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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@mona-ah93 did you get 2nd dose? If so how were your symptoms before and after? I have not had 2nd dose as still have these symptoms 11 weeks after 1st dose.

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@mbelle How did the visit with the neurologist go?  Did he/she give you a timeline for how long these symptoms could go on for?  I can have a few good days and then a flare up, which can be super discouraging.  For you does the tingling ever cause you pain, or is it just annoying?  For me, the tingling/buzzing/zapping, etc. can get painful.  I also want to know what is happening physiologically.  Are the nerves damaged, and if so, why do the symptoms come and go?  Or is there an ongoing trauma that's happening?  Anyway, I hope the appointment went well for you.   

Rebecca and Rebecca reacted
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@beeaydee Sorry to hear about how intense these symptoms can be.  They can be painful for me too. The itchy feelings are awful too, and they come with flush/warm feelings too that are pretty awful.  I'm taking 3 Alegra per day which calms down the itching/flushy sensations.  But they can still flare up, even when I'm on the allergy medicine.  Early on I was taking Zyrtec, which turned me into a zombie, so I had to drop that.  The Alegra is working better for me.  I've been having these issues for almost 4 months now, but I'm trying to be patient.  Is warm water/hot water bothering you too?  It does me, less now than before.  Heat in general seems to make things worse for me.  Movement, like walking, is when I feel the best right now.   

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@jpgdubgmail-com Hi Jean. My visit with the neurologist gave me hope. He said that he has had other patients come in with similar symptoms and so far it hasn’t shown to be permanent.  He described it as sort of an inflammatory response to the vaccine that seems to lessen as it works its way out of your system.  My visit was normal and he did not feel it was necessary to do an MRI at this time unless the symptoms get worse. He prescribed a nerve medication which I am not going to take right now unless things get worse. Also I am waiting for results from all the blood work to see if anything shows up.  
So far my tingling, buzzing, and zapping are annoying and only sometimes painful.  I feel like daily walks help to keep them minimized. I continue to eat Whole Foods and take vitamins as not to contribute to additional inflammation. I am also currently intermittent fasting (16:8) as I have read it’s supports better immunity.  

I have a follow up visit with neurologist is 3 months which will put me at about 6 months post vaccination.  I am willing my mind and body to believe it will be better by then. 

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I am a 46 year old male, received 1st Pfizer shot end of March.

Tired first three days and chest irritation for 2 months. 

2 weeks after, constant headaches on left side of head for three weeks.

Shot in left arm and last three weeks I have experienced numbness in 4th and 5th digits with dexterity issues in index finger.

Had CT scan, emergency doctor claiming nerve damage and ordered EMG.

Common side effects????



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@rayshie I had my 2nd shot on March 30th.  I had no symptoms after the first shot.  My symptoms started within a week of that 2nd shot.  It's been 4 months now.  I got the Moderna vaccine.  

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@mbelle Thanks for sharing how your visit went.  That's good to hear that these issues will eventually go away.  They've definitely gotten better for me but they still flare up, and sometimes badly.  Nicely said about "willing your mind..."   I'm doing the same thing.  What nerve drug did they give you?  They gave me Gabapentin, which I am taking, but not sure if it's helping, since I still have flare ups.  All of your points on healthy eating is also spot on.  I also find that getting enough sleep is super important too.    

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@svincic I have read about so many different side effects on this forum and others.  I've been mostly focused on the skin/nerve sensitivity that I've experienced.  But I'm telling you, people have posted about a wide range of symptoms.  I have read posts of people with headaches for sure.  This is not my issue.  And numbness is also a common symptom I've seen posted.  For me, I wouldn't use the word numbness to describe what I'm feeling, but maybe it's similar sensation.  The term paresthesia (which is an umbrella term for multiple sensations), for sure.  It's funny, I hadn't even heard that term before I started feeling this stuff.     

