5 weeks out now. I have good days and bad days. I had 5 good days in a row and thought, yay, I'm done. Nope. The 2 days after that were terrible. Had face pain, numbness and tingling into hands, legs and feet followed by high blood pressure and severe anxiety. Yesterday was a bad day, today was a good day. Bizarre how it comes and goes. How are you?
telegram: Contact @vaccinereversal
Please see attached link for vaccine reversal protocol. This protocol will reverse all jab damage and restore homeostasis.
@chelsun hi, I had my first Pfizer on Oct 15, and I’ve been experiencing some heart inflammation symptoms. I looked online and found this forum via c19vaxreaction. could you please tag me in the same post you mentioned (600+page) so I can read it? Really appreciated.
Hi, Sassafras here. I can give you directions to the forum aforementioned. Go to the top left of this page, click on the 3 lines symbol, then choose the forum that David Morrill started.
I hope you're feeling better soon!
@chelsun That’s interesting could you tag me in the post plz so I can see thanks.
Hi, Sassafras here. I can give you directions to the forum aforementioned. Go to the top left of this page, click on the 3 lines symbol, then choose the forum that David Morrill started.
I hope you're feeling better soon!
@chelsun That’s interesting could you tag me in the post plz so I can see thanks.
Hi, Sassafras here. I can give you directions to the forum aforementioned. Go to the top left of this page, click on the 3 lines symbol, then choose the forum that David Morrill started.
Oh, I forgot to add to click on Recent Posts. That will give you a chance to choose other threads.
I hope you're feeling better soon!
Sorry, I left off some information... Also click on Recent Posts, then you can choose other threads of this forum.
I received my first Pfizer shot on October 25. The following day I started getting weird headaches that could only be described as brain zaps. I also got a feeling of fullness and poking in my left chest and back, dull ache in my left pelvic area (like my ovary), dizziness, lightheadedness and fatigue.
On October 30, I decided to go to the emergency department to get answers because my chest pain was getting worse. They did chest xray, bloodwork and ultrasound for my pelvic region, and obviously all the results came back normal. The doctor said it was just side effects from the vaccine and he thinks I should still get second shot.
As of today, the headaches are still there, my pelvic area feels worse like menstrual cramps (I currently don't get periods because I'm 5 months postpartum and breastfeeding), and still feeling fullness in my chest.
Has anyone experienced this pelvic pain near the ovaries? I plan to look for a naturopathic doctor to see if they can find out what's going on and how to fix it. I'm currently eating a plant based diet (6 weeks now) and will try to eliminate more foods that cause inflammation in hopes to get some relief.
Hi, how are you feeling now? Any improvement in these many days?
I took my 1st jab on 9th Oct and my symptoms started stated showing I guess the same day or the next day. I started getting chest pain on the 5th or 7th day on the left side and since few days it has been continuous. I also feel a bit in the right but, not that evident. If I do nof wear a bra, it beocomes difficult. I have to 24*7 wear it since I feel it helps a bit to reduce the pull I feel. Someones the chest pain is quite evident while breathing and then it goes of but, feel the pull as soon as I take my bra off. It's weird. I couldn't wear a bra post lockdown since I had stopped wearing it and felt choked whenever I wore it even if it was for few mins and now post the jab, if I don't wear it, I feel I won't make it! Strange!
I have been havjng muscle tremors and nerve tingling and pain on and off aling with tinnitus and ear pain but, my main concern is the chest pain. I have done blood tests and normal BP test, and everything seems normal just that I was deficient on Vitamin D. I'm on supplements and meds for ear issues.
Anyone who's chest pain subsided on its own, pls share your experiences as it'll help both of us.
Sorry to hear this. I have Vertigo which seems to be okay so far after the Pfizer vaccine, however I was hospitalized for suspected heart inflammation with the all clear - despite on going symptoms some months later. Joy!
Have you been checked for Minere's Disease? I had two friends who developed this overnight in their 30's and your symptoms sound exactly the same.
One of them ended up having surgery to their ear and they are now deaf in that ear but it sorted the constant dizzy spells and vomiting. This was a couple of years ago now.
Hope you get better.
How have you been feeling now? Has the chest pain gone completely? Is your life back to normal?
Hi Dee, as of today it's been 2 weeks since getting my first dose. The chest pain has decreased thank goodness but I still get random feeling of fullness maybe 2-4 times a day when before it was constant. My pelvic pain comes and goes as well. I also developed tinnitus and the high pitch ringing is quite loud in the evenings ugh.
