@hastings56 Your symptoms are similar to the way mine presented. Mine all started with a warm sensation in my left calf that came and went over a period of a few weeks. Then one night all of a sudden it turned into a burning sensation that last all of a few minutes and disappeared.
I won’t waffle on as I’d be here all day, but what came after were the following (in order):
tingling in pins and needles in arms leg and face
pain behind left eye that then spread to the right and then back to the left.
constantly twitching calf muscles
Random twitching all over my body
twitching and jerking all over my body at night trying to fall asleep
eye floaters
Tension headaches/pressure in head at times
mild nausea
The only symptoms that have remained are the headaches and nausea. They’re a nightmare to get rid of. The other symptoms disappeared around the 4-5 week mark, which is when the headaches started. To be honest, the headaches were always there looking back, but we’re very mild and almost unnoticeable. They then gradually got worse.
@floryeo After reading posts in this forum I realize now other symptoms were happening I didn't contribute to the vaccine:
eye floaters
shooting pain in right eye
skin rashes
muscle pain in calves
along with the stated numbness and tingling in face and lips with crawling feeling over head, twitching randomly over body, brain fog, tiredness, muscles jerking me awake, etc. I would love to say it all went away and I am better but I can not. Some of my symptoms have came and went over the course of 9 months, some I am still experiencing even today. If anyone gets any guidance on what it might be, or the connection other than our vaccines I would love to know. The twitches and numbness is driving me bonkers.
Hi all,
I am so sorry you are all going through this. I had Covid in December 2020, which was mild. While I had it, my legs tingled and felt heavy. I thought it was just fatigue at the time. I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine in August 2021 and 2 days later got tingles/numbing in my face, arms and legs. I spoke to my doctor a week and a half into it and had a full panel of bloodwork done. My B12 was low. She thinks the vaccine created an immune response that depleted my B12, which caused the generalized tingling all over my body. She also believes covid depleted my B12 when I had it in 2020, which caused the leg tingling then. She recommended a B12 shot, and to take daily B12 for 2 months. About 5 days after the B12 shot I stopped feeling the tingling.
I still haven't gotten my 2nd shot, I don't feel I need it since I have natural immunity + 1 dose. However; in order to do things, I feel like I need to get it. My doctor said, she recommends when I get the next vaccine I should drink a ton of Pedialyte an hour before the shot and get a B12 shot the day before.
I hope this helps.
I'm really tired of feeling like this. My family thinks I'm mad I am pretty sure, I'm the only one who had Pfizer as they are all older. Yesterday it started again, started with the prickles in my legs, arms, middle of chest and weird numbness around the lips (numb enough for me to say oh that's a new one, but not to the point where I can't feel them at all). The humming feet made an appearance and my face was super hot and looked to be a red rash (no temperature it was 36) and my right eye was bloodshot. Congestion in my nose came out of nowhere as well, there was dizziness/nausea and just a general feeling of something not being right. Once I managed to calm myself down and reassure myself that I wasn't seriously ill, I was able to lay on the lounge and rest up.
This morning the weird feet feeling is still there, I feel the hot face coming back and my eyes are super sore. I feel really foggy. It's been a little over a month since my second pfizer dose and I am not handling this well at all.
I can count on one hand how many times I've been sick in my adult life (I'm 43), could my immune system be working too well?
I have my first shot on September 9th. Pretty much started developing chest pains, dizziness and nausea the next day which persisted pretty much for the next 5 weeks until my next shot on October 19. No results from any blood tests except low ferritin. After next shot felt the same for a couple days but then on dat 10 started developing vertigo (like I am constantly rocking on a boat) and chest pains. A week later started getting pins and needles, pains in my joints and itchiness all over the skin. I am now 6 weeks post shot 2 of Pfizer and the itchiness is unbearable. I have tried vit D, Iron, NAC, ALA, Quercetin, Zinc. My symptoms seem to have changed and although dizziness is mainly gone the itchiness and pains in my body are unbearable and I feel like no antihistamine can stop the itching. Been to een neurologist and to the ER who send me a referral to the COVID Vaccine Adverse Event clinic (allergy/autoimmunity clinic here in Melbourne), but waitlist is till February. So far have done many bloodtests which only showed even halved ferritin (15) after second shot, and elevated ESR, doc seems not to care about this value. Done a 24 Hr holter, Ecg, echocardiogram, MRI, CT, which were all clear and are waiting on nerve conduction studies. However, after reading all your comments I feel we will not find out what is wrong with us medically and only time and anti-inflammatory diets will heal. Any tips for the itchiness? It’s like hell. I will not be getting a booster, and are hoping for an exemption. Will work with a naturopath on finding out how to deal with this problem, as my GP and specialists seem to be at their wits end.
