And Katie, you are not alone. Thank you for sharing your symptoms past and present. We are all on this forum helping one another and I’m sure we will get through this. You are wise to wait on a second little one until you get through this challenge as I’m sure you will. I particularly appreciate your sharing about your atlas bone and I will check that out as I have scoliosis and it could be out of alignment. Thanks.
Hang in there. ❤️
@vespinosa925 I'm with you. Been suffering since end of Feb. Some days better than others. I hope you get some relief soon.
So there was an link here for vestibular exercises (sorry I cannot recall who posted it, but thank you) I woke feeling so unwell and depressed the tears were flowing again. I decided to try and do something positive and try the vestibular exercises. They were difficult because of my dizziness, BUT I persevered because I have to feel I am doing something which may help. I am now sitting here shaking from the effort and the exacerbation of dizziness from doing these exercises BUT I do feel less tearful and like I've done a good thing in trying to help myself. If it's stopped the tears as I had to focus on the exercises then I think that is a positive outcome, even if I am super shaky and dizzy!
Wishing us all a speedy recovery x
It's really best if you can go to a vestibular physical therapist that can test you to determine appropriate exercises for your symptoms - to develop a customized program for your needs. Your doctor may be willing to prescribe this for you. Last night I was super tired, but I did find a place on the VEDA site that said it had a procedure you could go through to work on doing this for yourself. I'm somewhere with limited internet service today, but if you do a search of the articles you may be able to find it. What you want is to do exercises that are challenging you in the right areas and the right amount, in the best order - but not in areas you don't need, not too much and not in an order unhelpful for you. Everyone's needs are different. 👍
@gloriam Thank you for the encouragement. I have posted in the introductory thread.
I’m going on 5 months😩 I definitely noticed it’s way worse during my period. I thought it was just me. It’s also interesting about your spine misalignment. I have a compound fracture in my lower back and a bone spur in my neck. It makes sense if that is inflamed that it would cause issues. I’ll have to look into that. Thanks for the info. I hope you and everyone else will be feeling better soon!
I had my Pfizer vaccine on May 4 and overnight in the early hours of May 8th I woke up with severe vertigo. I spent the day in the ER and the meds they gave me helped to reverse the symptoms. I was a little fuzzy and dizzy for a few days and my energy levels were low for a couple of weeks, but functioning. Then, over night again, I awoke on May 25 with a return of the vertigo again, although slightly less severe this time. At home I had take the meds they had prescribed for the vertigo, but to no effect. I ended up in the ER again and spent the day there. The symptoms were only reversed when they gave me the same meds they used the first time in the ER (not what was prescribed for home use.) I now have a prescription for the same med used in the ER in case of a recurrence of the symptoms. I am now concerned that when I get the second dose of Pfizer vaccine that I will have severe vertigo again, but perhaps worse this time and this time it will not go away as it seems to have done this time. I asked my doctor about this and she basically told me that if I did not get the second dose I would not be able to travel in the future. She would not say that there was any connection between the Pfizer vaccine and the severe vertigo that I developed. She just deflected the discussion to discuss what I could no longer do if I did not have the vaccine. I am now wondering what to do regarding the vaccine...with no help from my medical professional. I see my naturopath tomorrow and will ask her these questions.
Hello folks, I’ve been monitoring this forum for a few weeks now and thought I would post my story. I hope it’s not too long and boring. I’m a 51 year old male, based in California, USA, and I would say I was in good health before this all started (ran at least 2 x 5K runs per week).
Apr 5 – Got 1st shot (Pfizer), felt a little fatigued during the evening, but felt fine after.
Apr 27 – Got 2nd shot (Pfizer)
Apr 28 – Injection site soreness, fatigue, aches, but nothing others weren’t experiencing
Apr 29 – Felt fine (that was easy, or so I thought)
April 30 – Ocular migraine (blind spot in right eye, couldn’t read sentences)
May 1-8 – Near fainting spells (or dizziness?)
May 09–21 – Odd dizzy spells and minor numbness/weakness here and there
May 22-31 - Brain fog, dizziness, nausea, numbness/weakness in legs (comes and goes)
Jun 1-10 – Brain fog, tinnitus, no more nausea and numbness (possibly due to supplements)
Jun 11 – Brain fog, tinnitus, dizziness returned for just one day
Jun 12-13 – Brain fog, tinnitus
During this time I went to Urgent Care (May 3), ER (May 7) and was even admitted to hospital for 1 night. Tests include CT Scan of brain (May 7), multiple EKGs, Chest X-Ray (May 7), Echocardiogram (May 7), Nuclear Stress test (May 8), MRI of brain (with and without contrast), Zio heart monitor patch (May 18 - Jun 1), Carotid artery ultrasound (May26), Thyroid ultrasound (Jun 8), multiple blood tests).
