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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @concernedwife

I am a concerned wife.  My husband took the Moderna vaccine back on March 4th.  A few days later he began to feel real bad.  The dizziness started, high blood pressure, stumbling around, a little slurring and vertigo.  His blood pressure was beginning to stay high and continued to increase daily.  I took him into the ER thinking he was having a stroke as he had previously had a stroke 7 years earlier and some of the same symptoms were present then.  I even thought I was being smart and took him to the same hospital that treating him the first time.  His blood pressure was 200/120 somthing.  The ER just let him sit for hours and when we stated we thought the symptoms were side effect of the vaccine you would have thought we had 3 heads.  They finally sent us home with medicine they give to drug users.  They told us he was ok and that he was just detoxing from alcohol.  I asked the doctors how could he be detoxing from alcohol when he just drinks socially?  They acted like he was a raging alcoholic and sent him on his way.  Two weeks later I had him back in the ER for the same symptoms but they had progressed.  We got the same story different verse...they gave him an additional blood pressure medication to help bring down the blood pressure.  

The symptoms continued and one day I received a call from my husband stating he needed me to take him back in it was unbearable so off to the ER we went.  This time I went to a different hospital within the same family of hospitals so they could see his past tests etc.  I told them I wanted everything checked.  They had already checked heart, liver, kindneys etc but never his head.  I kept saying it was in his head meaning neurological but I guess they thought I meant he was crazy.  Finally I was able to get his head checked out and we were told that he had fluid on his brain, his left corotid artery is 100% blocked and he has had another small stroke.  I did asked if they could tell how long ago the stroke had happen and he said recent but not more than a year.  He just couldn't give exact time frame.  Once again we mentioned the vaccine and they thought he was crazy.  For the dizziness and vertigo they told him to take over the counter motion sickness meds.  This did nothing for him.  

I am asking for any help on what we should do to help make him feel better.  He is self employed and he is struggling to work each day.  I have heard about taking Ivermectin or Hydrochloroquin along with other vitamins.  Are there any tests we need to have done to show what is truly happening?  How have some of you been diagnosed or are you self diagnosing?  

I am scared for my husband.  He is only 54 years old and keeps saying that by the way he feels know he doesn't think he will be alive in another month.  Any help is appreciated. 

Hi, You and your husband are scared and concerned, and rightly so! Many medical providers have many reasons to not be interested in correlating medical issues to Covid vaccination. But whether the problems he's having are related to his Covid vaccination or not, he has issues that need addressed on more than an emergency basis. I hope he's been referred for follow-up with a primary doctor at the very least! It sounds like he needs referrals to specialists that can provide treatment for the reported fluid on his brain and his blocked carotid artery. These are both serious issues that warrant attention as soon as possible. Please don't delay in seeking follow up care somewhere beyond the hospitals. 🙏

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@concernedwife glutathione, and look into ivermectin. It's helping some damaged individuals. Be prepared for ridicule.

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I had the J&J vaccine on May 3, 2021. Soon after I had extreme nausea, which lasted for a month. After that I had on and off nausea and stomach pains. I have no history of nausea or stomach problems. Today I woke up with extreme vertigo and nausea, and it lasted most of the day, gradually getting better. Hopefully I will be ok tomorrow. But I am expecting to have these attacks, maybe for the rest of my life. I am 69 years old and generally healthy. I had to get the vaccine for important travel, but I never trusted them.


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Hi everyone , I posted here not too long ago about my off balance/ dizzy symptoms I have had since getting my covid vaccine. After a number of doctor visits and almost two months of feeling like my body is in waves I finally might have an answer. Bare in mind I have tried Betahistine for vertigo which my doctor prescribed - it didn't do anything at all, I've struggled working while feeling so off balance like im swaying on a boat and cant get my body to stop, it has been an absolute nightmare. Anyways I was then referred to a called the The Balance Clinic here in Dublin & prayed this would help me. I went the other day and after a number of tests it turns out I have damage of my Vestibular nerve in my right ear, and this is why I am dizzy- main causes of this can be head trauma , ear infections or a virus! I never suffered from the first two, and the only thing that I got was the Covid Vaccine!! Which is putting a small amount of a virus into our bodies. So to me it is almost clear it was the vaccine that caused this nerve damage in my ear. Good news is I am now doing Vestibular rehibillitation exercises three times a day & the physiotherapist said I will heal fast and my dizzy symptoms should disappear soon. I feel more confident with this answer from the physio then all the doctors who seen me and actually could't help me. Hopefully I am on the road to recovery - The reason I have posted this story is to try and help someone, I felt like i was going crazy not knowing what was wrong, I would recommend a Physiotherapist to anyone suffering from balance issues. I hope this will help someone. 🙂  

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@cathymason I had it on the 15th of June 

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@thenystagmus thank you!

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@moonbeam please ask your doctor, the neurologist, if you can,  what does he recommend for dissiness, brain fog, nosea, double vision. Thanks!

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@thenystagmus  We have gone to his PCP as well and they think he's crazy.  He's seen multiple neurologists and they keep saying they can't do anything for the blocked artery.  He is seeing another doctor today and hopefully someone will get answers.  I'm willing to take him anywhere in the US to get what he needs.  We know the symptoms are serious but like I said before we were made to feel like we didn't know what we were talking about.  I do have a question for anyone who has had issues after the vaccine.  What blood type are they?  I've heard that these symptoms are most common among people with a certain blood type.  


