Last seen: March 11, 2022 4:35 pm
@meljg yes same - I don’t talk about it much now to other people unless they ask… almost been made to feel like it’s in my head.. disappointing.
@marieski858 good that you’re seeing a naturopath - I also tried homeopath to help with my heart tachycardia and blood pressure. The best tool I found...
@paeezan re the dry mouth and eyes, have a look at Sjogren syndrome. It will take time but may dissipate. Blood tests indicating antinuclear antibodie...
@meljg oh wow - I haven’t come across anyone else expressing the pain under left breast (which is very excruciating!)… and gets worse when lying down....
@sunrise thank you - I have definitely been on low histamine diet ever since the vaccine reaction as anything such as capsicum or caffeine exacerbated...
I’ve found a great paper on how fasting for 18 hours in a 24hr period (and eating for 6) can help your body’s immune system generate new cells and boo...
@lookingforanswers it will get better - your body will fight the symptoms of this mRNA gone wrong - and will win. Just give it the best chance of doi...
@lookingforanswers I had same 5 days after my jab. I am now four months after. The gums bleeding for me happened directly when I lifted heavy things (...
I have just had in the last five weeks - inability to sleep lying down without feeling like my gastric juices and acidity rises up my eosophagus and ...
@gingerjones I think the symptoms will last longer - hopefully and I pray - that I am wrong.
@gingerjones have you had it prior to vaccine?
@gingerjones have you had it prior to vaccine?
@someone yes same - although heart issue seems to be continuing
@gingerjones why is it so hard? There are so many people bow saying the same thing and with absolutely no collusion whatsoever ironically, but it’s ha...
@mina have you seen doctor? Platelets usually help to stem bleeding on your cuts or scratches from my knowledge. Probably good to see your doctor..