@mbelle I have had similar side effects. My 2nd dose of Pfizer was in mid April. In early May I started to experience my hand being numb when I woke up. I started to feel the numbness and tingling in my arms and legs and sometime my back and neck. It is very frightening. I had 2 trips to the ER. I have had 2 MRI’s and 2 cat scans and many blood tests. They have found nothing. I asked all the doctors if they thought it could be the vaccine and they said no. I can’t come up with any other explanations. I even stopped all my medications and supplements to see if they were causing my issues but I still have them. My last neurologist appointment he said hopefully the next time I see you in 3 months your symptoms will be gone. Let’s hope this is just a temporary thing for everyone. It gives me hope hearing that one doctor told them it will just take time to get this out of your system.
My symptoms started to go away lately which made me feel relieved, but in the last few days they gradually came back... first just some discomfort in my right leg, then again the pins and needles in hands, arms, feet, torso, general weakness...
I did a comprehensive blood test yesterday and it suggests that I am in super shape! Other than a bit of zinc deficiency, all the rest looks in the normal parameters. This makes me feel like a crazy person.
Tomorrow I have an MRI of lower back and legs and radiography of the whole spine. Lets see what those will show...
@stela Hi Stella, keep us posted on your MRI! Interesting that your blood test came back really positive. I haven't had any tests done yet, but I'm eager to do so in the hopes that they can shed some light on my situation. In terms of feeling better/getting worse, I know what you mean. My symptoms sometimes taper off and then come back incredibly strong. The last 4-5 days have been a particularly bad flare up (lots of nerve pain, pins and needles, etc) and it's hard to know if it'll stay this way for some time or get temporarily better, or who knows. That's the frustrating thing about this, right? It's so unpredictable!
@summer Hello I had the same symptoms immediately after my first shot of Moderna. I still have them now on my 11th day. I wanted to ask you if you have taken the second shot of Moderna? And if yes, did you still have the symptoms when you took the shot and what happened after?
Thank goodness I found this site. I thought I had a brain tumor. Even my doctor thought that. I have read the entries and people are describing exactly what I have.
About two weeks after the first pfizer shot I started to get numbness in my top front teeth. Numbness and tingly on my nose and all the skin around my nose. A general kind of numb headache. Queasy stomach which felt like a numbness not only in my stomach but all across my chest. I did not believe it was the shot because it started about two to three weeks after first pfizer. My wife got same shot and got nothing. But she became convinced the shot had done this to me. Slowly I began to believe her. I was miserable for about two months. If I wasn't retired I would not have been able to go to work for those two months because all I could do was lay around and moan. Finally it faded away. It took at least two months.
I convinced myself it wasn't the shot. But if it wasn't then what on Earth could it have been!? (I hadn't yet found this forum) It was unlike any malady I had ever had in my life. But three weeks ago I went and got the pfizer 2 shot because of all the pressure from the government and in the news media and the threat of vaccine passports restricting my just going to the store. And now the numbness and tingling is back with a vengeance. I am absolutely floored. I can barely get out of bed. The very idea that this is going to last for 8 more weeks is horrible. I've had just about every vaccine there is and never had a reaction other than a sore arm. I always get the flu shot. But this is absolutely terrible. I sure hope I don't get exposed to covid or flu or a cold during this shot recovery because in this weakened state it will surely kill me.
All these people in this forum describing the same symptoms as me and yet nothing in the news about it. Something is wrong with this vaccine. And now they are talking about I will need a booster! If I get any worse than I feel now I will have to go to the hospital. I'm looking forward to at least two more months of this again! Just %*&$&@!!!
@jpgdubgmail-com Hi Jean, I was also prescribed Gabapentin but I'm still not taking it at the moment. I have it in my cabinet in case my symptoms become more intense. So far, I have been feeling better. I saw some others posted about pulled muscles from doing routine exercises. I too pulled muscles in my lower back just from doing my routine, regular workouts. So I am taking it easy but keeping it consistent as that seems to help me feel my best - along with getting a good night's rest as you mentioned. Wishing you continued improvement and looking forward to when we can say we no longer are experiencing any adverse effects.
