@tashley I too am postpartum. I received the first Pfizer dose when my baby was 3.5 months old. I wasn’t going to get it until the baby was at least one but got myself talked into by all the pressure of my children being in school with no masks and a new baby at home. Delta delta delta talk all over. All my healthcare friends saying you need the shot. My parents pressuring me. The MSM pressure etc. I also had been reading reports hospitals would have to possibly prioritize vaccinated over unvaccinated if it came to it for beds because vaccinated had a better chance of survival. So I just gave in. I wish I would’ve followed by instincts and not gotten it.
Same thing here.
Had my Pfizer when my baby was a month old. Been living with constant pins and needles, dizziness and other stuff ever since.
I had a bad feeling about the vaccine but allowed myself to give in to the all round pressure to get vaxed.
I had originally planned to have my jab once I had finished breastfeeding. Wish I had trusted my instincts.x
I continue to have the tingling and parasthesia all over my body. I saw the VAERS website has almost 1400 cases documented of Guillian Barre post Covid vaccine for all 3 vaccines. I am terrified that is what’s going on with me. I’m sure my anxiety doesn’t help my symptoms but it’s hard not to freak out and think I’m going to wake up tomorrow and not be able to use my legs. So far I have not experienced any weakness but who knows if that’s not right around the corner or something. I have a 3 month old baby at home and I don’t want to die. I’m crying as I type this because I wouldn’t have taken the vaccine if I would have known this was a possibility.
Hey there.
I also have the tingling and parasthesia. Been ongoing for 3 months since my Pfizer vaccine but slowly getting better.
I also have a 4 month old baby.
It's so scary and hard but all we can do now is wait it out. Nourish your body with the best foods you can afford. I have also cried so much over this.
I did get diagnosed at 8 weeks after my vaccine with "mild variant of gullian Barre syndrome" I try not to panic and use an inflammatory diet as natural medicine to help with healing and inflammation reduction.
It's difficult because while breastfeeding there isn't much I can take for my symptoms but people do recover from it so I'm just playing the waiting game...it does suck though!
@johnnyc I have been to two neurologists and no answers. They want to push the functional neurological disorder if they don’t find anything “organic” causing symptoms. Meaning nothing found on MRI/EMG. I don’t buy FND diagnosis. I too think it is mild guillain barre. I live in rural United States and I believe medicine is lazy here. Sad thing is no one in the country I have come across knows what is going on. I hope we all get this mess sorted out soon as well.
I got diagnosed in the UK a month ago with mild variant gullian Barre syndrome. Few others on VeDa forum on other threads have also been diagnosed with the same thing. I have the peripheral neuropathy and occasional numb/weakness in limbs but slowly improving. Doctor said to wait it out.
@nevermindddd1 i am from Singapore too. I have burning pain, tingling and numbness all over my body. Are u better now?
Hope to be in touch to give each other emotional support.
Hi everyone. I posted in here a few weeks back with tingling/pins and needles and pain. Its been 2 months and now I have numbness too that comes on randomly in my hands and lasts hours or days. Over the past 3 days I have felt very dizzy and sick which is what worries me the most. I was sitting having lunch and the feeling came on very suddenly- I felt drunk and struggled to stand without tilting to one side. It did not go away and hasn't done for three days now. All of my limbs feel very heavy and things like drinking a cup of coffee seem like so much effort. My legs feel weaker when I walk on them too. Has anyone experienced spells of dizzy/drunk feelings? Have they gone away after a few hours/days? Please let me know as I am really hoping this passes! Thanks.
Hi there.
Caffeine is inflammatory and is most likely making your symptoms worse. I've had to give it up too. Drink lots of water to flush it out your body. Pineapple juice is good for dampening inflammation.
@lmkk me too. I was going to wait until after breastfeeding too but gave in to all of the pressure too. ACOG, SMFM, and the CDC all recommended it as well as my child’s pediatrician and numerous others. I had a bad feeling too and also wish I had trusted my instincts. I fought tooth and nail to have a full supply and then this happened. I was going to stop BFing right away when I felt terrible after the shot but many providers told me it was okay to keep BFing. I’m thinking of stopping now. I have been trying to wean her off and go to formula which hurts my heart. I never wanted any of this to happen.
