Hey, i have been having the same symptoms. Pins n needles type of sensation starting in my feet after my first vaccination (feb). Almost resolved then got worse after my 2nd (April). But then i got covid (had no symptoms) then had Labyrinthitis (july)... and since then my symptoms have been so much worse. Both legs numb, a tight sensation around my torso and my right hand completely numb. Had blood tests done all fine. Got a neurology Appointment on Thursday. Its really impacting my life as im currently unable to work, as i cant write or perform the skills that are hands on at my work. Also very fatigued.
I'm just wondering if anyone has taken anything that has lessen it or stopped it? Steroids or neurological pain killers.
Just reading back through the posts as I've not read them for a few days. I just wanted to share that my private doctor yesterday did say that if my leg weakness got worse or became difficult to walk with that steroid injections were an option. I've only been using ibuprofen and natural anti inflammatory foods so far.
@lmkk Cheers. Your advice is spot on. I've found that exercise helps as well as putting my head under a warm shower. Sometimes when I massage my own scalp it also helps.
Hi, I am so glad I have found this forum. This is my story so far - I had my first Pfizer vax in Aug 17 and then woke up on Aug 21 with a tingling/burning sensation in both my feet and both my hands - the tingling has remained the past 7 weeks, sometimes a little less, sometimes more but it’s always there. About two weeks ago I also started too get a very strange warm sensation in my calf intermittently- this has been increasing and now happens about 2 or 3 times an hour. I also have had a sore right eye for the past week. My symptoms all suggest MS which is pretty scary so I am kind of hoping it’s something to do with the vax. I have just had an MRI on both neck and brain so I guess I will find out in a weeks time.
I had my first Pfizer vaccine 6th August. Pins and needles began 30 minutes later. Nearly 10 weeks later they have changed to more of a tingling sensation and bubbling beneath my skin mainly now in my legs. I also experience the heat especially in my hands on and off. I sometimes think the heat is maybe reactive arthritis due to the inflammation in our bodies. My doctor ruled out MS and blood work was all normal. I have been told by a private doctor I saw yesterday that it sounds like a "mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome" and that time will heal it all. The last few days I've felt it decreasing but it's always been there with a few big flare ups along the way. I also had the sore right eye but had it checked in Specsavers and they said my eye health is good. Just gotta wait this out till our bodies sort themselves out!
@dgingoglia its super frightening and I think it could be very dangerous for us to get a second jab!
How are your symptoms these days?
Mine began 30 minutes after the Pfizer jab in my left arm. Compared to how I was in the first few weeks I can honestly say I have felt some improvement although it's mostly been in the severity of the symptoms.
My once intense pins and needles that were so strong I was unable to focus on anything else have now become a dull tingling sensation instead. I'm now able to sometimes forget about them as they are not so strong. Its mainly in my legs and feet and not so much in my hands anymore. I'm having less muscle twitching and spasms now as well thanks God and no lighting bolts of shooting pain in my limbs anymore.
Initially it was my whole body but mainly the left side. The first doctor I saw reckoned it is caused by inflammation in my spine plus the vaccine maybe disturbing my ulnar nerve in my left arm.
I saw a private doctor yesterday who at first was telling me it had nothing to do with the vaccine until I showed him the UK gov website symptoms and in the end he said it could be a mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome.
I'm not even going to Google it I'm already so feaked out by all what's been happening. Luckily my dizziness and tinnitus seems to have gone away a little.
The whole shambles of the medical professionals not willing to acknowledge the vaccine causing this plus no one really having any idea what is going on and how to treat it reminds me of the notorious drug trials gone wrong at Northwich park hospital, London. There used to be a documentary about it on YouTube. I'm very familiar with this story for several reasons plus I was living near the hospital when it all happened. Nobody knew how to treat the volunteers who became desperately ill during the trials. In the end they were treated for major cytokine storms in their bodies. I do sometimes wonder if we are having some kind of similar milder reaction?
During these surreal times I have got to take my positives where I can get them...all my clean and healthy eating and new healthy life changes to try get over this mean that the baby weight I have been trying to shed for five years plus the lock down weight I put on has dropped off in 9 weeks!
