Hi everybody,
My name is Gary and live in Australua and have been following these forums for 6 months before I got mandated.
Had first dose of AZ in September 2021 with usual expected side effects except for tingling in hands and some discolorations in fingertips, slightly blueish. Persisted for maybe 3 weeks. I purchased some NAC which worked well and a week later seemed normal again.
Six weeks later got 2nd dose. Within hours had pain down to my wrist. Over the next few weeks the pain travelled into my shoulder and into my chest. During this period my hands became numb and tingly and my feet did the same but worse. Started having blood pressure problems and chest pains. One day at work had to lay down as started feeling quiet ill. Was taken to hospital with suspect heart problems. Discharged the morning after and told no heart attack. Have had soo many visits to doctors and specialists, mri Ultrasounds etc. Everything is normal.
Now have developed tinnitus and fatigue and headaches (Jan 2022) to add to the list. Started taking NAC and anti-inflammation tablets which are helping to a degree but I am unable to work most often as cannot stay on my feet too long.
I suspect some sort of neurological damage is going on? But Neurologist out in the bush here are booked out the rest of the year.
So basicly can anyone point me to anything that has really helped you resolve this? Anything that I can try? Been 3-1/2 months now and not getting better although I do get the odd good day but honestly this has ruined my life atm!
Thankyou for any reply!
Anyone else experience lip tingling? That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?
Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, hands...you name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.
Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?
Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.
Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.
Any one experience such symptoms.
Anyone else experience lip tingling? That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?
Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, hands...you name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.
Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?
Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.
Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.
Any one experience such symptoms.
Yes. Tingling, numbness, pins and needles, spontaneous spasms on and off in my face, tongue, throat. Not had any itching but sometimes deep internal burning in abdomen.
Hi everybody,
My name is Gary and live in Australua and have been following these forums for 6 months before I got mandated.
Had first dose of AZ in September 2021 with usual expected side effects except for tingling in hands and some discolorations in fingertips, slightly blueish. Persisted for maybe 3 weeks. I purchased some NAC which worked well and a week later seemed normal again.
Six weeks later got 2nd dose. Within hours had pain down to my wrist. Over the next few weeks the pain travelled into my shoulder and into my chest. During this period my hands became numb and tingly and my feet did the same but worse. Started having blood pressure problems and chest pains. One day at work had to lay down as started feeling quiet ill. Was taken to hospital with suspect heart problems. Discharged the morning after and told no heart attack. Have had soo many visits to doctors and specialists, mri Ultrasounds etc. Everything is normal.
Now have developed tinnitus and fatigue and headaches (Jan 2022) to add to the list. Started taking NAC and anti-inflammation tablets which are helping to a degree but I am unable to work most often as cannot stay on my feet too long.
I suspect some sort of neurological damage is going on? But Neurologist out in the bush here are booked out the rest of the year.
So basicly can anyone point me to anything that has really helped you resolve this? Anything that I can try? Been 3-1/2 months now and not getting better although I do get the odd good day but honestly this has ruined my life atm!
Thankyou for any reply!
Hi Gary
I've been dealing with the pins and needles stuff for about 6 months now. I can say it does slowly get better. Only stuff I've tried which has offered some relief include omega 3 oil, turmeric, good all round multivitamin that includes the B andD vitamin.
If you ever see the ends of your toes, fingers or around your mouth turning blue seek medical attention as it is an indication of low oxygen levels.
Think time is going to be the best healer for us all.
@shelleyzou is your sleep any better? Been suffering as well , and it’s miserable. 😔
Anyone else experience lip tingling? That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?
Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, hands...you name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.
Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?
Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.
Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.
Any one experience such symptoms.
Yes. Tingling, numbness, pins and needles, spontaneous spasms on and off in my face, tongue, throat. Not had any itching but sometimes deep internal burning in abdomen.
Have the tingling and numbness is yr face, tongue, throat gone ?
All my teeth are like not align anymore and keep biting on my tongue. Do u have this experience.
And every morning my abdomen make very loud noise like there is frog inside my tummy making the noise.
Anyone else experience lip tingling? That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?
Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, hands...you name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.
Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?
Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.
Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.
Any one experience such symptoms.
Yes. Tingling, numbness, pins and needles, spontaneous spasms on and off in my face, tongue, throat. Not had any itching but sometimes deep internal burning in abdomen.
Have the tingling and numbness is yr face, tongue, throat gone ?
All my teeth are like not align anymore and keep biting on my tongue. Do u have this experience.
And every morning my abdomen make very loud noise like there is frog inside my tummy making the noise.
Yes, exactly how I explain my family that it feels like there's a frog inside my tummy.
Have you been to a doctor for the tummy thing? I haven't yet.
@lmkk Thanks Kitkat for your reply,
Have gotten some vitamin D3 so will start taking that.
I have read about other drugs that are helping but I cannot find them in Australia yet other countries they are available.
Thankyou again and I shall keep researching!
Anyone else experience lip tingling? That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?
Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, hands...you name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.
Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?
Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.
Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.
Any one experience such symptoms.
Yes. Tingling, numbness, pins and needles, spontaneous spasms on and off in my face, tongue, throat. Not had any itching but sometimes deep internal burning in abdomen.
Have the tingling and numbness is yr face, tongue, throat gone ?
All my teeth are like not align anymore and keep biting on my tongue. Do u have this experience.
And every morning my abdomen make very loud noise like there is frog inside my tummy making the noise.
Yes, exactly how I explain my family that it feels like there's a frog inside my tummy.
Have you been to a doctor for the tummy thing? I haven't yet.
No...i am just too tired...my symptoms are too many and progressing....
Do u have itchy skin?
Anyone else experience lip tingling? That usually leads to whole face tingling, even their head?
Yep! Lip tingling, tongue, throat, roof of mouth, face, eyes, feet, hands...you name it I've been tingling there at some point! It dies down after a few months.
Hi Kit, have u ever experience numbness on yr lips and tongue?
Is very scary, i have new symptoms after 5 mths out, my lips and tongue are numb and tingling.
Also new symptom - the whole body is itchy and also itchy burning hand and turn red.
Any one experience such symptoms.
Yes. Tingling, numbness, pins and needles, spontaneous spasms on and off in my face, tongue, throat. Not had any itching but sometimes deep internal burning in abdomen.
Have the tingling and numbness is yr face, tongue, throat gone ?
All my teeth are like not align anymore and keep biting on my tongue. Do u have this experience.
And every morning my abdomen make very loud noise like there is frog inside my tummy making the noise.
Yes, exactly how I explain my family that it feels like there's a frog inside my tummy.
Have you been to a doctor for the tummy thing? I haven't yet.
No...i am just too tired...my symptoms are too many and progressing....
Do u have itchy skin?
I've had an itchy skin even before I was jabbed.
But now I have itches just after an episode of sharp shooting pins and needles.
I called the Vax clinic in Scarborough. The doctor I spoke to was quite pleasant but unfortunately she was unable to provide me with any new information. Nor was she willing to submit an adverse reaction form to AEFI. As I'm in BC, she was unable to provide any referrals.
Looks like I'm playing the waiting game for another month or two until I get an appointment with a neurologist.
Symptoms haven't really changed. The B12 helps calm the pins-and-needles sensation but the muscle weakness persists. I'm going to try alpha lipoic acid and I've scheduled an appointment with a naturopath (because I like having the costliest urine on the block!)
I called the covid-19 helpline yesterday (in Austrwlia) to tell them my adverse reactions and they transferred me to a lady for help and info. She was very nice but like everyone I speak too, I get a similar answer. These drugs are new and we don't really know what's happening! Best she could tell me is report it to TGA.
On another note..... has anyone tried Lecithin? If so has it helped with the tingling and numbness?
My tinnitus is starting to drive me a little nuts!
I feel like i know many of you after making my way through these 100+ pages. Here are my details
1st Pfizer shot 28 September - so now 4 months in. Symptoms 1-2 weeks:
- Random goosebumps - felt like 20-30x & Feeling extra cold
After 1-8 weeks:
- all over body tingles, a pins and needles feeling. Quite painful at times. Often I would sweat after resting. As well as other recurring sensations like a numbness in one side of my shoulder, and a contraction feeling through my pelvis.
