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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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i did have a CT done and it was fine. If you have the bands just present in your csf then that points towards MS. If they’re present in both csf and serum then that indicates an inflammatory polyneuropathy or inflammation of the CNS. 

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@tashley did you have bands in your serum as well as CSF? How do they test for bands in serum? 

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Posted by: @carmenm

Update as requested: saw my neurologist today. He said it's definately the vaccine. I'm due for my second shot tomorrow. He would like me to have the second shot (Pfizer) even though I'm tingling. The plan is - go for second shot. I will tingle / have pins and needles / burning. He has upped my medication (Trepiline) from 25mg to 37.5mg to counter-act this. See him again in 3 weeks. If the neuropathy hasn't settled, he'll give me a cortisone shot. He's pretty confident that the Trepiline will calm the neuropathy down - it may just take some time. Remember, I've been on Trepiline for 15 years and it was a life saver. Accordingly to him, it's an auto-immune issue, where your immune system attacks the peripheral nerves. Not unheard of with vaccines. They put alot of crap (preservatives and the like) into vaccines. I'm not sure if I should get the second shot despite his advice. His philosophy is that we can deal with the neuropathy, but he can't help me if I'm on a ventilator due to covid.  

Thank you for the updates.  How are you as of today?

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Posted by: @downunderguy
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @downunderguy
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @nat21

@medee I really do think that staying calm, positive and distracting yourself from these feelings and also the thoughts about them really helps. I had a few bad days where it all seemed to flare up but I was overthinking everything and panicking that Im going to have some serious health issues etc as a result . Then I spoke to my Dr who was quite reassuring. She said all vaccines can cause nerve flare ups but these covid ones are a lot stronger and generate a stronger immune response. She also said nerve pain generally always goes away with time, some people may just take longer than others. It's now just a case of either trying out different meds that will ease the symptoms, or just riding it out till our bodies naturally settle everything down. Since I had the talk with my Dr my symptoms are still there but i notice them a lot less and I'm focusing on other stuff. Some days I don't notice them much at all and I can see certain body parts which used to have nerve pain have now gotten better. So I definitely believe we should all try to minimise our anxiety about this as much as we can.

I didnt have ear pain but I did experience some tinnitus type symptoms a few times but they were very mild and passed quickly. 

My neuro prescribed me gabapentin as well and I took it for a few days but felt spaced out and not myself so I stopped it. 

I think the best bet is to just keep believing that your body is healing and this will all go away soon! 







Did you have a weird feeing in your head as well and ny sort of muscle weakness too?

I see that you've mentioned about your Dr and then Neuro. Just wanted to know if the nerve flare-up was said by the General Practitioner or the Neuro. If this is coming from the Neuro then it sounds like some relieving information. 

Also did your Neuro do any tests on you? 

Pls do use the QUOTE option while responding. You take care!

 Hi much of what you say is true when you are distracted and doing things you seem to notice the pain less being calm and not being anxious helps as well I fine to .  About the weird feeling in your head I found initially with the vaccine that it made me hyper active and wasn’t able to sleep properly having insomnia things have calmed down since but not quite They’re yours before the vaccine. I noticed also my blood pressure and heart rate we’re up and now I think it’s coming down again. It was me who mentioned the nerve pain pins and needles and burning sensations to my GP and br there yet before the vaccine. I noticed also my blood pressure and heart rate were up and now I think it’s coming down again. It was me who mentioned the nerve pain pins and needles and burning sensations to my GP   And heart pounding sensation did a ECG and blood test came back normal but didn’t feel normal to me after the second opinion from another doctor he referred me to a neurologist but I can’t get in till early next year  I am trying to maintain a healthy diet and rest hoping this condition will slowly go away  I am  about just over seven weeks from first Pfizer jab things are calming but not gone for people out there there is hope 

My neuro has given me a tablet for folic acid and some vitamins. And one for nerve pain/anti depressant.

Does the palpitation go off on its own? Its only one month down for me. 

Today is just the 1st day of the medication but the meds have a side effect of palpitations. So now I've just woken up from my sleep as palpitations were very high. 

Hi I’m just out over seven weeks after first Pfizer jab the palpitations were more common at the start when I got a vaccine probably looking back the first 5 to 6 weeks Have seen it gradually calm somewhat   At the start I used to wake up in the middle of the night where are used to feel it quite often and felt like heart was beating harder than normal and I mentioned it to my doctor at the time but had no reason for concern as well as my   Blood pressure which was good  before vaccine was elevated slightly when having the symptoms I find the symptoms have eased off somewhat naturally and my blood pressure has improved a little it hasn’t gone away completely but I feel that it is getting better with time I hope over the next weeks and months  it improves more 

How long has it been since the vax? Are you feeling better these days?

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I'm noticing posts from the first ten pages of this thread trace back to August.  But most of the posters stopped posting updates and such.  Maybe that's a good sign?  Like, their symptoms stopped?