Wanted to respond as I have itchiness issues too. I had my first shot on September 9th. Pretty much started developing chest pains, dizziness and nausea the next day which persisted pretty much for the next 5 weeks until my next shot on October 19. No results from any blood tests except low ferritin. After next shot felt the same for a couple days but then on day 10 started developing vertigo (like I am constantly rocking on a boat) and chest pains. This lasted for a good 3 weeks. A week later started getting pins and needles, pains in my joints and itchiness all over the skin. I am now 6 weeks post shot 2 of Pfizer and the itchiness is unbearable. I have tried vit D, Iron, NAC, ALA, Quercetin, Zinc. My symptoms seem to have changed and although dizziness is mainly gone the itchiness and pains in my body are unbearable and I feel like no antihistamine can stop the itching. Been to a neurologist and to the ER who sent me a referral to the COVID Vaccine Adverse Event clinic (allergy/autoimmunity clinic here in Melbourne), but the waitlist is till February. So far have I done many bloodtests which only showed even further diminished ferritin (15) after second shot, - was 27 before - and elevated ESR, but the doc seems not to care about this value. Done a 24 Hr holter, Ecg, echocardiogram, MRI, CT, which were all clear and are waiting on nerve conduction studies. However, after reading all your comments I feel we will not find out what is wrong with us medically and only time and anti-inflammatory diets will heal. Any tips for the itchiness? I also have bouts of insomnia and palpitations some nights. It’s like hell. I will not be getting a booster, and are hoping for an exemption. Will work with a naturopath on finding out how to deal with this problem, as my GP and specialists seem to be at their wits end. I feel somehow that the iron deficiency might be elevating the itchiness as not many people seem to have this as their main symptom. Sometimes I feel I can’t breath like there is a rock on my chest and like my throat is closing. This happens every day around the same time. I have tried Montelukast, but I felt so tired and like I couldn’t breath. I seem to be hypersensitive to any medicine as even the contrast dye for the MRI made me dizzy/nauseous.
@hastings56 Your symptoms are similar to the way mine presented. Mine all started with a warm sensation in my left calf that came and went over a period of a few weeks. Then one night all of a sudden it turned into a burning sensation that last all of a few minutes and disappeared.
I won’t waffle on as I’d be here all day, but what came after were the following (in order):
tingling in pins and needles in arms leg and face
pain behind left eye that then spread to the right and then back to the left.
constantly twitching calf muscles
Random twitching all over my body
twitching and jerking all over my body at night trying to fall asleep
eye floaters
Tension headaches/pressure in head at times
mild nausea
The only symptoms that have remained are the headaches and nausea. They’re a nightmare to get rid of. The other symptoms disappeared around the 4-5 week mark, which is when the headaches started. To be honest, the headaches were always there looking back, but we’re very mild and almost unnoticeable. They then gradually got worse.
I am 3 weeks with side effects post vaccine. I was fine with mild side effects post JJ1, but the JJ booster has been a different story. The tingling, muscle cramping in my calves and tired feeling in my calves after a flare are worrisome and stressful. I'm thankful that the cramping has subsided, but the tingling continues and I'm just at the beginning I fear. I had a neurologist examine me, but because my symptoms were only one week in, he didn't want to run any tests yet. My PCP is away, but assures me when he returns that we will go over the neurologist report and possibly seek further testing. I'm fortunate that so far the tingling is the only side effect. I do have a weird cramping feeling in my one finger on my left hand. I seem to have periods of low tingling during the day (a low hum), but then there are periods of intense stinging that can last an hour or more then subside. My tinnitus, something I have always had since on blood pressure medication, goes into a higher pitch when the tingling flares. I'm hoping the tingling subsides over time as the neurologist suggested. My PCP has said this side effect is common with other vaccines as well (like the flu shot), but I'll have to have a better conversation with him about that when I see him.
