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Tingling/Numbness In Body

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@divaeyez37 around the time I messaged you last time, the wetness feeling got really bad and I had to go to the ER. I was feeling liquid moving around my head and it felt so real. I got a cat scan of the head and it came out normal thankfully. But my glucose level was high, I wonder if that causes it? I think eating clean definitely helps, I am glad you’re doing it, I’m also going to try!

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Posted by: @windsor

@katia hi Katia, do you have any improvements? I am sorry to hear you are unwell. I feel exactly the same that you do. Let me know, I would love to chat. Its been a hard 6 months. 

Hey, well it's a whole lot of a story with me. Basically, I discovered that I lived in a very mouldy house for 4 years. The levels were through the roof! I still struggle with various symptoms mainly low grade fevers, nerve like pain in my major muscles, sinus issues and rinbs/joint pain. I feel that my low immune system from the mould was hit hard by the vax. It's similar neuroinflammation that covid can cause, I am 4 months in after the vax and 3 weeks out of my mouldy house. A lot of healing ahead. No more mould, no more vax for me!  

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Hello, been lurking for a month now. Decided to register to share my story. 44 years old man from Croatia. Healthy before.

Took first phizer shoot on November 9. On the third night waked up by very loud tinnitus. Next day it started: nausea, brain fog, abdominal pain. After maybe two weeks these symptoms started to go away slowly but new started to appear. Muscle spasms mainly in legs, paraesthesia during nights on arms and legs, subtle pain in some of the joints, spasms in muscles, weakness in legs. I also have periods when I hear my self breathing mainly in left ear. Decided not to take second shoot. Been to doctor but not much help from them, planning on visiting doctor again with list of my new symptoms. Mentally I am a wreck, cant function on work, dark thoughts in my head. 

Started using quercetin, vitamin c, glutathione, zinc, vitamin b, magnesium. Don't know if they help, maybe it will be worse without them.



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Dear all, I'm coming back once again to report that after almost 4 months I am 100% almost every day. When I am not it's just some tingling in my legs but even this symptom is so mild that I barely notice it. No relapses since 2 months just a slow fading of symptoms. You can read about my symptoms and story in my previous posts. Just know that it basically went away on its own, I didn't take any meds, just vitamins, herbs and lots of rest. I hope this will help you trusting your body will recover. I just had 1 Pfizer jab. No more for me. This is not how I want to live. The symtpoms were so debilitating I wasn't able to do anything. I can't imagine getting boosted every 5 months (new rule in Italy where I am now). Very concerned for the hate campaign against people that are not getting the vaccine and all the restrictions to come. 

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Yes, others had also reported that it goes up and down a little and up and down a little (less maybe?) constantly and it's true for me too.

It's nearly been 5 months for me now. I was hoping it would clear in 3 so I am super unhappy that I still have it ruining my life. 

I had a terrible cold this past week, it is just starting to clear today but the coughing made me unable to sleep for days so I expect that would make things a bit bad right now and they are.

I really hope it will be good by spring so I can run like I used to. 

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@biancax08 Just saw your message Bianca. Most of my symptoms (anxiety, insomnia, internal vibrations, tingling, burning skin, muscle twitches, pins and needles, abdominal pains and more) have subsided except for the numbness and what is called hypoesthesia, the partial loss of sensation. The tops of my big toes are numb - that's where it all started in the first place 9 days after my 2nd Moderna (April 14th!).  But I also have hypoesthesia along others parts of my toes, feet and legs up to my knee, on some of my fingers, the top of my hands and arms (up to the elbow) and possibly my neck and shoulders. It's so weird because you get used to the lack of feeling and you can't compare it to when you where able to fully feel and sense. Where are you experiencing numbness and hypoesthesia?

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Posted by: @djm-21

Hi there, 

I wanted to share my experience for the last month, and what has seemed to help me a lot. 

First off, I'm a (Dutch) 31 old male, works out approximately 5-6 times a week, barely drinks and concerning food keeps it to mostly vegetables and fish. 

