Last seen: June 14, 2023 7:31 pm
@buzzgirl hi everyone, has been maybe a month now since my last post so I better do a update. Thanks for the reminder Buzzgirl! Since my last post ...
@jamesallmandsmith thanks James.. Haven't heard about licorice root. We check it out as don't know anything about it. Have to try some home made...
@tone hi, I took the Ivm about 3 weeks back now. All started with 2nd dose AZ in October last year. Was improving before this. Things got bad again in...
@buzzgirl Hi everyone, thought I would catch up with a update since my Ivermectin treatment. Still on the improved side although did get the odd ...
@buzzgirl thankyou, I will pull my bloodworks out to see. I know my vitamin levels were done and all quiet good but I don't think potassium and sodium...
@buzzgirl Hi, Just a update to how I am going. Overall still feeling better although on Sunday felt like I took a step backwards. Still have that tin...
@buzzgirl No problem, managed to do light duty work all this week! Has been a while. So far so good. I am hoping it will be a permanent thing and not...
Forgot to mention NAC as well. 1000mg twice a day on empty stomach. This has helped me more than any other supplement I have taken. I am glad I found...
@jessm hi Jessm, I have just finished a course of 3 doses of 15mg Ivm over six days. I took it with zinc, vitamin b12 and D3 and C everyday as well....
@alma hi, alot of my symptoms are similar to yours. Only thing is I don't get that itch thing happening but notice that my toes are feeling really fro...
@mugwump Thankyou for your rep,y, I will add that to my list! Managed to get some Ivernectin and I will trial 3 doses of 15mg at two days intervals...
I called the covid-19 helpline yesterday (in Austrwlia) to tell them my adverse reactions and they transferred me to a lady for help and info. She was...
@lmkk Thanks Kitkat for your reply, Have gotten some vitamin D3 so will start taking that. I have read about other drugs that are helping but I ca...
Hi everybody, My name is Gary and live in Australua and have been following these forums for 6 months before I got mandated. Had first dose of AZ ...