Just wanted to share my experience . I got my first dose of Moderna in May and had no side effects. After the second dose in June is when I started having all these weird symptoms. First the tingling and numbness in legs and hands, pain in calves, twitching in parts of my body and headaches. I also had really bad insomnia. Then mid august I went to the ER because the left side of my face felt numb and I had a throbbing headache. I had a CT scan and 2 MRI and I was told everything came out negative . Blood work also came back negative. The neurologist told me everything was clear and that I shouldn’t be worried about neurological problems . Doctors said that what ever I was feeling was dueto stress and anxiety .But of course I knew this had nothing to do with anxiety because the symptoms started after I got the 2nd dose of the vaccine. Right now I could say that my symptoms have calmed down. I’ve noticed that when I’m extremely anxious symptoms seem to flair up and also right before I get my period. I’m taking supplements like omega 3 pills, Tumeric and I’m also taking magnesium at night . The tingling and numbness come once in a while and the twitching is still there but it’s not as bad as it was in the beginning. I just hope things will get better for us 🙁 and we can get through this
Hi Any of u from Singapore ? We would like to form a WhatszApp group chat to support one another.
Hi I recently had my 1st phizer vacccine on monday 7/26 1st pain was only at the injection site sore like a bruise then it stared to travel down my arm pain stabbing pains and tingling then a few days later it is now is across my upper back and neck really bad pain unable to sleep pain, also I am now having tingling and stabbing nerve pain kind of all over my body randomly also horrible headaches. Anybody else feel the same how long has it lasted and what treatment have you tried sucessfully? It is so hard to just do anything at all 🙁
Do you still have the nerve pain? I mostly have it on my head and it has been consistent since past few days.
Has anything worked out for you? Did you do any tests for it?
Hi there, I got my 1st dose of pfizer June 3rd 2021 and was fine. Then got my second pfizer July 14th 2021. 2 weeks after I developed a cold or something. I only had a stuffy nose and sneezing.. 4 or 5 days into it, I woke up and my neck really hurt, kinked it I believe. Then a few days later I developed symptoms like pins and needles, prickly feeling or like a radiating feeling.. kinda hard to explain. My hands will get really red and irritated and burn. My hands and feet sometimes get really itchy. I feel like my body is humming or vibrating.. my ears constantly feel like I'm under water or plugged.. I also have really bad headaches. I have troubles sleeping aswell, I have the odd random body jerks and lots of muscle twitching all over. I feel achy in some areas, sometimes. I went and got bloodwork a bunch and all normal. I got a CT scan, all normal. I got an MRI and it was normal except they seen some inflammation in my face. They gave me nasal spray (which hasn't helped at all) I've had a funny feeling in my face since I got that cold.. assuming it would be the inflammation im feeling.. 4 months and I'm tired of all these sensations that are constant and no answers...
Has anyones tingling and numbness turned into sharp needle like pains...mine has now progressed to this and am freaking out. Neurologist appt is in January. My dr seems to think its Fibromyalgia and has flared ....its been 3 whole months of these symptoms and they don't go away. They only change!
I have reached this stage now. I can't bear it. It is so bad. Like someone piercing a needle deep into your skin.
Had been to a Neurologist last month when I had slight pins and needles and tremors. He did conclude fibromalgia which we all know is not the case.
Now it has just become bad. I feel like giving up on life. I'm scared.
Has anyone felt this and then got cured?
Waited a bit to write this write-up of my personal painful experience (now 5M+ post 1st vaccination), but I think my experience and findings could be useful to others in the same situation.
TLDR. Probable reactivation of the varicella/zoster virus without skin rashes causing ZSH (zoster sin herpete) leading to post-herpetic neuralgia. ZSH is probably one of the biggest mis-diagnosed side-effect of mRNA vaccines, if you have any unexpected parasthesia after vaccination, don't wait it out and talk to your doctor about it (anti-viral drugs could help if taken soon enough) .
My experience:
35M healthy, had my first Pfizer (Comirnaty) dose on the 24/07/21 that triggered tingling in the torso the evening of my vaccination. Tingling intensified in the following day and spread to the back and upper arms. The following days, intense constant dermatomal burning pain appeared on random parts on my body, moving around along the day without relief, more strongly on the left part of my body, and exclusively in the left part of my face.
Did consult a neurologist a few days later (D+6) that told me he had seen quite a few similar parasthesia cases that until now did not give any conclusive evidence of demyelination following MRIs, ruled my condition as being probably anxiety-related. Indeed the MRI ended-up clean. Also had some routing blood samples done that did not reveal anything particular.
My condition started to improve a little after 6 weeks, when I saw my PGP to discuss the upcoming second dose, he advised against any delay despite the non-resolution of symptoms.
Following his advice, had my second shot at the very end of the “regular” window in my country (7 weeks max) on the 09/09/21.
Unfortunately, the second dose trigger a similar onset of symptoms, intense tingling in the torso and back, followed by strongly increased neuropathic pain in the next few days.
Did consult another neurologist on the 03/11/21 following the non-resolution of my symptoms, who performed an ENMG that was inconclusive, prescribed a spinal IRM that ended up inconclusive as well.
