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Migraña Vestibular

La migraña es uno de los trastornos crónicos más debilitantes en los Estados Unidos. Es casi tan frecuente como la hipertensión (presión arterial alta) y es más común que el asma y la diabetes mellitus.



What is Otosclerosis? Otosclerosis is defined by abnormal and unregulated growth of bone within the bony structures that make up the middle ear.1 Any bone within the middle ear can be affected, however, the footplate


Ménière’s Disease

In 1861 the French physician Prosper Ménière theorized that attacks of vertigo, ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and hearing loss came from the inner ear rather than from the brain, as was generally believed at the time. Once this idea was accepted, the name of Dr. Prosper Ménière began its long association with this inner ear disease and with inner ear balance disorders in general.

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Vestibular Paroxysmia

Vestibular paroxysmia is an episodic vestibular disorder which usually presents with a high frequency of attacks. This disorder was first described by Jannetta in 1975 as “disabling positional vertigo.” It is also known as microvascular


Light Sensitivity (Photophobia)

Chronic light-sensitivity can act as a catalyst for dizziness, vertigo, lightheadedness, headache and other symptoms that are often associated with vestibular disorders. In this article, we take an in-depth look at the experiences of those with vestibular-related photophobia and offer tips for keeping it in check.


Neuronitis Vestibular y Laberintitis

Neuronitis vestibular y laberintitis son desórdenes que resultan a causa de una infección que inflama el oído interno o los nervios que conecta el oído interno al cerebro. Esta inflamación interrumpe la transmisión de la


La enfermedad de Ménière

En 1861, el médico francés Prosper Ménière teorizó que los ataques de vértigo, zumbidos en los oídos (tinnitus) y pérdida de audición provenían del oído interno y no del cerebro, como se creía generalmente en


Equilibrio y Envejecimiento

Los mareos pueden ocurrir a cualquier edad, pero si provocan una caída, pueden ser un problema de salud grave, especialmente en los adultos mayores. Los estudios demuestran que puede tomar medidas para reducir los mareos


Patient Registry

A patient registry is a database of health information that helps describe the patient experience. When you participate in VeDA’s patient registry, you share your diagnostic journey. That data is anonymously summarized and analyzed for trends to better inform policy-makers and the medical community so that improvements can be made to the diagnostic and treatment process.


Vestibular Compensation

The vestibular system includes the inner ear balance organs and the parts of the brain that coordinate and process balance information. The balance organs contribute vital sensory information about motion, equilibrium, and spatial orientation. In


Ear Anatomy

Overview The fluid within the inner ear's membranous labyrinth is called endolymph (endo-: inside or within). The fluid contained between the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth is perilymph (peri-: around or about). These two
