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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Very interesting

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Paxlovid Tablet (Paxzen Tablet) is an allopathic medicine kit that combines two drugs, Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir. This combination of drugs is used in the case of covid-19 as it is an antiviral medicine that helps people with mild to moderate issues. The main aim of using the medicine is to control the issue in those people who recently tested positive for Covid. The benefit of using the medicine is that it saves a person from hospitalization and does not worsen the issue in your body. The medicine had helped thousands of people save their lives when even beds were not available in the hospitals and physicians were helpless.

Ziverdo kit is a special medicine that combines three different medicines: Ivermectin 6 mg, Doxycycline 100 mg, and Zinc 50 mg. The aim of creating this medicine kit is to help patients with bacterial and parasitic infections. People use this medicine to get rid of the infection and stop other infections from happening in the body. The Ivermectin 6 mg has Ivermectin as the primary ingredient. It is a small pink and round tablet that has 6 mg of the primary ingredient in it. The aim of using the medicine is to get rid of parasitic infections. There are three units of Ivermectin 12 present in the kit.

Other Covid-19 Medicine:

HCQS 200 Mg | HCQS 400 Mg | Azee 250 | Azee 500 | Azee 1000 

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@courteneydowell well, some symptoms are gone but I also am being treated for Lyme disease. I still have eye floaters, ringing in ears (more like a hissing), tingling in feet and twitches that are random. My brain fog and cognitive issues have improved, but I am not normal yet. I got the Moderna 9/2021

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Supplements for CFS and LC

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@margaret2022 i am doing okay since the last couple of months except fatigue & hyperacusis. As the weather is getting warmer i can see, slight headaches too coming back. But not as bad as earlier.

I am still on the functional medicine protocol though & i can see slight improvements. Like my heart palpitations hv stopped, i normally used to go into relapse during d menstrual cycle time - that has stopped. I had off late developed shortness of breath, that has improved. Have to wait and see if this protocol can get rid of my chronic fatigue & hyperacusis.

How are you doing? 

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@margaret2022 i took vedicinals-9 for 48 days initially and it got rid of my migraine attacks, nerve pains and hyperacusis improved. Like prior to tking vedicinals-9(for last one year since i was v injured) i was jus not able to hear any sounds, infact i even had to stop answering the phone coz i couldnt bear listening d other person talking as it used to trigger severe headaches, nerve pain etc. But after 48 day course this drastically improved & i could manage to hear for 20 odd mins. Since then i continued taking vedicinals-9 for another 3 months (but just for 2 weeks in a month & then i used to give it a break for another 2 weeks). I eventually stopped it in November when i joined functional medicine.

I dont have tinnitus issue. But i did have eye pressure issue, which has improved too. I do still get it rarely though. 


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Posted by: @hdmzcyxxdw

Hi everyone,

I think this post will change the quality of life for many people here. Like you, I have struggled with problems since my first vaccination. Eventually, after visiting many doctors, I was able to understand the cause and was cured within a month. In fact, I still find it hard to believe that it was so simple.

The symptoms I had appeared a week after the vaccination and increased for about two months, then reached a peak.

The symptoms I had and my girlfriend ( we both had the same problems since the first vaccination, I will explain why shortly):

1. dizziness
2. diarrhea, bloating, gurgling in stomach
2. heart rate spikes (over 150 at times) along with shortness of breath and feeling like im going to pass out
3. problem with physical activity such as running, weightlifting, after a while there was shortness of breath
4. sleepiness
5. brain fog ( problems with putting sentences together, confusing words)
6. drops in blood pressure
7. very strong depressed mood

I noticed quite quickly like many people here that antihistamines such as hydroxizinum gave me relief, I just didn't understand why.

I did all the intestinal testing. that is possible, did allergy testing, ruled out MCAS, finally found something that matched my symptoms perfectly, including ONE very distinctive one:

A problem with sleeping on my left side, as soon as I lay down in that position I would start having shortness of breath. In general, we both had very big sleep problems.

All symptoms matched Rhoemheld Syndrome, here is a list of symptoms of this syndrome:

Sinus bradycardia
Difficulty inhaling
Angina pectoris
Left ventricular discomfort
Premature heart beats (PVC / PAC)
Uncomfortable breathing
Poor perfusion
Muscle pain (crampiness)
Burst or sustained vertigo or dizziness
Sleep disturbance (particularly when sleeping within a few hours of eating, or lying on the left side)
Hot flashes

As you can see these symptoms are very similar to what most of you have, plus a lot of people here have talked about the metallic aftertaste which is also a very big clue that I unfortunately did not have in my case, which is why it took me so long to unravel it.

So what was going on with us?

After receiving the vaccination there was a strong reflux, the acid in the stomach gained a lot of strength (hence the burning in the chest or burning stomach in many people here). After a time (several weeks) of such strong acid battering the walls of the esophagus, we developed erosions and esophagitis.