Frankly, I’m super mad any of us have to deal with this pandemic to begin with. I feel it was a preventable situation to begin with. I’m angry to have been put in this position. I have had a pretty crappy last 18 months. It started with Covid, then I got pregnant and my grandma passed, two weeks later I lost the baby while at work and had to finish my shift, then got pregnant again (good news) and my mom was super sick and almost died (hospitalized for 12 weeks), meanwhile my ultrasound showed some abnormalities, I failed my glucose test, my other grandma passed unexpectedly, my baby was born healthy but had bad jaundice due to ABO incompatibility, my son broke his arm and had surgery, my daughter got RSV, my baby was sick on breathing treatments and steroids and this all happened to me. There was other stuff in there as well. All of this is part of the reason I did it too. I just don’t have time to be sick with 3 kids but this made me so sick. I hate the whole thing. I also was feeling bad from all of the isolation and feeling like I couldn’t go anywhere without being worried about Covid. I’ve never had issues with vaccinations before so I told myself I would probably be okay. Which shot did you get? Mine was the first Pfizer and will not be taking anymore shots.
@lmkk did your doc try steroids for you? Any doc I have seen here won’t consider guillian barre for me so far. Probably because it doesn’t present as a usual case. I’m so frustrated with all of this.
@lmkk did they do any specific testing for your diagnosis? I asked for a spinal MRi and was ordered a cervical spine which I just postponed because I want the entire spine. I have had a mri of my brain and it didn’t show anything. Did you have a spinal tap? Neurology here just said neurological problems from the shot are very rare so we will check you for MS…..I’m like this all came on after the shot and I’m having neurological issues now so I’m the rare one. I don’t think I have MS. This is at s major university too. I got a second opinion and it wasn’t much better.
@fifoh u have tingling and numbness at which part of yr body? How long does it take to go away?
@lmkk me too. I was going to wait until after breastfeeding too but gave in to all of the pressure too. ACOG, SMFM, and the CDC all recommended it as well as my child’s pediatrician and numerous others. I had a bad feeling too and also wish I had trusted my instincts. I fought tooth and nail to have a full supply and then this happened. I was going to stop BFing right away when I felt terrible after the shot but many providers told me it was okay to keep BFing. I’m thinking of stopping now. I have been trying to wean her off and go to formula which hurts my heart. I never wanted any of this to happen.
Frankly, I’m super mad any of us have to deal with this pandemic to begin with. I feel it was a preventable situation to begin with. I’m angry to have been put in this position. I have had a pretty crappy last 18 months. It started with Covid, then I got pregnant and my grandma passed, two weeks later I lost the baby while at work and had to finish my shift, then got pregnant again (good news) and my mom was super sick and almost died (hospitalized for 12 weeks), meanwhile my ultrasound showed some abnormalities, I failed my glucose test, my other grandma passed unexpectedly, my baby was born healthy but had bad jaundice due to ABO incompatibility, my son broke his arm and had surgery, my daughter got RSV, my baby was sick on breathing treatments and steroids and this all happened to me. There was other stuff in there as well. All of this is part of the reason I did it too. I just don’t have time to be sick with 3 kids but this made me so sick. I hate the whole thing. I also was feeling bad from all of the isolation and feeling like I couldn’t go anywhere without being worried about Covid. I’ve never had issues with vaccinations before so I told myself I would probably be okay. Which shot did you get? Mine was the first Pfizer and will not be taking anymore shots.
Sounds a very similar story to mine 🙁 So sorry for the loss of your grandma and baby 🙁
I was so scared of getting sick and dyeing of covid and leaving my kids without a mom.
It said on the UK government website it was safe to have the vaccine while breastfeeding! It stated that antibodies the body makes from the vaccine will pass to the baby and offer the baby some protection so I thought it was safe.
When I went to my GP because of my symptoms he asked if I was breastfeeding and when I said yes he didn't advise me to stop or pump and dump for a few days which I wish I had. Funnily enough when I had my baby the midwife's were all against the vaccines!
This whole thing could have been avoided if proper swift action had been taken like with the Ebola outbreak a few years ago instead of trying to hide it till it was to late and out of control.