So far, all test results are clear (sound familiar?). Still waiting for results of Zio patch which I wore for 2 weeks and recorded 12 events (dizziness episodes, numbness/weakness episodes, palpitations, etc). Also, during all this time I’ve had no fever, heart rate is usually normal, blood pressure is fine and blood/oxygen is fine. For me, this confirmed that I was in pretty good health before this nightmare started.
I’m scheduled to see a cardiologist on Jun 23, and a neurologist on Sep 27 (yes, it’s this far out which is unbelievable and I have great health insurance). I was also prescribed a 5-day burst of prednisone on Jun 11 in the hope it might ease some swelling my doctor noticed in my ear drums. I’m hoping this will ease my brain fog and tinnitus but 2 days in to this so far and no real difference. I’ve also been taking the liposomal glutathione, quercetin and zinc supplement regiment (8 days now), thanks to folks posting on this forum, and they have certainly helped.
All in all, I’m learning to live with my symptoms. Like many of you on this forum, it has greatly impacted my quality of life and I’m just hoping that it will subside over time. I must admit, for the first few weeks of this I had a lot of anxiety because I thought I might have something terminal. I still might because I feel it’s critical now for me to see a neurologist and take a closer look at my nervous system. However, after reading the many stories on this forum, I’m more convinced than ever during the last few weeks that the vaccine caused this. My doctor doesn’t dismiss this theory but just states that there’s not enough data right now. I say it will just be a matter of time. I find solace in this forum and sympathize with the many people on here with whom I feel pretty sure I know how most feel and I know it sucks. My anxiety has reduced, but not knowing how long this will go on for continues to worry me. I will post again if anything significant changes for the better/worse.
I’m so sorry. It’s so hard to understand why this has happened to us. We were trying to do the right thing 😡
Have you seen improvements over the last 5 months? How close are you to “normal?”
@lh2021 I’m sorry to hear as well. Yea, my MRI cost 2k but I guess was worth the peace of mind. Do you have any kind of nerve issues as well? My trigeminal nerves still bother me off and on, and have muscle spasms/twitching thag come and go in my head, neck and legs.
@schwark4 who ordered the X-ray? My neck and shoulders are sore. My neck had been for weeks and then cleared. I had a flare up and now I feel it’s trickling to my shoulders.
Does anyone know how this impacts muscles? Any damage? My neck and now shoulder muscles have been sore for a couple of weeks. Muscle relaxer helps a lot!
Hi, I just saw this message. Thanks for the tip on the beta histadine. I just got a prescription for it and looking to try it (followed by a prednisone taper) if I don't continue to see improvement with the supplements & acupuncture. In Canada, it takes forever to see a specialist (neuro or ENT, 2-6 months depending on severity of issues, they triage it). Minor dizziness like this is not priority for specialists. I just hope by the time I see a specialist, the symptoms will have subsided.
I am scheduled for my 2nd dose (Pfizer/Moderna - we are mixing and matching in Canada) and plan to go ahead with it. Hoping that since it's a different vaccine, maybe my body will react differently to it and not have the same dizziness/on a boat feeling. I
Prior to this, I was a healthy 40-year old, decently active. I have tried to keep up my 2-3 day a week (cycling/running). I'm not that dizzy so it doesn't prevent me from driving, working, etc. it's just super super annoying and sometimes I wonder if I'm "drowsy". I do feel like it prevents me from working as much as I used to. All I can hope for is over time, it'll get better.
Please keep me updated and I'll keep updating my status here for others.
I've been to 2 weeks (2 sessions) of acupuncture and started the supplement regimen 8 days ago after reading about it here. I am noticing some improvement in the last 2 days. Yesterday, I had no symptoms all day until around 8pm. Today, I noticed mostly no symptoms but some waves of dizziness.
These are the supplement dosages I tried. I have been tracking symptoms & supplement dosages meticulously with a spreadsheet. This is the schedule below:
Liposomal Glutathione+ (Naka Platinum - Setria - Reduced Bioactive Form - liquid) | 1tsp (450mg) | 8am | empty stomach |
Quercetin (AOR brand) | 500mg | 8am | empty stomach |
Vitamin C timed released (Alive Vitamins Brand) | 1000mg | 8am | empty stomach |
Zinc Citrate (Alive Vitamins Brand - Zinc Citrate Ultra Immune 50) | 50mg | 12:45pm | with food |
Liposomal Glutathione+ | 1tsp (450mg) | 330pm | empty stomach |
Quercetin | 500mg | 330pm | empty stomach |
Vitamin C timed released | 1000mg | 330pm | empty stomach |
I am located Canada, so those are the brands of supplements I could find. I am going to keep seeing the acupuncturist for a few more sessions at least (fingers crossed the dizziness/on the boat feeling subsides).
Prior to this, I have never taken any supplements (beyond Vitamin D & prenatal vitamins during pregnancy) and did not even know that any of this stuff existed. To be honest, I have no idea if it's just time, the supplement regimen, or the acupuncture sessions that is helping. But at this point, I don't even care as long as the symptoms / dizziness goes away.
Hang in there everyone!