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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @margaret2022

Posted by: @sunrise

Posted by: @margaret2022

 I’m not even sure where to begin like how do I know this is MCAS or a mitochondrial thing? 

In the video below, Dr. Leo Galland explains the association of mechanisms that seem to be involved in LC, at minute 3:18:



-mast cell activation


-microbial dysbiosis

-viral persistence

-mithochondrial stess

It should be known that these phenomena are all deeply interconnected. So it's not just one or the other, mithochondrial disorder or MCAS.

I think what can be done is to try at the same time treatments for each of these factors.


any information on how to test for these


Labtests are expensive and can be false negatives.

Antihistamines have brought relief to many affected people, it is worth trying, not necessarily with tests in precedence.


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@j how are you doing? I just had lumbar puncture and awaiting to hear results. My follow up mri showed one lesion on cervical spine as well that's why they ordered lumbar puncture. Would love to know your status. Hope you are well🙏🏻❤️

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@j how are you doing? I just had lumbar puncture and awaiting to hear results. My follow up mri showed one lesion on cervical spine as well that's why they ordered lumbar puncture. Would love to know your status. Hope you are well🙏🏻❤️

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@carlapucci Hi - Did the docs say why they ordered the lumbar puncture? Are they looking for MS?

I can’t recall what my last update was. I have 15-20 brain lesions (1st MRI), a possible new one (2nd MRI), 3rd MRI to be 2 years after the 2nd MRI because my Lumbar Puncture was normal. Have been in a flare up since Sept. ECHO of hear found mild sclerosis on aorta (have not see doc yet since was a few days ago), awaiting angiogram of head and neck (headache for months, neuro wondering if I have collage vascular disease), and awaiting ophthalmology visit (eye pain, light sensitivity, retinal hemmorrhage).  Optometrist looked at optic nerve = normal. Currently I have slight squealing in ears, forearms muscles feel achy, pins/needles now only in 1 hand (was full body); and have developed histamine food sensitivity. All systems seem to be failing but I am functional - can still work, but I have to be careful not to overextend myself 

what symptoms do you currently have?

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Posted by: @asanders

Posted by: @gingerjones

@asanders What are the doctors telling you about the cysts?  What are your symptoms?  Just neuropathy?  Really scary stuff!

They told me that one of them is a bening cycst which sould be followed in case it gets larger. 

The second one is probably abnormal enlargment and new formations of blood vessels in the liver but they dont know why. I am told that this is also not very important unless it gets larger. 

The third one is probably important and I am going to have a dynamic MR for the third one. I also have abnormalities in my lungs and I never smoked in my life. 

about the metallic objects observed in fat tissue, they have no idea. They asked me If I have been shot in the stomach before, which I absolutely have not.  I am advised to see a surgeon. 

I really dont care anymore. One year ago I had no health problems other than some allergies. Now I cannot count my symptoms  but still no diagnosis. 


any update?  My symptoms are similar to yours.


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You May just Love these Telegram groups you will find very powerful methods to detoxify poisons


CCC - See pinned messages 5 and 7 here Small group but knowledgeable people hang in the voice chat often and you can text chat too 


Dr Love. Wealths of info and deep researcher  


Dr Palevski - Massive video resource use the search bar


Dr Bill - Holistic Health Defence another huge info resource




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@sunrise: Thanks for the link.  I have heard of that and it certainly has mixed reviews.  But anything is worth considering at this point.  That web site is interesting also.  Not many success stories re: tinnitus though.  Unfortunately tinnitus seems to be the one side effect that appears to be permanent. Thanks again.

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Has anyone on here heard of, or even tried a product called QuadraMune?  I've done some research on it and it seems legit and worth a try (although it seems too good to be true). You may want to do your own research on this.  Would appreciate anyone's feedback/insight on this product. 

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Posted by: @ksharky13

@sunrise: Thanks for the link.  I have heard of that and it certainly has mixed reviews.  But anything is worth considering at this point.  That web site is interesting also.  Not many success stories re: tinnitus though.  Unfortunately tinnitus seems to be the one side effect that appears to be permanent. Thanks again.


im beginning to think this is vestibular neuritis related where the verve thst conneects to our inner ear parts becomes inflamed from vaccines or virus’s. Makes perfect sense to me. Because when this nerve becomes inflamed it can create a lot of symptoms such as dizziness vertigo tinnitus feeling of imbalance hearing issues. I attached a Facebook link there where the guy makes a comment about how he went about getting the medication and wha for did for him. He started on acyclovir which is an antiviral and helped him tremendously. Check it out also read some of the comments in the forum.