The Vagus Nerve is located just behind the stomach, so when there is strong irritation of the membranes of the digestive system there is excessive stimulation which gives all the symptoms of rhoemheld syndrome. I noticed pretty quickly that I felt stressed after eating something irritating like lemon or something on coarse salt. It just hurt my throat which irritated the vagus nerve which reacted with a stress reaction.

After the gastroscopy and confirmation of my suspicions, my girlfriend and I enrolled in a gastrologist. We were given 60 mg of PPI for three months, I am currently on my second month, only after a month of treatment (!) I noticed burning in my throat and esophagus.

After two months, except for the burning in the esophagus (I am still under treatment, it takes a long time to heal), I no longer have any symptoms. Half a month ago, when I ate spicy food (not a very good idea when you have epigastrium) I immediately felt the familiar feeling of uneasiness and an elevated heart rate, which only strengthened my conviction that this is the cause.

In conclusion, do a gastroscopy, if something comes out there go to a gastrologist, the cause lurks there. I found one post here that described a similar theory only that there the reason was supposed to be gas. Gas right after eating is caused by inflammation of the lining of the stomach, it is not the cause, but additionally increases the symptoms of rhoemheld syndrome.

I would like to add again that all this time before treatment and at the beginning of treatment I had NO typical symptoms of reflux or esophagitis. Only gastroscopy showed it

Driving, work, nothing is a problem for me anymore, three months ago I thought it would never end, good luck!

Hey up , after reading post above i decided to try PPI , Im suffering for about 2 years now on from 2nd Pfizer shot my symptoms match all yours , which includes;

-brain fog , unbalance, headaches , random pressures around the head , vision problems , tinnitus etc..

I bought 30mg lansoprazole and I'm on second week now and everything improved that much that I can't believe it, headaches gone , balance back to normal from time to time I still getting a bit blurry vision but not as much as before but in overall I feeling myself again, I will take lansoprazole to up to 4 weeks and I will stop , I've done research about it and is pretty much safe if not exceeding 8 week period then it needs to be maintained by GP , seriously it's working and is IRRITATED VAGUS NERVE which causes all of this is responsible for many things in our body , I noticed some side effects, one of them I felt a bit nauseous for first few days and is a bit funny feeling in the stomach not pain I will say ache like I just feeling stomach but is getting better , I still shocked that all this was caused by simply REFLUX , if you have any questions just ask me , take care 







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Hey up , after reading post above i decided to try PPI , Im suffering for about 2 years now on from 2nd Pfizer shot my symptoms match all yours , which includes;

-brain fog , unbalance, headaches , random pressures around the head , vision problems , tinnitus etc..

I bought 30mg lansoprazole and I'm on second week now and everything improved that much that I can't believe it, headaches gone , balance back to normal from time to time I still getting a bit blurry vision but not as much as before but in overall I feeling myself again, I will take lansoprazole to up to 4 weeks and I will stop , I've done research about it and is pretty much safe if not exceeding 8 week period then it needs to be maintained by GP , seriously it's working and is IRRITATED VAGUS NERVE which causes all of this is responsible for many things in our body , I noticed some side effects, one of them I felt a bit nauseous for first few days and is a bit funny feeling in the stomach not pain I will say ache like I just feeling stomach but is getting better , I still shocked that all this was caused by simply REFLUX , if you have any questions just ask me , take care 

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Posted by: @riidiik

Hey up , after reading post above i decided to try PPI , Im suffering for about 2 years now on from 2nd Pfizer shot my symptoms match all yours , which includes;

-brain fog , unbalance, headaches , random pressures around the head , vision problems , tinnitus etc..

I bought 30mg lansoprazole and I'm on second week now and everything improved that much that I can't believe it, headaches gone , balance back to normal from time to time I still getting a bit blurry vision but not as much as before but in overall I feeling myself again, I will take lansoprazole to up to 4 weeks and I will stop , I've done research about it and is pretty much safe if not exceeding 8 week period then it needs to be maintained by GP , seriously it's working and is IRRITATED VAGUS NERVE which causes all of this is responsible for many things in our body , I noticed some side effects, one of them I felt a bit nauseous for first few days and is a bit funny feeling in the stomach not pain I will say ache like I just feeling stomach but is getting better , I still shocked that all this was caused by simply REFLUX , if you have any questions just ask me , take care 

Riidiik:  Thanks so much for your post.  Awesome news that you are feeling better already.  Question for you: Did you also have unexplained heightened anxiety as a symptom?  if yes, did that go away too? Also, has your tinnitus resolved to any degree since you started on the lansoprazole? How did you pick that particular PPI?  I have a bottle of esomeprazole, which I believe is similar.  Thanks in advance for any information you can share.  And congrats again.