After struggling whether to take the vaccine or not for months, I decided a month ago I was fed up with the continuous testing, and they are working on a 2G model in The Netherlands, which means access to pretty much everthing is only granted with a QR-code. Testing would not have been an option. 

Anyway, I got my vaccination - the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) about 4 weeks ago. Just had some flew-symptoms in the night after about 8 hours, which took about 1-2 hours maybe. I thought that was about it. But after 24 hours (the next day) a tingling-sensation started mostly in my feet and hands. After another day it was pretty much over my whole body. This also stressed me out - which probably did nothing but to worsen the situation - because I had been delaying the vaccine for months, because of possible side-effects. And here they were. 

After a few days of not getting rid of the feeling I talked to my mom - who is knee deep into supplement intake, and alternative medicine. I have always had a critical stance towards these ways of treatment, but since my general practitioner already said she wasn't able to help, there's no harm in trying. 

Since then I have amped up my general intake of supplements: Vitamines B(12), C & D, zinc, omega-3, magnesium, reservatrol, selenium and NAC. Concerning vitamin C I dose to max 8000 mg a day, and NAC 2 x per day (1 every 12 hours, don't mix with other supplements). 

After about 2 weeks I almost didn't have any physical issues anymore, and decided this intake of vitamines was enough, and quit the NAC (because I just had cleared them anyway), and took down the intake of vitamin C but kept using the rest. I also felt good enough to have some glasses of alcohol again. After about 3-5 days the feeling was back again. And this not only got me stressed, but gave me a panic attack which I had never had. I was spooked. 

Since I had quit NAC, I started using that again and made a deal with myself not to drink any alcohol anymore for the upcoming few months. Since 4 days I have been using NAC again, and amped up vitamin C + intake of the other supplements and now the feeling is of tingling is pretty much non-existent again. 

I have been reading into some literature concerning the use of NAC & COVID, which seems to not explain, but does endorse the possible use of it in COVID-19-(vaccine) related issues:

And, in Layman's terms:
- "Glutathione acts as an important antioxidant in your body by combatting free radicals (molecules that can damage your body’s cells).  Glutathione and NAC play an important role in many reactions in your body as they help you detox chemicals from drugs and pollutants as well as the ones your body creates naturally. Glutathione and NAC also help make DNA, support enzyme production and increase immune function.  Although there is no thimerosal or other preservatives in the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, the oxidative load of the replication of the COVID 19 virus itself is enough to warrant detoxification support.  There are also many studies confirming that the use of glutathione and NAC decrease the harmful symptoms of COVID 19 making it in your best interest to take these as soon as possible up until four weeks after your final vaccination."

I do want to make clear that although I think this has worked for me (and this is just anecdotal evidence in my case), it could have been something else which had done the job. But it's still worth a shot, which is why I wanted to share my story. 

I wish everyone the best, and will post another update in a few weeks time. 


It was over 2 weeks ago since my last post, and I would say I feel like I'm almost at 100% again. I sincerely think that I benefited much or most by supplement intake (NAC in particular) and not drinking any alcohol (or too much caffeine). I also went to have bioresonance therapy (2 times), which was advised by a relative, but I wouldn't dare to draw similar conclusions about the efficacy, because of the alternative nature of the therapy. But it can't hurt to try. 

Will update in a few weeks again. 


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Hello everyone,

I received my second Pfizer shot in June and I started having tingling and numbness (mostly in my left side) after that. I did MRI and scan and everything came back fine. If you are experiencing these symptoms, don't worry. Hopefully you are going to be okay because mine went away after 8-10 weeks. I'm writing here because I want to know if anyone with similar symptoms got the third shot. I'm not comfortable taking it after what happened the last time.

