@star182: Sorry to hear that you have not had any more improvement in your tinnitus. It sounds like you and I have the same issue. Mine it like a high-pitch electrical hiss that is constant and primarily in my right ear. Over the past year I've had a few periods where it seemed like it was resolving but then I would get another spike. My recent spike seems to be the worse and I'm hoping that doesn't mean that the vaccine or my immune system is continuing to cause damage.
I don't want to over-dramatize it as it's not a life-threatening disease, but it is a very unpleasant thing to live with and is certainly impacting my quality of life. What things (vitamins, supplements, treatments, etc.) did you try? Are you pretty much resigned to the fact that the damage from the vaccine is permanent? What have any doctors that you've seen had to say? I'm sure there are success stories out there but people don't seem to bother to come back on here and let the rest of us know. Thanks and take care.
Apologies for the delay. You might have thought I got better and got out of here... but I didn't! (lol) I didn't get better but I didn't get worse either. I am in the same. Symptoms have stabilized but there has been no cure for tinnitus and honestly in these cases I don't think there will be. What remains is to deal with it in the best way.
Yes I know how bad it is and just like you mine is in my right ear (the side of the shot). I took all the vitamins possible, but it seems that with me when the T-spike happens it is not related to anything (diet, life habits...) nothing. It just pops or just eases by itself. Yes, I am aware that there is no cure, it is permanent damage can be in the inner ear, the cranial nerve, the brain, a part of the brain responsible for hearing... unfortunately we don't know. How are you now? I hope better.
Hi there. Thanks for the reply. I am also pretty much the same and basically have come to accept that the tinnitus is related to a permanent damage done by the vaccine. I had a couple of times when it seemed like it was resolving but then got spikes. My most recent spike started in June and hasn’t let up. Very frustrating. By the way, has your tinnitus resolved at all?
I’m not losing hope for some level of resolution, but am trying to move on and accept the tinnitus and deal with it, and at the same time separate the other “symptoms” I’ve had and realize those are manifestations of my self-created anxiety resulting from countless hours of “doom scrolling’ and reading thousands of horror stories about these damn vaccines. I’ve had heightened anxiety, bordering panic attacks at times, as well as heart palpitations (a recent development). I’m trying to stop thinking that everything that I “feel” is due to the vaccine. I’m going to deal with my anxiety and hopefully that will help with the tinnitus.
By the way there is a product out there by a seemingly reputable company that may offer s glimmer of hope. The company is Therapeutic Solutions International (TSI) and the product is Quadramune. TSI has many products and many associated patents. Quadramune has 3 patents, I believe, The reviews are also pretty positive. You may want to look into it. If you do, let me know what you think.
Maybe someday the medical community will admit all of the damage that the vaccines caused, and maybe come up with some treatments. I don’t expect anything anytime soon, as there is too much money involved and to admit these unintended adverse side effects would be devastating to the pharmaceutical industry and the CDC. So for now we’re on our own. I hope you have a good support network, as that is so important in situations like these. Sorry for the long rant. Take care and stay positive.
Has anyone on here heard of, or even tried a product called QuadraMune? I've done some research on it and it seems legit and worth a try (although it seems too good to be true). You may want to do your own research on this. Would appreciate anyone's feedback/insight on this product.
Thank you for mentioning this supplement - had not heard of it but am curious whether one of its four ingredients, sulforaphane, may be useful as it can also be found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.
@nresearcher: You're very welcome. I just happened to come across it by accident, on the React19 vaccine recovery project website. I've done a little research on and the company (TSI) and it all seems more than legit. TSI has a track record of different health solutions and many patents associated with then. I believe QuadraMune has 3 patents. The reviews on QuadraMune are pretty impressive and it appears quite safe to give it a shot. If you look into it, let me know what you think.
I'm getting a little sad that the traffic on this forum has dried up so much. Maybe it's for the better, as I have read where many people start to feel better when they stop "doom scrolling" and going down rabbit holes that just serve to heighten fear and anxiety. Over the past year I've gone from an on-set of tinnitus to major anxiety/panic attacks, and now into heart palpitations. Every little thing that happens to me I start to do research and blame it on the vaccine. I do believe that my tinnitus was caused by the vaccine but I also am starting to believe that the other stuff is more due to my own anxiety about the unknown of these vaccines and also reading 100's of horror stories about other peoples' issues and experiences. I just want to be back to my old self again and have to start owning that process. A big part of that is starting to differentiate the real vaccine-related issues from the anxiety-related issues.
have you checked out any Facebook groups?