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The COVID-19 vaccines currently available, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, have been shown to be safe and effective in preventing COVID-19 infection. However, like all vaccines, they can cause side effects, although most of these side effects are mild and temporary. Some of the common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine include:

  1. Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
  2. Fatigue
  3. Headache
  4. Muscle or joint pain
  5. Chills
  6. Fever
  7. Nausea

These side effects usually occur within a few days after vaccination and typically resolve on their own within a few days.

In rare cases, more serious side effects can occur, such as allergic reactions or blood clotting disorders. These side effects are very rare and usually occur within a few minutes to a few hours after vaccination.

It is important to note that the benefits of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 far outweigh the risks of the vaccine's side effects. The vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in preventing COVID-19 infections and severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19.

If you experience any side effects after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, it is important to report them to your healthcare provider or local health department. They can provide advice on managing your symptoms and monitor for any potential complications.

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@ksharky13 hey up , my anxiety was unbelievable,  skipped hearth beat or little things which happens to me before on which I wouldn't pay much attention now for an example I had wee a bit more yellowish first think which came to my head was a kidney failure following by panic attacks and many, many other things, anxiety was bad which develop to depression , it was like vicious circle , feeling dizzy - anxiety - depressed that I've got MS , now I feeling better because all symptoms almost gone and my head is more relaxed I'm not thinking about it much more because I do believe that I found the answer for all my problems, tinnitus is still there but not as bad , hearing is getting better I will say improved by 40%, I've picked Lansoprazole because is 30mg and I did some research about following by reading other people reviews/comments, esomeprazole was my second choice if I couldn't get lansoprazole, if I will be you I will try esomeprazole and wait for improvements , if improvements will be just littleish I will get lansoprazole, but you need to wait around a week to see improvements ,guy from post above said that he takes 60mg a day but I think that could be too much for me, any more questions just ask and please let me know if you feeling better after trying these PPI. Take care .

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Posted by: @riidiik

@ksharky13 hey up , my anxiety was unbelievable,  skipped hearth beat or little things which happens to me before on which I wouldn't pay much attention now for an example I had wee a bit more yellowish first think which came to my head was a kidney failure following by panic attacks and many, many other things, anxiety was bad which develop to depression , it was like vicious circle , feeling dizzy - anxiety - depressed that I've got MS , now I feeling better because all symptoms almost gone and my head is more relaxed I'm not thinking about it much more because I do believe that I found the answer for all my problems, tinnitus is still there but not as bad , hearing is getting better I will say improved by 40%, I've picked Lansoprazole because is 30mg and I did some research about following by reading other people reviews/comments, esomeprazole was my second choice if I couldn't get lansoprazole, if I will be you I will try esomeprazole and wait for improvements , if improvements will be just littleish I will get lansoprazole, but you need to wait around a week to see improvements ,guy from post above said that he takes 60mg a day but I think that could be too much for me, any more questions just ask and please let me know if you feeling better after trying these PPI. Take care .

Riidiik:  Thanks so much for your quick reply. The one thing that gives me pause about thinking that this is the root of my issues is that I haven’t had any typical heartburn or reflux symptoms.  Although I have read that you don’t necessarily have to have heartburn or reflux to have Roemheld Syndrome.  Did you have acid reflux/heartburn as a symptom?

I have so many of the symptoms though: tinnitus, massive anxiety & panic attacks, heart palpitations, heart rate spikes, chronic head pressure (not too bad but it’s there).  Of course the MDs all say “anxiety” and want me to get on an anti-depressant medication (which I don’t want to do because they can make tinnitus worse).  I just want my old self back again.

One more question: Did you see a GI specialist before taking the PPI, or did you start that on your own?  I’ve read up a little on them so I know you have to be careful with them.  Some scary side effects and I understand that whatever they do to help while you’re taking them is “irreversible”.  It seems that nothing in the real of medicine is “safe”.


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@ksharky13 i had reflux in past and kinda sour taste sometimes and a bit pressure on my chest which wasn't a heart, before I start to taking lansoprazole I didn't notice anything I mean reflux but it could be a silent reflux which isn't giving any typical symptoms , when you type in Google "silent reflux" you will see what I mean , 2 weeks after you stop taking ppi everything should be back to normal , PPI is safe if is used in short periods to up to 4 weeks, if you read about it more deeply you will see that even kids can take it , esomeprazole you can buy over the counter so can't be that bad. I went to gp a month ago and I've told him all my symptoms he said that it could be a reflux but after I was experiencing from my point of view life threatening conditions (anxiety) I didn't take him serious,  few weeks later I spoke to gp again and I've told him that I've got sour taste and I want to try PPI after Ive read that post on this forum he told me about tablets called Guardium which is esomeprazole and I can buy these over the counter but I decide to take lansoprazole instead ,if you think in past we all have good days and bad days i reckon that was linked to food which we had night before, some food make your stomach to produce more acid some not , when acid level was above normal irritate vagus nerve and irritated vagus nerve make your stomach to produce even more acid  ... and that's why we felt bad again , if you not sure go see your doctor and tell him what you think , at the moment I feel really good , no more rocking, bouncing feeling and I feel like my brain work normal again, headaches these dodgy headaches gone , let me know if you are going for it if yes give me an update if that help you or not but i think it will. Take care

