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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@volam76 Hello Volam, I'm exactly the same. Had 4 months of tingling and numbness then it disappeared but came back 3 months or so later. I know I'm not ill - pretty fit, eat well etc. - but it is a bit depressing. Judging by other posts it will go away again. Fingers crossed!

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So many of us in the same boat... I wonder what on earth is going on in our bodies to cause this tingling.  Its horrid.  I wish you a speedy healing recovery 

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@buzzgirl i have the spinal tap done to me!

thank god- all test were normal.😬

They send my CSF for investigations that cost the government more than 10k dollars.

Every things normal.

my 4th. Neurologist told me you have nothing serious-

you should accept you new body. 
she also done full body CT scan beside the 2 previous MRI ☺️

I think i cost the government more than what i worth 

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@j I also started feeling itchy my legs, arms and sometimes my back.


it is ready weird after exposure to cold weather started itching everywhere.



no more tingling 

only cold stings and itchiness that occurs aday or two in a week

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Does anyone feel brain fog and just not the same that comes with tingling? My tingling doesnt hurt, its just annoying but my main issue is that I always feel off and woozy? Thanks in advance!

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@jessm thank you!

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Posted by: @nawwaf

@buzzgirl i have the spinal tap done to me!

thank god- all test were normal.😬

They send my CSF for investigations that cost the government more than 10k dollars.

Every things normal.

my 4th. Neurologist told me you have nothing serious-

you should accept you new body. 
she also done full body CT scan beside the 2 previous MRI ☺️

I think i cost the government more than what i worth 

Hi Nawwaf,  I am curious about your spinal tap. Do you happen to know what was tested? Also, 10k is really expensive - are you comfortable sharing your Country? Just curious what types of things get tested for 10k. I just had a spinal tap as well. Still awaiting visit with neurologist to go over results. Thank you!

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@j although we have most advanced technology in Saudi, some very rare test has to be sent to international reference laboratories. 

my spinal tap test were completely normal. 
However, all my doctors agreed nothing to do at this point. 

i still have some buzzing on my extremities but not every day in a week.


again, i was medically free 39 old male. But my whole life turned upside down without any medical solid diagnosis 

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@volam76 Dear Volam,

                         I agree with the other posts here. I know, it's terribly demoralising when the tingling/buzzing etc comes back but I do think it will go away again. It's almost exactly a year since I had the pfizer booster and the symptoms started. 4months of buzzing/tingling/numbness then it just faded away for several months before coming back at the beginning of August. Right now, I sense it is beginning to fade again, the tingling in my hands and left side has largely gone. Just left with a jangly right foot and buzzing in the torso when I get tired. Like someone said in another post I'm getting some neuropathic aching a bit more where the tingling remains. Funnily enough I take that as a good sign that life is returning and replacing the numbness.

                        Please don't get too down. I've certainly found that stress , tiredness and anxiety make it worse. When I stop thinking about it I feel a lot better.

                        All best wishes to you. This forum is a Godsend , between us we'll get over this in the end.

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Posted by: @vaxstuff22

@volam76 Dear Volam,

                         I agree with the other posts here. I know, it's terribly demoralising when the tingling/buzzing etc comes back but I do think it will go away again. It's almost exactly a year since I had the pfizer booster and the symptoms started. 4months of buzzing/tingling/numbness then it just faded away for several months before coming back at the beginning of August. Right now, I sense it is beginning to fade again, the tingling in my hands and left side has largely gone. Just left with a jangly right foot and buzzing in the torso when I get tired. Like someone said in another post I'm getting some neuropathic aching a bit more where the tingling remains. Funnily enough I take that as a good sign that life is returning and replacing the numbness.

                        Please don't get too down. I've certainly found that stress , tiredness and anxiety make it worse. When I stop thinking about it I feel a lot better.

                        All best wishes to you. This forum is a Godsend , between us we'll get over this in the end.