I had to go to all my appointments alone and had a stressful time because I had to be monitored for pre enclampsia and gestational diabetes. In the end I had to give birth scared and alone due to my husband not being allowed with me because of dam covid rules at the time. I'm beyond mad the special time was taken away from us. Then my baby had breathing issues so I was in and out of hospital and the clinic where I have to take my baby for checkups is miles away now the community midwife's don't come to the house anymore because of covid so I have to travel with a baby in a taxi putting us at more risk of catching covid.
I'm just going to keep breastfeeding now as I have already done so for the last few months and what's done is done. Hopefully my body was able to filter out the vaccine and only pass on the good stuff! Luckily my little one is healthy and growing well. I was looking back at my diary I have been keeping since my Vax...my baby was so unsettled for the first week after my first Pfizer vaccine and cried all night for a week. I'm consumed by guilt that it was from the vaccine 🙁
I try and do a little walk each day after the school run to get fresh air and excersise otherwise I'm going stir crazy at home.
I'm finally starting to notice improvement but it's been 3 long months and what a nightmare it's been! Hopefully we will continue to recover even if it is slow I'm trying to keep positive.
Some answers:
DrBean Medical Lectures on YT.
"Patent Interview- Neorological Issues After Vaccination"
Does anyone have any info on vaccine reaction support groups?
@ausguy hi Luke - I had the tingling feelings in arms and legs from the 1st dose in Aug - it is still there now but has eased off a fair bit. I had the 2nd dose 10 days ago and have no increase in symptoms. it was a tricky decision to have the 2nd dose as I am in Covid free Perth and I was very anxious about getting it after having the reaction to the first dose but happy I have done it now. I have def found that no one in the medical field seems to have any clues about my symptoms and it being a reaction to the vax, But I get why they have to promote the vaccine. I am trusting my own judgement and I am 99% sure it is the vax causing my symptoms. This group has been great in validating that as well.
@andyl89 hi Andy - my sore right eye seems to have come good now - it lasted about 6 weeks and I am not really sure if it has anything to do with the vax or not - I am pretty sure my tingling/burning sensation is due to the vax though. I had an optometrist check my eye out - scans, glaucoma test etc and all was well.
@lmkk did they do any specific testing for your diagnosis? I asked for a spinal MRi and was ordered a cervical spine which I just postponed because I want the entire spine. I have had a mri of my brain and it didn’t show anything. Did you have a spinal tap? Neurology here just said neurological problems from the shot are very rare so we will check you for MS…..I’m like this all came on after the shot and I’m having neurological issues now so I’m the rare one. I don’t think I have MS. This is at s major university too. I got a second opinion and it wasn’t much better.
Hi again.
I didn't have any specific tests unfortunately.
My family GP called it spinal inflammation (which I later found is gullian Barre) I think he didn't want to worry me and told me not to Google it. A private GP diagnosed gullian Barre by asking questions about my symptoms to rule out the big stuff.
Although my severe neuro symptoms started 30 minutes after my first Pfizer and therefore most likely to be vaccine related rather than anything else I would have preferred an MRI of head and spine to rule the big stuff out but common reasoning points to vaccine relation rather than MS etc.
I have had the mother of all backaches ongoing since one week after my jab I think that must be related to the spinal inflammation. I don't know if it's a symptom of gullian Barre as I have been to afraid to Google it.
Never had any of these issues prior to the vaccine now I feel like my body is 100 years old and decrepit!
I am more than likely going to see a different private GP who can refer me for an MRI for peace of mind.
I have family members on the front line working in hospitals in the UK and Europe and I can tell you that gullian Barre is a lot more common than media reports.
Yes, the extreme cases that include temporary loss of leg mobility are rarer, however I can report that my family who work with patients have seen more and more cases since the vaccine rollouts. Peripheral neuropathy pins and needles, week and numbness which can be a mild form is apparently getting more and more common in people visiting the hospital so not as "rare" as people think.
Luckily most people make a full recovery but it's all about time. I get so impatient waiting for it to go away sometimes.
If I get an MRI I will be sure to report back here although given UK waiting times I may very well be better by my appointment time!