I’m currently three months away from my second dose and my condition is slowly starting to improve, I’m still experiencing daily, mostly constant burning neuropathic pain. My country (France) recently enforced mandatory booster for the adult population that led me to try to build a case for a personal derogation.
Digging into the subject, I was lucky to stumble upon a few scientific articles that helped me put a name on my condition: postherpetic neuralgia caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus. Usually VZV reactivation leads to very visible symptoms (shingles), but in some atypical, hard to diagnose cases, it can lead to a purely neurological varicella called "zoster sin herpete" that is very welled describe in the following article:
- “Zoster sine herpete: a review” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7336347/
It then wasn't hard to find many reports of VZV reactivation following mRNA vaccination:
- “Varicella Zoster Virus Reactivation Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review of Case Reports” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34579250/
- “Can SARS-CoV-2 vaccine increase the risk of reactivation of Varicella zoster? A systematic review” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34719084/
- “Herpes zoster following BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a case series” https://academic.oup.com/rheumatology/article/60/SI/SI90/6225015
mRNA vaccines appear to have a deeper impact than expected on the immune-system for some people with intense remodulation of T-cells opening the door to dormant virus escape.
One thing that I found interesting is the link with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases, as I do have quite a few close family members with auto-immune diseases.
Can’t help thinking (naively) that un-diagnosed/un-treated latent ZSH infection could be the cause of many auto-immune diseases due to the ongoing immune battle against it, leaving scars over the years and triggering chronic inflammation.
As of the end of August, the EMA (European Medicines Agency) reported more than 20,000 cases of lasting parasthesia following COVID-19 vaccination, that could indeed be mis-diagnosed ZSH reactivation.
My advice, don't wait it out and talk to you PGP as soon as possible if you feel anormal intense tingling following your vaccination, explain the ZSH hypothesis, anti-viral drugs taken early can greatly prevent the risk of post-herpethic neuralgia that can last for months if not years.
I would also obviously advice against a 2nd dose if you are young, healthy and experiencing neuropathic pain following the first injection. VZV reactivation can be very serious and even fatal. Again, talk to your PGP and carefully review the pros-and-cons.
The biggest upside is that ZSH is not an obscure untreatable neuro-degenerative disorder (sensory-GBS, etc.) and that it should theoretically heal if given enough time (months, maybe years). In my case it did lift a pretty heavy mental weight of not knowing what was wrong with me.
Hope my experience ends up helping someone,
Thanks for reading,
Take care of yourselves,
10 days after my first shot I started feeling pressure and pain on my heart. Went to the doc, they ran tests that came back clean, Dr prescribed an allergy medicine and I was fine.
This tingling and sharp pain pokes started a month after my shot. So it's been going on since September. The symptoms crept it slowly. I was feeling incredibly tingly, or felt random pains in my limbs, mostly thighs. It also makes my lips tingle randomly, which sometimes expands to my whole head.
I started taking vitamin b complex, and it's helped tremendously,. Although with my current dose it wares off in about 6 hours, but then I just take more.
But these sensations are only manageable because the vitamin b. I'm reluctant to make a dr appointment because I don't think they'd find anything, which probably sounds stupid.
Has the sharp pins and needles gotten better?
For how long are we all gonna be stuck in this cycle!🥲🥺😔
I'm glad I found this forum so I know it's not just me going crazy with these symptoms! It's been nearly 7 weeks since my 2nd Pfizer jab but I'm still feeling adverse side effects. They started straight away with short sharp pin pricks randomly in my limbs, body and eyes which lasted 3-4 days (although still getting the odd one randomly). Since then I've been feeling numbness, pins & needles in my hands, feet and mouth, weak & uncoordinated arms, feeling of skin crawling and feeling unbalanced when walking. I saw my backup Dr the day after my 2nd jab and he hadn't heard of these symptoms. I saw my usual Dr a week later and he said it could be neuritis and sent me to a Neurologist for a conductivity test. Interestingly the nurse carrying out the test said she'd tested 4 others with the same symptoms after Pfizer! Apart from detecting slower leg response the Neurologist wasn't concerned but orderered an MRI to check if any spine/brain inflammation. That came back clear apparently but I'm still getting symptoms. I've since found this medical study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34480607/ which mirrors many of my symptoms which I'm going to raise with my Dr and see what he thinks. Regardless I urge you all to report these symptoms to the Government Authorities & Pfizer as our voices need to be heard.........it's not a coincidence! Wishing you all a speedy recovery!
How are you feeling now? Has the pain subsided?