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Posted by: @downunderguy
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @nat21

@medee I really do think that staying calm, positive and distracting yourself from these feelings and also the thoughts about them really helps. I had a few bad days where it all seemed to flare up but I was overthinking everything and panicking that Im going to have some serious health issues etc as a result . Then I spoke to my Dr who was quite reassuring. She said all vaccines can cause nerve flare ups but these covid ones are a lot stronger and generate a stronger immune response. She also said nerve pain generally always goes away with time, some people may just take longer than others. It's now just a case of either trying out different meds that will ease the symptoms, or just riding it out till our bodies naturally settle everything down. Since I had the talk with my Dr my symptoms are still there but i notice them a lot less and I'm focusing on other stuff. Some days I don't notice them much at all and I can see certain body parts which used to have nerve pain have now gotten better. So I definitely believe we should all try to minimise our anxiety about this as much as we can.

I didnt have ear pain but I did experience some tinnitus type symptoms a few times but they were very mild and passed quickly. 

My neuro prescribed me gabapentin as well and I took it for a few days but felt spaced out and not myself so I stopped it. 

I think the best bet is to just keep believing that your body is healing and this will all go away soon! 







Did you have a weird feeing in your head as well and ny sort of muscle weakness too?

I see that you've mentioned about your Dr and then Neuro. Just wanted to know if the nerve flare-up was said by the General Practitioner or the Neuro. If this is coming from the Neuro then it sounds like some relieving information. 

Also did your Neuro do any tests on you? 

Pls do use the QUOTE option while responding. You take care!

 Hi much of what you say is true when you are distracted and doing things you seem to notice the pain less being calm and not being anxious helps as well I fine to .  About the weird feeling in your head I found initially with the vaccine that it made me hyper active and wasn’t able to sleep properly having insomnia things have calmed down since but not quite They’re yours before the vaccine. I noticed also my blood pressure and heart rate we’re up and now I think it’s coming down again. It was me who mentioned the nerve pain pins and needles and burning sensations to my GP and br there yet before the vaccine. I noticed also my blood pressure and heart rate were up and now I think it’s coming down again. It was me who mentioned the nerve pain pins and needles and burning sensations to my GP   And heart pounding sensation did a ECG and blood test came back normal but didn’t feel normal to me after the second opinion from another doctor he referred me to a neurologist but I can’t get in till early next year  I am trying to maintain a healthy diet and rest hoping this condition will slowly go away  I am  about just over seven weeks from first Pfizer jab things are calming but not gone for people out there there is hope 

Don't go to the Neuro, it's useless. I went yesterday and I had one of the worst nights. The side effects from the meds were terrible. I had a very very high heart beat. High palpitations. It was crazy!

When I told my issues, he seemed unsure but was all ears. He told me it could be some sort of chemical reaction in the brain from the vax which is causing it to send such signals to the body and so the symptoms, which I think makes complete sense why our reports come back normal. 

I asked him if this can be inflammation, to which he said there's no way to find out if it is or not. 

He also added that the brain is accustomed to act in a certain way (anxiety related). The brain is just gotten used it. This I was telling him about how I felt this is all anxiety when I was telling him about the chest pain.

He said since the pain is not continuous, it cannot be a severe thing and must go off in time. Just like someone here said on some post "Our condition is regressive and not progressive!" I will stick by it.

- I am currently on Vitamin D supplement, which I will continue. Will stop the rest of the meds and no more doctors. Its all useless.

- Continue having anti inflammatory foods

- Intake of lots of water and fluids 

- Get proper rest

- Keep faith and pray 

This is all I think I should do. If my body heals, great! Now we're our only hope. Our bodies are strong enough to keep us alive all through this and is still fighting to. Let's take one step at a time. Keep faith our bodies are in the healing process already.

Also one more thing, I have noticed the more we're busy, lesser are the body's symptoms. I guess, there is some catch here. Maybe the brain is acting up when we're not doing anything or getting anxious. Maybe! 

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Hi all. I’m posting in here because I’m not sure what else to do. September 1st I had my second dose of MODERNA. 3 days later I get tingling in my left arm that’s spreads to the rest of my body. I felt wet when I wasn’t, electric shocks, pins and needles and tingling. A month or so passes and the symptoms go away for a couple of weeks. Then BAM my right hand fingers go numb for a few hours. Then a few days. Then november 3rd, I have sudden onset dizziness and I can’t stand straight. I feel completely separated from reality and this is still happening, all day every day. Today and yesterday has been the worst. 2 days ago my right arm went numb (not completely, just feels like sensations are reduced like my arm is wrapped in cling film). Today, my right leg and foot and upper right back too. My arm and leg feel weak and heavy and feel odd when I move them. I can’t sleep because I feel so numb and weird and I’m just lying here whilst it feels like my whole body is slowly going numb. I’m not going to the ER because I’ve been there many times and I know I’ll sit there for 8 hours and get sent home. I’ve had a Clear CT scan and am waiting on MRI results for brain and neck. These symptoms are awful and completely debilitating to the point where I might have to defer 3rd year university. I study Physics so I have a lot of work all the time but I’ve been too dizzy/disorientated/fatigue/generally unwell to stay on top of work and have fallen very behind :(. Has anyone else had dizziness and numbness that spreads and stays for hours/days at a time? Have people had symptoms relapse 2.5 months after the vaccine? Really hoping for some answers soon hope everyone feels better