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@nawpan people thought I was mad after I picked up a virus in hospital in Spain 3 years ago.. I slept there for a week while my mum was ill.. any I later started the virus which was tough.. I developed strange symptoms after time.. started with tingling/buzzing in my lips and numbness in my skin and then various toes.. o eventually had buzzing inside me nearly all down my back and torso and left arm and leg.. people thought I was mad when I explained it felt like I had phones on vibrate inside me.. people said it was stress until I spoke to a neurologist after weeks of buzzing and I understood that viruses can enter the nervous system.. i had it 24/7.. the only time I couldn’t feel it was when I was in the car with the engine running.. anyhow, it went from buzzing to kind of fizzing and then to what I called “fairy dust feeling”… the initial phase of this was accompanied with brain fog and an anxious feeling, low grade fever, tiredness and aching muscles. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever had and very annoying because most people think you are nuts when ask for professional advice..anyhow, I never write on these forums but seeing that you are referring to a phenomenon which I will never forget and which made me question my sanity, I had to write to you to tell you that it goes. If only someone had been able to tell me that back then. I did have it for months but bit by bit it faded/changed until it finally stopped.. (in my case about 9 months until total resolution)..I am so so grateful that it did because I could never have imagined that the body could create such an electrical feeling.. I kept a diary of those months because I had other weird manifestations.. it will go. I supplemented with vitamins and started going to a good acupuncturist (wasn’t sure I believed in that stuff at the time but I was desperate).. I don’t know if that helped.. maybe it would have resolved at the same speed without but it’s worth going. I had my first shot of moderna and had a range of symptoms.. bitter taste in my mouth, hot feet, hot flushes, what feels like gastroenteritis, tiredness and a week ago I had blurry eyes and a headache and I had onset of extreme anxiety-black mood feeling which lasted a week along with the headache and flare up of stomach issues.. the anxiety and mood resolved but I still have brain fog feeling and feeling a bit out of it.. that’s what made me wonder if a vaccination could in theory affect the nervous system like a virus can.. (affecting the hypothalamus I believe). Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Babbling on now, I just wanted to tell you to hold tight and stay calm because in my case, after the virus, my nerve problems  totally resolved. I wish more doctors would be more aware of central nervous system involvement with viruses etc and be aware of the weird phenomenon they can my experience x

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After analyzing the pros and cons since I live in FL which is an epicenter for the Delta, me and my family decided to take the jab as things in here are going crazy and a lot of unvaccinated people are dying. So, I got my first Pfizer doze on August 11, 2021, and so far, this is how my symptoms have developed:

Same day at night felt tired, the day after felt like an unusual heat coming like from the inside of my head but no fever, when tried to shower I felt very sensitive to hot water when I usually loved almost broiling water on my skin. Some minor itching on the injection site (right arm) and moderate anxiety. Since everything started, I had been taking care of my family to the point that we never got infected. My key and best friend was the continuous use of face mask. 

So, two days after I noticed that my right hand got numbed while holding the cellphone as usual and a tingling sensation following than numbness. So that afternoon when I was sitting on the car my left leg felt the same. My anxiety levels now are not moderate anymore and I cannot identify if the symptoms I am experiencing are from the vaccine or because of my excessive worry. 

The tingling/minor itching started to feel more often and I also notice that I have like a weird brain fog... like making lots of mistakes even when typing at work, I swear writing a word than when I read back it turned out as a random script that I don't even recognize so now the spell checker became my best friend and after being tired of blame my hypochondria, I started to research a bit and found this forum and there is a lot of symptoms that coincide with the ones I am starting to experience. My other 4 family members are doing well with no major symptoms in general other that the general tiredness that I felt the same day of the injection and my mid son told me that he felt a bit numbness only in two fingers of the hand he got the jab but nothing else.

So far, I still believe that the odds from the jab are less dangerous than the virus infection itself so I am trying to stay stick to the vaccine and complete the course of it and get my second dose (although I am terrified) as the side effects associated with the vaccine will eventually fade away and/or improve (fingers crossed). In my case, I would blame my anxiety as a trigger for all the extra symptoms I am feeling as I am constantly worried like 24/7 for all of this. It seems that we are facing two monsters, the covid19 itself and the vaccine side effects. Having a sister that got Covid and witness how harsh the virus is, and how it left her with permanent lung damage, I would like to give my body the chance to fight some uncomfortable side effects rather than the chance of getting ill from the virus itself.

