Vesties’ Village

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Joined: April 10, 2022 12:36 am
Last seen: July 18, 2022 4:04 am
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RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Hi. It's now more than year since your second dose of Pfizer. Would you mind sharing with me whether you've recovered? I am having lots of symptoms...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@gloriam , this is the premise underlying brain re-wiring techniques like DNRS. Basically, we need to associate ourselves with positive thoughts/memo...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@jtranger , where do you read the success stories with Ivermectin please?

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@asanders , I've thought on and off about using prednisolone too. Can you please tell me when you take it, does it help with the vertigo and dizzin...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

I did try SPM Active but couldn't tolerate it. Can't remember what exactly happened, will need to check my notes, but I think maybe heart palpitation...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@nresearcher , have you checked your thyroid (TSH, T3, T4, the 2 antibodies namely thyroglobulin and TPO)?

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

that's really great. How did she manage to diagnose that it was due the horizontal canal? I've been thinking more that mine is a nerve issue, n...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

that's really great. How did she manage to diagnose that it was due the horizontal canal? I've been thinking more that mine is a nerve issue, n...

2 years ago
2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@Mike411, yes, it is difficult to tell. I try to introduce things at a time, over a few days to see their effect, before I introduce anymore. And I ...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@Mike411, I will order the Qunol Mega Ubiquinol. Probiotics, I have to make sure that it's low histamines as the lovely (NOT) Pfizer has brought on ...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Mike, fantastic! I am relieved to hear that. Which brand COQ10 would you recommend please? a lot of supplements have fillers in them so am wary of ...

2 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

@Mike411, what you've said makes a lot of sense. So, GP gave me Crestor10/rosuvastatin. I am scared of starting it, as it says side effects include...

2 years ago
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