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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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Posted by: @jtranger

@kim-h Do you take your vitamins all at once?

I did yes. I now only take Calcium & Magnesium & Vitamin D in the morning & glycine & an antihistamine in the evening. 

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Posted by: @seatempest

It’s been seven months now.  I continue to get better, but I still suffer most from internal tremors which are terrible and life changing.

I found this article and podcast which helped me feel seen.  Technically, it’s about people who contracted the virus, rather than by vaccination.

Hi Sabrina,

I had jab June 21 & had really bad internal vibrations for months (head/eyes/chest/back of neck/ abdomen area) all buzzing or vibrations (felt like bed was shaking when laying down) but can happily say they have near enough stopped now. I had nothing for weeks & then yesterday I had slight vibrations in my uterus area but today nothing. I also had lots of muscle twitches & buzzing areas. I think magnesium may have helped all this. Hope yours goes away soon too. 

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@karenmadsen I'm sorry to hear that your symptoms are persisting after so long.

I reported a while ago that I had numbness in my foot and hand along with tingling and a fluttering around my heart. This started about a week after my Pfizer booster and lasted for 4 months before disappearing.Just lately though I got very busy and consequently tired and the symptoms have come back, although milder.

Obviously the spike protein hangs around in the body for quite some time. If at all possible I think it is best to avoid fatigue. I am also going to try periodic fasting which appears to have the effect of realigning the immune system.

I'm sure we will get rid of this in time . I am though very doubtful that I'll have another booster.

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@vaxstuff22 I haven't been on this forum since January and only returned to see if people were still having the same problems I had. To recap my vax history and problems, I got my 2nd moderna shot April 1, 2021 and my symptoms started about a month later. As someone referred to earlier my symptoms mimicked those of MS and for the next several months I went to the ER, doctors, blood tests and finally to a neurologist and MRI scans. All tests were normal and doctors had no answers. Fast forward to December and my symptoms were gone and I just want to let people suffering the adverse effects know that they will subside in time. 

The only thing I did other than vitamins was I gave blood every 8 weeks hoping it would reduce the spike proteins in the bloodstream.

I wish everyone good health.

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@glenb Hi!  it’s great that you’re back to normal!! Gives hope! Can I ask if you got the shock sensations, like being randomly poked with a needle , and tingles? When would you say those subsided ? What vitamins did you took? Thanks !!

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@pepms I had burning type sensations all over in random places, tingling, twitching, numbness, hand tremors and I think a couple other symptoms. I took a multivitamin ,omega 3, vitamin c and for a short while quercetin and alpha lipoic acid but I don't think that it made a difference. My symptoms started to taper off in Oct and Nov and some would be gone completely others would subside and then return but not as bad. By the end of 2021 my symptoms were gone. I use the VA for my healthcare and my doctor put it in my file to never get a covid-19 vax. I believe no two people are the same as far as getting through this, some have recovered quicker than I have and others take longer.  Stay positive.

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@glenb thanks, Im really glad you’ve recovered! I will keep positive and hope that time helps!

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@pepms I am just over 8 months out from my Moderna booster- my life changed 12/15/2021. My arm and hand issues are nearly gone but my legs drive me crazy. I am reliant on pain pills and muscle relaxers. Without them I don’t know if I could do it. Pins/needles, pulled muscle like feeling from ankle to glutes. Spasms and shooting pains, issues walking and balancing. The fatigue is immeasurable. Fortunately I don’t have to work- I certainly couldn’t. I feel like I’m slowly dying some days. I’ve done mri’s, blood work, nerve tests where they put needles in you and zap you, everything says I’m fine. A neuro I saw told me it was in my head. It’s not! It started the night of the booster. It is absolutely maddening. I’m trying to be positive bc my arms are better but 8 months of 24 hour sensations is too much. Hugs to all of you. At least I’m not alone but I wish I was because this is hell.

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@jessclaire hi lovely,


Im day 9 post vaccine. I’m day 6 of twitches And buzzing all over. It’s shoots from different parts of my oh. Sometimes feel a bit off balance. I’ve been to emergency twice and they just brush me off. One doctor I’ve seen has recognised it’s the vaccine and said it can take up to a year to work it self out. I’m so scared it’s going to get worse. 

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@glenb how long have you been at this ? When did yiu start to see improvement? What do you think contributed the most ?

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@regretvax thank you. It’s nice to be not be alone but sad too, to know others are hurting. Sending you hugs and strength from far away!!

Regret_vax reacted
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@tone it took six months for my arms to get better. I take magnesium, B12, vitamin c, chia pumpkin and flax seeds daily. A lot of mindful breathing exercises. Any relaxation techniques I try. I don’t drink and I cut out dairy. The biggest thing is time and relaxing. Hard to relax when it hurts but when I stress it’s so much worse. I have lupus so my immune system takes forever to kick bad things. I hope by Jan to be rid of these painful sensations

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Posted by: @jessm

@esilver34 Hi, I too had an abnormal brain scan. Mine shows 6 lesions. I have had so many "MS" like symptoms since my vaccination but my neurologist said he's pretty sure I dont have MS and that this is a vaccine reaction. He said any scar on your brain is classed as a lesion but they can be caused by many different things.  Mine were non enhancing so have been there since before i got vaccinated.  I do think its great that you are accepting of your possible diagnosis but don't assume the worst just yet. I will have a MRI every 6 months to monitor the progress of my lesions but I just wanted to let you know that you may very well be experiencing the same as alot of others on here as not all of us have had clear MRI's. I pray that is the case for us both x

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ive seen your posts from way back. I am 1 week post vaccine with all the same symptoms. I’m just wondering did you ever get better? Any improvements at all? How long has it been for you? Ive got a 3 year old and terrified I’ll leave her behind. 

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Posted by: @jessm

@esilver34 Hi, I too had an abnormal brain scan. Mine shows 6 lesions. I have had so many "MS" like symptoms since my vaccination but my neurologist said he's pretty sure I dont have MS and that this is a vaccine reaction. He said any scar on your brain is classed as a lesion but they can be caused by many different things.  Mine were non enhancing so have been there since before i got vaccinated.  I do think its great that you are accepting of your possible diagnosis but don't assume the worst just yet. I will have a MRI every 6 months to monitor the progress of my lesions but I just wanted to let you know that you may very well be experiencing the same as alot of others on here as not all of us have had clear MRI's. I pray that is the case for us both x

How are you now? I think I’ve got some symptoms pretty similar to you

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