@chrish Hi Chris, I am praying we are all feeling better in 3 months! My neurologist totally thinks its because of the vaccine due to the influx of new patients with similar symptoms that they have neve experienced before in their life until after the vaccine. I think that really creates a conundrum for me now that I am seeing a booster being recommended at some point. I have no intention of getting another shot considering how my body reacted to this Pfizer one and in hearing all the testimonials of those with adverse symptoms that got the other shots. I am praying for success with the oral vaccines that are being tested out right now but I will definitely be proceeding with extreme caution in the future.
Hello! So yea I did my blood tests, and they are perfect, just IgM higher than normal but he told me he's related to the antibodies in the vaccine. Anyone with the same?
He told me I have nothing wrong, and actually now tingling is almost gone, I just feel dizzy. Is that normal?
Hello. I have been researching topics revolving around tingling and numbness after Pfizer vaccine and I came across this forum. I appreciate everyones responses, because I feel better hearing that I am not the only one. I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine 3 days ago, and yesterday out pf the blue I started feeling numbness and tingling sensations throughout my body. It occurs mostly in my legs around my knees and down to my feet. My legs feel hot, weak, and overall uncomfortable all the time like they are asleep. I have anxiety surrounding the vaccine in general, but I find it odd that this started after I received the vaccine. I am praying this goes away soon! I am going to try B12 vitamins as I have already been told to take them prior. Let me know if anyone has more advice! Thank you.
I am trying to get the second shot as here it's impossible to do anything without it and I am planning to visit my family in Italy, where is basically mandatory. I am scared but still don't know. If I am not protected enough I can get Covid and it scares me too.
@beeaydee Yeah, what you're experiencing sounds similar to my symptoms. Question for you. Do you notice if there's a separation between the itching/flushing flare ups and the tingling flare ups. For me they seem strangely separate. At the beginning of the week, for three days I was feeling tingling, and now today I'm not, but the flushing/itching is bad. Pretty much every day I'm experiencing one or the other. Since this whole thing started I've been curious if these two distinct symptoms are just degrees of the same physiological phenomenon.
@jpgdubgmail-com Very interesting. I feel like my symptoms are more or less simultaneous. The burning nerve pain is constant (although the severity changes) and the shooting pains/muscle + joint pains come and go. As for the tingling and itching/flushing, those seem to occur at random, but do have overlap. For instance, my left arm was burning and in quite a lot of pain (couldn't move it really, not without a lot of effort to endure the pain), and at the same time, my hand was tingling, and the pins + needles feeling. But in terms of your symptoms kind of coming as distinct "phases," my hunch is similar to yours: I would guess that they are degrees of the same phenomenon. I think mine as well--that these various changes in symptoms pop up but that there's maybe a generalized nerve inflammation (or inflamed/irritated nervous system? something like that) that's causing all of them. But that's just a guess!
So glad to have found this board. I’m experiencing many of the same symptoms as most of you since getting the Pfizer 1st dose on 8/2. Does anyone else get woken in the middle of the night with Restless Legs since getting their jab? I’m having a difficult time sleeping through the night and if I lay on the side I received my shot it becomes even worse. So being very limited in my sleeping positions has made it very difficult. And to make matters worse it seems lack of sleep brings on more severe restless legs. So I’m caught in this awful cycle!
My MRI showed all is absolutely normal. The radiography of spine showed I have some issues with hip position and a beginning of arthrosis in mid spinal area. My doctor told me this is not dramatic but needs to be addressed. She also thinks it was to be expected after years of office job, 2 pregnancies and carrying around my 2 small children esp on my right hip... she also thinks this could explain the pins and needles I feel. She thinks I should do physiotherapy that should help with paresthesia too, and take b vitamins.
I told her I still find it strange that these symptoms appeared after pfizer vaccine, which to me looks like a crazy coincidence. She thinks the vaccine most likely exacerbated an issue that was already there to start with, by putting even more pressure on nerves and muscles....
I hope she is right cause all this sounds fixable... I'll try physiotherapy of course but still not sure if I should also see a neurologist or not.