@ksharky13 I have had every test imaginable with no diagnosis besides maybe long covid, maybe the VX. I also have felt the way you do, I told my Dr I have never felt anxiety like this, its not typical anxiety, it is a constant feeling of impending doom, waking up with panic attacks and living with a pit in my stomach and believing I had every disease I would read about... which ultimately made me feel hypersensitive to everything happening in my body and it was making my symptoms worse. She said this is not uncommon and she has heard this over and over recently, esp with long covid too. I should also mention I have never suffered from anxiety or depression before all of this.
I should mention one thing..I DID test positive for Lyme/Babesia thru an integrative dr (negative on regular labs)..this was not my underlying issue but I think the VX caused this to reactivate...I took several antibiotics which may have helped w some of my symptoms. Besides that my CBC has always been ok..my c4A was high meaning inflammation and my C reactive was normal. I had minor things here and there on my bloodwork but overall fine.
@kg1986: Thank you so much for both your personal reply and the long & detailed post you wrote on here. I am so happy to hear that you have worked your way through so much and are in the process of resolving so many of your issues. To hear such a success story is very encouraging.
I find it particularly interesting that you made the distinction between the actual physical adverse effects and the psychological manifestations that the mind can induce with constant doom scrolling, etc. I am certainly guilty of that and am in the process of just starting to try to deal with it in that manner. It isn’t easy though.
My tinnitus (which started all of this for me 1 year ago) has recently taken a back seat to some extreme and fairly constant anxiety / panic attacks; all too often feeling of “fight or flight”, and (most concerningly) heart palpitations, racing heart rate, and PVCs. Even though I just went through a 48 hour holter monitor with basically zero finding, I am convinced that this is physical and related to some level of damage to the autonomic nervous system created by the vaccine (even though it’s been a year since my last shot/booster). I think it’s a type of dysautonomia or POTS, but not sure how to get it definitively diagnosed & treated. I wake up in the am with a heart rate of about 60+ and when I stand up it immediately shoots up to 100+ and stays there for a long time (unless I sit down). I live in fear of having a stroke or heart attack at any moment. It sucks to be like this.
How did you reduce your anxiety? Did the NAC help, or D3? Did you have the racing heart rate/PVC issues? I’ll check out the Project Veritas video and the Pfizer site. Yes, React19 is definitely another great site for this stuff. Thanks again for sharing all of your experiences and success. We all need to hear stories like yours to feel some sense of hope.
One UK doctor suggested that nutritional screening and supplementing with nutrients that came back low, for example omega 3 fats, may have helped to reduce neuroinflammation symptoms (including POTS-like symptoms) that started a few weeks after 2nd dose.
I thought I would give a positive update here..I am 18 months in now from my Pfizer Vx...I have had flares and some mild symptoms that always stayed. I had a really few rought months recently. I decided to stop going to ever Dr under the sun and work on my anxiety that seemed to be taking over everything. My biggest fears were MS/Parkinsons/ALS...I still can't watch TV without hearing or seeing that in a show or movie without getting a knot in my stomach even though I am pretty positive this is all stemming from an immune response and symstemic inflammation which explains why it comes and goes and is always in a different place in my body or multiple things at once. I just finished a round of anitbiotics for lyme/co infection. I have stopped taking 15 supplements a day because I think that is just too much on my body. I cut back to "yourgutplus" which was desgined in the UK for covid..its a really good pro biotic since they do believe covid and the VX is destroying gut health which can also lead to many problems. I also take a few other pre and probiotics as well and have cut back on dairy and gluten and I can say my GI issues are gone completely. My anxiety had gone from a 10 to a 3 in the last few weeks and I am back to intense workouts, yoga and enjoying my life as a mom and wife. I was really zoned out for a while with worry, and it seems that the worse my anxiety got from every Dr scaring me w new possibilities and digging on the internet, the worse my symptoms got, your mind is POWERFUL. I am not dismissing anyone with symptoms either, I know they are real I had over 20 I can list.
The last week or so I feel almost normal besides a few last lingering things, and I guess these are things that still worry me but I had them last year and they eventually went away. My hands are still a little shakey during certain movements, along with flexing my bicep or doing leg lifts etc, I get a slight quiver coming down. My muscle spasms in my back are gone, the pain is gone, the joint pain is gone, brain fog much better, headaches gone, ringing in ears gone...vision still a little funny at times. At night when I lay down I get these random quick twitches..all over not in one spot they are a split second long. Mostly annoying but hoping they fade as the inflammation gets better. I do feel weak after work outs and more shaky but I think thats from taking months off and overall I am weaker and have to build my strength back up.
