So because I got my tests done before Christmas and my GP's office has been closed since, I have not had a consult with her but I was able to access my results online. The only thing that was in red was Serum CRP and that was at 6.0. Not sure what that means?
I am pretty much over all my other symptoms, but the only thing left lingering is head and eye pain. Does anyone have lingering head pain?If this head pain would go away I would be 100%.
How long were you battling this?
What symptoms have been cured completely?
I have many of the reoccurring symptoms as others on here but wondering, any one else have trouble giving blood at the blood work? Turns out usually fine as results but takes them forever to take it. Never had that problem till now...
I also have like blood pressure marks on my arms when I get somewhat hyper. Definitely think it matches either overall inflammation or cardiac issue along with the blood pressure some of us have. My blood just circulates so poorly. Wondering if any one else has noticed these symptoms since being vaxxed
Good morning,
Just came across your site and forum. I would like to report the following:
Caucasian male, 72 years old
21 October 2021 2nd Pfizer dose
2 November 2021 walking up a fairly steep hill I suddenly got dizzy/vertigo and almost fell down due to imbalance. Now 2 months later these symptoms persist. The first hospital I visited on 4 November gave me an MRI and ruled out central vertigo (oof) and diagnosed me with BPPV. They prescribed Serc 24 mg 3 per day. Two months later there were no improvements and I visited a second hospital where they did far more extensive testing. First a vascular specialist gave me a ABI which was normal. Then an ENT specialist examined my ears which were normal, followed by a hearing test, also normal for my age. Lastly a neurologist examined me and gave me an MRI of the brain, MRI of the arteries leading to the brain and an MRI of the whole vertebral column. All normal. Lastly he gave me an echo doppler of the carotid arteries. Normal.
So could anyone please point me in the right direction because after all these "normal" results, after 2 months I am certainly NOT normal.
Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.
P.S. Whenever I asked a specialist if it could be a side effect from the 2nd Pfizer vaccination they all scoffed at this suggestion
Like most of you, I have avoided caffeine and alcohol this entire time. My symptoms are slightly improving, but I am in need of coffee again! Has anyone reintroduced caffeine? If so was it little by little or did you just go for it? And did your symptoms come back?
I am pretty much over all my other symptoms, but the only thing left lingering is head and eye pain. Does anyone have lingering head pain?If this head pain would go away I would be 100%.
Hi, is it more of a head/eye pressure or scalp pain? Im 6.5 months post vaccine and still get occasional head/eye pressure along with scalp pain. It’s much milder than it was though.
Like most of you, I have avoided caffeine and alcohol this entire time. My symptoms are slightly improving, but I am in need of coffee again! Has anyone reintroduced caffeine? If so was it little by little or did you just go for it? And did your symptoms come back?
I miss coffee so much! I haven’t had any since my vaccine (in June), I’m too afraid that it would trigger my side effects as it stimulates the nervous system. Maybe start with decaf?
@lmkk it’s shit 😅👎 this is the first virus I’ve picked up in 6 months and up till now this last month was the best I’ve had felt so much better. How long does the flare ups seem to last for yourself? I could see the light at the end of the tunnel was getting so close to being to get back to my old self and work! Hopefully just a minor set back 😊 hope your doing ok?
29, male, UK
I’ve been reading this forum for a few weeks now.
I got tinnitus around 3 days after the vaccine (booster) and then vertigo the following day. I’ve had chronic debilitating insomnia since with brain zaps and strange headaches that stop me from dropping off. When I do drop off I seem to sleep incredibly lightly and for a few hours at a time.
I hope my symptoms will pass but I’m not getting any answers from anyone. Including my GP and an ENT. I wondered if anyone would be interested in forming a video support group that meets weekly to discuss how we feel, what works and to build a stronger sense of support. It would be lovely to physically hear I’m not alone.
Please let me know.
