A Swimmer’s Journey
Betsy Stengel is a Meniere's patient and a life-long swimmer. In this article she describes the challenges a swimming pool poses for a vestibular patient, such as the dancing reflection of light below the pool's
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Betsy Stengel is a Meniere's patient and a life-long swimmer. In this article she describes the challenges a swimming pool poses for a vestibular patient, such as the dancing reflection of light below the pool's
In 1861 the French physician Prosper Ménière theorized that attacks of vertigo, ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and hearing loss came from the inner ear rather than from the brain, as was generally believed at the time. Once this idea was accepted, the name of Dr. Prosper Ménière began its long association with this inner ear disease and with inner ear balance disorders in general.
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VeDA's Annual Virtual Conference 2024 Conference Closed Purchase Recordings & Transcripts About Life Rebalanced Live The Vestibular Disorders Association will be hosting its fourth annual Virtual Vestibular Conference. Vestibular disorders cause a variety of disorienting
En 1861, el médico francés Prosper Ménière teorizó que los ataques de vértigo, zumbidos en los oídos (tinnitus) y pérdida de audición provenían del oído interno y no del cerebro, como se creía generalmente en
La migraña es uno de los trastornos crónicos más debilitantes en los Estados Unidos. Es casi tan frecuente como la hipertensión (presión arterial alta) y es más común que el asma y la diabetes mellitus.
Patients with vestibular disorders may choose to incorporate supplements into their treatment plan, either to support their prescription medications or as non-pharmaceutical alternatives that can help reduce their symptoms and improve their overall wellness. Many
Endolymphatic hydrops is a disorder of the inner ear and can affect the endolymphatic fluid of the cochlea, the vestibular apparatus, or both. Although its underlying cause and natural history are unknown, it is believed to result from abnormalities in the quantity, composition, and/or pressure of the endolymph (the fluid within the endolymphatic sac, a compartment of the inner ear).
In a normal inner ear, the endolymph is maintained at a constant volume and with specific concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and other electrolytes. This fluid bathes the sensory cells of the inner ear and allows them to function normally. In an inner ear affected by hydrops, these fluid-system controls are believed to be lost or damaged. This may cause the volume and concentration of the endolymph to fluctuate in response to changes in the body’s circulatory fluids and electrolytes.
Vestibular disorders come with a host of concurrent symptoms, including physical and emotional fatigue, brain fog, and nausea. A holistic healthcare plan addresses all these issues.
Learn more about how to deal with the cognitive and emotional impacts of vestibular disorders, as well as secondary symptoms like nausea and tinnitus. Develop strategies to deal with stress and fatigue, and learn to adapt your diet to avoid triggers.
Results from a pilot study suggest that people with tinnitus benefit from a progressive management program including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Read more...
The following information is provided by the Acoustic Neuroma Association. This information appears in the organization’s “Newly Diagnosed Handbook”. Additional information can be found at anausa.org. What is an acoustic neuroma? Acoustic neuromas, also referred to
Muchas personas con la enfermedad de Ménière (también llamada hidropesía endolinfática idiopática primaria), hidropesía endolinfática secundaria o mareos asociados con la migraña descubren que ciertas modificaciones en la dieta son útiles para controlar su trastorno.
What is Ototoxicity? Ototoxicity: Oto = ear; toxicity = poisoning Ototoxicity is, quite simply, ear poisoning (oto = ear, toxicity = poisoning), which results from exposure to drugs or chemicals that damage the inner ear