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Posted by: @margaret2022

Posted by: @ksharky13

@sunrise: Thanks for the link.  I have heard of that and it certainly has mixed reviews.  But anything is worth considering at this point.  That web site is interesting also.  Not many success stories re: tinnitus though.  Unfortunately tinnitus seems to be the one side effect that appears to be permanent. Thanks again.


im beginning to think this is vestibular neuritis related where the verve thst conneects to our inner ear parts becomes inflamed from vaccines or virus’s. Makes perfect sense to me. Because when this nerve becomes inflamed it can create a lot of symptoms such as dizziness vertigo tinnitus feeling of imbalance hearing issues. I attached a Facebook link there where the guy makes a comment about how he went about getting the medication and wha for did for him. He started on acyclovir which is an antiviral and helped him tremendously. Check it out also read some of the comments in the forum.


forgot to post the link


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Interview with Dr. Tina Peers

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Posted by: @ksharky13

Has anyone on here heard of, or even tried a product called QuadraMune?  I've done some research on it and it seems legit and worth a try (although it seems too good to be true). You may want to do your own research on this.  Would appreciate anyone's feedback/insight on this product. 

Thank you for mentioning this supplement - had not heard of it but am curious whether one of its four ingredients, sulforaphane, may be useful as it can also be found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.


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@nresearcher: You're very welcome.  I just happened to come across it by accident, on the React19 vaccine recovery project website.  I've done a little research on and the company (TSI) and it all seems more than legit.  TSI has a track record of different health solutions and many patents associated with then. I believe QuadraMune has 3 patents.  The reviews on QuadraMune are pretty impressive and it appears quite safe to give it a shot.  If you look into it, let me know what you think.

I'm getting a little sad that the traffic on this forum has dried up so much.  Maybe it's for the better, as I have read where many people start to feel better when they stop "doom scrolling" and going down rabbit holes that just serve to heighten fear and anxiety. Over the past year I've gone from an on-set of tinnitus to major anxiety/panic attacks, and now into heart palpitations.  Every little thing that happens to me I start to do research and blame it on the vaccine. I do believe that my tinnitus was caused by the vaccine but I also am starting to believe that the other stuff is more due to my own anxiety about the unknown of these vaccines and also reading 100's of horror stories about other peoples' issues and experiences.  II just want to be back to my old self again and have to start owning that process.  A big part of that is starting to differentiate the real vaccine-related issues from the anxiety-related issues.     

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Posted by: @nresearcher

Posted by: @ksharky13

Has anyone on here heard of, or even tried a product called QuadraMune?  I've done some research on it and it seems legit and worth a try (although it seems too good to be true). You may want to do your own research on this.  Would appreciate anyone's feedback/insight on this product. 

Thank you for mentioning this supplement - had not heard of it but am curious whether one of its four ingredients, sulforaphane, may be useful as it can also be found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.

@nresearcher: You're very welcome.  I just happened to come across it by accident, on the React19 vaccine recovery project website.  I've done a little research on and the company (TSI) and it all seems more than legit.  TSI has a track record of different health solutions and many patents associated with then. I believe QuadraMune has 3 patents.  The reviews on QuadraMune are pretty impressive and it appears quite safe to give it a shot.  If you look into it, let me know what you think.

I'm getting a little sad that the traffic on this forum has dried up so much.  Maybe it's for the better, as I have read where many people start to feel better when they stop "doom scrolling" and going down rabbit holes that just serve to heighten fear and anxiety. Over the past year I've gone from an on-set of tinnitus to major anxiety/panic attacks, and now into heart palpitations.  Every little thing that happens to me I start to do research and blame it on the vaccine. I do believe that my tinnitus was caused by the vaccine but I also am starting to believe that the other stuff is more due to my own anxiety about the unknown of these vaccines and also reading 100's of horror stories about other peoples' issues and experiences.  I just want to be back to my old self again and have to start owning that process.  A big part of that is starting to differentiate the real vaccine-related issues from the anxiety-related issues.     


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Posted by: @ksharky13

@star182: Sorry to hear that you have not had any more improvement in your tinnitus.  It sounds like you and I have the same issue.  Mine it like a high-pitch electrical hiss that is constant and primarily in my right ear.  Over the past year I've had a few periods where it seemed like it was resolving but then I would get another spike.  My recent spike seems to be the worse and I'm hoping that doesn't mean that the vaccine or my immune system is continuing to cause damage.

I don't want to over-dramatize it as it's not a life-threatening disease, but it is a very unpleasant thing to live with and is certainly impacting my quality of life.  What things (vitamins, supplements, treatments, etc.) did you try?  Are you pretty much resigned to the fact that the damage from the vaccine is permanent?  What have any doctors that you've seen had to say?  I'm sure there are success stories out there but people don't seem to bother to come back on here and let the rest of us know.  Thanks and take care.

Apologies for the delay. You might have thought I got better and got out of here... but I didn't! (lol) I didn't get better but I didn't get worse either. I am in the same. Symptoms have stabilized but there has been no cure for tinnitus and honestly in these cases I don't think there will be. What remains is to deal with it in the best way.

Yes I know how bad it is and just like you mine is in my right ear (the side of the shot). I took all the vitamins possible, but it seems that with me when the T-spike happens it is not related to anything (diet, life habits...) nothing. It just pops or just eases by itself. Yes, I am aware that there is no cure, it is permanent damage can be in the inner ear, the cranial nerve, the brain, a part of the brain responsible for hearing... unfortunately we don't know. How are you now? I hope better.

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