovery to all you! Peace! 

ElisAlb89 and ElisAlb89 reacted
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I am so angry about this. I've been having intermittent tingling, burning/cold feeling, numbness and dizziness for a week as well as having been sick a few times. This seems to be worse during flurries of "activity" e.g high emotional states or walking more than 5 minutes. I'm especially p*ssed off because I'm a sports freak who is young and didn't want the vaccine messing up my routine but have been forced into having it for political reasons.

Even more frustrating: aside from a few obscure comment sections such as this one, no official recognition of this medium(-long?) term side effect is being published on government or health organisations' websites. It's infuriating, seems like they don't have a clue what it is or are unwilling to discuss it publicly. 

Doc said it could last 2 months and I haven't even had my 2nd dose. She prescribed corticosteroids although I'm probably not going to take them because they are likely to have a whole host of other side-effects. Big pharma has already f***d me once. Give me a virus which has little to no effect on people of my demographic and has been around for a year and a half over this experimental s**t which you're not allowed to criticize. Nobody says "oh don't worry those symptoms from covid are normal" but all of a sudden when it's the vaccine causing month-long debilitating symptoms, that's fine! Rant over. 

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@mona-ah93 Hi Mona.  Yeah, you should definitely talk to your Dr about the 2nd shot.  After my first shot I had no problems.  It wasn't until after my 2nd shot that these symptoms came up.  I have another appointment with my doctor in a week.  Hopefully I get some kind of insight after that visit, but I'm not totally counting on it.  I wonder if the doctors even have any idea about what's going on with us.  That's interesting you get the itchy feeling too.  I wonder how many of us have both tingling and itchy.  

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@mollyebert Hi Molly.  I've read through many of the posts on Medscape.  Thanks for sharing.  I'm happy to hear that your symptoms have calmed down after 5 months.  That's a long time though!!  I'm coming up on just under 4 months now.  It's just good to hear that they might finally go away.   

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@jpgdubgmail-com I agree.  I have the same symptoms you mentioned that started after the second shot.  I am 3.5 months out with migrating tingling and shocks, itchy skin and very easily fatigued. I think it’s too much coincidence from all the posts I’m reading to not be some sort of immune response to the vaccines.  I have been very worried about this but feeling somewhat more hopeful that others visits with neurologists and blood tests are not revealing any sickness. I have an appointment with a neurologist on Friday.  

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Posted by: @greg9840

I got the second Pfizer shot on April 14th.  A couple of weeks later I noticed a buzzing sensation in my gut that was present most of the time.  Nothing major but felt weird.  A few weeks after that, I started getting intense pins/needles/tingling/prickling sensation (paresthesia), mostly in my hands and feet, but also mildly on my scalp, face, neck, and chest.  I also developed ringing in my ears aka tinnitus (mostly my left ear).  The tinnitus fluctuates in intensity but it's pretty much always there.  Anyone else have these symptoms?  Do they go away?  I really hope they are not permanent!  Since so much time has passed, I want to see a doctor. What type of doctor should I see?  A neurologist?


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Hi all,

really appreciate the above posts.

I'm really upset with myself for getting the pfizer vaccine. I have been ignoring my symptoms because I didn't want to acknowledge it but I've kind of spiralled into a bit of self-hatred due to my decision. i know that sounds really bad but I wanted to find somewhere to talk about all of this. 

So I got the pfizer shot early April in my right arm, but since then I've had ongoing pain at the injection site, swelling in the right hand/arm, pins and needles in the right leg (mainly foot) with a tingling sensation and a twitch of the right eye. Most of the symptoms come and go, but the right arm/foot tingling is there quite constantly. I haven't felt weakness per say, I just feel more things wrong with my right side than my left. I can still function and do what I need to do. But I am worried about my capacity and what might happen in the future ie, is it safe to exercise or exert myself, what my chances are of it progressing into weakness etc, would i have a risk of further autoimmune conditions in the future that are nerve related. 

I went for a walk today, probably only 3km. I started getting burning in my upper right buttock. It has happened each time I've gone for a walk this week.

