Last seen: February 16, 2022 2:17 am
@pamabsher I absolutely think it triggered my hormones and “caused” my shingles… When I first mentioned hormones and anxiety to people last April/May ...
@sunrise Thank you!!! I will definitely look into these for some relief. Have several friends who use (and swear by) the essential oils, but I never...
@lookingforanswers Hi Susie! I’m so sorry you are having similar issues! My story is actually on here twice because I had an issue posting last summer...
@turnbacktime yes, please!!! 😊
@turnbacktime definitely not alone!!!! Here to listen anytime you need a sounding board ❤️ ❤️
This may sound like a crazy question, but can somebody give me the “kindergarten version” of why/how this vaccine altered our bodies - especially thos...
@turnbacktime Jen - I’m gonna try to answer best I can, but it is so hard to describe… the first night I had an “attack”, I woke up from a dead sleep ...
@darroyo11 hi! My heart rate and blood pressure have jumped several times… Had Moderna shot (April 22nd and then May 20th). My panic attacks and anxie...
@turnbacktime Hi Jen! Thank you so much for responding. I’m actually both people you responded too! I originally posted as stewart1473, but as soon a...
Hi! I’m new here. Have suffered severe panic attacks, anxiety and hot flashes since second Moderna vaccine shot on May 20th. Has anyone else had this...