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Posted by: @rkorocko

Got my second Moderna shot begining of March 2021 by April I was getting intermittant numbness in random fingers and hands for months. I finally went to emergency as it spread to my face and body. My eyesite would randomly go double vision at times. I thought I was having a stroke. They did a EKG and some other tests that came up negative. My symtoms remained for another 2/3 months after those tests. For some reason my appetite was reduced and I lost 20 pounds during this time. Within the last month the numbness has pretty much gone away. I feel the vacine is finally working it's way out of my system. Thank god!! I am most likely not getting a booster. I hope this helps people that are just starting this messe up journey!!

Thank you for updating us after so many months of you having these symptoms. It is encouraging to hear a good report! I am at 5.5 months and like many others think I am doing better and then something causes a flare-up of the numbness/tingling, particularly still in my lower legs. 

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Posted by: @hastings56

SOOOOO thankful I have found this site! Received second Phizer shot the first of Feb. 2021, three weeks afterwards I felt my lips and face suddenly go numb, I was terrified I was having a stroke. For several weeks after there would be a numb/tingling sensation that would periodically crawl across my head, then at times it would just be my face. During this lip and face numbness my cheeks would break out in red blotches that sometimes had small breaking out places. Before falling asleep my fingers, legs, body would jerk me awake. When I finally was able to get to sleep I would have a pain at the back of my head that radiated from the base of my neck and cause me to wake back up. Brain fog, no energy, tingling and numbness in lips, face, neck, eye twitching periodically, pain shooting through my feet, body jerking while going to sleep, pain in neck and head especially at night when I lay down all of this has continued. It will completely go away for a week maybe more, and out of no where come right back starting with my face and lips tingling and going numb. This latest go round I have had my head beginning to twitch somewhat which is scaring me too death. I have went to primary doctor that sent me to a dermatologist that sent me to an allergist...nothing. Reading the symptoms all these months I have been worried I may have MS or God knows what else starting. These things were NOT happening whatsoever prior to my second covid shot. Just wanted to have my symptoms noted here like everyone. I am worried this isn't going to go away after having it repeatedly stop and start since the first of this year. 

Yes I understand your discouragement. I am at 5.5 months after one Moderna vaccine and am thankful that I have good days now but then the flare-ups come back and I just hope for all of us that they ultimately go away. In the beginning, it was every day so I do hope that getting days of remission is a good sign. The numbness and tingling seemed to really improve in my face, tongue, and hands but still happening in my lower legs. Some triggers seem to be exercise, stress, sugar, and even small amounts of alcohol. 

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Posted by: @judit

My pins and needles are random, sometimes an arm, or the two arms, sometimes just a hand, or a leg. And they happen ALMOST ONLY at night, which is so weird...Anyone else?

I also suffer from vertigo episodes since the second day post 2nd- Pfizer dose.

Yes, my pins and needles are now random. Initially it was every day in my tongue, face, hands, and lower legs. Now it is primarily in my lower legs and I can have good days but then it flares up. I am trying to find triggers and so far, as some other people have posted about, causes for me include stress, exercise, sugar, and even small amounts of alcohol seem to contribute. It is odd how it can also happen in random locations still but mine are present throughout the day but my legs are often worse first thing in the morning.

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@jessclaire thank you for the update! I feel the same as you. I got one dose of Moderna in July and had many of the same symptoms, and still do. I was also advised not to receive the second dose by my PCP and neurologist but feel concerned about not being fully vaccinated. I am so thankful to hear that you are better and hope and pray the same for everyone here. 

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Posted by: @numbsense

Hi everyone,

31M here, received the J&J shot on Oct 26. I've been following this forum (and the other 800+ page epic) since early November, so want to start off by saying thanks to you all for your insights and testimonies.

I've also been through a range of symptoms that come and go...and come back—from headache on my right side and sinus pressure behind my nose to pins & needles in my extremities and feeling short of breath. What concerns me the most right is what I'd call nocturnal paresthesia. I'm having sleepless nights because I'm regularly waking up with hand numbness. Usually, it begins in my pink finger on either hand, but sometimes when I wake up it's my entire hand or arm. Sometimes both pink fingers at once. Thankfully the arm only happened once. Once I wake up, so does my hand and I regain feeling soon after. I presume others have felt this too but it would be very helpful to know that for sure, if it's temporary, and if there's ANYTHING I can do to prevent me from happening. It's an awful feeling and I'm now afraid to go to sleep.