Has anyone on here heard of, or even tried a product called QuadraMune? I've done some research on it and it seems legit and worth a try (although it seems too good to be true). You may want to do your own research on this. Would appreciate anyone's feedback/insight on this product.
Thank you for mentioning this supplement - had not heard of it but am curious whether one of its four ingredients, sulforaphane, may be useful as it can also be found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.
@nresearcher: You're very welcome. I just happened to come across it by accident, on the React19 vaccine recovery project website. I've done a little research on and the company (TSI) and it all seems more than legit. TSI has a track record of different health solutions and many patents associated with then. I believe QuadraMune has 3 patents. The reviews on QuadraMune are pretty impressive and it appears quite safe to give it a shot. If you look into it, let me know what you think.
I'm getting a little sad that the traffic on this forum has dried up so much. Maybe it's for the better, as I have read where many people start to feel better when they stop "doom scrolling" and going down rabbit holes that just serve to heighten fear and anxiety. Over the past year I've gone from an on-set of tinnitus to major anxiety/panic attacks, and now into heart palpitations. Every little thing that happens to me I start to do research and blame it on the vaccine. I do believe that my tinnitus was caused by the vaccine but I also am starting to believe that the other stuff is more due to my own anxiety about the unknown of these vaccines and also reading 100's of horror stories about other peoples' issues and experiences. I just want to be back to my old self again and have to start owning that process. A big part of that is starting to differentiate the real vaccine-related issues from the anxiety-related issues.
have you checked out any Facebook groups?
@margaret2022: No, I haven't checked out FB. Actually I don't have a FB page so I guess any forum on there would have to public vs. private in order for me to access it (if that's how FB works - Lol).
Thanks for the link. So many potential solutions/cures; so few results. That seems to be the situation with respect to the info out there. It's to the point that I don't even know what is vaccine-related vs. conjured up by my own anxiety about it. I started with tinnitus (1 year ago) and have gone through high anxiety, feeling of shortness of breath, heart palpitations, etc. Everything except the tinnitus came many months after the fact. I'm not a doctor but the rational part of me thinks it doesn't make any sense that it would take months for symptoms to show up. The vaccine created spike proteins almost immediately and our immune system developed a full response within 10-14 days. I would think that any potential damage to be done would happen relatively soon after the shot, and not several month after. However, with that said, these are the first mRNA vaccines ever used on humans on such a large scale, so we don't really know what the longer-term side effect risks are (which is the problem). I just know I'm not the same person I was 13 months ago and I want to be that person again.Bromelain, NAC, Nattokinase
Hello everyone!
I have been scrolling and pouring over many of the posts on this forum since I first started experiencing symptoms after a Pfizer booster. I first had 2 shots of Moderna with no side effects. I am a 40 year old female with no previous health conditions.
My symptoms include a wide range of unsettling sensations like numbness and tingling, vision changes, muscle spasms/twitches, electrical stimulation sensations, weakness in my legs and arms, tingling scalp & face, brain fog, difficulty swallowing, vestibular occular reflex dysfunction, vibrating sensations, heart palpitations and heart pounding unexpectedly, ringing in my ears, imbalance or feeling tippy - like I'm leaning, dysautonomia, easily overwhelmed with sounds, movement, overstimulated, excessive hair loss, difficulty breathing, eye floaters, focusing disorder of the eyes, achy bones, excessive burping, lightheaded, feels like my heart itches (weird I know!), developed immediate onset of hyperventilation syndrome (autonomic nervous system), metallic taste in my mouth, food sensitivities I never had before, deep muscle aches, red face and inflamed pores, vibrating eyes, vestibular response before bowel movements, inducible laryngeal obstruction, sore back and neck, and odd sensations like my leg being wrapped tight or my phone suddenly feeling like it's a 5 pound weight.
I mention all of these symptoms because so many times I felt like I was the only one who had this weird experience but then I'd read someone's post on here and think "oh my goodness-I'm not alone"! And while I would never wish these things on anyone - it was comforting to know that it wasn't just me.
So far I have had an MRI of my brain and spinal cord - normal. All normal blood work. I enrolled in the NIH Recover study for long covid after vaccine and hope to help in the quest to find out why this is happening to some of us. I have been seeing a breathing dysfunction PT and a vision therapist which has helped a lot with resetting my autonomic nervous system. I also see a Butyeko breath coach. I have an EMG scheduled in a couple weeks - interested to see if small fiber neuropathy is the cause for my sensations and dysautonomia.