I no longer have shooting nerve pain and my chest pain is very rare and short lived. I still get dizzy now and again when sitting and then standing (I think I do have pots)
The only supplements I am taking besides a ton of probiotics are:
NAC but I am going to taper off that I have been on it a long time
Vitamin D (w K3)
NATTO-highly suggest everyone takes this whether you have long covid or vx issues
Zinc but not daily
I also juice daily when possible (celery on its own is amazing for your immune system), beets, carrots, ginger, turmeric, fruits, spinach etc.
I finally have put on 5 lbs..hoping its muscle from working out because I lost so much during this last flare up, guessing a lot from the anxiety- I had zero appetite. Now I can't eat enough my metabolism is finally kicking back in from working out I think.
If you havent seen the Project Veritas video, check it out, shows how corrupt these people really are...--Pfizer released a statement this past Friday as well on their site...also adding a slew of symptoms from the VX including a statement "this many not be all of them" haha.
My point is don't lose hope, and sometimes its good to take a mental break from searching the internet and trying every medicine and going to every dr for second and third opinions,
React 19 is also great- I recent joined just to stay in the loop with the studies they are doing and I think one day there will be a treatment or at least some sort of answer. They were started by a woman that was part of the vx trials and lives with a lot of our symptoms. Its a ton of Dr's and nurses doing this for free on the side. It is all coming out and I realize there are probably millions of people out there that have issues. I am waiting until this area can check for micro clots/spike proteins, until then I am doing the HBOT and trying to be positive that I am still here and get to enjoy life with my family still. I am part of a FB group and I can tell you there are some really really sick people from all of this, I consider myself lucky that I am not as bad as some of them. I go to Mexico for vacation next week and I am hoping the warm weather and stress free week will be the final boost to feeling 100%. Wishing you all the best!
thats really good news. Amazing for your recovery. Glad to hear something positive. Question have to gotten covid since your injury? Has it made things better or worse?
@ksharky13 I have had every test imaginable with no diagnosis besides maybe long covid, maybe the VX. I also have felt the way you do, I told my Dr I have never felt anxiety like this, its not typical anxiety, it is a constant feeling of impending doom, waking up with panic attacks and living with a pit in my stomach and believing I had every disease I would read about... which ultimately made me feel hypersensitive to everything happening in my body and it was making my symptoms worse. She said this is not uncommon and she has heard this over and over recently, esp with long covid too. I should also mention I have never suffered from anxiety or depression before all of this.
I should mention one thing..I DID test positive for Lyme/Babesia thru an integrative dr (negative on regular labs)..this was not my underlying issue but I think the VX caused this to reactivate...I took several antibiotics which may have helped w some of my symptoms. Besides that my CBC has always been ok..my c4A was high meaning inflammation and my C reactive was normal. I had minor things here and there on my bloodwork but overall fine.
also how can you describe your ringing was it hissing? Light buzzing sound? Central in head?
I was so relieved to find this forum! My story is quite similar, with a headache and mild vertigo a week after each vaccination, getting a bit worse each time. But I still had the original two, and two boosters. I have a non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma and a sad immune system, and I had no concerns about the vaccine.
After the fourth vaccination (all Pfizer) I had nearly constant mild nausea and vertigo, and four weeks after the shot I had a nasty floater event and pain in my left eye. Ophthalmologist confirmed it was a severe floater event, nothing more.
The last vaccination was in late May. I never got past the poor equilibrium and constant nausea. In early August I developed severe thirst, irregular blood pressure, irregular pulse, headache, neck pain, eye pain, vertigo, anxiety. The only abnormal lab results were elevated cortisol and a high sed rate. Things got somewhat better, as long as I drank a full three quarts of water daily. But in December things worsened again, although my BP and heart rate were less erratic this time. I’m having twitchy muscles, my left leg hurts, my legs feel weak, I’m nauseated most of the time, and odd pains come and go. And I stop breathing now and then. That started as a morning thing. I could feel myself breathing less and less deeply, then stop. The daytime apnea is gone, but it does occur at night. I have an O2 ring, which tracks oxygen saturation and pulse all night, and vibrates when it drops too low. I’ve found that I do much better if I drink the full three quarts of water through the day, and eat plenty in the evening. Last night there were no drops below 90, yay!
I always feel worse in the morning, and much stronger and less anxious in the afternoon.