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Posted by: @riidiik

@ksharky13 i had reflux in past and kinda sour taste sometimes and a bit pressure on my chest which wasn't a heart, before I start to taking lansoprazole I didn't notice anything I mean reflux but it could be a silent reflux which isn't giving any typical symptoms , when you type in Google "silent reflux" you will see what I mean , 2 weeks after you stop taking ppi everything should be back to normal , PPI is safe if is used in short periods to up to 4 weeks, if you read about it more deeply you will see that even kids can take it , esomeprazole you can buy over the counter so can't be that bad. I went to gp a month ago and I've told him all my symptoms he said that it could be a reflux but after I was experiencing from my point of view life threatening conditions (anxiety) I didn't take him serious,  few weeks later I spoke to gp again and I've told him that I've got sour taste and I want to try PPI after Ive read that post on this forum he told me about tablets called Guardium which is esomeprazole and I can buy these over the counter but I decide to take lansoprazole instead ,if you think in past we all have good days and bad days i reckon that was linked to food which we had night before, some food make your stomach to produce more acid some not , when acid level was above normal irritate vagus nerve and irritated vagus nerve make your stomach to produce even more acid  ... and that's why we felt bad again , if you not sure go see your doctor and tell him what you think , at the moment I feel really good , no more rocking, bouncing feeling and I feel like my brain work normal again, headaches these dodgy headaches gone , let me know if you are going for it if yes give me an update if that help you or not but i think it will. Take care

Riidiik: Thanks again for your quick response.  A couple of final questions:  Do you feel that your issues were caused by the Covid vaccine; 2) has your anxiety level been reduced or even completely resolved and back to “normal” now? 

My anxiety/panic feelings are out of control. I too started having more frequent heart palpitations and my normally very mild tinnitus has definitely increased over the last year.  Of course that just drives my anxiety level up even more as I obsess about “what the hell is wrong with my heart and my ears/hearing?”.  It’s a vicious cycle, as I’m sure you’re aware.  It's seems too good to be true that a simple and inexpensive over-the-counter med could be the solution to all this.


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@ksharky13 maybe I wasn't the healthiest person on the world but what happened to me few days after the COVID vaccine it was just everything,insane like a rollercoaster i was waking up with something new everyday I went for blood test , scans, ECG etc.. nothing , I was at work I felt like electric shock going through my head and since then ;

Left and right arm numbness/tingles.

-Chest pressure.

-Dry,sore ichy throat. 

-Stiff neck/shoulders.

-Headaches/Body aches that feel very simular to covid.

-Constantly tired/irregular sleep


-Blurred vision

-Difficulty focusing/remembering/brain fog


- swallowing problems.

-unbalance , vertigo 

- very fast irregular heart beats in resting position.

-Few times nearly pass out.

And many many more , yes all above happened to me after the COVID vaccine and I thought is that's over am I dying? i tried everything, zeolite, vitamins, random super supplements only antihistamines helped me with vertigo and turmeric not sure why probably because of antiinflammatory benefits, when I read that post i thought exactly the same what that guy is on about but then I thought just can't live like this anymore I'm only 38yrs old I feel bad most of the time anyway so I decide give it a go , first few days no improvement at all just felt nauseous and I was very sceptical , I woke up 5th day and I noticed my head is a bit different more focus like and I didn't felt that much pressure behind my eyes I felt different, better I said to myself ok that's weird haha because I was ready for something but nothing came up , next day same Ive looked on the Tele after been sitting on the mobile for an hr - normally I had double vision but vision wasn't double was just a bit blurry but I felt like my eyes try to work together again, at the moment I just feeling normal I won't say 100% normal but almost, there is still mild tinnitus , before after work I just sat on sofa and I was struggling to do many things now is all good I can go shopping etc.. I waste 2 years of my life try to understand what the f**k is going on and I was just sick and tired of this , 2 weeks ago you would wait few days for my reply but now I not mind I just feel more motivated , I can just advise you to do some research about vagus nerve is linked to many , many things in our body , a week on omezoprazole won't harm you , if within a week you won't see any improvement just stop, I just wanna share my experience because I know what you all going through at the moment and I know how you feel and is not nice , I'm here to help if you have any more questions, take care


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