I'm wondering if I should just not exercise for now and see if it will slowly go away. But it has been 4.5 months now since the vaccine. 

Yeah I'm just a bit confused at this stage, so if anyone has any information that would be great!


KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hi y'all. Relieved to have found this forum after frantically searching for weeks.

I received my second dose of Pfizer on July 23rd. That night, I had severe shooting/burning/aching pain from my elbow up to my hand and numbness/tingling in my fingers and hand. The severity lessened by the second day, but shortly after, spread to my entire body. I'm a day short of 3 weeks now, and, if anything, the symptoms have increased. For context, I am 30f, fit and active and healthy, and have never experienced symptoms like this. Similar to what everyone has been saying, I am experiencing nerve pain, muscle weakness, very intense joint/muscle/nerve pain, shooting pains, burning and itching sensations, fatigue, etc. Sometimes the pain is so bad that it makes my cry, sometimes it's so intense that it wakes me up from sleep. I'm so confused as to what's happening. Does anyone have any other updates from their doctors? Any symptoms going away? I see that some folks are saying that they've had these symptoms for months, and only a few saying that they're tapering off or stopped altogether. 

I already take supplements (including magnesium, zinc, iron, D3). I have a doctor's appointment in a week, but I'm so antsy and wish I could be seen sooner. Oh well. Happy (sort of?) to have found those struggling like me. Sigh. 

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@nawpan just a thought on the matter: these cases remind me of a situation I was in when I was younger doing a bunch of bad stuff to my liver (alcohol, sleeping pills, energy drinks) a cycle in glad to have changed. Anyways, what caused me to quit is essentially what u folks are describing, but to a lesser extent! I may be wrong as I am 1/10 of the time, but maybe have a doctor perform a bilirubin test. With kidney inflammation on the table for some who can say what it does to the liver without fully testing. Just an opinion from someone who studies med, but is not a doctor.

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@beeaydee I've heard vitamin b1 is good for tingling. I just started trying it, we shall see.

Rebecca and Rebecca reacted
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@beeaydee Mine have gotten much better after 4 months. I had to completely quit working out for over a month except very light cardio as my muscles kept pulling and felt like they were tearing apart. I also had to stop wearing anything that put pressure on or restricted any nerves. I stopped wearing racerback sports bras and my Apple Watch.

I did a lot of stretches multiple times per day and massaged my hands, feet and trap muscles with tennis balls and also the area between my thumb and forefinger. I did deep breathing with these stretches as well to try to relax. Another thing that either helped or was pure coincidence, is I found a site that said to take each muscle group and get it to tense, hold it for 3-5 seconds and release. Repeat 3-5 times. Example, clench your fists as tight as you can and hold it to the count of 5. Release quickly and repeat. I did this in any part of my body every time the pins and needles started. I drank a lot more water as well. 

I slowly started working out again with very light weights and listening to my body if I felt any pulling or tearing of my muscles. I still have muscle/nerve sensitivity in my right trap/shoulder and have to be very careful only using 3lb weights and not overdoing it. I got my jab in the right arm and that is the side that seems more pissed off. I still have very mild pins and needles in my right foot and both hands (more on the right), but is barely noticeable and not constant like it was. A little numbness in my right toes, but again mild and not like it was. My docs had no explanation and I just had to figure it out. Try to relax and not stress about the symptoms; I know this is super hard, trust me! I hope some of these things help you! 

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Your experience sounds just like mine. I am now 11 weeks after 2st dose of Pfizer and tingling is finally much better but I get pricking when walking for exercise still.  I had a normal EMG test also. Don't know if I should get my 2nd dose. Did you get 2nd dose or know anyone who did after similar problems from 1st dose? I think it is a weird immune response. My neurologist said I could have inflamed blood vessels from the vaccine.


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@jpgdubgmail-com I have had the same thing for 11 weeks since 1st dose of Pfizer. Did you get the 2nd dose?

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@mika12345 I have had the same thing for 11 weeks post 1st dose of Pfizer and am also wondering if I should get 2nd dose. If you find out any I formation please share.

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