Last seen: November 23, 2021 1:07 pm
@lukenick. I think this is consistent. I too have a few good days and then it comes back again. I just hope the severity goes down over a period of ti...
@tabby. thanks for the response. I guess, yes sometimes sleeping makes it worse because i tend to sleep on my back and when there is already some leve...
@lukenick. finally someone to relate with. i think our general stress and anxiety might also be exacerbating it. i think you are right... it sort of w...
hi all, havent posted for a while. Had my 1st Pfizer on April 21. Since then dizziness has reduced quite a bit but lingering around. My main symptom...
@lpycb42, thanks for your feedback. Its been slightly over 3 weeks now for me too after 1st dose. I have started Physical therapy. I think the instanc...
Hi All, an update. I visited my neurologist today and she says all checks out fine. the dizziness and sight tremor feeling on the arm I took the jab...
Hi Veda, I got the first shot on april 23. Ever since i have experienced dizinness and some symptoms of tiny shakiness in arms. I visited ENT but th...
@jonthesticks Hi John clark, I have had the same feeling for the past 11 days after getting the 1st Pfizer shot. In addition to the dizziness ...