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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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I had this too, it eventually disappeared BUT the Provincial Health Authority told me it wasn't from the vaccine! It started in the evening of vaccination day (1st dose). I reported it,  then they said it wasn't related.  Pfizer even has these reactions in their warning brochure!! 

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Posted by: @summer

This is going on with me right now 4 days post Moderna shot.  It started the day after.  Numbness and tingling in my head, face and body.  I want this to stop.  

I am 48 hours exactly after 1st moderna and have the exact same sensation.  Began 4 hours after Moderna with abdominal pain and dull headache along with pins and needles in upper torso and feet (sense of warmness).  That has persisted from hour 4 until now at 48 hours.  At 48 hours, the tingling and numbness in my head and down to my nose began.  A sort of fog set in.

This post was modified 3 years ago by guy schultz

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@joew I am 48 hours exactly after 1st moderna (8/18/2021 at 9:36 am) and have the exact same sensation. Began 4 hours after Moderna with abdominal pain and dull headache along with pins and needles in upper torso and feet (sense of warmness). That has persisted from hour 4 until now at 48 hours. At 48 hours, the tingling and numbness in my head and down to my nose began. A sort of fog set in.

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After a particularly bad afternoon and sleepless night with pins and needles and burning sensation all over my body, and a lot of anxiety, I ended up going to ER this morning.

The doctor there prescribed a medication to calm nerve pain and recommended another MRI,  this time for head and with contrast, and for neck and upper spine. I do it on Wednesday. I am terrified 🥺

In the meantime pins and needles continue and they are intermittently in various parts of my body but pretty much everywhere. I thinking this is the worst I got so far.

Both the doctor in ER and my family doctor think this is not related to the vaccine. Is it likely it is just a coincidence for all of us and we each have something else that just coincidentally popped up after the vaccination? What is certain is that i have not felt more worried and scared in my entire life...

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I received first dose of Pfizer almost 2 weeks ago now. 24 hours after I started having chest pressure and tightness along with severe headache and numbness/tingling through body. I went to the er and they just did a d dimer test for a possible clot and sent me home but as symptoms have not gotten any better I am very scared. 

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@dgingoglia I have a hard time sleeping since all this started.  I get twitching in either my hands or fingers or legs which makes it hard to relax and sleep.  I am praying this goes away soon.  I can handle the burning and numbness but the twitching is really bothersome. 

Donna and Donna reacted
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@stela I agree with you that this all is very scary.  I was convinced I had MS or Parkinson’s.  Now  I feel reading everyone’s posts that this is indeed related to the vaccine.  J&J reported some neurological issues with their vaccine so why not the other two.  Let’s just hope that this will just take some more time to work out of our systems.  In the meantime, after all my tests and blood work they want me to see a hematologist.  I seem to be on a wild goose chase.  UGH!!

Philroy and Philroy reacted
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@stela I’m so sorry to hear this has flared up again for you. 

I find it very difficult to believe that this is just coincidence for all of us as your doctors have stated. 

ChrisH, Fifoh, ChrisH and 1 people reacted
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@chrish I have always suffered from restless legs but now it just seems to be so severe!  I’m praying this goes away as well. I’m so tired!!  

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I've been searching for months to find a site or forum that has information relevant to the way I've been feeling. My second dose of Moderna was April 12th. Shortly after I had pain in my left leg. I attributed it pulling a muscle during a walk. Could very well have been that and unrelated to the other things I started feeling about mid-May. I had a feeling in lower right leg and lower right arm, felt like a band was around them. Also one toe on right foot. This would and still happens intermittently. I got the vaccine on my right side.Then one day sitting at my desk it felt like I was getting electrical shocks all over my body. Zap, here, zap there. This still happens sometimes. Then the itch started. Sometimes the itch is so deep I can't scratch to make it stop. Doesn't last long. During all of this I sometimes get the "pins and needles" sensation. Many times feels like a burning. . None of what I feel is debilitating, just concerning. I've had plenty of bloodwork, a brain MRI with contrast, and EMG testing. All normal. When I first asked my primary care physician if this could be a reaction to the vaccine, she didn't say not, but wouldn't say yes either. When neurologist did EMG I asked him too, same sort of response. I recently sent the link to this forum to my doctor and now she says it's possibly vaccine. Today my neurologist wouldn't do a referral to a specialist because he didn't find anything concerning with my tests. My primary now says she thinks it's the vaccine but thinks a second opinion with a neurologist is reasonable and is making the referral. Oh, one other symptom, right abdomen gets tight or like muscle is constricting, but only when I take a shower. It's like the heat from the water causes it.  Sorry I went on for so long. And thanks everyone for posting. Gives me hope what's going on isn't a serious disease and might possibly go away.



