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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @tennyson77

@medee The problem is lots of people have background inflammation levels so it probably doesn't tell you much. For example you can measure C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation, but it's often elevated in people with high blood pressure or heart issues as well.

Wow! What a coincidence! I just went to your profile to msg you coz I assumed you had done these tests and the notification popped up right at that moment that you've replied to my post.

So that means inflammation blood works won't help at all? 

I spoke to a Functional Doctor here in India (We hardly have any and charge huge amounts and many say they aren't as great as overseas, not sure though). She told me whatever I am suffering from is inflammation and should subside, when, no clue! 

Though she said this isn't permanent. She added that everyone's healing duration might differ.

The tests she said she'd look into

- Inflammatory markers

- Metals

- and the rest of the tests will be per the study. They have some set of questionnaire that I will have to answer to.

I'm not sure if I must even opt for their package coz many said they cannot conclude it is the supplements or time which made them feel better. So haven't opted for it yet.

I'm thinking of running some tests on my own for now - Inflammatory markers and CBC and the anti bodies test.

But since you say the inflammation test doesn't help, ot sure if I'm doing the right thing! 


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@medee Problem is a lot of these tests are non-specific - sure they can be elevated, but it doesn't tell you much.  Like serum ferritin is often measured for iron, but lots of other things can raise it too. C-reative protein measures inflammation, but many people have background inflammation just from stuff they eat or minor conditions like minor asthma or sinusitus. So C-reactive protein would be elevated anyways.

I certainly understand wanting to get answers, but I think a lot of people probably just want to make others pay for expensive tests. That's why I've always personally been wary of naturopaths - I like the idea of them, but many seem to just test and test and test until something shows up, but that's like just tossing a  pile of spaghetti on the wall and hoping a few pieces stick.

I'm off for my booster today, roughly six months after the shot that caused all of this (or potentially triggered something else).  This could be a big mistake, but in some ways I don't mind being a bit of a guinea pig for others here to see if it gets worse, stays the same, or maybe even improves (similarly to how some people with long covid find relief after a vaccine).  Seems odd that the poison may also be the cure, but if the vaccine triggered a lot of tier-2 antibodies, then COVID and a smaller dose vaccine (which the booster is), may bind with those excess antibodies and provide relief.  Or it could make things worse, which i hope it doesn't.  But as I stated before, if I'm going to have more side effects I'd rather have them during winter than in the summer when I want to be out doing things again.

But I have no idea.  I expect a small regression for a week or two, but hopefully it goes away.  I'm mostly back to 90% at this point, and I think I can manage the symptoms much better. 

Unfortunately it seems for most people that time really is what's needed to resolve their symptoms.  There's also lots of new research about these side effects, so hopefully in the next few months we start seeing more treatments (like plasmapheresis) that may help.

This post was modified 3 years ago by altennyson

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@medee Also, my C-reactive protein was elevated in August, one month after the shot.  But my last test showed normal levels.

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Posted by: @medee

Has anyone done any blood works for inflammation? If so, could I get the names of these tests. 

I'd wanna do it too. I can do it without a Doctor's letter; however, they'd need the names of the tests from me.

If anyone could help with these...


Hi, Dee.

Commonly used inflammatory biomarkers include:

-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

-acute phase proteins: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) and several other: fibrinogen, ferritin, etc.

-white blood cell count and differential

-procalcitonin (PCT)

-interleukin 6 (IL-6)

-serum protein electrophoresis.

Clinicians often test multiple inflammatory markers.

An increased D-dimer test, also, may indirectly indicate that there is inflammation in the body.

Maybe some of you have already been investigated.

It is very relevant that many people with side effects to vax report about normal tests, including the inflammation markers. This may suggest that there is no point in doing these laboratory tests, especially if they are made at their own expense.

I read that there are doctors who have put together a set of tests, that are not routine, they may indicate inflammation in this particular case, of the undesirable effects after vax.

Best thoughts to you and everyone.

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best of luck, kindly keep us posted on how things progress and thank you for sharing. 👍 

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @kim-h

@medee From my experience and I have read many others say the same, blood work seems to come back normal. All mine showed was low vitamin D. 

Kim, I've done blood works but those didn't cover inflammation markers. I'm certain if there's inflammation, I'd show up.

For me as well, it only showed my deficiency on vitamin D. 

As far as I remember, someone here had done some blood works on inflammation.

Hi Dee,

My blood test shows positive antinuclear antibody - this an indication of inflammation - could be an auto-immune disorder. But dr unable to determine which type of auto-immune.

I now take turmeric and omega-3 fish oil as these has anti-inflammantory benefits.