I'll post an update soon. I sincerely hope that my journey can be helpful to you all - as yours has been to mine. Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences on here!
Has anyone on here heard of, or even tried a product called QuadraMune? I've done some research on it and it seems legit and worth a try (although it seems too good to be true). You may want to do your own research on this. Would appreciate anyone's feedback/insight on this product.
Thank you for mentioning this supplement - had not heard of it but am curious whether one of its four ingredients, sulforaphane, may be useful as it can also be found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.
@nresearcher: You're very welcome. I just happened to come across it by accident, on the React19 vaccine recovery project website. I've done a little research on and the company (TSI) and it all seems more than legit. TSI has a track record of different health solutions and many patents associated with then. I believe QuadraMune has 3 patents. The reviews on QuadraMune are pretty impressive and it appears quite safe to give it a shot. If you look into it, let me know what you think.
I'm getting a little sad that the traffic on this forum has dried up so much. Maybe it's for the better, as I have read where many people start to feel better when they stop "doom scrolling" and going down rabbit holes that just serve to heighten fear and anxiety. Over the past year I've gone from an on-set of tinnitus to major anxiety/panic attacks, and now into heart palpitations. Every little thing that happens to me I start to do research and blame it on the vaccine. I do believe that my tinnitus was caused by the vaccine but I also am starting to believe that the other stuff is more due to my own anxiety about the unknown of these vaccines and also reading 100's of horror stories about other peoples' issues and experiences. I just want to be back to my old self again and have to start owning that process. A big part of that is starting to differentiate the real vaccine-related issues from the anxiety-related issues.
have you checked out any Facebook groups?
@margaret2022: No, I haven't checked out FB. Actually I don't have a FB page so I guess any forum on there would have to public vs. private in order for me to access it (if that's how FB works - Lol).
same..I never had Facebook either until when I got COVID I said frig this I’m getting Facebook and I joined all those groups long COVID, tinnitus hyperacusis, hearing loss. And sscd which I think I may have. Not sure until scans to be completed. But I’ve been posting a lot on there and ppl give so many examples of what they’re doing or trying what’s not working what worked what’s helping.
i encourage you to check it out. It’ll be helpful. And you don’t feel alone which I feel because no one understands what’s going on with me.
Hi all, I am new to this group and was felt at such relief when I found it as I realised I am not the only one.
I have been suffering with a major ‘panic disorder’ for over a year now. It was diagnosed by the drs due to the pandemic and home stress I was having.
however when I look back on Facebook memories in April 21 I was absolutely fine and healthy. I was out with friends in London happy and healthy and this was after the pandemic. But all my memories seem to stop after may 21 (when I had my first Pfizer vaccine!
I have only just put the 2 and 2 together.
i would always feel extremely unwell, dizzy, exhausted, sick, suffered vertigo for the first ever time. Which lead me to have extreme panic attacks and anxiety. I have a 3 year old daughter and become scared to leave the house with her in fear I would come over dizzy and who would be able to watch her if I was to come over unwell.
i never had any other vaccines after the first jusy incase they were related but 17 months on I am still suffering with feeling unwell which leads to panic. I have got to a point a can’t leave the house more than a ten minute radius as that’s the only way I feel safe.
i have to avoid busy and loud places as I’m extremely sensitive to sound.i work in the city and have luckily been signed off to work from home but I’m in fear I may lose my job as I just cannot see a way forward of getting myself back into they busy atmosphere so far from home.
i read someone’s post about upping my vitamins c which I have now done. My bloods are all fine. I am having weekly CBT sessions and I am on some antipsychotic pills for anxiety attacks.
has anyone else had similar and have any other recommendations to get rid of these awful feelings once and for all please?
from a desperate mum wanting her life back x
how are you doing? It’s been a while. Have things started to improve for you?
@kg1986 I can relate. It’s not all in our head, the symptoms are real. Don’t let anyone tell you different. The day of receiving my one and only M-jab last January. I got numbness and tingling in my legs a few hours later. I was healthy before this.
Been seeing a neurologist and had all kinds of test done, MRI, spinal tap, and now seeing a MS Specialist.