I found this forum on January 23rd, and began taking the quercetin, glutathione, and vitamin C that day. Ten days later my head is much clearer and my disequilibrium has improved, as long as I drink the three quarts and eat. Today I’ll be increasing the quercetin and adding the Omega 3, turmeric, liposomal C, and D. I will update with results.
My primary care doctor has been very disappointing. My oncologist ran every test he could think of - he’s a genius and loves puzzles - but nearly everything was my normal. Slightly high cortisol, high sed rate. Endocrinologist had me do a cortisol suppression test, I’ll see how the test turned out tomorrow. CT scan of my head, pelvis, and abdomen, x-ray and MRI of my neck (arthritis, well yeah, I’m nearly 67), nothing remarkable on any of them. Sound familiar?
Oh! I forgot to mention the tinnitus! Constant, sometimes pulsing, but always there! A bit quieter since I started the supplements.
I’m so grateful for the information you’ve all shared, and the knowledge that I’m not alone!
Hello everyone, vertigo a year ago and thanks to this depression and anxiety, has anyone found something to help with dizziness? Sometimes it depresses me that it's forever.
Very interesting video here...all the billions spent on covid and the VX yet nothing being done to help anyone now....couldn't agree more.
@ksharky13 I have had every test imaginable with no diagnosis besides maybe long covid, maybe the VX. I also have felt the way you do, I told my Dr I have never felt anxiety like this, its not typical anxiety, it is a constant feeling of impending doom, waking up with panic attacks and living with a pit in my stomach and believing I had every disease I would read about... which ultimately made me feel hypersensitive to everything happening in my body and it was making my symptoms worse. She said this is not uncommon and she has heard this over and over recently, esp with long covid too. I should also mention I have never suffered from anxiety or depression before all of this.
I should mention one thing..I DID test positive for Lyme/Babesia thru an integrative dr (negative on regular labs)..this was not my underlying issue but I think the VX caused this to reactivate...I took several antibiotics which may have helped w some of my symptoms. Besides that my CBC has always been ok..my c4A was high meaning inflammation and my C reactive was normal. I had minor things here and there on my bloodwork but overall fine.
also how can you describe your ringing was it hissing? Light buzzing sound? Central in head?
The ringing is not like a hissing sound...it is almost like I was at a loud concert and have a mild high pitched ring but not hissing...It does not affect my day I only notice it when its quiet..which with two kids under 3 is not often lol. It has never bothered me as much as the muscle weakness/twitches/tingling/tremors...same with my vision..its not awful but its still mildly annoying when looking at certain patterns. Overall I think I am heading in a good direction, but for how long, who knows.
One UK doctor suggested that nutritional screening and supplementing with nutrients that came back low, for example omega 3 fats, may have helped to reduce neuroinflammation symptoms (including POTS-like symptoms) that started a few weeks after 2nd dose.
Yes, as many people have mentioned, nutrition can help, as well as lowering stress/cortisol levels if that is possible even though it is certainly stressful to be going through this. There is a lot of info on health from a more holistic approach on the Huberman Lab. https://hubermanlab.com/ They are long episodes but there are timestamps. Dr. Sara Gottfried's episode illuminates so much regarding women's health and "it includes actionable tools suggested for managing stress, bolstering the gut microbiome, and immunity—all of which stand to improve overall health, vitality and longevity in males and females." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVRDGQhoEYQ
@ksharky13 I have had every test imaginable with no diagnosis besides maybe long covid, maybe the VX. I also have felt the way you do, I told my Dr I have never felt anxiety like this, its not typical anxiety, it is a constant feeling of impending doom, waking up with panic attacks and living with a pit in my stomach and believing I had every disease I would read about... which ultimately made me feel hypersensitive to everything happening in my body and it was making my symptoms worse. She said this is not uncommon and she has heard this over and over recently, esp with long covid too. I should also mention I have never suffered from anxiety or depression before all of this.
I should mention one thing..I DID test positive for Lyme/Babesia thru an integrative dr (negative on regular labs)..this was not my underlying issue but I think the VX caused this to reactivate...I took several antibiotics which may have helped w some of my symptoms. Besides that my CBC has always been ok..my c4A was high meaning inflammation and my C reactive was normal. I had minor things here and there on my bloodwork but overall fine.
wow that’s really good you’re lucky you found a doctor to test for that. What symptoms did they help with ? And how long were you on the antibiotics for Lyme? I know it’s a lengthy period just curious what they gave you to treat it
@ksharky13 I have had every test imaginable with no diagnosis besides maybe long covid, maybe the VX. I also have felt the way you do, I told my Dr I have never felt anxiety like this, its not typical anxiety, it is a constant feeling of impending doom, waking up with panic attacks and living with a pit in my stomach and believing I had every disease I would read about... which ultimately made me feel hypersensitive to everything happening in my body and it was making my symptoms worse. She said this is not uncommon and she has heard this over and over recently, esp with long covid too. I should also mention I have never suffered from anxiety or depression before all of this.
