Last seen: April 22, 2022 9:31 am
@opheas hope you continue to feel better. Today makes 3 months from 2nd dose for me, the pots and anxiety is lingering.
@opheas thank you for the reply, clears up a lot. Is it the spike protein that’s causing us to react this way? And shouldn’t the spike protein go away...
Does anyone know how long 2 shots of the mrna vaccine would last in our body? I got AstraZeneca
@mina I take piriton allergy meds and it reduces the anxiety and helps with the pots alot
@mina I had dizziness a few days ago but now it’s better but yes I do have pots and anxiety returned with this relapse. What do you take for the anxie...
@charsen I felt the same things at 8 weeks. The symptoms really does rotate but the good thing is that the intensity does reduce with time. Hope you f...
@anotherone92 that’s very interesting, so it means that this anxiety is not in our head really but our body is just heightened to anything that involv...
@anotherone92 I know exactly what you mean. I can’t even leave my house, if I go out my body gets anxious and I’m calm in my mind. I don’t have social...
@charsen I got two shots of AstraZeneca and at week 10 from second dose I got a relapse. Are you going through a relapse?
@anotherone92 how long did your relapse last? I’m going through it 2 weeks now, it’s slowly improving though. My increasing heart rate upon standing a...
@gingerjones thank you for replying, feels good to know I’m not alone. My results were either .02 or .04 high or low which isn’t much. How long did an...
How long did anyone’s relapse last? I’m one week and a half into my relapse
Update, I did a complete blood work and my monocytes and eosinophils are low. Bilirubin total and bilirubin indirect is high. Creatinine is high aswel...
I’ve been taking an allergy med called piriton, I take half which is only 2mg and it sends away the anxiety I feel in the pit of my stomach in 30 minu...
@opheas I’m thinking it’s an immune response, some sort of inflammation in our bodies. The morning I get the most symptoms, I getup feeling like I’m h...