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@jess7 @nant


thank you both for sharing your experience, symptoms and progress. What you both have described is exactly how I would describe my symptoms as well. I am 6 months in and still experiencing vision problems, everything feels off, inability to focus, things kind of moving/spinning and in general, trippy.. and of course dizziness.. So thank now reading your posts, I have some clue as to what might be going on and where to look at, what doctors to visit.. Please kindly do keep us posted regarding how things are going.. stay safe, all the best

KitKat, NAnt, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @tennyson77

@medee Problem is a lot of these tests are non-specific - sure they can be elevated, but it doesn't tell you much.  Like serum ferritin is often measured for iron, but lots of other things can raise it too. C-reative protein measures inflammation, but many people have background inflammation just from stuff they eat or minor conditions like minor asthma or sinusitus. So C-reactive protein would be elevated anyways.

I certainly understand wanting to get answers, but I think a lot of people probably just want to make others pay for expensive tests. That's why I've always personally been wary of naturopaths - I like the idea of them, but many seem to just test and test and test until something shows up, but that's like just tossing a  pile of spaghetti on the wall and hoping a few pieces stick.

I'm off for my booster today, roughly six months after the shot that caused all of this (or potentially triggered something else).  This could be a big mistake, but in some ways I don't mind being a bit of a guinea pig for others here to see if it gets worse, stays the same, or maybe even improves (similarly to how some people with long covid find relief after a vaccine).  Seems odd that the poison may also be the cure, but if the vaccine triggered a lot of tier-2 antibodies, then COVID and a smaller dose vaccine (which the booster is), may bind with those excess antibodies and provide relief.  Or it could make things worse, which i hope it doesn't.  But as I stated before, if I'm going to have more side effects I'd rather have them during winter than in the summer when I want to be out doing things again.

But I have no idea.  I expect a small regression for a week or two, but hopefully it goes away.  I'm mostly back to 90% at this point, and I think I can manage the symptoms much better. 

Unfortunately it seems for most people that time really is what's needed to resolve their symptoms.  There's also lots of new research about these side effects, so hopefully in the next few months we start seeing more treatments (like plasmapheresis) that may help.

I agree on the tests part. That's exactly what I learnt through some blog posts I read, that they give huge list of tests. Will cost you a huge amount so I'd knept it on hold.

I don't know how long I can take this coz I'm not someone who's abke to handle this with sanity. I'm just goung nuts thinking why this is happening to me and will I ever get back to normal, will I end up getting some disease blah blah. 

I'm not financially well to handle to cost of treatments nor do we have any Government medical benefits here. So just too scared and worried about all this mess.

I'm in my 4th month. Do I at least do a basic CBC and anti body test? Would that help?

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@medee Same thing though, let's say they are elevated - what would change?  You'd probably just be told to wait and get better naturally.  I personally started feeling between between months 4-6.  Today is month 6 and I'm mostly 90% now. 

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Posted by: @tennyson77

@medee Also, my C-reactive protein was elevated in August, one month after the shot.  But my last test showed normal levels.

I see. Even if I do the tests. I don't know what to do if something is elevated or deficient. I'll just have to sit over it.🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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Posted by: @floryeo
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @kim-h

@medee From my experience and I have read many others say the same, blood work seems to come back normal. All mine showed was low vitamin D. 

Kim, I've done blood works but those didn't cover inflammation markers. I'm certain if there's inflammation, I'd show up.

For me as well, it only showed my deficiency on vitamin D. 

As far as I remember, someone here had done some blood works on inflammation.

Hi Dee,

My blood test shows positive antinuclear antibody - this an indication of inflammation - could be an auto-immune disorder. But dr unable to determine which type of auto-immune.

I now take turmeric and omega-3 fish oil as these has anti-inflammantory benefits.

What's the exact name of this test?

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Posted by: @tennyson77

@medee Same thing though, let's say they are elevated - what would change?  You'd probably just be told to wait and get better naturally.  I personally started feeling between between months 4-6.  Today is month 6 and I'm mostly 90% now. 

Makes sense!

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Posted by: @nickpaul


I believe (not sure) Flonase is steroid based. Maybe why it is effective at easing symptoms, even if only temporary. Others have discussed steroids on this forum. I have not tried steroids while I’ve been having tests (to avoid masking symptoms), but I’d like to speak to my doctor about it once tests are finished, if it could provide some relief. 

Yes, I also believe that's why it's so effective. The days that I take an antihistamine and Flonase are the days I generally feel better. I just hate to become dependent on them. They're masking the symptoms, not treating them, and that concerns me. 

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Posted by: @jaydev55

@lmkk hi kitkat did you take anything or did they just get better with time?  I went to the eye doctor and he told me the spot in my vision is CSR. I guess it’s caused by stress and goes away on its own in time (months).

I've been taking a daily multivitamin, turmeric, pineapple juice, and eating anti inflammatory for the last few months. I have taken nothing else apart from the occasional ibuprofen I prefer to let my body sort itself out naturally. My eye problems were worse when I had the headache and lasted a good couple of months before they started getting better around Xmas.

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@heathef So in summary, a booster shot for me is terrifying and you could not pay me to get that done! 

I agree...I too will NOT be having a booster shot!

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