So because I got my tests done before Christmas and my GP's office has been closed since, I have not had a consult with her but I was able to access my results online. The only thing that was in red was Serum CRP and that was at 6.0. Not sure what that means?
What blood works were this? The normal blood count or had some other tests as well?
Google might give you some idea.
29, male, UK
I’ve been reading this forum for a few weeks now.
I got tinnitus around 3 days after the vaccine (booster) and then vertigo the following day. I’ve had chronic debilitating insomnia since with brain zaps and strange headaches that stop me from dropping off. When I do drop off I seem to sleep incredibly lightly and for a few hours at a time.
I hope my symptoms will pass but I’m not getting any answers from anyone. Including my GP and an ENT. I wondered if anyone would be interested in forming a video support group that meets weekly to discuss how we feel, what works and to build a stronger sense of support. It would be lovely to physically hear I’m not alone.
Please let me know.
I doubt that'll work out as people are from different countries. Time zones won't match. Moreover everyone may not be free or comfortable to join a video group.
But mainly the challenge is time zones.
29, male, UK
I’ve been reading this forum for a few weeks now.
I got tinnitus around 3 days after the vaccine (booster) and then vertigo the following day. I’ve had chronic debilitating insomnia since with brain zaps and strange headaches that stop me from dropping off. When I do drop off I seem to sleep incredibly lightly and for a few hours at a time.
I hope my symptoms will pass but I’m not getting any answers from anyone. Including my GP and an ENT. I wondered if anyone would be interested in forming a video support group that meets weekly to discuss how we feel, what works and to build a stronger sense of support. It would be lovely to physically hear I’m not alone.
Please let me know.
I doubt that'll work out as people are from different countries. Time zones won't match. Moreover everyone may not be free or comfortable to join a video group.
But mainly the challenge is time zones.
Maybe a WhatsApp group?
Does anyone else feel angry that their life has turned upside down after the vaccine?
Prior to October 1st, I was a very active person. My passions were hiking and photography. I had several hikes and photos lined up for autumn and winter - and that ALL stopped as soon as I had the second dose.
I'm now housebound on the weekends. It's been twelve weeks since I've been able to get outside. Twelve weeks since I felt normal. Twelve weeks since my life screeched to a complete halt. And this morning, I feel pretty angry about it.
It's difficult to see social media posts of people traveling, hiking, taking beautiful photos. . .and I'm stuck in my armchair with pressure in my head, or weakness and fatigue, or burning sensations, or whatever debilitating symptom decided to come along that day. I sit in that armchair and I look outside and I cry.
This would never have happened if I hadn't of been forced to take the second dose to keep my job. This would never have happened if the FDA and CDC had been transparent about the TERRIBLE side effects from the vaccines.
And what makes me angrier is how hard the boosters are being pushed (even on CHILDREN!); the lack of medical support, understanding, and resources; and the lack of compensation for such an egregious injury, which quite frankly, I feel entitled to. Because trying to work these past twelve weeks? That's been next to impossible, and I wouldn't wish the stress, exhaustion, and pain from that on my worst enemy. The ONLY thing that has gotten me to work is knowing that if I don't force myself to go, my family will have no food on the table.
I'm sorry for the rant. But this has stolen so much from us. And it just didn't have to be that way.
Like most of you, I have avoided caffeine and alcohol this entire time. My symptoms are slightly improving, but I am in need of coffee again! Has anyone reintroduced caffeine? If so was it little by little or did you just go for it? And did your symptoms come back?
I miss coffee so much! I haven’t had any since my vaccine (in June), I’m too afraid that it would trigger my side effects as it stimulates the nervous system. Maybe start with decaf?
I've been on the decaff since August. I don't drink it all the time as there is still enough trace amounts of caffeine in it to excite my nerves so I just drink it sparingly. I'm sure it will be fine for others to drink daily though. I was already super sensitive to caffeine before my jab so only used to drink one cup a day. I really missed my coffee, cream and Bailey's drink on Christmas morning. 😂