After 2 months
-the tingles really started to feeling like they were burning. Then the pins and needles were replace with more of a feathery spidery feeling all over.
At 3 months
- as many of you have described the 'deep itch', which after looking up the symptom seemed similar to a neuropathic itch like after shingles. So hard to sleep with . Getting cold feet more often.
At 4 month
- More 'background' popping and 'fairy dust' feeling. Still hard to sleep with though.
- cold feet continue. less feeling in my feet and lower legs. Finger tips seem a bit more red and wrinkles. Skin drier.
I sought help from many dr and natural health places intensely in the first month. Then have been more letting things settle. No real answers. At least my main dr agreed it was a vaccine reaction (particularly when i showed her a European report of parentheses being a side effect) and referred me to a neurologist. Had an after hours dr i saw a few times who kept telling me it was anxiety, and to get my second shot and the anxiety will go away. My neurologist said it was from an activated nervous system from the vaccine, which then induced a sort of FND response. I agree about the activated nervous system, not convinced on the FND part. She recommended a temporary medical exemption (in Australia) which was helpful as I am 44, have (had?) a strong immune system (perhaps overactive, as I have a history of athsma) and don't feel a second shot right now is a good idea. Like many of you, I am a hypersensitive individual, and while not allergic have to stay away from chemicals, toxins ect to feel healthy.
I feel like the nerve progression is of the healing type, but i am worried the cold feet/wrinkled fingers is more degenerative. I am so thankful for those of you who have posted to this forum. And I am praying for those of you who are suffering more debilitating side effects.
I will provide any updates that might be helpful to anyone here.
@divaeyez37 around the time I messaged you last time, the wetness feeling got really bad and I had to go to the ER. I was feeling liquid moving around my head and it felt so real. I got a cat scan of the head and it came out normal thankfully. But my glucose level was high, I wonder if that causes it? I think eating clean definitely helps, I am glad you’re doing it, I’m also going to try!
Hi @sahmed did you ever get any information on what was creating the feeling of liquid in your head? Just yesterday my son mentioned the same thing that he felt like he had water in his head. I thought maybe he was having a dizzy spell as he has been suffering from earache after a heavy cold but since I read your comment now I'm wondering what exactly he was feeling.
@lmkk I’m so sorry for the late reply I didn’t see this until now. I had a head cat scan and it was negative. The doc had no idea why I felt the liquid feeling. He suggested BPV. But honestly I feel it was one of the many symptoms I got as side effects from the vaccine and it has left like symptoms which have come and gone. It only lasted those one or two weeks. I’ve noticed I feel a little bit of it when I have taken too much sugar or I’m stressed/ anxious. Also I did have a cold at that time so it may have aggravated that feeling. Also I finally got to see a neurologist who diagnosed me with PPPD. Hope your soon is feeling better now.
@divaeyez37 around the time I messaged you last time, the wetness feeling got really bad and I had to go to the ER. I was feeling liquid moving around my head and it felt so real. I got a cat scan of the head and it came out normal thankfully. But my glucose level was high, I wonder if that causes it? I think eating clean definitely helps, I am glad you’re doing it, I’m also going to try!
Hi @sahmed did you ever get any information on what was creating the feeling of liquid in your head? Just yesterday my son mentioned the same thing that he felt like he had water in his head. I thought maybe he was having a dizzy spell as he has been suffering from earache after a heavy cold but since I read your comment now I'm wondering what exactly he was feeling.
@lmkk I’m so sorry for the late reply I didn’t see this until now. I had a head cat scan and it was negative. The doc had no idea why I felt the liquid feeling. He suggested BPV. But honestly I feel it was one of the many symptoms I got as side effects from the vaccine and it has left like symptoms which have come and gone. It only lasted those one or two weeks. I’ve noticed I feel a little bit of it when I have taken too much sugar or I’m stressed/ anxious. Also I did have a cold at that time so it may have aggravated that feeling. Also I finally got to see a neurologist who diagnosed me with PPPD. Hope your son is feeling better now.