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@nasu my dizziness is not as severe as others on here either. I’m trying all of the supplements, because I’m so over being dizzy on and off. How long did yours last? Did you take anything? I saw an ENT who said I most likely have vestibular neuritis. I had the 1st dose of Moderna and was positive with Covid-19 at the same time unknowingly. So they are of course blaming Covid. 

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@michaelk how long did it take you to fully recover?

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@moonbeam My friend is working as an on-contract paramedic in NYC at the moment and he’s having the same experience with trying to discuss an alarmingly high level of strokes, heart attacks and adverse neurological reactions occurring in people who’ve been recently vaccinated. Every doctor he’s dealt with has either totally ignored him or refused to consider    a potential possibility of side effects from the vaccination. If the patients he had been bringing in were elderly or in poor health prior, this might be more understandable. Unfortunately, this has now happened on numerous occasions with recently vaccinated adults under 30, with no prior health issues and recently vaccinated children/teenagers who had been perfectly healthy before receiving the shot. It’s gotten so bad at the hospital he’s at that he’s actually now spoken about the situation with one of the senators from his home state.

My younger brother is an extremely healthy 30 year old and former d1 college athlete. He’s now a dentist in the tri-state area and actually got shingles after he was vaccinated. He broke out in hives on his head neck, & arm after the second shot and was in extreme pain in those areas for a little over a week. Thankfully he had recovered and is doing great now. Unfortunately, he was pressured into getting the shot months ago before the mandate by his boss and then his doctor did not attribute it to the vaccine - as if getting shingles is perfectly normal for a healthy 30 year old athletic male (whom to this day works out daily, has a strict diet and maintains his personal training certification he had, prior to finishing dental school), with almost no history of illness, to the point where I can hardly recall him catching so much as the common cold, more than a few times in his entire life.

Is it the pressure from the organizations, hospitals, other doctors, etc. that’s causing these doctors seeing these reactions to avoid the possibility of them being vaccine related? Or are they just so institutionalized that they really believe whatever they’re being told by those in authority, regardless of what they are seeing in their hospitals and practices? Maybe a combination of both?
I’m really disappointed that a good majority of our doctors seem to be either ignoring - or ignorant of some of these things, that seem to be plaguing so many individuals. 

I hope you feel better soon my friend and thank you for speaking the truth about what you experienced. I can attest to the fact that the box breathing method really helps with anxiety/high stress - it’s a great tool. Not sure if you or anyone else here has looked into the wim hof method, but based on the medical literature and studies that have been published on it (and from doing it for years now myself), I believe this may be another breathing method worth looking into, for any healthy individual (who may be worried about catching covid, or just dealing with anxiety over the lockdown/life right now in general), as it appears to help blood oxygen levels and provide assistance in boosting the immune system. Much love 🙏🏻

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Can anyone comment or provide any insight on relapses of symptoms?  I'm 4 months post 2nd Pfizer vaccine & I'm on my 3rd relapse of headaches, unsteadiness, & fatigue.  I've been having 1 month of symptoms, then approx. 1 month of nothing.  With each relapse though, it doesn't seem as severe.  I've been on the supplements non-stop since May (Vit C, Vit D, Quercetin, Curcumin, Magnesium).  I've had 2 rounds of Prednisone (for about 5 days each) in the last 4 months which seem to help the inflammation.  Ibuprofin also helps too.  What is going on!

This post was modified 3 years ago by GHatzipa

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@ghatzipa Coincidentally enough I had a flare up of some of my symptoms today, but like you they're not as severe and I have more of an understanding of what's going on. I have different symptoms flare up at different times but the recovery is normally a lot quicker; for me I think it's generally anywhere from 4 to 7 days. I've no idea what - if anything - is triggering them or if it's just par for the course. I've spoken to my GP about it and we're in agreement that there's improvement going on behind the scenes despite the flare ups. I'm yet to have any period of time where I'm fully clear of everything, but I have gotten to stages where I've only been dealing with just one or two symptoms at a time.

The toughest thing is the psychological reaction to it. It's desperate to get hit with what feels like such a significant setback after some encouraging signs.

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@hnlinneman Vertigo started 2 weeks after my 1st Pfizer shot and resolved 3 weeks later. I have not taken the 2nd shot and am taking Ivermectin. 

jacquelyn sauriol, Ero, jacquelyn sauriol and 1 people reacted
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Having a very serious debate with myself. I had my first dose of Moderna on 5/11. I tested positive with covid 5/13. I’m having long Covid symptoms including vestibular neuritis vertigo. I have good days and bad days. My drs are pushing for me to get my second dose. I’m on the fence. I definitely do not want to go through covid again but idk if the vestibular neuritis is from covid, my vaccine, or having both at the same time. Myself like many others on here, have never had anything like this before. I do however have a history of vestibular issues and upper respiratory infections. I think the vaccine and covid together caused my immune system to overload. My hopes are that the vaccine either helps me improve or does nothing at all to my current symptoms. Any advice is welcome! Just no horror stories please! My anxiety has never been this bad and I’ve dealt with anxiety since I was 5.

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