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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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thanks for the response. I will try and get the imaging done soon. how long did it take for you to get over the dizziness symptoms overall ? 

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@anonym2 i was dizzy on/off for twelve weeks but absolutely nothing for the last seven weeks which is amazing! however, i still get headaches, tingling/numbness in my fingers and random pains in my arm/legs. it's all very strange but hoping those symptoms will leave as the vertigo/dizziness did. wishing you well 


cut out caffeine completely and started taking half beta prograne (80mg) right around when the dizziness stopped 

Rachie and Rachie reacted
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thanks so much the suggestion. I will consult with my doctor regarding the beta blocker. Just out of curiosity, did you get MRI with contrast ? thanks 

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@anonym2 i did ! MRI brain with and without contrast approx. two weeks after my symptoms started. and MRI full spine with and without contrast approx. two months after my symptoms started ! all clear 🤞🏼

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thanks so much for the valuable note. glad it was all clear. i hope this all gets over soon. I would like to get the 2nd dose but just waiting for the symptoms to go away. 

Hope123 and Hope123 reacted
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Hi all, I accidentally stumbled across this forum today when trying to find an answer to lingering post vaccine symptoms with those who have mTbi... which I haven’t found as yet. instead I found all of you good people, who unfortunately are struggling with similar and worse symptoms.  I find it fascinating to read that many people experience the same mind numbing response from their doctors. If another doctor tells me that I’m feeling XY or Z due to my age I swear I’m going to blow my top. 

 I received my 1st Pfizer covid  vaccine April 12, 2021. On a daily basis since then I feel as if someone has let out 75% of the air in me if I was a bicycle tire 😬. And since the vaccine , I continue to deal with intense brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, shallow breathing, tinnitus, legs that feel weak like jello, along with light headed like my head is floating ...  and initially most troubling, the elevated blood pressure and heart rate. 

I find the brain fog and fatigue is the most troubling, as doing normal day-to-day tasks are hit or miss as I’m unable to concentrate, And run out of steam  many times throughout the day.   Needless to say… This is interferes with my normal daily activities in life. 

Thankfully the elevated blood pressure and heart rate has returned to normal thanks to high doseage of theracurmin 3x day which 2 drs have recommended as it lessens cytokine release. It was the high BP which had concerned me the most as I got those symptoms within 10 minutes of the vaccine and made me positively miserable, unable to drive. Now with the other symptoms I try to focus positively on what I can do each and every day. I don’t get a lot accomplished, but it keeps me from going crazy and beating myself up emotionally.

 What I find helps is 5 to 10 minutes of guided meditation or meditation music as it really helps with anxiety and fatigue,  feel as if it helps reset my internal clock somehow even if only for a short while. 

Another symptom is an heightened intolerance to sound and electronic screens. This brought to mind what I experienced in the past with post concussion Syndrome. I learned to avoid electronic devices as much as possible. And to use the low glare light that new cellphones and tablets have.  It does get better in time

This is  what I implemented since my 1st Pfizer  covid vaccine when I find Myself increasingly intolerant of sounds whether it be the radio or tv or sometimes just too much talk  . So much that I want to scream out to Alexa to shut up ... I use that as my barometer these days.  If that s the case I realize that I need a 5 or 10 minute rest or even better a meditation... so since the vaccine I have several tuneups  throughout the day. In fact having learned these techniques from an earlier mTbi, it helps me somehow be better able to listen to my body's responses.. and not push it but gracefully with patience help myself along.


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Posted by: @nodiagnosis

Has anyone here actually been diagnosed with anything (post vaccine)? 

Almost 2 weeks after Moderna vaccination, I still had a lot of my initial symptoms. APRN at my clinic diagnosed me with Adverse Effect of Other Viral Vaccines, an official diagnosis. It has its own diagnosis code; I have record of it somewhere in my stack of paperwork.

Tomorrow I go for ENG for my ENT ...maybe I will earn a more specific diagnosis after that...?

I feel I should get imaging for a looksee for anything that may be involved in my vestibular constellation if symptoms, along with facial paresthesia. Hopefully I'll be offered MRI.

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I've been all over my medium sized city today looking for Covid antibody testing. For testing that can show antibodies that could show evidence of past Covid infection (if I had it) even though I've had a Moderna vaccination. Seven different places ...the only one that had been doing that was the Red Cross, but they quit doing antibody testing just last week. On Thursday I'll see my PCP's PA and find out if their large clinic/hospital system does it. I want to try to figure out if I qualify for a Long Covid diagnosis, or just post-Moderna adverse effect diagnosis ...or possibly both??! What a wunnerful life! 🥴😂🙏

junior1087, Gloria M, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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@michaelk We are on the same page. I got my first Moderna on April. 3days later, I experienced many bad side effects, vertigo, vomit, chill, nausea, cool sweat. It lasted only one day. But 20 days after my first shot, I experienced consistent 3-4 days dizziness. I didn’t realized it’s triggered by the vaccine until I found this forum. Maybe I was not as severe as you or many others on the forum. But I delayed my second dose and have been debating on it since then.

