Last seen: February 1, 2022 12:09 pm
@jaydev55 Hi, this is Thelma Ponce, and I had posted that I suffered from mild peanut allergy to a very severe allergy after the vaccine. I did suf...
@mexvaxed You will get better, hang in there, be very positive and surround with people who understand and support you. I thought I was never ...
@lili23 The anxiety was the worst. I do suffer from anxiety only when traveling before boarding, or when I go to the dentist but never out of the ...
@jeank I went to an allergy specialist, and she recommended all the blood allergy tests. Funny thing I had been allergic to peanuts and pork and n...
@thenystagmus Hi, thanks God all the symptoms are gone as of 07/21. There is hope for those still suffering. What helped me was: 1, Cold sores...
I forgot to mention that I also had a vertigo episode 15 days after the Pfizer shot. It woke me up and everything was spinning around, I was about to...
@terese87 Hi, I can relate to your panic attacks after the second Pfizer shot. I am a 59 year old very healthy woman. First it was cold sores ...
@thenystagmus I did suffer from cold sores out of the blue on the 13th day after my second Pfizer shot. I also felt my tongue was swollen and felt...
@chloeshirecliff I am sorry you are going through all of this. You mentioned you reported it to Pfizer; can I have that contact to report my p...