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New Master Class in Vestibular Assessment

More than 200 clinicians to gather in Amsterdam to learn new ways of working with vestibular patients as Otometrics and Maastrict Univeristy drive greater understanding of the paradigm shift in vestibular assessment with their new


VNG/ENG Course Approved for Tier I CEU’s

Audiology Systems and GN Otometrics are approved as a continuing education provider for 21 Tier 1 certification hours. On the heels of the recent announcement about Tier 1 accreditation for Revolutionize Vestibular Testing in Canada, Audiology


Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Screening

Screening for vascular supply problems of the brain can assist in the clinician’s differential diagnosis and greatly benefit the dizzy and/or balance-impaired patient. Incorporating Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency Screening Into Your Positioning and Positional Videonystagmography Routine Authors: Frederick


2016 Fellows in Diagnostic Safety Announced

The Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) announces the first-ever SIDM Fellows in Diagnostic Safety. The fellowship initiative is important to SIDM's mission of raising the bar on diagnostic safety. Through it they identify


APTA Accepting Comments on Clinical Practice Guidelines

The Neurology Section of the American Physical Therapy Association is accepting comments on new clinic practice guidelines for treatment of vestibular hypofunction. VeDA supports the development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPG) to assist physical therapists