@volam76 @johncornwall I’m in the same boat as both of you. I had the Pfizer booster on 22nd December 2021 and was fine then 2 weeks later on 10th Jan started with the pins and needles and burning tingling nerve pain. I had it for 8-12 weeks so around 3 months and it went away around early April until 4 weeks ago. It literally came back 2nd week September so I had 4-5 months thinking I was better (I just had mild slight occasional pins and needles and groin pain but was 85% recovered I’d say). Then these last few days have been the worst ever! My nerves are on fire, feels like kettle water being poured on my chest and back and feet and legs. I completely understand with how disheartening it feels as I too thought I was better those months I was pain free. I’m on a huge waiting list for neurology so I’m pricing up going private but from the sounds of it I’ll end up getting the same outcome as everyone else - lots of money spend to find nothing on any scans (not saying that’s a bad thing as none of us want to find any permanent nerve illnesses, but also makes it harder when you don’t have answers). 
At least there is a pattern and we are not alone in there relapses. Honestly aside from this forum it feels like nobody in my outside world understands me and says are you sure it’s not a coincidence and not the vax or are you sure it’s not anxiety - whenever anyone says that to me I could bite their head off!! I just said there are thousands of other people in this forum all suffering like me and like me they were all fit and healthy before this jab! 
I’ve had bad anxiety the last 3 days over this relapse and it has a thousand % made my symptoms worse so we’ve just got to stay calm, try and ignore it and know that it will go away again like it did before. 
did both of you @volam76 @johncornwall have all the neurology tests done and full blood works and they found nothing? Everyone just says it’s time that is the biggest healer but I do think cutting carbs and sugar and all processed and junk food helps as well as the many supplements. 
We’ve had some relief for a few months and hopefully next time the relief will be even longer or maybe resolved once and for all! I’ve read in this forum it can take 15 months or longer to recover so we’ve just got to keep the faith and know that we have all learnt a very big lesson about vaccines! Makes me feel better knowing you both have had a similar recovery pattern to me 🙂 

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@chesca17 Hello francesca,  good to hear from you but I'm very sorry to hear about your relapse. I think we just hang on to that wise Buddhist attitude '' this too will pass''.

Extraordinary how your experience so closely mirrors mine and others. You'll have probably seen like me that similar stories are scattered all over the internet - I've just looked at where they are collating people's experience with Long Covid , many of whom have the same symptons as ourselves. Makes me think that the common denominator is our immune response to the spike protein and that in time our bodies will finally purge it ( although I'm not a medic so that's just my speculation).

I haven't been to a neurologist - I gather there is a long waiting list in the UK - but I have consulted our doctor and had blood tests and simple assessment of nerves and reflexes , all thankfully normal. Our doctor is very open minded as she has seen a lot of people with vaccine reactions involving a whole range of different symptoms , she certainly doesn't discount the likelihood of adverse reactions to untried vaccinations and simply advises that it should go away in time. It is unfortunate though that there is no visible public access to UK or global data on these reactions, my guess being that they don't want to spook the populace and then perhaps, by their reckoning , have more Covid deaths. I can appreciate their quandary but I also suspect that Pfizer et al are burying their records for much darker reasons .

I completely agree with you about avoiding all junk foods , sugar and possibly caffeine. Tiredness too is a real trigger, I recently drove down from Scotland to Cornwall and found myself buzzing and tingling from head to toe. Lots of rest, staying calm, avoiding stress - all possibly the best medicine.

On a note of optimism our oldest son caught covid at the age of 21yrs. He went back much too quickly to running,gym etc and ended up with chronic fatigue and brain fog for over a year. Now after 18 months or so he is completely restored to his old self. Part of his recovery involved a disciplined mental exercise passed on by a friend where he somehow forced his mind away from contemplating the illness and ignoring set backs. We are all different but this can give us hope.

Very best wishes to you Francesca, Volam and all others suffering physically and mentally from the vaccine and from covid in all its forms. 

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One thing I've found very effective is Cold Shower everyday. I noticed these 2 major benefits:

  • Calm the nerves
    • Every time you take a cold shower, your body undergoes a stress response. The rush of cold water activates the sympathetic nervous system, better known as the “fight or flight” response. During this response, your body releases the stress hormones norepinephrine, cortisol and adrenaline.¹ Exposing your nervous system to small amounts of these stress hormones can build your tolerance to stress over time.
  • Boost Immune System
    • Several studies have found that cold showers stimulate the production of leukocytes or white blood cells. White blood cells are essential to fight off diseases.⁵ One study also found that people who regularly took cold showers called out of work less.

Ref : 5 Benefits of Cold Showers


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@vaxstuff22 I only had as john, blood tests and simple tests of nerves and reflexes done by the neurologist (uk - when I saw him back in july I was feeling so much better). I'm frightened now, again, I have something awful like m.s. It is reassuring to here of us experiencing the same things though. I wonder what is doing this to us? Its horrible thinking we will probably never know... 

I just hope every day it all starts really going away again. Take care, know you are not alone. There are others experiencing the same things all over the world. Take care

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Posted by: @volam76

@vaxstuff22 I only had as john, blood tests and simple tests of nerves and reflexes done by the neurologist (uk - when I saw him back in july I was feeling so much better). I'm frightened now, again, I have something awful like m.s. It is reassuring to here of us experiencing the same things though. I wonder what is doing this to us? Its horrible thinking we will probably never know... 

