Last seen: May 2, 2023 12:09 pm
Hello all , I'm following this forum for about 2 years all happened after second shot , all mine symptoms matching yours , I've done blood test - clea...
@margaret2022 around 3 weeks time you need to feel results and you will see huge improvement specially from these mushrooms ones I thought I was fully...
@margaret2022 FND Functional Neurological Disorder - problem with how the brain receives and send signal/information to the rest of the body.
@margaret2022 I know you probably read a lot but just quick look on this article; Tinnitus is one of Vagus nerve disorders.
@margaret2022 hey up , I know what you mean with derealization, is like a dreamy feeling and you're thinking whatever is around you is like a real/unr...
@twitch hey up , before I started taking lansoprazole I had weird head sensation, weird feeling I think motion related and many other symptoms, now at...
@margaret2022 yes , is affecting hearing as well;
@ksharky13/p> Here is a link , if you wanna read , is saying most adults and CHILDRENS can take it so if you gonna take for a week or two I really c...
@ksharky13 hey up , I only felt nauseous for the first few days , PPI needs to be maintained by GP if you're using 3 months plus because your vitamin ...
@ksharky13 maybe I wasn't the healthiest person on the world but what happened to me few days after the COVID vaccine it was just everything,insane li...
@ksharky13 i had reflux in past and kinda sour taste sometimes and a bit pressure on my chest which wasn't a heart, before I start to taking lansopraz...
@ksharky13 hey up , my anxiety was unbelievable, skipped hearth beat or little things which happens to me before on which I wouldn't pay much attenti...
Hey up , after reading post above i decided to try PPI , Im suffering for about 2 years now on from 2nd Pfizer shot my symptoms match all yours , whic...
I know what you mean, I just had a bad relapse few days ago , started from weird head pressure and I knew is coming , at the moment head pressure gone...