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@jkro I’ve had non stop dizziness for almost 3 weeks now, 2.5 months post second MODERNA shot. It came on very suddenly- was yours sudden or gradual? And has it gone away? When did you have the vaccine and which one was it? My dizziness stops me from enjoying pretty much anything - I just feel so off balance and separated from reality. I hope you feel better soon!

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Posted by: @floryeo

@biancax08 hi, i have numbness all over my body including the head. Having it 2.5 mths now, has not gone away.

Have yrs gone away?

hi, what does your numbness feel like and how long does it last? And does it come with pain? Hope you feel better soon


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@montydes Hi there, I’m so sorry to hear about the mental impact this is having on you. Although it can be unbearable at times, there is light at the end of the tunnel! People on here have got better! I know it may not be the symptoms alone contributing to mental health problems but they sure do play quite a part in it. I’ve been struggling a lot with anxiety and depression because of all of this and so have a lot of people in the forum inevitably. Please take care of yourself and know that you are loved! I wish you a speedy recovery 🙂 and keep me posted about your symptoms! 

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I got my second moderna vaccine May 6. No issues at all after each shot. Sept.25 out of no where I felt like my throat was closing up. I was able to walk around a bit and calm down enough to breath. Went to my doctor. Checked me for allergies, all good. Within the same week my right side went completely numb feeling. Went straight to the ER feeling like I was having a stroke. Nothing, all checked out normal and was sent home. Since then the numbness has progressed immensely. I’ve seen a cardiologist for chest pains, all normal. MRI on my head and CT, all normal. Just saw a neurologist for a nerve study, all normal. My bloodwork looks perfect but my doctor said my thyroid antibodies are high. I see an Endocrinologist Tuesday. Tonight my legs feel like there’s freezing water running down them and my arms are numb. I’m SO over this. I’m 38 years old, worked out daily, super healthy lifestyle and now all I want to do is cry. Anyone else develop symptoms months after the jab? I’m lost on what to do next. No doctor will even listen to me if I mention an adverse reaction to the jab. I’m loosing hope. Going on 8 weeks and it’s getting worse. 😭

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I too have had all these same symptoms. The burning back sensations disappeared for maybe 2 weeks and now it's back. Just as I was hopeful that I was getting better. Anyone else progress and then are set back? Will this end up just going away? Also I just have numbness in my toes that won't seem to disappear at all. I had my first and only shot 3 months ago. 

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Posted by: @rays

And I am certainly not buying into the functional neurological disorder explanation ...... easy to say it's all in your head... what a load of rubbish. I had no fear of vaccine. I trust science. I was looking forward to being protected. I didn't even connect my symptoms to the vaccine until I found forums..... 

There is no doubt the vaccines are causing neuro issues.... give it a few years and and all the ' we didn't know at the time..' responses will come. 

I consider myself one of the small % of unlucky people.... no blame on anyone, but people need to wake up to the FACTS.

Hi, I too read about the disorder a few days ago. Went to see a Neurologist a day ago who said it might be a cause of some chemical reaction in the brain caused by the vax. Which I feel sort of makes sense why our reports are always normal and nothing showsup. 

Gave meds and it made me feel sick. Going to stop all medication. I really feel and knew there is something wrong in the head and his assumption makes sense to me. My nerve tingling, muscle tremors, crawling feeling, chest pain, nightmares all seems ti be connected to some part of the brain where this issue occurred.

While most symptoms go away and then relapses, I feel our body just needs time to fix the issue on its own and external meds will just mess things up.

I have also noticed the more we're busy, the better we feel as the issues just vanish. I am assuming our brain is acting up when we have nothing to do. 

I am just going to give it time and leave it on God. No doctors or scientists can save us now. It's beyond their understanding what we're feeling.

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Posted by: @nawpan


Hi there, I still have this internal vibration feeling (similar to buzzing but stronger) and I feel it mostly when laying down or  staying still.  I had EMG and MRI and all came back normal (some wear as aging but none compressed the nerves).  My doctor and neurologist don’t know why I am having theses symptoms.  My doctor mentioned about Functional Neurological issue that that symptoms are real but have no real causes and it could be from the vaccine that made the brain sent the wrong signals to body.

Hi, my neuro said the same thing. But the meds did not work.

I am planning to stay without meds and let the body heal itself.

Did your doctor tell you if the issue in the brain is a temporary thing and can be fixed? Since our symptoms are just on and off?

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@medee my dr cannot explain what causes the symptoms. Dr refer me to sad dr just do believe me.i am 2.5 mths into it. 

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