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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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Forgot to also mention my doctor recommended antihistamines too, as others have mentioned, but in my case I didn't take them and the symptoms eventually subsided regardless.

BeeAyDee and BeeAyDee reacted
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@ss1482 I have had the same after 1 dose of Pfizer 7/26. Some days/times are better than others

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I'm really glad this forum and a few others exist BTW.  I posted my adverse symptoms in reddit's /r/coronavirus subreddit and got permanently banned for 'spreading misinformation / antivaxx'.  At least people can find some people with the same side effects from a google search at this point. 

Left side of face is still numb but it seems to be fluctuating, it's the worst about an hour after I first wake up and is generally almost gone before I go to sleep. Almost always starts around the ear and then goes out to my temple and lips. 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Hey everyone


Thank God for finding this thread. I received my Moderna 1st vaccine on Monday. Within 1 hour I had tingling/pins and needles all over. The next day I contacted GP concerned who advised me that this was unusual and its coincidental that it began 1 hour after the vaccine (?!). He advised to see how it goes and get back in touch in a week if its not better.  4 days later I am trying to manage this with antihistamines with little relief and its driving me crazy! it seemed a bit better yesterday than today and its affecting my tongue and eyes  now.  I am also so angry that with finding this page clearly this is a common side effect but doctors are not taking this onboard. Interestingly one of the first things my doctor said was " I wouldn't let it put you off getting the 2nd vaccine" Not a chance I will now! 

KitKat, GrisR, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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Hello everyone, I am happy to find people who are sharing the same symptoms. I took a shot of Sinovac vaccine 17 days ago, it is my first dose and since then I have numbness and tingling in my left leg and in my right side of my back along with back pain which is very annoying. I visited a neurologist who advised me to take cortisone and he did not counter the same symptoms with his patients. Normally numbness after vaccine takes two or three days maximum to go away. I started B 12 three days ago and I hope that this all go away for me and for you. please keep updating us. what do you feel know. is it getting better? did any doctor diagnose the symptoms? 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Since we all sharing the same symptoms. is anyone getting better? shall the symptoms go away? Appreciate your response. I am Egyptian and I had Sinovac vaccine "the Chinese one" and I have numbness since then. 


KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Anyone else feel like they started to feel worse around week 4-5?  Lately I’m feeling more burning and just an all around yuck feeling. Worn out. Haven’t gone for blood or MRI tests yet. Have orders but haven’t felt up to going. 

BeeAyDee and BeeAyDee reacted
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Posted by: @sararabea

Since we all sharing the same symptoms. is anyone getting better? shall the symptoms go away? Appreciate your response. I am Egyptian and I had Sinovac vaccine "the Chinese one" and I have numbness since then. 


I'm trying not to get too hopeful, but it's day 5 or 6 (3ish weeks post 1st shot), and I think I am getting there.  The left side of my face still feels 'off', but it's not as pronounced as it's been in the last week. The ear area definitely feels way more normal today. Crossing my fingers I'm good by tomorrow.  A few people have said it only took about a week instead of 1-2 months so really would be nice to be part of the former group. 

Chantale and Chantale reacted
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@sararabea Wishing you luck in a quick recovery though!

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Hi everyone

Ive had my second dose since April 28th. I haven't felt normal since then. I have this weird and awful numbness in my brain. It's a very heavy feeling and there was a day or two where I felt normal. I usually get this tingling and it feels like a weight lifting off me. I made the mistake of taking Benadryl to bed and it came back. Anyone else have the same issue?

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I can’t sleep! The vibration burning tingling wakes me every single night multiple times. I’m so much better during the day but so fatigued from not sleeping. 

Does anyone else find their symptoms worse at night? 

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My first and only Pfizer vaccine was 26th June (UK).  That night I woke with shooting tingling/ burning pains up & down my arms (assumed panic attack) I honestly thought I was dying , I got that quite a few times, just woke up in middle of night with that happening, it was uncontrollable. Tingling feet started a week after shot. Internal tingling/ shaky/twitching/tremor feeling started 2/3 weeks after…. In my legs, arms, spine, top of back, base of skull, sometimes feels like my brain is vibrating too & in my pelvic area (It’s difficult to remember exact dates as during this time I also started to get really bad dizziness & nausea 2/3 weeks after… Turned out I was 3 weeks pregnant the day of the shot which was ectopic 🙁  I had surgery on 26th July when I was just over 7 weeks so some symptoms making me poorly were from that but what about the internal shaking & vibrations!! my doctors have put it all down to hormones/anxiety/stress/adrenaline etc. I’ve had full blood work which has all been fine & I have MRI booked on 15th. The doc also prescribed Amitriptyline for nerve pain but I am yet to start it as I don’t want to take something without a proper diagnosis. I have days when I feel not so shaky but the last couple days both legs ache/hurt & feel hot & weak. Some nights I literally cannot sleep either. It’s like my brain is wide awake!

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I've now got the most extreme vertigo and have a sensation of feeling the blood pump around my entire body. I can't really explain it. I'm very depressed and feel like I don't want to live like this anymore. The only reason I have to keep going is my son. If it wasn't for him my mind scares me to what I would do. I jist want to be normal again. I'm 12 weeks post 1sr and only pfizer and I can't take this anymore 😔

GrisR, Donna, GrisR and 1 people reacted
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@larag I’m so sorry. I wish we had a cure for whatever this is. Please don’t give up. I’m there with you as well. 

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@dgingoglia I'm trying to so hard. But everyday I wake up and I'm unwell. I don't sleep. I twitch. I have vertigo. I'm tired. I can barely do my job. My son is currently with his dad as I'm not well enough to be there for him and needed a few days rest. But what kind of life is this. What is the purpose of waking up each day being like this. This isn't living. This is hell. The vaccine is poison  and I regret taking it every second. I've hit rock bottom

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