Take care,
Has anyone on here actually received a definitive diagnosis for any of the following: dysautonomia; and CNS-related (i.e. small fiber neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy); POTS; MS, or any specific auto-immune disease? I’m not referring to “potential” diagnoses thrown out by docs who can’t figure it out. I mean actual diagnosis based on actual test results, etc.? I’ve read so many posts on here that refer to these diseases/issues but I’m not sure I’ve seen very many (if any at all) definitive diagnoses.
I’m 13 moths out from my 3rd and final shot (Moderna booster), and 1 year out from my first symptom (sudden on-set tinnitus). I’ve also been dealing with inexplicable severe anxiety and panic attacks, and I believe I’m starting to feel low level peripheral numbness/tingling in my hands and feet. Other than the tinnitus, everything else came several months after the booster. I can’t separate what’s physical vs. mental health related anymore. I’ve done way too much doom scrolling and have probably worked myself up into a major paranoid / hypochondriacal state where I think I’m getting everything I read about or every twitch I feel I think is a new vaccine-caused issue.
Anything that anyone can share would be appreciated. Thanks all; take care and stay positive.
Hello everyone!
I have been scrolling and pouring over many of the posts on this forum since I first started experiencing symptoms after a Pfizer booster. I first had 2 shots of Moderna with no side effects. I am a 40 year old female with no previous health conditions.
My symptoms include a wide range of unsettling sensations like numbness and tingling, vision changes, muscle spasms/twitches, electrical stimulation sensations, weakness in my legs and arms, tingling scalp & face, brain fog, difficulty swallowing, vestibular occular reflex dysfunction, vibrating sensations, heart palpitations and heart pounding unexpectedly, ringing in my ears, imbalance or feeling tippy - like I'm leaning, dysautonomia, easily overwhelmed with sounds, movement, overstimulated, excessive hair loss, difficulty breathing, eye floaters, focusing disorder of the eyes, achy bones, excessive burping, lightheaded, feels like my heart itches (weird I know!), developed immediate onset of hyperventilation syndrome (autonomic nervous system), metallic taste in my mouth, food sensitivities I never had before, deep muscle aches, red face and inflamed pores, vibrating eyes, vestibular response before bowel movements, inducible laryngeal obstruction, sore back and neck, and odd sensations like my leg being wrapped tight or my phone suddenly feeling like it's a 5 pound weight.
I mention all of these symptoms because so many times I felt like I was the only one who had this weird experience but then I'd read someone's post on here and think "oh my goodness-I'm not alone"! And while I would never wish these things on anyone - it was comforting to know that it wasn't just me.
So far I have had an MRI of my brain and spinal cord - normal. All normal blood work. I enrolled in the NIH Recover study for long covid after vaccine and hope to help in the quest to find out why this is happening to some of us. I have been seeing a breathing dysfunction PT and a vision therapist which has helped a lot with resetting my autonomic nervous system. I also see a Butyeko breath coach. I have an EMG scheduled in a couple weeks - interested to see if small fiber neuropathy is the cause for my sensations and dysautonomia.
I'll post an update soon. I sincerely hope that my journey can be helpful to you all - as yours has been to mine. Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences on here!
welcome to the discussion forum. Sorry you are going through this. Everyone on here is experiencing symptoms that are just so debilitating and we don’t know what’s going on. We are here for you. It’s scary. It’s frustrating. I myself to was okay after my first two shots then it was my third that really changed things. This is all CNS related. And sadly we don’t know the extent of this damage whether it’s just inflammation or permanent. I do know vestibular nerve damage once damaged it’s permanent. Iv also joined Facebook groups for long COVID, vestibular neuritis, tinnitus and hearing, hyperacusis. They are all in the situation as us. I’ve had good and bad days. I don’t know what to think anymore. I’m just like this can’t be it. This can’t be “we have to live with it”. After I got COVID over Christmas I found my symptoms came on again In the same exact order but got worse, where my hearing sensitivity is up there and now my other ear is experiencing sensitivity which before was only my left. My head feels like its getting full when I’m around sounds like say the heater that’s on down stairs is putting out a humming sound, just sitting here on the couch at the top of the stairs it’s making my head feel full my ear and I feel some sensations on the top of my head. Last night I couldn’t sleep wit a light fan on, I woke up with an hissing sound that woke me up. I remember this sound being very faint. Now it’s louder. So that tells me there’s damage because sound is just not being processed properly. And now I also have this ringing and hissing in my other ear, the ear with the new sensitivity, that’s tells me damage as well, there are different types of hearing loss, so I believe the one I have is conduction. That’s why I have sensitive hearing. Once you have that it will only progress is what I was reading jn articles. It will progress. I still have my hopes up high. But it doesn’t look promising. I was talking to my uncle today and said his wife is going through the same thing. She’s now jumpy to loud sounds. But her dizziness and vertigo is gone this happened after her vaccines 2021. And she’s still experiencing those symptoms. So just putting littles pieces of information and peoples posts and experiences just tells me this is flat out damaging to our body’s. The vax and now covid. And it really sickens me and saddens me. My life is changed I’m only 39, I feel robbed of my future. I have many years of working to do and now this happened. It is so disabling.