What I've been doing the past week was dosing up on 1000 mg of vitamin c (ascorbic acid which is real vitamin c), 3000 IU of vitamin d, omega 3, 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses (good for heart health), 1 pill of 50 billion probiotics (taken with food), raw apple cider vinegar diluted in water (good for acid reflux which can mimics heart pain), coconut water (for electrolytes) and lots of water. I'm not taking this all at once but spreading them out throughout the day.
If you can at least take lots of vitamin c and d, I think it can help your immune system. These doctors are no help and even though all the tests come back normal, something is definitely wrong in our bodies. I hope you feel better soon and definitely look into eating anti-inflammatory foods in case there is inflammation in your body.
Hi Dee, as of today it's been 2 weeks since getting my first dose. The chest pain has decreased thank goodness but I still get random feeling of fullness maybe 2-4 times a day when before it was constant. My pelvic pain comes and goes as well. I also developed tinnitus and the high pitch ringing is quite loud in the evenings ugh.
What I've been doing the past week was dosing up on 1000 mg of vitamin c (ascorbic acid which is real vitamin c), 3000 IU of vitamin d, omega 3, 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses (good for heart health), 1 pill of 50 billion probiotics (taken with food), raw apple cider vinegar diluted in water (good for acid reflux which can mimics heart pain), coconut water (for electrolytes) and lots of water. I'm not taking this all at once but spreading them out throughout the day.
If you can at least take lots of vitamin c and d, I think it can help your immune system. These doctors are no help and even though all the tests come back normal, something is definitely wrong in our bodies. I hope you feel better soon and definitely look into eating anti-inflammatory foods in case there is inflammation in your body.
Its great that your chest pain subsided early on. Mine began on the 5 or 6 day post vax and then went away. Came back a few days ago and never left but it was very mild. Today I got a bad one and I still have bad pain on and off right now too. It's both sides of my chest.
I read about the anti inflammatory foods today itself after the pain and I'm hoping this will help subside all ill side effects.
I have tinnitus and ear pain and currently on meds. I agree, the doctors are just experimenting on our already troubled bodies but, I don't even know what to do. My only major concern right now is the chest pain. I hope it goes away and lets me live a normal life I was living until I injected this in my body.
I'm going to try anti inflammatory food items. Right now, apart from meds for my ear, I have been taking Vitamin B12 and D3 supplements as I was deficient on this as per my blood reports. Rest everything came normal as almost all of our reports are.
I hope we all come out of it soon. I'll keep everyone posted if anything is working out.
Also, these list of supplements you've been taking, were this prescribed by doctor or are you self medicating?
I've always been into natural treatments for the past several years so I had all these supplements in my pantry. I only started taking the omega, blackstrap molasses, probiotics and coconut water the past week. I would highly recommend omega 3 and blackstrap molasses as they are good for heart health. You can research about the health benefits online. I would take more natural supplements if I could but because I'm breastfeeding I'm limited to these.
Definitely try eliminating meat products, especially dairy for now. I've been on a plant based diet for the past 7 weeks so I'm not sure if that helped me recover a bit quicker, but I still need to cut out wheat and other inflammatory foods.
Do you feel any chest pain after meals? My chest pain was a mix of heart pain + palpitations and also acid reflux which gave me a squeezing sensation (I didn't feel typical burning). The apple cider vinegar helped me with the acid reflux.
Also, at night try sleeping only on ur left side as it is better for circulation.
Kia Ora.
I had my first shot 3 weeks ago and I still have a numb sensation in my neck, head, back shoulder blade and arm. All on my left side where I had the pfizer shot. Also tense muscles and knots in the muscles in this area.
I am blood type O negative and I'm wondering if any other people with a similar reaction are blood type O negative too.
6.6% of the population are blood type O negative.
I have done a yellow card report for the vaccine as the 2nd jab triggered a completely debilitating bout of menieres ( I had been symptomless for years). It took months to settle, during that time I had almost constant vertigo bad enough to need stemetil injections. I absolutely do not advocate NOT getting jab as most people dont get like this. But I will not personally be taking up the booster
@jourlian Hi Jennifer, I’m having terrible floaters now and sensitivity to light. Numbness and fatigue subsided.
I have a optometrist appointment today and neurologist appointment tomorrow. I doubt it but I’m hoping for answers . It’s a scary feeling.
how are you?