I should mention one thing..I DID test positive for Lyme/Babesia thru an integrative dr (negative on regular labs)..this was not my underlying issue but I think the VX caused this to reactivate...I took several antibiotics which may have helped w some of my symptoms. Besides that my CBC has always been ok..my c4A was high meaning inflammation and my C reactive was normal. I had minor things here and there on my bloodwork but overall fine.
wow that’s really good you’re lucky you found a doctor to test for that. What symptoms did they help with ? And how long were you on the antibiotics for Lyme? I know it’s a lengthy period just curious what they gave you to treat it
So far it has helped with the joint and muscle pain/headaches/ringing in my ears/vibrations in my feet/brain fog and some GI issues ( I am also on a lot of pro and pre biotics too)
I did 60 days, they wanted me to do longer but I felt like my weakness was getting worse on them and with a lot of the other things going away I decided it was time. I was on 4 different antibiotics.
I am hoping there mild tremors and weakness go away like they did last time. I have been really pushing myself with workouts and lifting weights so that may be hurting my progress a little but I feel like I need to push thru.
This place really died. Wish ppl would come back and give us updates
every one of them. I am so down in the dumps.
it hasnt been good since covid dec 20 2022. It’s been hell. Things have progressively got worse. I never been so depressed in my life never. Nothjng helps with my sensitive ears. My louder hissing in my head. I’ve been out of work since dec 20 2022. My family can only say so much. I am only 39 there’s no way I can retire. From what I read in social media groups that it doesn’t get better they got worse anything with tinnitus and hearing sensitivity ppl are at home isolated from the world. It’s sad. No one’s gotten better there’s no success stories. At all. I don’t think this is vaccine related anymore. I don’t know anymore. Covid did make it worse vaccine did start it. But I don’t know anymore. I worry about my daughter too my husband my son. I can’t enjoy life anymore. The tinnitus I could live with as long as it doesn’t get worse. The sensitivity i can’t. Because every time I’m around loud sounds it gets worse. I seen ent and he just ordered a vng and a ct. and referred me somewhere else because he doesn’t know. I feel like he’s missing something. Ugh this is just so frustrating. It sucks. I am at loss for words.
This place really died. Wish ppl would come back and give us updates
every one of them. I am so down in the dumps.
They got better and now they are living hteir lives.
it hasnt been good since covid dec 20 2022. It’s been hell. Things have progressively got worse. I never been so depressed in my life never. Nothjng helps with my sensitive ears. My louder hissing in my head. I’ve been out of work since dec 20 2022. My family can only say so much. I am only 39 there’s no way I can retire. From what I read in social media groups that it doesn’t get better they got worse anything with tinnitus and hearing sensitivity ppl are at home isolated from the world. It’s sad. No one’s gotten better there’s no success stories. At all. I don’t think this is vaccine related anymore. I don’t know anymore. Covid did make it worse vaccine did start it. But I don’t know anymore. I worry about my daughter too my husband my son. I can’t enjoy life anymore. The tinnitus I could live with as long as it doesn’t get worse. The sensitivity i can’t. Because every time I’m around loud sounds it gets worse. I seen ent and he just ordered a vng and a ct. and referred me somewhere else because he doesn’t know. I feel like he’s missing something. Ugh this is just so frustrating. It sucks. I am at loss for words.
Observing cases of post-vaccination tinnitus, I noticed that they occurred at different times. Some immediately, a few weeks later (my case) others months later.
Maybe there are also "degrees" in the tinnitus volume although I think in most cases the volume and intensity are similar.
Another thing I noticed in some cases of people who had the jab 2 years later reporting that they are worse. This worries me, I haven't gotten worse (yet) but I have noticed that in many cases there is a worsening of the symptoms.
@adelaide Hi. I discontinued after 19 sessions. I found temporary relief for my migraines, but no long term help. The protein spike is still in my system after 1 year. As long as it remains, no therapy will be beneficial. Good luck to you!
how are you doing? I saw in a recent post that you had the vng test done? How long did the dizziness or vertigo last after the test? I am so worried to get it. I’m supposed to be getting it.
but worried it’ll make things worse my hearing sensitivity and tinnitus.
hope to hear from you