Do you have anymore tests coming up? Have you ever been referred to a clinic ? Have you gotten covid since the injury? Has any of the symptoms eased up since it all started? Or disappeared? It would be nice to hear. When I look on this forum Im always looking for success stories. But All stories are welcome.
@numbsense I just joined this forum to be able to contact you…
I have been dealing with the same strange numbness in both hands and feet —one at a time—have found some ways to handle it better, and have only had a really bad one once this year. I elevate my legs and if I don't bend my arms I'm ok—taking nerve supporting supplements…
are your symptoms same? lessening a bit as mine? almost 2 years is a long time—at least my doctor believes me. (didn't know what was causing it until I tracked down when it started to 4 days after my first Moderna)—my doctor and I have contacted other researches and doctors and confirmed that neuropath is an infrequent but known vaccine response… I did end up getting 2 boosters after…
curious where you are on this!
@ksharky13 I saw your question re POTS and wanted to let you know that I received a definitive diagnosis of POTS following a positive tilt table test. The test involved first lying flat for about 40 minutes prior to the test in order to allow the heart to assume a standard resting rate. Then I was transferred to a table, where I was strapped in and the table was tilted nearly fully straight. They then monitored my heart rate and blood pressure for about 30 minutes. My heart rate jumped over 30 beats within the first minute, and then increased to over 60 beats throughout the test. This is considered a positive tilt table test for POTS. I also saw a POTS specialist at Stanford who confirmed the diagnosis following an exam that demonstrated significant blood pooling in my feet.
My symptoms have included extreme headaches, dizziness, nausea and head pressure. I'm happy to report that after nearly 19 months, most of my symptoms have resolved. It took 15 months to actually notice any solid improvement. While there was an ebb and flow over the course of the recovery months, most of the debilitating symptoms (extreme headaches and nausea) have significantly dissipated to the point that I can now start living a more normal life. I wasn't diagnosed with POTS until the 8th months, which may explain the delay in recovery. However, I still remain unsure if treating the POTS was the main cause for my recovery, or simply time. Either way, treating the POTS didn't make it worse, and I continue to increase my water and salt intake, as well as take several POTS specific medications.
I hope that helps. Just let me know if you have any POTS specific questions.
@ksharky13 I saw your question re POTS and wanted to let you know that I received a definitive diagnosis of POTS following a positive tilt table test. The test involved first lying flat for about 40 minutes prior to the test in order to allow the heart to assume a standard resting rate. Then I was transferred to a table, where I was strapped in and the table was tilted nearly fully straight. They then monitored my heart rate and blood pressure for about 30 minutes. My heart rate jumped over 30 beats within the first minute, and then increased to over 60 beats throughout the test. This is considered a positive tilt table test for POTS. I also saw a POTS specialist at Stanford who confirmed the diagnosis following an exam that demonstrated significant blood pooling in my feet.
My symptoms have included extreme headaches, dizziness, nausea and head pressure. I'm happy to report that after nearly 19 months, most of my symptoms have resolved. It took 15 months to actually notice any solid improvement. While there was an ebb and flow over the course of the recovery months, most of the debilitating symptoms (extreme headaches and nausea) have significantly dissipated to the point that I can now start living a more normal life. I wasn't diagnosed with POTS until the 8th months, which may explain the delay in recovery. However, I still remain unsure if treating the POTS was the main cause for my recovery, or simply time. Either way, treating the POTS didn't make it worse, and I continue to increase my water and salt intake, as well as take several POTS specific medications.
I hope that helps. Just let me know if you have any POTS specific questions.
Thanks for sharing. It could be the combo of time and meds. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Can you please share what meds your are on and what they are supposed to treat? Along with any side effects you have/are experiencing? Thanks in advance.