If you want some additional background: So far I've met with an internist who ordered an echocardiogram, which came back fine, and a neurologist. Neither have been super helpful or proactive. At the moment the neurologist does not believe it to be GBS and says my current symptoms don't suggest a primary central nervous system disorder. An EMG has been scheduled 3-4 weeks from now in case my symptoms persist. I have also seen an endocrinologist after my bloodwork revealed elevated TSH, but this doctor wasn't convinced the pins and needles/numbness were tied to Hashimoto's. That symptom typically presents at a very late-stage result and I've shown no other symptoms related to the disease. Going to meet with her again in a couple of months after repeat bloodwork. 

Below have been my symptoms so far:

  • Lower back pain (dull ache, comes and goes)
  • Daytime pins and needles in right hand, left hand and feet (not all at once and not associated with hyperventilating). This has gone away, although my right cheek sometimes feels... not right. Not quite pins and needles, not numbness, but something feels off. 
  • Night sweats - mild but on and off 
  • Erratic heartbeat/rate
  • Shortness of breath (would come and go) - can't tell if this is anxiety-related
  • Nocturnal paresthesia in my hands/arms (this past week it's been nightly)
  • Waking up feeling as if forgot to take a breath (usually connected to paresthesia; again, not sure it's anxiety)

I recently stopped drinking coffee and alcohol in the last week (and don't plan to go back to it any time soon). Trying to keep my overall diet anti-inflammatory but I'm not sure this is really helping that much by itself. Any additional words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Acupuncture? Finding a physical therapist? 

Also, for what this is worth, I'm based in NYC so if any of you know of ANY doctors here who are willing to address these conditions as something tied to the vaccine, I would be immensely grateful. So far they've been very hesitant to outright connect this to the vaccine, which is insane and makes me feel like I ultimately can't trust their diagnosis processes. 

That's it for now, thank you all,


(P.S. I'm probably going to post this in the other thread too.)

Hi Michael, I am sorry that you are experiencing all of these symptoms. I too am thankful for this forum. I am a 36 y/o female, previously healthy, exercising 6-7 days per week. Since my one Moderna vaccine in July have been struggling with many of the symptoms you described. Due to the erratic heart rate and leg weakness and tingling for a few months I could not exercise, I am gradually returning to exercise now. I do have good days now and am hopeful for them. Initially, I did not drink caffeine for several weeks but have been able to return to it. I abstained completely from alcohol for 2 months and only recently tried a small amount of Champagne on Christmas and believe it caused a flare-up of the numbness/tingling in my legs. I started acupuncture in November, due to my schedule so far have only completed 3 treatments but am scheduled to return. I had never done this before but do think it is helping. Like many others on here, I think following an anti-inflammatory diet, relaxation techniques, antihistamines like Allegra or Benadryl, light stretching and yoga, and avoiding alcohol have been helpful. 

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For anyone who is anxious about getting upcoming vaccines: Novavax - which is is made by more conventional technologies than let's say mRNA vaccines - has been approved in Europe for use since a week or so. Most literature is quite unanimous about the side effects of this vaccine: "Novavax's side effects are relatively mild and similar to commonly reported side effects for Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson." 

To all in the US and outside Europe, I hope the FDA also gives the green light asap. 

Some of the literature: 







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@apnp23 my neurologist advised me to get the 2nd shot. I had the first shot of AZ and the neurologist told me to get the pfizer vaccine so I did it last week. I am now fully vaccinated which was a big concern for me, since I already had COVID and did not want to go through that again. 

Today I am dealing with a very annoying chest pain, which I developed after COVID (may 2020) but no paresthesias.



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