I am currently taking vitamin B, C, D, and Zink and increased my water intake and the water is helping a lot! Also, I will add omega to my supplements as I read that the fatty coming from it, helps with the nerves coating that could be affected when a nerve damage is present. I will also resume my physical activity (cross fit) tomorrow, so will be paying extra attention on how my body reacts. I want to stay active since I need those endorphins related to exercising to help reduce my anxiety symptoms. Also, I wanted to add (and sorry for the long post) that we are all on the same boat and no one is alone on this, we decide based on what we all believed was better for our own selves and our family members. I am sure the outcome for all of us will be good and after all this nightmare, we will look back and say, CHEERS we all made it!!!! Let's stay positive... 😉

I will come back to add more feedback after this week with the gym reassumed in my daily routine 🙂 (PROMISSE IT WILL BE SHORTER THAN THIS ONE, LOL)

(Sorry for typos, English is not my first language)


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@riahmt Thank you so much for the reply! I'm so relieved to hear that you're feeling some improvement after 4 months. I've been in so much pain the last few days that I've been stuck in bed--any kind of movement/exercise is very painful. And that's particularly frustrating, as I typically workout regularly! But I like your ideas about tensing/releasing your muscles and doing very light exercise. I'll try the former first and work up to the latter. Thanks again and wishing you all the best. 🙂

Yanira Aleman, RiahMN, Yanira Aleman and 1 people reacted
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@jpgdubgmail-com Yes! Showering with warm/hot water doesn't hurt in the moment but afterwards it's like I have a big flare up. Super annoying. Agreed about the itching and the flush/hot feeling; I definitely experience that as well. The last few days have been mostly very intense nerve pain to the point where I debated going in to the hospital just to get some relief as OTC painkillers do nothing for me.

I got to speak to my doctor early and she's referring me to a neurologist, but who knows how long that will take. We talked about Guillain-Barré but my symptoms don't totally map on. I have some overlap, including lots of weakness in my legs and, more generally, all my muscles, but my understanding is that it typically leads to the inability to walk. That hasn't happened so far, although my symptoms do seem to be worsening (currently at day 24) rather than getting better. I guess we will see. I'm hopeful she can order some further tests for me if the neurologist is going to take a long time. It's kind of nice in a way because she does seem to believe there is a connection between the vaccine and what I'm feeling. Was kind of worried she would dismiss that link, but it seems obvious to me. For those reading, I felt normal side effects after my first shot (May 24th), including chills, aches and pains, and lethargy for a day or two. But after taking my second dose on July 23rd everything has gone downhill. Argh! Trying to be positive alongside y'all. Thanks for continuing to share your stories and updates. 

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@stela Hi there,

I am experiencing the same issues as many people on here.  I got the Pfizer vaccine March 24 and then three weeks later I got the 2nd dose.  In May I started to have tingling in my hand and arm.  It spread to all four of my limbs over the past 3 months. I also get twitching in my body.  I have seen two neurologists and been to the ER twice.  MRI, cat scans and blood work are all normal.  EMG test did not show any significant issues.  None of my doctors seem to think this has anything to do with the vaccine but after reading all these posts I believe it does.  

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Hi Summer,. I would like to know if your tingling on your head gone by now ? 

I got head tingling on the night of the first dose of Pfizer on 10Jul. Oh day 5 I sent to see a GP. But nothing conclusive.  I pushed my 2nd jab from 3rd week to 4th week and then to 6th week ( 21 Aug this Sunday).

Until now the tingling on my left scalp is still there. It has been changed in position but it is still on the left side close to ear.

I went to see GP two times and they arrange for Neurologist.  I will be going for mri scan next week and I have done  some standard Neuro related blood test includes iron  and  misc test.

I have pushed 2nd jab to 7th week to give me more time to decide while  waiting for my MRI result and blood test result. 

It has been cooking to 6 weeks. Please let me know your current situation so that I can have a reference. .I took Pfizer but you have taken moderna but I can't find head tingling sensation cases reported from Pfizer yet.


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Have you taken your 2nd jab ? I have pushed mine to week 7..tingling on left side of my head is still persisted. It has slightly lower part but still have that tingling sensation.. seen neurologist. Arranged MRI. Blood test done today. First does was 10Jul  2021.

Just want to know with that tingling sensation shall we proceed to 2nd Jab ? Can Pfizer advise this? How to contact expert ?


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