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Holy Moly this forum! My husband found itbfornme and I'm in shock we all have the same symptoms. I'm a 40 yr old fit female with no conditions. Back in 2012 I had some tingles in legs but nueroligist ruled out nerve damage and mri ruled out ms. Since then maybe 3 days with tingles...practically nothing. Well July 28th I get the 1st shot. I joke how I didn't feel a thing, maybe it was water. Fast forward a week later pist. My left middle finger goes numb fir a minute. Strange but not alarming. Then on the 13th when the vaccine is supposed to  peak as i am breastfeeding and read that. All the exact symptoms. It had been 7 days and they havent stopped 24/7. It started mostly on left side where shit was injected. Light tingles left calf and then numb right toes. Then 2 days later more tingles hands and then kicked in the nueropathy pins and needles my body felt like fore ants biting it all over. Neck chest etc. By the 17th i went to ER. Got nuerologist app. Mri referral. He did shit load blood work all was beyond perfect! Then weds thursday it turned to random nueropathy and major joint and muscle pain all over my body. Yesterday was more mild nueropathy and now im pins and needles fingers and toes. What the hell is going on with us? So scary! Doc didn't reccomend i do second shot which is due this week. I get mri tuesday. I eat 80% clean but am cuttong out all inflammatory foods. Ive upped magnesium, vitamin b, vitamin d, and natural anti-inflammatory supplements. Did it trigger an autoimmune i had but wasnt diagnosed? Is it a weird reaction? Gullian barre syndrome.  Or a nerve reaction? This is so scary, and and annoying. Im 9 months post partum with my 3rd little daughter feeling 100% and BAM my world is like upside down.

KitKat, Donna, KitKat and 1 people reacted
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I’m curious how many of us who are experiencing these symptoms have been extremely stressed and anxious during the pandemic and also making the decision and actually getting vaccinated?  I’m an already anxious person and the pandemic and choosing to get vaccinated may have sent my anxiety into overdrive manifesting itself into these odd neurological symptoms. This is not to say that they are not physiological but possibly caused by an overactive anxious response? Just curious if anyone else has thoughts in this direction? I’m feeling desperate for relief and have noticed extreme flare ups on days when I am most anxious which then exacerbates my anxiety causing even worse symptoms!! 

Rebecca and Rebecca reacted
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I had 1st dose Pfizer with no issue.  Second dose was 7 weeks later…and 2.5 weeks later I had pins and needles in left foot (injection was left side) which spread up to above knee and also the other leg. 5 days later it stated in both hands then arms up to shoulder.  A about 2 weeks after 2nd Pfizer dose i felt tingling/pins and needles in my scalp, then my cheeks and entire face (except Nose)…then ears, chest, upper back, a little on ribs, above pubic area, bum.  Now I am 8 weeks after second shot and have also had twitching of hand, moments of trying to catch breath, moments of elevated blood pressure.  Have had all blood work possible…negative for everything (slightly low C4 complement), family dr visits, 2 ER visits and now waiting for neurology appointment.   Arms feel very heavy, slight more symptoms on left side of body (injection side). No DRs seems to be thinking it is definitely a vaccine reaction - they simply “don’t know”, “have  ever seen anything like this before”, “unusual”.  I feel basically fully body (except mid torso and mid back) tingling/pricking/numbness/like icy hot/A535 is on me that keeps changing locations and keeps changing sensations 

Interesting, I stumbled on this website:

check out Figure 4, and filter by “Pfizer”.  Paraesthesia (tingling or pricking) is the most commonly reported side effect of Pfizer!!!!

hmmmm - seems likely

Rebecca, Rebecca, Chantale and 5 people reacted
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@fifoh how long did yours last? was it just in your arms? Mine is mostly in my arms and I get some nerve pain, but I mean the tingles/slight numbness is also nerve related. I get a pinch and needle here and there around parts of body for a second then it moves other places -most times this happens except there was once where it was sustained when I pressed down. i had a my vaccine since a week ago.

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Had the Moderna shot about a week and half ago.  First evening I had a weird leg cramp I had never felt before... very minor but a weird feeling. It was under my calf muscle. It did go away.  Following that, two days with a sore shoulder, nothing I would complain about. The third day I started developing a spasm or twitch in my upper left chest.  This has been coming and going every day now.  My pectoral muscle just randomly twitches.  Over the last several days it has spread to a strange sporadic tingles in my arm and left eye, almost like a sudden minor nerve issue.  Today while sitting, my teeth started to get jolts in the nerves on my left side, again, where I got the shot.  After the jolting went away my left side of my face felt like it was asleep along with my left arm.  (pins and needles I guess?) ...  I just googled the issue and found this forum. Crazy! 

These symptoms are sporadic and don't seem to be super severe yet. Although the face numbness today has me worried.  Debating going to the doctor to get checked out.  

Thanks for posting all these.  Seems like there is some sort of commonality.

This post was modified 3 years ago by StephenH

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