Last seen: September 1, 2021 11:46 am
@aishara Hi there, my name is Kate. My symptoms have lasted 3 months so far, still dealing with a swaying sensation most days but a very dulled versio...
@estonia I take something called Redecan CBDreign drops. There are two different types of CBD that I'm aware of. One that is considered more of an upp...
Just an FYI, for anyone experiencing adrenal surges while trying to sleep, I have found that CBD oil really helps to diminish those. Thank goodness be...
Hi guys, This post is an UPDATE to my last post in July. I got my Pfizer shot on June 3, my first and only vaccine. I am approaching 3 months of ha...
Hi guys, I'm from Ontario Canada. I have been experiencing symptoms for 8 weeks now. I received the Pfizer vaccine on June 3 and within 2 weeks the ...
@kirstymiller Hey! im curiius anout your expierece. I am on week 7 of vertigo-like symptoms. Swaying dizziness, fullness in my head, fatigue. Its been...
@peyton3418 can i ask how long its been for you? I am approaching week 8. I cant believe this is my life now