I feel like I'm living in some insane X files episode...who knew pins and needles in the throat and tongue could be a thing?! I'm just waiting for Mulder and Scully to knock on my door!
@lmkk How sad that you had to go through all that with a new baby as well! Life can be really unfair. I feel like I'm improving albeit slowly. My bad days are the days the headaches and fatigue set in. The tingling doesn't bother me now that i know it's probably a sign of healing and it comes and goes. I'm working on getting my immune system healthy since I believe that is the source of our problems. I am working with a naturopath and an immunologist to get a diet/supplements that will ease inflammation and build a healthy immune system. I am reluctant to get the 2nd dose but may have no choice. My daughter works in a hospital and, now that we know vaccination doesn't stop spread, I wont be able to see her if i'm not jabbed. I can't live with that so I will probably take the risk. Not for a couple of months though and I'm hoping novavax might be available by then as I don't want mrna. Such a hard choice
@lmkk I’m very similar to you with by symptoms both in the beginning and now. I am so much better than I was but still feeling a bit if bubbling in my feet, tops of hands and throat and tongue. It’s definitely less intense and less often now.
I do suffer with restless leg syndrome but that is also improving so I’m getting more rest than I was.
I’m hopeful what I am now feeling is nerve healing. I definitely have more hours in the day now that is feel close to myself again—except very tired since sleep still needs to improve.
I saw my GP today and received my extensive blood, and neck and brain MRI results.Everything came back normal. To my GPS credit he is still trying to work out the cause of my tingling and now wants to do X-ray and ultrasound on my wrists to check for Carpel Tunnel, although he had no ideas RE the tingling in my feet. He has referred me to a neurologist as well but that could be months before I get to see them. I am pretty happy knowing it’s not MS causing my tingles though. I’m 8 weeks since my 1st Covid vax now and I feel like the tingling in my hands and feet has eased off a bit (although it could be that I am just getting used to it) I have my 2nd Vax next week so I have a tricky decision now. I am tempted to get the vax just to see what happens - if things flare up again at least I will be more certain it is the vax that has caused it.
Hi all,
I developed tingling, shooting type pains in my left arm 1 day post 1st dose of pfizer as well as a muscle twitch where injection went in.
A few days later the shooting pains moved to right side, it wasn't in a particular area buy moved from feet, toes, fingers, calf, arms etc. Torso and face weren't affected. It feels like someone pricks me with a needle and then there's a dull pain there
I spoke to several doctors, 2 of them mentioned they have seen people with neurological issues post vax.
I had bloods done, all was normal except I had low iron.
Went to see a neuro 2 days ago. She did all physical tests and also nerve test and all was normal. She said she has been seeing patients with this after vax. She said its functional neurological disorder. Basically where your brains signals to other parts of your body malfunctions and causes the symptoms. So it's a problem with your 'software' not 'hardware'. She said to definitely get the second shot, and that everyone she has seen it has cleared up for them. She put me on low doses of amitriptyline and gapentin to calm the nerves. The woman doing the nerve test also said they've been calling this the pfizer tingles. So it's definitely a thing. Here's an article I found:
Im still undecided about second shot though, due to get it end of this week
I’m 11 weeks post 1st dose moderna vaccine and im still experiencing headaches, pins and needles, muscle spasms and weakness, tinnitus, burning sensations under foot. 3 ER visits and two hospital stays later, extensive blood work and neurological tests (MRIs of brain, neck and spine, lumbar puncture) doctors don’t know what I have. Hospital doctors say it’s not vaccine related, although symptoms started the night I took the vaccine and I’m a 34 yr old F, healthy, and fit (prior to vaccine) My GP and my neurologist believe all points to vaccine and do not recommend 2nd dose. Im taking vitamins c, d, zinc, magnesium. Muscle relaxer seems to help the tightness/heaviness feelings. Praying this all goes away and we heal in time!! I have 3 young kiddos and it’s terrible feeling too sick to play or attend them like I once did.
@twitch I have been feeling much better. The numbness and tingling went away almost 95%. I still feel a little numbness in my right lip on my face and occasionally in my leg and foot. I am pretty confident it should all go away by itself eventually.