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Pfizer vaccine side...
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[Solved] Pfizer vaccine side effects

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I'm sorry your wife is suffering.


Those of us that had a bad reaction are in a terrible way, often for many months. I had two Pfizer shots in April of 2021 and it's been pure hell, with no relief in sight. 


I read your post with interest.


I wish I knew the answer.


Best wishes for your wife and all of us to recover completely.


Please keep us posted.

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@meljg I'm sorry for the late response.


How r u now? I hope your symptoms have all resolved and no new ones have emerged!

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@barb-larue7gmail-com I’m better but still experiencing fatigue and tender lymph nodes under jaw and tenderness under armpit. Hope you’re well.

Barb and Barb reacted
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@barb-larue7gmail-com I’m also looking into a holistic doctor. Fingers crossed that everything goes well with.

Barb and Barb reacted
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@meljg best of luck to you! 


Please keep me posted

MelJ and MelJ reacted
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@meljg so glad you're better! But maybe the new doc can help with the lingering symptoms.

MelJ and MelJ reacted
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@meljg oh wow - I haven’t come across anyone else expressing the pain under left breast (which is very excruciating!)… and gets worse when lying down. I’ve found that fasting on and off has helped a little… 

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@paeezan re the dry mouth and eyes, have a look at Sjogren syndrome. It will take time but may dissipate. Blood tests indicating antinuclear antibodies showing positive is an indicator. This is an autoimmune disorder which can be caused by vaccine reaction.  Maybe raise with your doctor and don’t ignore. 

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@marieski858 good that you’re seeing a naturopath - I also tried homeopath to help with my heart tachycardia and blood pressure. The best tool I found for me was fasting for three days and limiting my food intake to 400 calories per day. This helped my white blood cells renew completely to assist in fighting the inflammation all over my body and organs. Also carrot and ginger juice - ginger seems to help. 

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Yes my naturopath and cranial sacral therapist have been instrumental to my healing. I’m happy to report that I am almost healed and most of my symptoms are gone or very mild now.

I was diagnosed with Limbic System Impairment which is caused by acute or chronic traumas to the brain through stress, medications, toxins and many other things, in this case the vaccine was my tipping point.

I am on month 2 of a brain retraining program called “DNRS”, “Retraining the Brain” by Annie Hopper and it is the thing that healed almost all of my symptoms in less than a month! I can now function, sleep, eat and live pretty much back to normal and it all improved about 1 week into the program

The Brain/Limbic system is responsible for your immune system, nervous system, detoxification systems, blood pressure and many other bodily functions and this explains why we have so many symptoms in random parts of our body and systems, it all stems from a damaged Limbic system, period. That’s why nothing shows up on basic blood work or CT scans

I urge everyone on here to look into it, it doesn’t matter what supplement or vitamin you take, if your body and mind do not feel safe and your Limbic system is impaired, healing cannot take place from this awful vaccine so healing the brain will heal everything else and vitamins and supplements can help.

Youtube has so many videos of people who have healed from various illnesses and Long hauler covid which is basically what we have, it’s the only thing that has worked for me and I’ve taken every supplement on the planet! Still taking some to support my body (Cellcore KL Support, Cellcore Advanced Tudca, Cellcore CT- minerals, Vitamin D, Cellcore Biotoxin Binder, Cellcore Hydroxygen, Vitamin C, Therabiotic probiotics, Perimine, Quercetin, GI encap, Fish Oil, digestive enzymes 🙂 but my BRAIN healing is what’s actually allowing the supplements and vitamins to work and they might not even be needed much longer 

Please check it out, I hope it heals you also! 

p.s If you’re skeptical like I was, the good thing is it still works 🙂 I also had extensive urine and blood work done by my naturopath which shows poor detoxification, poor methylation (high b12 as my body wasnt absorbing, my cells said “nothing in, nothing out.” Anemic (same concept of nothing in, nothing out as the body says no,) high ammonia, lots of neurotoxins because of it. The Limbic system is responsible for detoxification so this all makes sense). My BP is back to normal, anxiety basically gone, energy levels high and feeling great again, eating all the things 🙂 (I was down to 5 foods), still some random nerve things but very mild, brain fog gone, thinking clearly again, overall feeling great 

PLEASE check it out, you have nothing to lose! ❣️

Barb and Barb reacted
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@jeangrey that’s crazy..sorry you’re experiencing similarities. I thought I was the only one and hate telling those I know because they say I’ve looking to deep into it. 

Barb, Jean Grey, Barb and 1 people reacted
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@barb-larue7gmail-com I’m hoping so too. Thank you 

Barb and Barb reacted
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@meljg yes same - I don’t talk about it much now to other people unless they ask… almost been made to feel like it’s in my head.. disappointing.

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@jeangrey  Thank you Jean for your point.

In my latest rheumatology test (ANA), it was  Negative.

I will raise it again to my Dr. And do it in a different labratory because some of their results are not accurate enough to trust.

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@dina115 how are you now? 

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