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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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Has anyone else found that they bleed a lot more after blood tests now? Before the vaccine I hardly bled a drop but the last two times I have had heaps of bleeding. Yesterday the nurse got blood all over my shirt and said she had never had that happen before. Weird. has anyone else had this?

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@adenk how long did it take to go away? 

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@sontos what was the other Med? Are you better now? 

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@twitch yes. im actually better. do feel very miniscule feelings though. nothing crazy. did an mri, all clear as i have feared it was MS etc. I started using ibuprofen for 3 days straight and then every second to third day.Now im completely off after 5 days of usage. the other med i was given was Penicillin. I do believe it did help. But then again the ibuprofen did help alot. I hope this help guys. Im praying everyone gets better. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Sontos

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@twitch which part that go away? 

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@sontos how long have you been better? Do you think the penicillin worked? Or more the Ibuprofen? 

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Hey everyone,

I am happy to have found this page. I thought I was going crazy . I had my first dose of Pfizer on August 29th the day after just a migraine and fever that went back to normal until September 6th when I started getting muscle twitching, jerking, brain fog. Then the muscle twitching on my calls turned into burning pins and needles that went from my upper abdomen down to my feet. It felt as if I had a fever from my lower half going down. It was warm to touch. It mainly would happen everytime I laid down around night time. It has sense calmed down with only my left leg burning. I'm wondering if any of use had had covid before  or underlying issues before this?


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@twitch don't know if the penicillin worked, but i did use only ibuprofen and that helped. i was feeling the tingling for almost 50 days. now more. Been almost a week now. 

Cc and Cc reacted
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I’m new here and I’m not even sure if this is the right forum to join in. Back in early February I got my 2nd dose of Pfizer and had the usual reaction of fever and body malaise. Everything resolved after 24 hours. In mid-August, I started to have fasiculations in my abdomen. This resolved after a few days but I then started having it on my right arm. This lasted for weeks and before I know it I would get muscle twitching in my arms, legs, vibrations and tremors in my extremities and face. I have also recently started bouts of weakness and sore pain in my calf and arms. I am thinking I may be having a very delayed reaction from getting immunized from Covid. These are all annoying but I don’t regret getting the shots. Has anyone else experience this much delayed of a response from getting jabbed? My blood tests are all normal and I am scheduled to see a Neurologist on Monday. 

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I am in the same my 1st Pfizer shot 3 weeks ago and from day 2 developed painful calfs, tingling and burning, painful sensations that spread all over my body gradually. Mainly major arm and leg muscles. Doctors checked vitb6 toxicity, b12 deficiency, autoimmune markers, tbc, muscles inflammation markers all good. Pretty sure it's the vax. I am low in iron and low in vitD btw. Of course getting a neurologist appt next week. 

Wondering why us? Are there any similarities between those who have these symptoms? There should be a reason as none of my vaxed friends had these symptoms. 

I read 30 pages of posts people go do MRI, nerve studies and nothing. Pretty important to rule out the serious illnesses. But looks like we all have somewhat similar symptomatic picture. I wonder where is the link? 

Donna and Donna reacted
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Glad to have found this forum!  I got the first Moderna shot back in April.  I almost instantly didn't feel right, although I thought some of that was just anxiousness about the shot.  For several weeks I had ongoing feelings of "electric pulses" through my body, muscle twitches and racing heart.  I went to the Dr. twice & she gave me beta blockers, which did help a bit...maybe just to easy my anxiety about it.  I too feared I developed MS or ALS.  My doctor seems to think this will go away on its own, although I'm not convinced anyone knows what this is!   It's six months out and although I am definitely better, I still have ongoing muscle twitches.  Not as bad as they were, and I tend to feel them only when I'm sitting still (which is annoying).   I am also VERY sensitive to all medications....a half a childrens Benadryl will put me to sleep for 8 hours!  Now I'm seeing news articles that Moderna has 3x the amount of medicine as Pfizer.  I wish I knew that before getting the shot.   I'm also discouraged because I am not considered "fully vaccinated", but know my body will not tolerate another shot.   

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@katia I am also low in vitamin D. I have read that vitamin D is important in nerve health. Maybe that has something to do with it??

Paulina.M and Paulina.M reacted
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I’m experiencing numbness all over my body, some tingling and pain, but predominantly numbness. I had Moderna vaccine and my symptoms have lasted and progressed over 5 months. Anyone else with the numbness problem and has it gotten better or gone away?

It started in my leg and now it’s everywhere both legs, chest, lower stomach, back, neck, face, head, fingers. 

My MRI and EMG were clear but I think I have small fiber neuropathy and am scared it’ll never heal. 

Hoping there’s someone who has similar symptoms and healed after time!

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@kail26 Hi Kali, I’ve had numbness all over my body since a month after I got Moderna vaccine. I’m wondering if your numbness ever got better or went away? I’m going on 5 months now.

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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I got my 2nd maderma shot 1 1/2 weeks ago and about 4 or 5 day's ago I woke up to my hand feeling like it was asleep, which normally goes away fast but here I am 4 days later and my hand is still asleep . I have gotten a massage which did nothing for it and I have tried stretching,  massaging,  vitamins,  ice, and nothing is changing it. I got the maderma shot in my left arm and it's my right hand which is asleep. I have concerns because my brother got Gillian burea syndrome from the swine flu shot yrs ago and his condition is pretty severe, I was very concerned about getting vaccinated do to the fact my brother has this and I was worried this could be a genetic issue in my family,  I had asked several doctors and didn't get much for answers.  

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