I just hope every day it all starts really going away again. Take care, know you are not alone. There are others experiencing the same things all over the world. Take care

@vaxstuff22 @volam76 @buzzgirl - to update you all and hopefully bring some hope and guidance… so this relapse that has lasted 3-4 weeks so far has been a bad one, especially the last week my nerves were burning so painful over a lot of my limbs. I went to see the GP on Friday and a couple of things that may help you all…  I’m in the Uk by the way in case some of the tests or meds are called different names where you are.. 

i told her of my issues and straight away she believed me and that it was because of the vaccine. She said she has other patients suffering the same pins and needles and burning nerve pain and she said the more boosters people have (in the Uk they are giving out 2nd boosters now) the more these problems may come to light with more people coming forward with side effects, she also told me don’t have any more vaccines and I said don’t worry you couldn’t pay me to have another!  So back to the appointment. She went through some blood tests I had done 2 weeks ago and was waiting in results, it was a thorough blood test and the only thing it found was low iron. My iron count was 10 and she said it should be as high as 120 - she said having low iron can contribute to nerve pain and pins and needles. I’ve never had low iron before in my life and I’ve had lots of blood tests over the years - it’s since the vaccine. I searched on this group key word “low iron” and found others having the same problem linked to the vaccine - I mentioned it to my auntie today and she has had the exact same issue - low iron from a blood test since the vaccine and again she has also never suffered with low iron before! She told me to go to the pharmacy and ask for the 200mg iron tablets so I’ve been taking these for 3 days (be mindful your stools will be black haha don’t be alarmed!) 

as well as this, I’m also trying for a baby at the moment so I cannot take the usual gabapentin or amatriptaline for risk to a pregnancy and I wanted something to help with the nerve pain. She suggested a steroid called prednisolone that I take for 5 days - it reduces inflammation. Well let me tell you I’ve only taken it for 2 days so far and yesterday and today my nerve pain has been sooo much better im not feeling it that much at all. It could be a combination of the iron tablets and the steroids but honestly I feel Loads better already - look into it if not already with your Gp they can give you a prescription for a short course of steroids it’s certainly helping me so far and it doesn’t carry the side effects that gabapentin does - she said it was safe for taking when trying for a baby so can’t be that bad to take. 

the third thing I requested and spoke to her about was a spike protein test. She has written to Immunology department at the hospital to request this test to be done so we can measure the amount of spike proteins in my body. If the number is high it will prove the reason for my suffering, then the million dollar question is how do they get rid of the spike proteins in my body or is it just something that will reduce in numbers over time till it eventually leaves our bodies. On this forum I’ve read of other people having this test at a point in time and the numbers are high, then they have the test done again a few months later to show the spike proteins coming down which means it’s slowly working it’s way out of the body. 
You can also order the test online privately as an at home kit - some kits don’t tell you the actual spike protein levels they just say “positive” or “negative” so check in the details before ordering. 
the gp dr has asked to see me again on the 4th November to see if these steroids have a, done the job and resolved all my nerve pain, b, done the job whilst I was taking the steroids and then symptoms return or c, even done anything at all. She also said if we’re waiting too long to have the spike protein test done at the hospital I could also order the home test kit by then and send off for it myself. 
i told her about our group and the support and advice we’re all sharing with eachother to get through it and she was really impressed and supportive of it and that we are taking matters into our own hands to help heal ourselves when so many drs aren’t listening to us and dismissing us! 
anyway I’ll be finished these steroids in another 3 days so when I’ve finished them I’ll give it a few days to see if the pains return and then I’ll come back on here and update you all but so far so good! 

keep the faith and take comfort in all the negative scans and blood tests were all getting for any bad illnesses - yes I had low iron but it’s easily fixable and it might just be one of the causes of this nerve pain. 

Be back with an update in a few days 🙂 

I’ve attached a photo of the home test kit I found for the spike proteins 

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Posted by: @chesca17
Posted by: @volam76

@vaxstuff22 I only had as john, blood tests and simple tests of nerves and reflexes done by the neurologist (uk - when I saw him back in july I was feeling so much better). I'm frightened now, again, I have something awful like m.s. It is reassuring to here of us experiencing the same things though. I wonder what is doing this to us? Its horrible thinking we will probably never know... 