The forum is important for us. But it is not so easy to know each case. Maybe we should use a simple form to highlight ourselves case. Such as Moderna, first shot, onset dizziness 20 days later, last 3-4 days. If everyone can attach the information  in their every post, it will be easy for others to know the case quickly.

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I received the J & J shot April 5th. Started feeling dizzy on the 16th. Ended up in the ER the next morning with rapid heart beat for over 6 hrs. straight, dizzy, numbness in hands and feet. Felt like I might have a heart attack. Had a panic attack due to all of it. ER did a bunch of tests and said all came back normal. Symptoms got better and then boom they came back again. I never know day to day how I will feel. The rapid heart rate comes on a lot. Especially at night. Some nights I can hardly sleep. Doctors don't really know anything. Prescribed anti depressants for anxiety which I don't want to take. I just want to feel like my old self again. This is going on way to long. Anyone else have the rapid heart rate too? Also palpitations now and then.

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Guys since English is not my first language I might have hard time explaining or distinguishing between my symptoms.

I think what I have now is more so brain fog than dizziness and that I never had vertigo because what people describe on here is just crazy. CRAZY. Room spinning? Well it only happened to me when I was really drunk...

I have heard a few people mention brain fog and tight feeling in the head but most talk about dizziness and vertigo...maybe because these 2 are way harder to deal with?

I wonder do they go away at the same time or not or are they connected or is it a separate symptom altogether?

I have persistent brain fog now....and I think in a way it makes me slightly dizzy (but no one would tell)

I look completely healthy and not yet ready to be ridiculed by my family doctor for complaining about the vaccine....I am also young so she will probably tell me to f off and not waste her time...



May 16 - got vaccinated (Pfizer)

May 17 - sore arm

May 18 - May 21 - feeling great

May 21 - May 22 - headache 

May 23 - chills, felt feverish with no temperature

May 24 - May 26 - brain fog and dizziness

May 27 - May 28 - brain fog and clogged ears

May 29 - May 30 - brain fog, headache

May 31 - severe brain fog, fatigue

June 1 - June 7 - brain fog, head and ears feel weird

This post was modified 4 years ago by Hope123

junior1087, Dizzyfromvaccine, Rachie and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @rachie

Wish I hadn't got the shit either as have now been diagnosed with menieres syndrome which I never had before. Have been told by many Dr's all my symptoms anxiety. Emergency dept Dr eventually after my insistence that not all my symptoms were anxiety listened and diagnosed vertigo/meineres and prescribed behistine. To follow up with GP as said will need exercises for balance now.

Unfortunately I am now suffering anxiety because of my symptoms so I am going to ask my GP for something to help with this. If I have to suffer the symptoms I would at least like something to help me feel a little better/more positive.

Keep going everyone, we are all in this together so let's do all we can to get through this. 

Just noticed a typo meant shot not shit but actually now think maybe that typo was the right word 😉

Hi rachie,

I've fallen behind in reading and replying here, but wanted to check and see how you're doing... Started reading, thought yeah, angry like me (always getting asked if I'm depressed, I say no, but I am angry about getting this vaccine reaction when it's not admitted that this is one is even on the list) so, yeah, angry... Then got to the end and saw your comment about leaving your typo... Well, that was much better than a meditation to me! Gave me roils of belly laughs! A wise source says, Laughter does good, like a medicine! Thanks for the healthy dose! 😂

A diagnosis... I'm straining for one, too. But if/when I get one, I know I'll go through a process of deciding if I'll accept it, and if so, grieving my loss of health... 

I hope the med helps; I happened to read about that med yesterday. Together, yes, I'm terribly thankful for this! My thoughts and prayers go out to you, and to us all... 😔🙏

dragonlover, Gloria M, Rachie and 3 people reacted
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hi sassafras,

just figured out how to cut and paste a reply. Haven’t found a place yet on those site about navigating it to make posts other then “reply”. Can anyone help? 
that being said I wanted to share an article a friend sent me that has to do with Covid patients developing psychosis. Unfortunately I’m wondering if it could account for “brain fog” that many of us have developed and in my case very weird paranoid thoughts that I have never had before. It’s so scary it could get worse or even be long term. I find I am no longer that happy go lucky positive person and am finding it depressing accepting my current angry fly off the handle self. Sorry but I feel I have been invaded by an evil alien. Does or is anyone else getting the same after having two doses of the vaccine. Or am I losing it? I’m sharing the article my friend sent he. He has a reality with who has suffered psychosis after contracting COVID.


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Can’t seem to edit this post. Find this site quite glitchy. Frustrating. 

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@hope123 Hello Hope 123, you say English isn't your first language but you are doing exceptionally well explaining yourself. I think all of us, maybe with one or two exceptions, have been gaslighted by our doctor and even family and friends, and as you say, particularly when you look so well. Your symptoms are all too common among many of us and you can be assured that here we completely understand what you are going through. I hope your visit to your doctor gives you the help and reassurance that you need.🙏😊

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