I just hope every day it all starts really going away again. Take care, know you are not alone. There are others experiencing the same things all over the world. Take care

@vaxstuff22 @volam76 @buzzgirl - to update you all and hopefully bring some hope and guidance… so this relapse that has lasted 3-4 weeks so far has been a bad one, especially the last week my nerves were burning so painful over a lot of my limbs. I went to see the GP on Friday and a couple of things that may help you all…  I’m in the Uk by the way in case some of the tests or meds are called different names where you are.. 

i told her of my issues and straight away she believed me and that it was because of the vaccine. She said she has other patients suffering the same pins and needles and burning nerve pain and she said the more boosters people have (in the Uk they are giving out 2nd boosters now) the more these problems may come to light with more people coming forward with side effects, she also told me don’t have any more vaccines and I said don’t worry you couldn’t pay me to have another!  So back to the appointment. She went through some blood tests I had done 2 weeks ago and was waiting in results, it was a thorough blood test and the only thing it found was low iron. My iron count was 10 and she said it should be as high as 120 - she said having low iron can contribute to nerve pain and pins and needles. I’ve never had low iron before in my life and I’ve had lots of blood tests over the years - it’s since the vaccine. I searched on this group key word “low iron” and found others having the same problem linked to the vaccine - I mentioned it to my auntie today and she has had the exact same issue - low iron from a blood test since the vaccine and again she has also never suffered with low iron before! She told me to go to the pharmacy and ask for the 200mg iron tablets so I’ve been taking these for 3 days (be mindful your stools will be black haha don’t be alarmed!) 

as well as this, I’m also trying for a baby at the moment so I cannot take the usual gabapentin or amatriptaline for risk to a pregnancy and I wanted something to help with the nerve pain. She suggested a steroid called prednisolone that I take for 5 days - it reduces inflammation. Well let me tell you I’ve only taken it for 2 days so far and yesterday and today my nerve pain has been sooo much better im not feeling it that much at all. It could be a combination of the iron tablets and the steroids but honestly I feel Loads better already - look into it if not already with your Gp they can give you a prescription for a short course of steroids it’s certainly helping me so far and it doesn’t carry the side effects that gabapentin does - she said it was safe for taking when trying for a baby so can’t be that bad to take. 

the third thing I requested and spoke to her about was a spike protein test. She has written to Immunology department at the hospital to request this test to be done so we can measure the amount of spike proteins in my body. If the number is high it will prove the reason for my suffering, then the million dollar question is how do they get rid of the spike proteins in my body or is it just something that will reduce in numbers over time till it eventually leaves our bodies. On this forum I’ve read of other people having this test at a point in time and the numbers are high, then they have the test done again a few months later to show the spike proteins coming down which means it’s slowly working it’s way out of the body. 
You can also order the test online privately as an at home kit - some kits don’t tell you the actual spike protein levels they just say “positive” or “negative” so check in the details before ordering. 
the gp dr has asked to see me again on the 4th November to see if these steroids have a, done the job and resolved all my nerve pain, b, done the job whilst I was taking the steroids and then symptoms return or c, even done anything at all. She also said if we’re waiting too long to have the spike protein test done at the hospital I could also order the home test kit by then and send off for it myself. 
i told her about our group and the support and advice we’re all sharing with eachother to get through it and she was really impressed and supportive of it and that we are taking matters into our own hands to help heal ourselves when so many drs aren’t listening to us and dismissing us! 
anyway I’ll be finished these steroids in another 3 days so when I’ve finished them I’ll give it a few days to see if the pains return and then I’ll come back on here and update you all but so far so good! 

keep the faith and take comfort in all the negative scans and blood tests were all getting for any bad illnesses - yes I had low iron but it’s easily fixable and it might just be one of the causes of this nerve pain. 

Be back with an update in a few days 🙂 

I’ve attached a photo of the home test kit I found for the spike proteins 

Hi Francesa

Thank you for including me in your post. 

I haven't had my iron tested lately, but I do have some iron supplements so I will take some.

That's great you have a GP who is supportive of you and recommends no more jabs. 

Yes I have heard of people taking prednisone and I am interested in how you get on. For some people as soon as they are off the steroid, their symptoms slowly return. I hope this is not the case for you. Yes please let us know how you get on afterwards and what symptoms remain. Considering you are taking the prednisone early into this flare, it might be really beneficial.

Low dose naltrexone appears to be safer than amitriptyline and gabapentin. Perhaps you could ask your GP about it if needed. 

I agree with you, the more shots someone gets the more likely they might experience an adverse reaction. Your flare up could also be a delayed reaction from the virus. Most likely a combination of the two, the virus flared the vaccine effects. Some people experience virus issues months after catching the virus.

Some people will high antibodies, once lowered their symptoms subside. For others there is no difference. My suggestion is for you to get the test which shows the antibodies for both the vaccine and virus (if possible). Some countries display this data. FYI - Nucleocapsid antibody IgG being from the virus, where Spike Protein IgG antibody from the vaccine. The vaccines do not generate antibodies in the nucleocapsid antibody.

Hydration is really important to, something I have been neglecting. There's mixed opinions about exercise.. but some people it's not possible.

I look forward to hearing from you. 


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